TTC no.2 for 13 Months


Mummy to a princess :o) x
Jan 18, 2010
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Hi ladies!

I'm Emma and I have a 3 y/o DD. This is cycle 13 of TTC. I saw a FS in May who wrote "secondary infertility" on my notes and said see you in 4 Months!! Wtf?

I had all my hormones tested which my GP said were normal however my FS said my fsh was "slightly" higher than shed like to see for my age (26)

My FSH was 8 and the range was 4-13. Seems OK.... Anyone have experience with this test??

My DH had 2 sperm tests and he has an average of 8% morphology. That's lower than what they want too so we were devastated. He promptly gave up smoking and is 29 days smoke free!!

This endless wait for appointments is cruel I think! I have a letter saying it's likely in September I will get clomid so why the heck can't I have it now?

Well that's me introuduced really hope to make some friends with ladies who understand xxxx

How do you cope with the endless waiting?

Didn't want to read and run. I'm TTC in January but my cycles since ds1 are all over the place currently on cd 92. I'm already getting impatient waiting for af so I can't imagine how frustrated you must be feeling.

Hope you manage to get some answers from the doctor soon. I dont understand why they are holding back on clomid for you either :hugs:
Hey! Seems like we have a few things in common. AF showed two days ago which means we are officially on cycle 14 of ttc number two. We have a DD who will be two in September. We got preggo with her first cycle trying.
My OH works away from home so some cycles timing doesn't work out but for the most part we have been lucky. I saw an ob-gyn a couple of weeks ago and he decided that an hsg was the first test I should have doneb/c I had a c section with my DD. It was scheduled for July 5th but I have to call and have it rescheduled because AF showed early and they ideally like to have it done before ovulation or we will how to use protection this cycle. I don't want to give up an entire cycle so I'm going to have it moved.
My cycles are usually pretty regular, except the last two which were kind of strange. I started taking B100 to help lengthen my 11 day luteal phase and instead it shortened it to 8 days. Needless to say I'm giving those up. Only thing I'm doing differently this cycle is using a fertility monitor.
Hi ladies!

I'm Emma and I have a 3 y/o DD. This is cycle 13 of TTC. I saw a FS in May who wrote "secondary infertility" on my notes and said see you in 4 Months!! Wtf?

I had all my hormones tested which my GP said were normal however my FS said my fsh was "slightly" higher than shed like to see for my age (26)

My FSH was 8 and the range was 4-13. Seems OK.... Anyone have experience with this test??

My DH had 2 sperm tests and he has an average of 8% morphology. That's lower than what they want too so we were devastated. He promptly gave up smoking and is 29 days smoke free!!

This endless wait for appointments is cruel I think! I have a letter saying it's likely in September I will get clomid so why the heck can't I have it now?

Well that's me introuduced really hope to make some friends with ladies who understand xxxx

How do you cope with the endless waiting?


Hi there!
I've been ttc #4 for 12 months. My first was 19 months and 4 IUIs, so although I'm now into secondary infertility, I've also had primary infertility as well:wacko: I kind of feel like I've already paid my lttc dues and it does make me a little bit upset that it's happened again.:cry:

It just seems odd that I had a baby 2.5 years ago, I was breastfeeding until about 3 months prior to ttc, you'd think that my body would be geared up for another baby.

I saw my doc and she did FSH and other labs and an ultrasound. My FSH is 10.6 which is not fabulous, but not horrible either. How were your other labs? I previously had HSG with first bout in infertility testing, so I'm not doing that agian.

I have made an appointment with my previous fertility specialist for September. I could probably get in sooner, but it will be easier with my schedule in September because my 2 oldest will be back in school.
I'm not sure if I want clomid, it used to thin my lining and I need a lot of monitoring for it.

Great to hear about your husband quitting smoking! Awesome:happydance:
Didn't want to read and run. I'm TTC in January but my cycles since ds1 are all over the place currently on cd 92. I'm already getting impatient waiting for af so I can't imagine how frustrated you must be feeling.

Hope you manage to get some answers from the doctor soon. I dont understand why they are holding back on clomid for you either :hugs:

Aw cd92! That must mess with you head I'm sorry. Pretty sure this cycle is annovulatory for me so god knows when AF will come!!
Hey! Seems like we have a few things in common. AF showed two days ago which means we are officially on cycle 14 of ttc number two. We have a DD who will be two in September. We got preggo with her first cycle trying.
My OH works away from home so some cycles timing doesn't work out but for the most part we have been lucky. I saw an ob-gyn a couple of weeks ago and he decided that an hsg was the first test I should have doneb/c I had a c section with my DD. It was scheduled for July 5th but I have to call and have it rescheduled because AF showed early and they ideally like to have it done before ovulation or we will how to use protection this cycle. I don't want to give up an entire cycle so I'm going to have it moved.
My cycles are usually pretty regular, except the last two which were kind of strange. I started taking B100 to help lengthen my 11 day luteal phase and instead it shortened it to 8 days. Needless to say I'm giving those up. Only thing I'm doing differently this cycle is using a fertility monitor.

