TTC buddy please :)


Single mum of 4 Girls and bump
Feb 10, 2012
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I come off pill tomorrow :) and will be trying for no 5 with hubby :) I usually bleed day 4 of no pill so possible Sunday and will count that as day 1 :)
Hi there!

We'll be trying for #6 over here. I just can't seem to get enough of those babies. :baby:

My cycle varies from 28-32 days so AF is due sometime between the 13th and the 17th. You'll be a little bit ahead of me, but we'll be close.

Would you mind if I joined you?
Can i join, too? We are TTC #1, this will be 4th cycle in all, although the first we started late. :) I am usually 29-31 days. You both have had little ones, how long did it take you the first (2,3,4,5th) time? Did you use anything special (opk, etc) for it?
Hi there eurydice! It's so nice to have other ladies to share this experience with. :hugs:

DD #1: Oops baby. We weren't trying.
DD #2: 6 months of trying everything.
DD #3: Happened the first month.
DS #1: 8 months, NTNP.
DS #2: 4 months of hardcore trying. Nothing I got worked. The month I stopped charting, etc. I got pregnant.

I have no idea what I'm in store for this time, as I'm much older (let's pretend wiser ;)). Fingers cross it happens for all of us quickly.

Have you been doing anything special?
Wow, Ward, that was quite a different experience every time. And I thought in my sweet innocence that if the first is easy, so will the rest... I am hypothyroid, so was told to chart bbt from before starting, and it seems i ovulate fine. So far that was it, charting with apps, but now I have already ordered opk's. How long did you have between kids? We also want about 4, and at least 2 years inbetween, so it will be tricky to still fit it in before I get very wise:) I'm trying to remember that nowadays we can be healthier than women 50 years ago, and that "above 35 you should be dead and buried, not pregnant" is an age-old myth. it bothers me though when I get the "you will run out of time" thing at 27.
I can totally relate to the pressure.

My girls are 20, 16 and 14. I had them with hubby #1.
My boys are 6 & 4. Had them with hubby #2.

My fiance and I were actually together for years between my two previous relationships. He was always the one for me but we could never get on the same page about marriage and kids. As you can see, I was the one who wanted both! ;)

I went on with my life and so did he. Us ending up back together was some crazy luck. Not to mention finally getting both from him. I couldn't be more over the moon. But, I'm also plagued by worry that we waited to long.

Only time will tell! Will remain optimistic in the meantime. :)
That being said and done I think you are already a pro in pregnancy and birth!:)
I've fallen. Pretty quick ( within 3 months) with all mine.

But my last period lasted on 3 days and very light instead of 6-7 days heavy. This is first time this has ever happened and I've now stopped pill n due on tomorrow and hoping I havey normal 6-7 day bleed. If not my period may be messing up for 1st time ever x
Don't worry, this happens in normal cycles as well. or at least i surely hope so, because this time instead of the 4-5 days heavy-medium I got 1 day heavy, one medium and done. My temps are ok, so I think this is just a month like that and i keep my fingers crossed it will be still ovulatory. CD7 here, from now on every two days DTD, :) , and CD 11 starting with the digital ovulation tests for the first time. Can't wait, although I ordered them two days ago they probably won't come until tuesday...
Thanks for the kind words eurydice. :)

pixielmh, I've had periods like that randomly as well and I've never been on the pill, so yeah, that can be totally normal. Fingers crossed that your period started today. Oh the things we wish for when TTC!

eurydice, I hope those swimmers get where they're supposed to and do their job already! I have a feeling it's going to be soon for you. I bet you won't make it to the sixth month mark without falling pregnant.

As for me, I'll be living through you both this month and cheering on your BFPs, I hope, as you're due before me. I think AF will be here in 6 days. That means I should be fertile the last week of May, if there's any baby dust left in there. We'll be officially trying then.
That's so nice to hear, Ward, and don't worry, lots of baby dust left. :) It's indeed funny how the rest of our lives we are bummed about AF (the ruiner of good hopes, and every great holiday ever) but besides the TWW everyone is like "ok, now lets get AF over with asap, come on, so that I can start counting down to O". :) And we even worry if it's too light or short. :)) I so hope this will be all our months and the last time for this year we had to/have to see the aunty. :)
How are things going today?

Did AF ever show pixielmh?

I maaaaaaaaaaaaaay have caved and bought a few pregnancy *cough* tests *cough* already. Um. No. I'm not crazy. Not at all. Leeeet's just call it wishful thinking. ;)

Crazy would be if I started peeing on them now to uh...test the tests and make sure they're working!
Would you feel better if I told you last month I got a pack of 32 ultra sensitive ones? :) In my defense I do need to start testing early because of my underactive tyroid, and they are under 1$ per piece and they came with a clearblue digital as a gift... Maybe my doc didn't mean start testing at 10 dpo, but I might as well misunderstand her on the safe (and fun) side. Ward, what are you testing with? I regularly check out pics from different sites and the truth is almost all prepnancy test give evaps sometime. (happened to me last month at 8 dpo, very convincing, thank god I didn't trust it even a little bit that early)
I love testing like it's Olympic event. Who would have thought peeing on something could be so much fun?!?

There were a few cycles over the last year where we weren't as careful as we could have been. Any chance, no matter how slim is apparently an excuse to spend ridiculous amounts of money on tests.

The first time I did that I spent a fortune on FRERs from the drug store, etc. Since then, I've become more practical (and crazier).

As soon as we oopsed the last time, I ordered IC's from here. In 2-3 weeks, I burned through them like water. I easily took more than one a day closer to the time AF was due. Why not? I figured I'd never get a chance to use them again and they were so freaking cheap so what did it matter?

I've also used Dollar Store tests, but those are a little more expensive. However, I can get one quickly and not have to order it. So it's good in a pinch. ;)

The first time this year that I bought any tests, I never got a single evap and let me tell you, I prayed for one. All I wanted was to see something. Anything!

Well, be careful what you wish for because a few months later when I had the next iffy moment, I did the whole thing again, and never a single line with color within the time limit on a single test but I got ugly evaps on almost everything I peed on. It convinced me that I had to be pregnant. How could I go from never getting an evap on anything to getting one on everything?!? Even the FRERs evaped on me. I'm still not 100% sure maybe I didn't have a chemical. It was bizarre. It wasn't until I finally broke down and bought a digital test and got the STOP BEING A LOSER blinking in my face, followed by AF literally the second after I took it, that I gave up. She came early that month to be spiteful. Darn wench! :p

This time I'm trying WONDFO's just to do something different. I bought them through Amazon. I also bought two 3 packs of FRERs for like 12$/each. How can you beat that? That's less than half of what I'd pay in the store.

Since I knew well in advance of when we were going to try, I've had nothing better to do than stock up my arsenal and just kind of hide them from him. ROFL. I have them scattered throughout the house so I can take them on a whim without getting his hopes up or freaking him out.

My OH has no idea how into this I am. Probably for the better. This is going to be a fun experience for him where he throws caution to the wind and makes a magical baby. You should hear him talk. It's actually really cute and kind of funny. If only he knew. ;)

I'm afraid if he did, his parts would stop working. LOL.

Me on the other hand? I'm stocking up to go to war, cause I know that's what it's going to feel like.

Thank god I'm not using OPK's too. There's no room left in my closets! ;)

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