TTC buddies turned Mommies thread!

Good luck MissSazra! I really hope you get this job. Fingers crossed for you definitely!

I have no idea about English topics, lol, but I tell you one thing that grinds on my nerves over here are the usage errors. Your/you're. To/too/two. They're/There/Their. Whose/who's. Lose/loose.

UGH!! lol
Ooooh, do you know the hyperbole and a half blog? And her blog on 'alot'? I LOVE her blog in general, but as an english teacher I'm sure you'd love it! It'd actually be easy to use as a concept to turn into a lesson too! Hmm, lemme find it...
Hey all!

So I didn't get the job! :( They phoned about an hour after the last interview so at least I didn't have long to wait.

If I'm honest, it's all good. I missed Poppy like crazy and there's a new job advertised today for a 3 day a week position.

I always believe that things happen for a reason, so am hoping that I didn't get this job because I'm meant to go for the part time one, so I can spend more time with Poppy.

Hope everyone's ok! Xx
Everything's good here. Just waiting till Friday when we get to leave for the beach. OMG I cannot wait! This week is going to drag by!

Yes, I do believe that things happen for a reason. :) Even still, it sucks when you learn you didn't get a job. So, good luck with this next one! It sounds like just the ticket ;)
Hey everyone!

Hope you're all ok!

Just thought I'd stop by and see how everyone's doing? We're doing well, although Poppy's getting over a nasty cold and has a cough left from it, but she's still her happy, smiling self which is good.

I have an interview on Wednesday for a part time job, working every morning. It would suit us perfectly, but as I've already failed 2 interviews I'm not getting my hopes up too high, but then third time lucky maybe! Lol

We had some professional photos done on Wednesday (by my husband as he's a photographer) and Poppy did brilliantly. I've got some on my fb (although we don't put many up). Here's the link if you fancy a nosey as I know I don't really post any on here:

I added you as a fb friend :) hope that's ok! Poppy is gorgeous!!! Oh my goodness!!
Oh gorgeous! I added you as a FB friend too... hehe.

We're doing ok. Caleb has been having headaches lately though which has made for some grumpy times and very broken sleep, but we're coping! He's trying SO HARD to crawl, but hasn't quite figured out the leg thing yet. lol!
Hey! I accepted both your friend requests! I don't post a lot of pictures, but the proud mummy side of me came out when I saw them and I had to post some of them and I wanted to share them with you guys as you haven't seen her pretty much since she was born.

Poor Caleb, that must be horrible, I hope he's feeling better soon.

When Poppy has tummy time, she's pulling her knees up under her, but when she pushes back with her legs she doesn't move, so I think she's starting to understand what she has to do to crawl, just can't quite do it yet.

Hope all is good with the pregnancy Sideways and you're not too ill or anything.

I'm not sure what's going on with me at the moment, although we're not trying for another 18 months or so I thought I'd get charting so I have a good record of my cycles. But this is day 38 at the moment, and I'm not sure why.

I figured I wouldn't chart before now due to the breast feeding, but it's been a good 3 months since we stopped so I would have thought I'd be back to normal by now. It's got me worrying that the pcos is messing up my cycles again, but at least we have time to get things sorted. I even did a pregnancy test, but it was negative, so it's not that. Ah well, I'm sure things will work themselves out, they did last time to give us Poppy!
MissSazra I've heard that pregnancy can jack up your cycles for some time, maybe up to 6 months post breastfeeding..?? Don't quote me on that though, I can't remember where I read it.

I'm doing ok, MS is 100 times better than last year's. I swear this one is a boy. :haha:

Flying, Bonnie can't figure out how to crawl either. She's been doing what Caleb's doing for about a month, maybe longer, now. She did crawl like 5 steps once, but that was it, lol. She is pulling up on things and standing a little bit. I swear she's going to walk before she ever crawls.
yeah, don't expect your periods to come back to normal instantly; it can take a while for them to synch up to a normal rhythm again! Especially if you're still breast feeding. Obviously if you've had AF then you are ovulating again, but it can be a bit hit and miss still for a while. Also, be careful; you tend to be super fertile after having a baby, as Sideways can attest!!! lol! I know three people know who have gotten pregnant on like their second cycle PP...

And yeah, Caleb is totally wanting to walk before he crawls!! He crawls well backwards now though... haha!
silly babies. Bonnie's crib mattress had to be lowered to the bottom setting because of all the pulling up she's been doing. And she's decided she's not a back sleeper anymore. :wacko: She rolls over like a champ so unless I want to get up several times in the night to roll her back over, we might as well just deal with it :)
Thanks girls, day 40 and still no sign of af. It's weird cos I've had several up to now and none this far apart, so if it goes on much longer I may just go to the doctor to get it checked.

Poppy's new trick is rolling over as well. She started when it was really hot here a couple of weeks ago, so she just slept in pajamas and no sleeping bag, she found her mobility and now she's back in the sleeping bag she can still roll really easily.

Some nights I wake and she's on her tummy lengthways across the cot right at the top. There's little point moving her cos she just ends up back there if that's where she wants to be. She doesn't do it during the night so much, but in the mornings after her feed she tends to do it.

I've just finished preparing for my interview tomorrow. I didn't want to spend all week worrying and changing things so I left it til the last minute on purpose. I'm not getting my hopes up too much, but this would be so perfect for us. Hopefully I'll have good news tomorrow! Xx
Good luck MissSazra! That's funny about Poppy. You're right, there's no sense in just trying to get her to sleep the way you want her to. We gave up that fight with Bonnie recently too lol. She's just determined she'd rather sleep on her belly or her side instead of her back. :haha:

I went for a job last week and I got it. It's full time and tomorrow I'm going in to meet my class for next year.
I was excited but now I feel scared and all torn up inside about leaving Poppy. She'll be spending tomorrow with her daddy and I know they'll have a great time, but I hate that this is the start of me having to leave her every day.

I've spent all day, every day with her practically for 7 months (well 16 months if you include pregnancy). I love her more each day and love watching her grow and learn new things. I'm so scared she'll think I've abandoned her and that others will replace me as the most important person in her life.

I've left her before (like the interview was the whole day) but this is so different in that it signals the start of a new chapter. I'm scared I'll miss her first steps and first word, but I need a job to be able to provide for her. I just want to cry right now, I just want to be with her all the time, protecting her and bonding with her.

Sorry for being so gloomy, I needed to get it all out!
Congrats on the new job!!! Yay!!!! How exciting. You won't leave Poppy every day though, and you will get used to it and eventually you might even enjoy the break sometimes. That sounds kind of harsh to say, but, you'll be surprised that you get a little time to yourself. You'll still miss her like crazy! I know I miss Bonnie all the time. I have a picture of her on my computer so I get to see her cute little face anytime I want :)

Hey again,

So today wasn't so bad, although possibly because it was only one day at the moment, I don't know how I'll feel once I've done a whole week in September.

I have a really lovely class, which helps make it a lot easier, and I think the year will be fun (hopefully!)

At least I have another 2 months to get used to the idea properly, and I'm going in again on Monday, so that should help a bit more as well.

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