I'm sorry we have something in common it's no fun at all is it? I wouldnt wish that on anyone! Looks like I'm annovulatory this cycle and all I did differently was take royal jelly. Can't be that though surely!

How do you cope? Any ideas you could send my way? Xx
Hi ladies!

I'm Emma and I have a 3 y/o DD. This is cycle 13 of TTC. I saw a FS in May who wrote "secondary infertility" on my notes and said see you in 4 Months!! Wtf?

I had all my hormones tested which my GP said were normal however my FS said my fsh was "slightly" higher than shed like to see for my age (26)

My FSH was 8 and the range was 4-13. Seems OK.... Anyone have experience with this test??

My DH had 2 sperm tests and he has an average of 8% morphology. That's lower than what they want too so we were devastated. He promptly gave up smoking and is 29 days smoke free!!

This endless wait for appointments is cruel I think! I have a letter saying it's likely in September I will get clomid so why the heck can't I have it now?

Well that's me introuduced really hope to make some friends with ladies who understand xxxx

How do you cope with the endless waiting?


Hi there!
I've been ttc #4 for 12 months. My first was 19 months and 4 IUIs, so although I'm now into secondary infertility, I've also had primary infertility as well:wacko: I kind of feel like I've already paid my lttc dues and it does make me a little bit upset that it's happened again.:cry:

It just seems odd that I had a baby 2.5 years ago, I was breastfeeding until about 3 months prior to ttc, you'd think that my body would be geared up for another baby.

I saw my doc and she did FSH and other labs and an ultrasound. My FSH is 10.6 which is not fabulous, but not horrible either. How were your other labs? I previously had HSG with first bout in infertility testing, so I'm not doing that agian.

I have made an appointment with my previous fertility specialist for September. I could probably get in sooner, but it will be easier with my schedule in September because my 2 oldest will be back in school.
I'm not sure if I want clomid, it used to thin my lining and I need a lot of monitoring for it.

Great to hear about your husband quitting smoking! Awesome:happydance:

Thankyou for your post! Sorry for your primary and secondary infertility seems so unfair!

How did you find your HSG? Was it OK?

My LH Serum or summat was 6 and no issues with blood sugar, thyroid or cholesterol.

Hi ladies!

I'm Emma and I have a 3 y/o DD. This is cycle 13 of TTC. I saw a FS in May who wrote "secondary infertility" on my notes and said see you in 4 Months!! Wtf?

I had all my hormones tested which my GP said were normal however my FS said my fsh was "slightly" higher than shed like to see for my age (26)

My FSH was 8 and the range was 4-13. Seems OK.... Anyone have experience with this test??

My DH had 2 sperm tests and he has an average of 8% morphology. That's lower than what they want too so we were devastated. He promptly gave up smoking and is 29 days smoke free!!

This endless wait for appointments is cruel I think! I have a letter saying it's likely in September I will get clomid so why the heck can't I have it now?

Well that's me introuduced really hope to make some friends with ladies who understand xxxx

How do you cope with the endless waiting?


Hi there!
I've been ttc #4 for 12 months. My first was 19 months and 4 IUIs, so although I'm now into secondary infertility, I've also had primary infertility as well:wacko: I kind of feel like I've already paid my lttc dues and it does make me a little bit upset that it's happened again.:cry:

It just seems odd that I had a baby 2.5 years ago, I was breastfeeding until about 3 months prior to ttc, you'd think that my body would be geared up for another baby.

I saw my doc and she did FSH and other labs and an ultrasound. My FSH is 10.6 which is not fabulous, but not horrible either. How were your other labs? I previously had HSG with first bout in infertility testing, so I'm not doing that agian.

I have made an appointment with my previous fertility specialist for September. I could probably get in sooner, but it will be easier with my schedule in September because my 2 oldest will be back in school.
I'm not sure if I want clomid, it used to thin my lining and I need a lot of monitoring for it.

Great to hear about your husband quitting smoking! Awesome:happydance:

Thankyou for your post! Sorry for your primary and secondary infertility seems so unfair!

How did you find your HSG? Was it OK?

My LH Serum or summat was 6 and no issues with blood sugar, thyroid or cholesterol.


The HSG was fine. I was worried about pain, but I drove myself there and back. A little motrin went a long way for all of the cramping. Make sure to bring a panty liner to wear home, the dye leaks out.

