TTC buddy wanted. 26yrs old with PCOS & 10DPO

Well I went to the docs this morning and explained my situation. He told me to wait 1 more week before doing a blood test just to be certain if I am pregnant that there's enough HCG to detect. He also referred me for an ultrasound to check up on the pcos. So I'll be getting my bloods done on Saturday and I went for my ultrasound today. The doc who did the ultrasound didn't really say much except that there are still many cysts on my ovaries and that he suspects that I did ovulate but wasn't 100% sure. He also said that if I am pregnant it's too soon to see via ultrasound.
This has given me new hope that I may have just ovulated later than FF thought. At least there's that chance that ovulation occurred. So slightly more hopeful than the previous days :thumbup:
I'll get my blood results next wednesday (if I do them on saturday) so looking forward to that. At least I'm getting somewhere now and if I'm not preggos then the doc will start me on ovulation induction drugs which is about time.
I'd been seeing a specialist at the womans hospital for the past year and they've not helped me out at all...I go to a local GP and within a week I'm making progress...go figure hey :shrug:
I've been having unbelievable heartburn and indigestion these last couple of days and seems alot worse today :wacko:

How are you feeling hun? so remind me now what dpo are you? Maybe your just testing too early (like any POAS addict lol). I know about needing an outlet and DH only being able to absorb so much lol..You've been my savior through all this TTC stuff and if it wasn't for you I think I would have gone a little mental :wacko: lol
I had tried posting on another forum looking for some advice but it was so difficult to keep up with everyone and I kinda felt like my situation didn't get the attention I I much prefer this one on one much more helpful and more a big thank you to you :flower:

anyway let me know whats happening big :hugs:
Hey Emi!

With my last pregnancy I had crazy heartburn and indigestion! Especially at night! Good signs of pregnancy!! Oh that is great to hear that he suspects you ovulated, I'm excited for you to get your blood work! Have you taken anymore HPTs? So glad to hear you are getting the assistence you need from the GP and if its not your month then the meds to help you ovulate will increase your chances!! Your on your way to that BFP!!

I'm about 11 dpo (bc I ovualted a week later then I had originally thought). I didn't take a HPT this morning which is a record :haha: I'm trying to follow in your footsteps of POAS rehab, Although I think I might relapse tomorrow morning :haha:

You have been my savior as well :flower: I look forward to hearing from you and sharing with you. FX still for both of us this month, we arn't out yet not until AF arrives!!! :hugs:
Wow that's exactly when I get it - more so at night than any other time..But strange that I have barely any other symptoms at all - no sore BB's, very very light cramping occasionally, no unusual symptoms really :wacko: oh but I have noticed that there are a lot of VERY noticeable veins through both my breasts...I usually have some visible ones normally but these are way more pronounced than usual and running straight to my nipple which is something I haven't noticed before :wacko:
I'm excited for me too!!:happydance: cant wait to get the bloods done and get my results...sooooo nervous :blush:
I haven't POAS since the last time (rehab must be working but I think I'm going to have a relapse 2morrow with you lol):haha:
Make sure you let me know if you POAS and the results....I really hope it's a BFP for us both this month :flower:and if it is we'll be due the same time just on different sides of the world lol :winkwink:
Are you feeling any different? Any symptoms yet?

Keep me posted as always :hugs:
Af came this morning :nope:

onto the next cycle now. Hopefully next cycle will be the magic one for me!!

How are you feeling, did you relapse :haha: this morning and POAS?
I can't wait to hear back from you!!! You have promising signs of a BFP!!! Ohhh my FX for you :hugs:

From across the world... I'm thinking of you and keeping my fingers crossed that this is your month xx :hugs:
Hey Hun sorry for the lack of msg just letting u know that my computer got a virus and I haven't been able to use at all. I'm in the process of fixing it so when it's up and running I'll give a complete update. Hope all is well with u
Big hugs
Hi Emi,

I can't wait to hear your update! I still have AF :growlmad: I can't wait to ovulate again and POAS:haha:

