TTC for first time at 35


Nov 15, 2011
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I've been visiting this site for the last year but have never registered or posted anything until now. I guess I'm ready to share my story. My husband and I got married in Oct 2010 and started TTC right away. We made an appointment with our Dr. as soon as we got back from the honeymoon and he basically said I appeared to be healthy so give it a year and see what happens. Well after 6 months and no pregnancy I decided I didn't want to wait any longer to find out if something was wrong so we made another appointment and he got us started on Clomid. After 2 months he referred us to a fertility specialist who kept me on Clomid but increased my dosage and we had decided to try an IUI. When it came time for my u/s we discovered I had 6 mature follicles but my lining was thin. After some discussion we decided not to be too agressive and cancelled the IUI because we were afraid of ending up with more than we could handle however we were still going to try on our own. I guess I should mention that we also discovered my husband is perfectly healthy, as a matter of fact his numbers are incredibly high and I'm also healthy so there is no known reason for our infertility. Needless to say we still ended up with a BFN so on to cycle 4. This time we switched things up and changed from Clomid to Femara which gave me fewer follicles but thicker lining and another IUI with an HCG trigger which again ended with a BFN. At this point I was very discouraged because the hormones were getting to me and I had no tolerance for stress so I was having unnessary meltdowns at work and I was ready to take a break but we decided to give it one more go round before giving it a rest. They ordered a hysteroscopy which was painful but barely lasted more than 5 minutes and we were happy to see my tubes were clear so on to another round of Femara with an IUI, HCG injection and Progesterone pills that I inserted vaginally. Within a week I started to feel what I thought were pregnancy symptoms so I took a test against my better judgement (I can't stand to see a BFN so I put it off for as long as my brain would allow) and low and behold I saw a BFP. We couldn't believe it but were concerned that it was still the HCG from my trigger shot. I called the very next day and they said it could be the trigger shot and they advised me to give it a few more days but I was about to go crazy so I asked if I could just come in and get a blood test which indeed confirmed that I was pregnant. Finally the answer to our prayers!! We were beside ourselves with excitement and shared the news with our close family but decided it best to wait a few more weeks before sharing with the rest of the world. At week 5 I started spotting so they had me come in for another blood test but levels were normal so they said not to worry unless it turns red. We had an u/s at week 6 and even though they couldn't hear a heartbeat they could see one and said everything appeared to be normal with the exception of a slightly irregular yolk sac but they said it was too early to get a good picture so not to worry. I continued to spot off and on but nothing heavy and color was brown until just a few days before my 8 week u/s I suddenly had very light red spotting. I called and they said to take it easy and stay off of my feet until my u/s. I didn't want to wait but realized it wouldn't change the outcome so we went into my 8 week u/s nervous that something was wrong and the dr. confirmed our fears, there was no heartbeat and it had stopped developing after week 6. We decided to do a D&C which was 2 weeks ago yesterday. Our Dr. said it wasn't absolutely necessary but advised us to wait at least one month before trying again. My husband and I are anxious to get back on the wagon so we're ignoring Dr's orders and trying on our own. Got a positive OPK but if HCG hormone still in my body it could be influencing the OPK. Guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens. After our miscarriage they mentioned we would be good candidates for IVF but yet they keep telling us there's no reason we can't get pregnant so I don't want it to get in my head that IVF is the only way. I strongly believe in mind over matter and I think we're just putting too much pressure on ourselves because all of our friends are having babies and we want to be part of that group. I'm just tired of the drugs, tired of counting, and tired of Dr. offices until we're pregnant. Anyway, I know this is a long post but just felt like sharing. I don't personally know anyone else going through this so even though my friends are wonderful to talk to they don't really understand.
As I myself am relatively new to TTC, I unfortunately can't offer any words of wisdom. I do, however, want to say I'm sorry for your loss and welcome you to the board. The ladies here are wonderful so you are in good company :hugs:
I too am 35 and am just starting my ttc journey, I am very sorry for your loss. I have only just started using the forum, and I am fining it very useful and supportive. I am on clomid as my cycles are Si irregular. Currently in the 2ww!! Good luck! X
Just wanted to say Hi! I am also 35 and trying to conceive.
I'm no expert either (ttc #1 at 38) but i've been obsessing long enough on this and other sites to know that plenty of people in your situation have the happy ending they dream of. When you feel like time isn't on your side, the waiting is torture. I found it hard after a m/c when people said "well at least its all working" but I've tried comfort from the fact that I did get pregnant. I stumpled on this blog a few weeks ago and one of the posts was so true it made me cry, it was about how we're scared to hope (and get annoyed when others say positive comments) - it was so me, easy to dish it out, but harder to accept for yourself!

Good luck to you and all you other lovely ladies x
Thanks ladies! Of course we were upset over the miscarriage but we're pretty optimistic so not giving up hope. I understand it's pretty common for first time pregnancies so we're just crossing our fingers that it happens again soon.
:hugs: and welcome. I'm 38 and TTC #1 too. We also are dealing with some fertility issues. This is a wonderful forum with very supportive women. I hope we all get our BFPs soon. :flower:

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