TTC buddy wanted. 26yrs old with PCOS & 10DPO

hi im all new to this forum i have pcos after several miscarriages 2 stillbirths and a late miscarriage i did manage to get and stay pregnant right upto 38 weeks even though i had loads of severe bleeds i nearly lost him so many times but through a major miracle he held on now hes a healthy 4 year old.
we're now trying for another one so fingers crossed its not as bad as the last times
Thankfully im living proof we can all get there just dont give up hope
JULESSSSSSS.....OH MY GOD it's been tooooooo long :cry: With all the family dramas on my end I haven't had time for myself let alone some well needed venting :cry:
How have you been hun? hows everything coming along on your end? any great news for me? am soo looking forward to hearing from you again and hopefully pick up where we left off :flower:
My cycles have been all messed up lately so I have no idea when I'm suppose to ovulate or if i even have :cry:
I'll calculate what cycle day i'm on and get back to you (it's 2.30am here and my eyes aren't focusing very well) Let me know where your at with your cycle and yes they do say that these things happen when your least expecting :winkwink: Miss u loads babe big hugs and kisses :kiss:

Hey Kellieg thanks for that inspiring story...and i am sorry you had to go through all that before your little miracle came along :flower:
As a fellow pcos sufferer I can understand some of your frustrations (which I find sometimes over-whelming) Do you have any tips you could share? Would be greatly appreciated :flower: Hope to be hearing from you soon :thumbup:
Take care and lots of :dust::dust: to us all :happydance:
Emi!!!!! Sorry you have a lot going on right now, no need for apologies! Life happens! I misss youuuuuuu!!

My cycles have been very strange too and I'm attributing it to stress! So thats why we are going to "stop" trying for now and I hate to say it but i feel like i'm living a little more of a normal life now since we have "stopped" trying :haha: I'm not counting days in my head, spending tons of money on OPKs, obsessing day and night... although I secretly want to :dohh: I have been holding strong.. so I guess if it happens it happens. If I don't get pregnant by the end of summer I may step it up a notch and get some blood work done just to be sure everything is ok.

Did you go to the clinic? Did you start any meds to help you ovulate? Hope all is well on your side of the world! Lots of love, hugs and kisses :hugs:

Kelli so sorry to hear about your losses, it is such a terrible thing to go through. So happy to hear you have your 4 year old miracle.. baby dust to us all!:flower:
It's been wayyyyyyyyyyyy too long :cry: How have you been gorgeous? Have missed our obsession sessions together although I've had sooooo much going on...between mum in hospital, dad falling ill, DH in a minor car accident, being told my beautiful rotty (dog) most likely has bone cancer, our internet not working and much more I've barely had time to scratch my own ass without being interrupted. So I do apologize I had lost touch for a while there but with fingers crossed I should be back on the ban wagon if you are...:flower:

How have you been doing? Where are you at with you cycles and TTC? Any news for me??? ooooo I hope soooo :thumbup:

A bit of an update from my end; I had my specialist appointment on June 1st....this Doctor was polite yet straight to the point with a plan of action :happydance: He sent me for some blood work and a hsg scan to check my fallopian tubes just to rule out any blockages which I had done today and is all clear. So now my next step is back to my specialist on Aug 3rd to hopefully start those ovulation meds. So far things are looking good and the ball has finally started rolling (bout time too lol). I'll keep you posted if your still up for these TTC chats :flower:

Well I hope all is well on your side of the world...missing you :kiss:
Lots n Loads of :dust::dust::dust:
EMi!!!!! So hapy to hear from you :happydance:

I was just thinking about you last night, how weird is that, that I got an email from you today! We were brainwaving from across the world!

So sorry to hear you have been going through so much :nope:
Hope you folks are doing well and your dog too!!!!

Yaaaay for clear fallopian tubes and starting fertility meds soon! Crossing my fingers that you get a BFP nice and fast! :hugs:

So on my end we said we are going to "stop trying" which I'm not sure I really know how to do :haha: I am so aware of my cycles and around the time I ovulate. Currently I am due for terrible AF this Friday. I was going to hold off testing until I came back from vacation on August 3rd, but as usual I caved in and bought a 5 pack of digital tests and a 3 pack of regular answer brand tests $45 later :haha: I just took the answer brand test and a BFN :nope: ughhhhhhhhh so frustrating. Its been over a year now :nope: I am really praying this is the month!