Hey hun finally fixed my computer...had to back up everything and reinstall windows...such a pain in the rear :growlmad:
Anyway still no AF for me...I got bloods taken on saturday and am going for the results in about soooo nervous...
I know the feeling of wanting AF to stop so you can begin your next'll happen soon enough. Are you temping thins cycle? OPK's? I really hope we both get our BFP soon.
My brother called this morning and told me that his wife went in for an ultrasound today and they couldn't see a heartbeat so suspected early miscarriage :cry: I'm so sad for them and was really looking forward to becoming an aunty...I just hope that she is ok as this is her first pregnancy/miscarriage :cry:
Well I'm off to the docs i'll post an update later tonight...keep your FX for me :flower: Hope your well and can't wait to continue this journey with you :hugs:
I'm laying in bed and my phone alerted me that I had a message, I was so excited to see it was a message from you and to hear your update!!! My fingers are crossed and I am thinking about you!! I can't wait for your update on your blood results ahhhhh please be a BFP!!!!! I'm writing you from my phone right now and I will have it on all night!! I hope you post again tonight
And I am so sorry to hear about your brothers terrible news, it hits all too close to home for me I actually cried when I read that. I am sending my love across the world to them. Tell her to get a second opinion!!! I have a crazy story for you with my twin miscarriage, ill fill you in tomorrow. Do you have Facebook?
Ahhh I hope you are getting great news right now and I can't wait to hear from you!!!!! Xx
hey hun I'm so sorry I didn't post sooner I ended up spending the night with my sister in law for support..she did get a second opinion and they said that it's a 99% chance its a miscarriage as the baby looks to have stopped growing at 6 weeks. She's going in for another U/S next week to confirm if she doesn't pass it naturally :cry: I'm so shattered for them and kinda feel bad that I felt bad about me not being pregnant and they were when they weren't even trying...the guilt trip is starting to settle in :cry:
My blood tests were negative :cry: and the doc said it's my pcos playing tricks on me and that I may not have ovulated yet...sooo annoying :cry: But on a good note he said that all my hormone levels are within normal ranges which is very uncommon in pcos sufferers. So that's a plus I suppose :flower:
I've got a specialist appointment on the 1st of june (the earliest I could get in) so from now till then the doc said to BD every second day in case I do ovulate sometime soon...
How are you feeling? Any updates for me...I soo look forward to hearing from you (I'm your own personal stalker lol :haha: ) How do you get alerts on your phone? I want to sign up (save the every hour checking lol :blush: )
I do have Facebook it's under Emine Darling Kruja :flower:
I look forward to hearing your story...can't wait :hugs:
I hope all is well with you and I really hope we get our BFP sooner then later :flower:
Keep me posted big :hugs:
Hi :flower:

So DAMN PCOS playing tricks on you!! How cruel :growlmad:
Good thing is, is that your hormone levels are normal which is sooo important!! Glad you got an appointment at a specialist, even though its month away it will go fast, but at least you will continue to try until then. Maybe they will give you clomid to help you ovulate? You must have felt sad when you got your blood work back but keep your head up , I have faith that we will both have big preggie belly's soon!!! :hugs:

Don't feel guilty about your thoughts and your sister in laws misscarriage, although I understand where you are coming from.

So I am due to ovulate next Thursday and my DH is going away to Austin Texas for a Bachelor party and I am going to California to visit my sister. Sooo we will have to get a big load of spermies in the day before he leaves:haha:

ok so my story. SO we went for our first ultrasound and we saw our little baby and its heartbeat. We were soooo excited. I was around 6.5 weeks at the time. We went back for a second ultrasound on a wednesday at 10.5 weeks and my doc couldn't find a heartbeat, he said the baby was "dead" and he would like to do a D and C right away. So he scheduled me then and there for a D and C that coming Friday, which was only two days later. Let me just tell you thought this doctor was a complete insensitive asshole.
So my husband and I went home and we were absolutley devestated. The following day I started obsessing over a website called Misdiagnosed Miscarriages. I called another doctor and wanted to go for a second opinion, because I was hanging on to hope, DESPERATELY!
We went to another doctor for a second opinion and we got an ultrasound. The doc called us into his office and said "did you know you are pregnant with twins?" My husband and I almost fainted. He said the one baby has passed away but the other baby appears to be thriving and has a healthy yolk sac. So he told us to come back in a week. My husband and I went from devestated to confused/excited!!! SO we went home and told our family the news.
We went back a week later and twin number two WAS GROWING and THRIVING!! We were on :cloud9:.
(now this is were I could kill my first doctor, he wanted to do a D and C and possibly would have killed my other baby)

So anyway we go home that night and we went out to dinner to celebrate!!
That night at 3am I woke up with crazy cramping and stomach pain. I went to the bathroom and i started bleeding. The cramps got worse, the blood got worse. I was a mess!! Just to let you know this story is gonna get graphic but i'M SURE YOU DON'T MIND :flower:

So I was on the toilet aand i was gushing blood everywhere and I felt something about to come out of me. I put my bare hands underneath me and pushed and I passed a big bloody clear sac. We were able to see the baby inside. We saw little arm and leg buds a body and a little head. It was so sad :cry:
I called my doctor and asked if there was a chance the other baby was still inside of me and I just miscarried one. He told me to save the sac and come in first thing in the morning.
We went the next morning and they did an ultrasound and my uterus was empty:cry: He said that the contractions that my body was having to get rid of the baby that died, pretty much took the other healthy twin with it and I lost both of them:cry::nope: Talk about an emotional rollercoaster.


