TTC large families

I agree. After 2 they just seemed to slot in, though I guess the child's personality would make a difference, it seems to be a running theme though that people say after the 2nd or 3rd it's like "what's one more?"
My first was great, it was a bit of an adjustment but a wonderful one. My second was very different, he cried day and night until he could crawl, when he became a handful in the day for a different reason and just cried at night :haha: he is my only child to be early, he didn't wait for his dad to be there for his birth, and since that day he's done everything at 90 miles an hour. It didn't help that I also had post natal depression so it all felt so much harder to deal with. After that the others were a breeze.
I found 0-1 the hardest as I had severe pnd and my eldest was very high needs.
Yes temperament matters so much, baby 2 was colicky and it was so hard. 4-5 was so hard for me too I think cause of pandemic restrictions and generally a more challenging physical recovery.
Yes temperament matters so much, baby 2 was colicky and it was so hard. 4-5 was so hard for me too I think cause of pandemic restrictions and generally a more challenging physical recovery.

I was the same but 5-6 he was born 15th Feb 2021 so in the high of it all it was tough the kids didn't meet him for 2-3 weeks either so that was hard for them also xx
It's funny but for us it was the opposite. Number 5 was born April 2020 so just a couple of weeks into the first lockdown. He was my worst birth and longest recovery and I loved that no one could visit while I was feeling rubbish, I didnt have to rush about getting everyone up for a school run when I could hardly move myself, everyone got to be home with him for months and really bond in a way they wouldn't have done if school and all the other activities were still on.

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