Good news though is I got all my scary bloodwork (which i was terrified of) and everything came back normal!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:

Looks like we are both on our way to A BFP! I know it, we have paid our dues ...its our time now! :thumbup:

Where are you in your cycle? I missed youuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!! xoxo Hugs and kisses and heaps of dust :flower:
OMG we must have been brain waving cos I was thinking about you last night also :happydance:
Everyone is good now (all back on track) except for my puppy (she's 9yrs old but still a puppy in my eyes) We'll probably have to make that horrible decision pretty soon though cos she's just in so much pain (even with all her pain killers) so I'm really sad about all that :cry: She's been there through a lot of things with me over the years and I love her to bits (I must sound like a crazy animal lady but I'm a huge softie when it comes to pets) :cry:
Anyway enough about depressing stuff I was so relieved when they gave me the all now I can't wait to start my treatment and get that awesome surprise really soon :happydance:
I know what you mean about not knowing how to 'stop trying'...I was in the same boat until life took over...with everything occupying my time I went through that whole 'not trying' phase and I tell you was nice for a stress or constantly worrying about the TTC stuff...but now that everything has sorted itself out and founds it's place I'm back to obsessing :happydance: I don't think it's possible not to 'try' when everything else in your life is fine and that is the only thing consuming your mind....So I say F*** it I want to try and I want to obsess (with you of course...someone who knows what its like:winkwink: ) and I want to time everything and plan for our future bub :flower:

Good to hear about your bloodwork coming back all clear :happydance: I always love hearing great news :thumbup:
I believe we are definitely on our way to that infamous BFP...How cool would it be if we found out at the same time....:hugs:
So what's your plan of action from here? If you end up getting the witch on Friday were you planning on seeing a specialist or just continuing to try naturally? I really hope AF doesn't arrive for you and I get a huge fat e-mail saying you got your BFP :flower:

My cycles are still very unpredictable with the pcos however I just finished AF last week so I'm going to assume I should be ovulating around this weekend...but then again like I said unpredictable..I'll have more clarity with my cycles and ovulation when I start those meds so until then I'm just wingin' it lol :haha:

Keep me updated hun always look forward to your replies :flower:
Big hugs and kisses :hugs::kiss::hugs::kiss:
Hi Emi!!

I got a BFN :nope: i was a week late getting AF and was sooo hopeful...I reallythougt I was pregnant :cry::growlmad: This is becoming so hard living month to month on this emotional rollercoaster. I'm supposed to be ovulating tomorrow and I bought OPKs, but all negative so far. My cycles have been so off lately?! Maybe from stress?

Sorry to hear about your dog. Hope shes doing better. I completley understand, my dogs are my like my children and I love them so much. I am a huge animal lover too!

Where are you in yor cycle? When do you start treaments? hope all is well by you! Miss you!!!! xox :hugs::flower::kiss:
Awwwww Juleessssss....I'm so sorry to hear about your bfn :hugs: If we had a dollar for all our disappointments we'd be able to afford any treatment under the sun...:nope:
Are you thinking of seeing a specialist to doing further testing? It might be a good idea to think about it...but remember always seek a second's been the best thing I've done for a while :flower:
Also stress is such a huge factor in fertility...especially for people like us where it has been so challenging to fall pregnant...I know it's always easier said than done (and I'm guilty of not listening to my own advice) but you need to relax and take some time out for you...the less we stress the better our bodies are at healing and hopefully giving us what we I said I know it's hard and I'm also struggling to stress less but it's amazing what it actually does to our bodies...:hugs:
My puppy is still slowly deteriorating (adding to my stress) and it pains me to see her like this...she's permanently moved inside now (she has always been an outdoor dog) and I'm constantly stressed about her well-being (we can no longer spend a night away anywhere bcos I don't have the heart to leave her outside in the cold for a night) This has been stressing me out for a while now and as much as I try to relax it's just sooo hard...:cry:

Anyway I currently have AF and am on CD 5 (the witch should be on her way out soon) I started Clomid on CD 3 and will take my last dose on CD 7...this should put my ovulation around CD 12-14. Hopefully the dosage is enough for me to ovulate (I have to go for bloods on CD 21 to confirm ovulation) If I haven't ovulated then my specialist will increase the dose by 50mg until I have successfully ovulated. So FX I'll be pregnant by the end of the year :happydance: I'm also on Metmorfin which I started the day of my specialist appointment. So now that I'm all drugged up I hope to see results :thumbup:

Let me know how your going and keep me posted I have my FX for both of us and hopefully this will be our year :flower:
Miss you loads hun......:kiss::hugs:
Hi Emi :flower:

Is this the first time you are trying clomid? It sure sounds like you are on your way to a BFP!!!!!!!!!:happydance:

Thats great you will be able to pinpoint O day and start bd'ing asap!! wooohooooo!!!!!!!!!!!