Thank you Emi for reading this huge message and letting me vent as always :flower::winkwink:

I looked you up on face book but I couldn't friend request you for some reason?? Look me up my full name is Jessica Juliano (hence Jules :winkwink:)
My main picture is of my two bulldogs.

Hope your having a great day!!! :hugs:
OK so I THINK I friend requested the right you on facebook lol...i'm sure i'll find out soon enough :flower:

Wow Jules your story brought me to tears :cry: Your such a strong woman to have gone through all that and still kept your wits about :flower:
I don't believe that any good person should have to go through such an experience...I mean sometimes the world can be soo cruel...Like good people in good relationships trying to start a family have difficulties yet drug abusers and irresponsible people seems to breed like it was going out of fashion :growlmad: Make me sooo angry that people like yourself had to suffer :gun:
I'm so sorry for your experience and if I was there you'd be getting a big fat hug right now :hugs:

Jules stop thanking me for reading and being able to vent to...because I know your doing the same for me...:hugs: :kiss:

Now the best way to get the strongest swimmers is for him not to ejaculate for as long as possible...So if DH can keep it in his pants from now till your BD date the swimmers should be strong enough to hang around for that little bit longer (any little bit in our situations is a lot) :winkwink:

Also when you BD straight after your finished pop a pillow under your butt and try to lift your legs as far over your head as possible - and stay like this for a minimum of 20 mins - this helps the sperm travel quicker and reduces how much die (cos they drip out).:thumbup:

Just a quick note I noticed I had eggwhite CM lastnight but we didn't BD because DH was so exhausted from work. So i'm hoping we haven't missed our shot :nope:

Well keep me posted hun and good luck FX for us both :hugs:

Ohhh I hope you bd'd today just in case!!!!! Do you use OPK's??

Yea seriously I know what you mean about drug addicts and unfit mothers getting pregnant sooo easily... I don't understand!! :growlmad:

So I went to the doctor today (just my GP) for a sore throat and she brought up both my miscarriages and reccomended getting some bloodwork to see if there are any underlying issues. I'm going to go after my vacation to California next week but it made me so nervous, I am the worst when I have to wait for results which I am sure you can relate to!!! It just scares me that something is wrong with me :nope: ALthough I know miscarriages can be fairly common!! I'm already nervous and I didn't even get my blood drawn yet:wacko: I'm not even going to mention it to DH.

Hopefully we will have a good Bd session right before our vacation and those swimmers will, fx, hang around for the eggie! We'll see!

So how are you doing? Still no AF? how long are your cycles usually?
And yes I promise with all my heart we will see eachother through this journey, even if one of us gets a BFP first. I hope its at the same time, that would be so much fun!!! xx:hugs:
Hey gorgeous,
I'm sooo sorry (yet again) for the delay in response have had a flat out sister in law stayed over at mine for a couple of nights and the other night she started getting severe sharp pains...long story short we rushed her to the hospital and they found a clot stuck in her cervix. They dislodged it and within seconds she felt fine again. The nurse said that it looks to have been the embryo, or part of, and the cervix was trying to stretch to expel it hence the severe pain. All is well now with her and she goes for a follow up U/S on thursday :thumbup:
Ok so have you had bloods drawn yet? What does the doc suspect? I really hope it's nothing (and I'm sure it isn't :flower: ) Make sure you let me know how your doing and what happens. Don't stress too much hun I'm sure it's just routine procedure to double check all is well. Big :hugs: and :kiss: your way..
As for me my cycles have been 25-26 days for the past 4 months or thereabouts. I have used OPKs however with my pcos they are highly unreliable so I figure why waste money on something that isn't accurate for me (god knows could put that money towards my HPT POAS addiction lol) I have finally had a little bit of spotting tonight so hopefully the witch will show her ugly face so I can get this show on the road :happydance:
How are you going so far in your cycle? When is/was ovulation? Any symptoms yet? ooooo my fingers are soooo tightly crossed for you....I can't wait to hear that you got a BFP this month...:flower:

FX hun lots and lots and lots of :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:

Huge :hugs: xx
I've got a follow up appointment at the womans hospital on may 18th and the specialist on june 1st so I'm still a little far from a BFP yet :cry:
Hi Ladies,
I am very new to TTC forums so I just want to let you all know a bit about myself and maybe get some advice. I am 28 and I have been with my Hubby for 10 years. I was diagnosed with PCOS about 6 years ago now and the first thing the Doc did was put a Mirena inside me. IWhen my Hubby and I decided to TTC last year I went to the Doc and got the Mirena taken out. (Hurts like a B to put in and take out) So since then (September 12) my AF has been a little irregular, anywhere between 3 weeks to 7 weeks between them and sometimes normal bleeding sometimes spotting. In March I had some ruptured Cysts and bled for 14 days and ended up in hospital from pain and blood loss. Doc then decides to put me on Clomid starting from my next cycle. I started spotting on the 8th April and was still spotting on day 5 so I start taking the Clomid. Its possible I ovulated on the 16th April or 23rd April. Have felt a bit off for a few days and had cramping and nausea but BFN. Then Today had huge amount of EWCM so am now thinking I didn't ovulate those other days but am ovulating now. So anyway I will be taking Hubby to bed tonight just in case, but also cause am in the mood Take care guys and any advice would be great. Also had a blood test today to check my progesterone levels. Baby Dust to you all
Hi Casey...welcome to The TTC and 2WW dilemma...which is even worse for those of us with PCOS :growlmad: I know what it's like to have very irregular periods...have you tried FertilAid? When my AF just suddenly stopped at the beginning of last year I went straight to the docs and of course had PCOS (but not the full blown syndrome). After not having a period for 4 months I started FertilAid and surprisingly my AF started back and regulated to a 24-25 day cycle. I actually ran out of FertilAid after my second last cycle (I have to order them from America) and decided to give my body a break and see what happened...Well I had 1 normal cycle after and now it's out of whack again...So I have to order some more and I would definitely recommend giving it a doesn't work for everyone however it has had some good results with some people :thumbup: Anyway feel free to join us on this long frustrating journey :flower: you been hun? It's been too long :nope: Hows everything with you? (I did reply to your facebook msg 5 days late cos DH forgot to tell me you had msgd :dohh: ) So where are you at in your cycle? I can't wait to hear that you got your BFP :happydance: So have you had bloods drawn yet? I'm sooooo waiting for an update from you :thumbup:
Just a small update from me...I had spotting about 5 days ago and then nothing until yesterday (spotting again) Then today it's looks like the witch is here (which is actually a relief so I can start trying again) I have my follow up app with the womans hospital (the one where the docs were rude and very cold) on the 18th may so I may be starting on ovulation induction meds soon which will hopefully increase my chances :thumbup:

Well hope you well and look forward to hearing from you soon
Big :hugs:
Emi!!!!!! Hi love!!:flower:

Sooo sorry i've been MIA! I was on vacation and came home and was swamped with work!!!!

My cycles are out of whack lately... I didn't ovulate on time again this month and DH was on vacation and so as I but we did bed the day before he left, but i don't think I ovulated :nope:

I think this month I'm out! SO you go to the clinic on the 18th? yaaay hopfully they will give you something to get those eggies ready.

Did AF fully arrive? I misssssed YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! xx
Emi! I miss you!!
I got AF yesterday :nope:

How are you!??? Fill me in! Hope all is well.

I'm sooooooooooooo sorry I've been MIA for soooo long...between mum having her op and our internet being completely screwed I've just been soo airy fairy these past couple of weeks....Please forgive me hun I hadn't forgotten about you and had you on my mind for ages :flower:
I'm soooo sorry to hear AF arrived for you but lets keep soldiering on and pray for our BFP's very very very soon :thumbup:
OK so an update lets see.....well AF arrived very very late for me back on the 10th May (oddly enough I had a pretty normal flow that lasted its usual 5 days) I may have ovulated a lot later than suspected :cry:
If I go by my usual cycles i should be due in about 6 days for my next AF but it's so unpredictable with this stupid PCOS.
On a lighter note I have a specialist appointment on June 1st with a completely different doctor and hospital so maybe I'll get better results this time round. I haven't really kept up with my diet because of the hectic stuff these past few weeks so I'm hoping I haven't put on too much (too scared to jump on the scales lol :nope: )
I'm not too sure where I am in my cycle at the moment (with the pcos and everything) so I'm just sticking to the little bit of hope that maybe a peanut stuck around....if not then my next stop is the specialist :winkwink:
I'll let you know how I go either way :flower:

So enough about me how are you feeling sweets? How was your vacation? When do you think you'll be ovulating? I hope your well hun and I will try to stay in better contact (mums still in hospital so please forgive me in advance if I don't reply straight away) Let me know how your going cos I miss our girlie obsessing sessions :happydance:

Lotsa hugs, kisses and love :kiss:
EMi!!!!!!!!! I miss you! Sorry to hear about your mom I hope she is feeling better!!!
How did your appointment on June 1st go? I miss you!

So I should ovulate around the 8th buttttt I have to say I am going :wacko: sooo I told my husband we should stop trying so hard and just enjoy our summer together!! Thats when they say it happens right? When you stop trying :wacko: :haha: I'm just trying to take a different approach here because I think i am officially going a little nuts. I did go out last weekend and got really drunk, danced, hung out with my girlfriends and had a great time so I am going to try to embrace these moments right now :dohh:

Hope all is well on your side of the world and I can't wait to hear back from you. Hugs and kisses from miles and miles away! xoxoxoxoxo :flower:

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