I finally got my positive OPKS we bd'ed 2 days in a row then a day later so hopefully we caught the eggie!! Right now I am 4dpo so once again the countdown begins! I think i will take your advice and build up the courage to see a specalist if i don't get my BFP this month. You have inspired me and given me the courage! Thank you always for kind words and making me stay positive and hopeful :kiss: I think i have just been afraid to go to a specialist and admit to mysef that I may need help.

We have been trying for over a year now (with two MC's) :nope:
I am going to stay hopefl for this cycle though!!!!!! :happydance:

hows your dog doing? It is so hard seeing our beloved pets get old, they don't live long enough...its not fair :nope:

Let me know asap when you ovulate!!!!! I am soooooo excited for youuuu :hugs:!! Sending love, hugs, kisses and especially babydust from across the world :hugs::kiss:
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Emi Emi Emi... OMG I THINK I SEE A FAINT LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to re-test in the morning with FMU!!!!! omg i didn't even tell DH yet hes sleeping, I'm going to wake him up now and show him! I am 9dpo right now!! AHHHHHHHH i NEED YOU!!!! oh my goodnesssssss. It is a faint line but I see it!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Hun I'm so happy for you :) can u take a photo so I can analyze it with you? Sorry if I'm lacking in enthusiasm but I had to say goodbye to my puppy 3hrs ago. Hope this is it for you..lots of hugs kisses & baby dust xx
I'm so sorry about your dog Emi. I know how hard it is. Sending hugs and kisses your way.
I got another faint line this morning but a negative on the digital.
Hey hun, I'm so sorry for the lack in response (god knows I should be happy for you, which I definitely am, just having a hard time grieving) You probably think I'm some psycho getting so depressed over a dog but I can't help it...I miss her soooooooooo much :cry:

Anyway how are you? Are you still getting a positive? What's the go? I really hope this is it for you :flower: Keep me posted hun I'm hanging to know what's happening :hugs:

Lots and heaps of Baby Dust your way :flower:
Hi Emi :hugs:

If you are a psycho, then I am a psycho...
I grieved over my dog "Bec" for 3 years. I was devestated and I can still cry looking at photos of her or watching video of her. You cry and grieve all you need to hun, losing a pet when they are really secretly "human" to us is so very hard. I'm sending my love to you from across the world (I hope you feel it) and just know that your pup was so very lucky to have you as a mama.

So i have continued to get BFPs!!!!!! At first Iwas convinced that I was getting faint positives because I got a wacky box of HPTS!! I went out and bought a couple of digitals and different brands and 12 tests later :haha: they have ALL come back POSITIVE!
I go to get bloodwork and an early scan on August 30th. I am only 4 weeks and 3 day right now... super early. I don't really feel pregnant other then being really naturally because of my two past pregnancies, I am terrified! I am scared to get an early scan but I am hoping it puts my mind at ease.

Where are you in your cycle? Did you go to the doc to see if you were ovulating? Fill me in!! I miss you! :kiss:
I thought we would have def kept in touch no matter what :blush:
Sad that you have lost touch with me after I told you about my BFP :nope:

Well good luck to you and babydust :hugs:
I thought we would have def kept in touch no matter what :blush:
Sad that you have lost touch with me after I told you about my BFP :nope:

Well good luck to you and babydust :hugs:

still looking for a buddy? :flower: I'm 27 and had a recent miscarriage, blighted ovum as well. good luck to you xx
Hi Lomelly!! :hugs:

So sorry to hear about your MC, I know how difficult it is. :nope:
How are you feeling? Are you starting to try again?

Is this your first pregnancy? :flower: I'm sending babydust to you!!!!
Yes, it was my first pregnancy, and we are going to TTC again after this first cycle ends... or maybe I might not even wait, I'm impatient with this whole TTC business lol. I can't imagine going through two losses like you did, but I'm glad you have a sticky bean now. Hope to be joining you soon, just waiting to ovulate (started temping as soon as bleeding stopped)! How I love the waiting game....... not!

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