My LH was 3, doc seemed happy with that. I'm not sure how to put it all together though.

I do have hypothyroidism, and have for 10 years. My level just recently started to rise a few months ago, so I'm hoping that after a med adjustment, my level will be back to normal and I'll conceive. The level was fine until this spring, so not sure why I didn't conceive prior to that.
Really, I think I'm just trying to blame my lack of conception on something and this month I'm choosing my thyroid. Last month, it was my husband's sperm that was at fault (not determined through any testing, I just felt like blaming it on that, so now he's on a multivitamin, lol).

How do I cope? Not well. Everywhere I go I'm reminded of how I'm not fertile. For instance, I just returned from a family get together tonight. A distant family member was there, we were pregnant together 3 years ago. Last summer I heard that she was ttc, and I was starting ttc also. I thought that it would be really cool that we would be pregnant together again. Nope. Her baby is now 2 months old . . . . and I'm not even pregnant yet.

Sorry, I can't give you advice because I'm not coping well either. :cry:
Hi guys, I'm sorry to hear about your troubles, but it also helps to hear your stories. I have an 8 year old daughter. I was married last October and we have been ttc for 6 long months. I really thought it would happen on the first try and I am just devestated and scared that it might never happen. My dr agreed to do some bloodwork, however my insurance won't cover it so im just not sure if I should wait a little longer, or just get it started. My periods are not regular, and in fact, after a hopeful cycle, AF just arrived this morning, 5-7 days early, and I am never early! I am 29, DH is 28 and we are in good health. I just don't know how to get over the feeling that it may not happen.
I'm not sure how I cope, but I do. I read about some ladies crying when AF arrives but I haven't reached that point yet. I guess, deep down, I still believe that because it happened once it will happen again.
I'm an elementary school teacher and that keeps me insanely busy, well, at least up until Friday when summer vacation starts! My DD keeps me occupied at home. My OH works away from home on a rotational basis so I'm on my own a lot, not much time to dwell on it.
The thing that upsets me most is that my DD keeps getting older and older and the age gap keeps widening. I feel like I'm letting her down and she doesn't even know it :(
Hey all. I am currently TTC #2. We started TTC in April 2010 by timing BDing around suspected O and have been using OPK moitoring and PreSeed since Jan. 2011. The last couple of cycles my LP was short-ish (9 to 11 days) so now I'm on B6 100mg. This is my first cycle with the B6, so hopefully it helps. Feels like we've been trying forever since it only took 3 cycles to conceive our DD. Worst part is a fertility expert won't see me until next year since I just stopped breastfeeding in May 2011. I've had regular periods since DD was 6 months old, so I don't think the breastfeeding had anything to do with it. Plenty of people get pregnant while breastfeeding, especially once the baby starts replacing nursing sessions with solid meals. It's been hard since one of my closest friends is due with #2 in October, and always talks about how she wasn't even sure if she was ovulating, but just tried once and BAM! pregnant. Plus I hate hearing her constantly complain about being pregnant.

I have 1 friend who has experienced fertility woes, but she's childless so all I get from her is how lucky I am to have my DD. As if it's not just as heartbreaking and confusing to have secondary infertility. I also get a lot of people who say "Well, you know you CAN get pregnant and carry a baby to term, so you shouldn't be too worried." Um, yea, I still get worried, and that worry is plenty validated people!
Hey all. I am currently TTC #2. We started TTC in April 2010 by timing BDing around suspected O and have been using OPK moitoring and PreSeed since Jan. 2011. The last couple of cycles my LP was short-ish (9 to 11 days) so now I'm on B6 100mg. This is my first cycle with the B6, so hopefully it helps. Feels like we've been trying forever since it only took 3 cycles to conceive our DD. Worst part is a fertility expert won't see me until next year since I just stopped breastfeeding in May 2011. I've had regular periods since DD was 6 months old, so I don't think the breastfeeding had anything to do with it. Plenty of people get pregnant while breastfeeding, especially once the baby starts replacing nursing sessions with solid meals. It's been hard since one of my closest friends is due with #2 in October, and always talks about how she wasn't even sure if she was ovulating, but just tried once and BAM! pregnant. Plus I hate hearing her constantly complain about being pregnant.

I have 1 friend who has experienced fertility woes, but she's childless so all I get from her is how lucky I am to have my DD. As if it's not just as heartbreaking and confusing to have secondary infertility. I also get a lot of people who say "Well, you know you CAN get pregnant and carry a baby to term, so you shouldn't be too worried." Um, yea, I still get worried, and that worry is plenty validated people!

I hear ya! It's not easy eh? I tried B Complex for my short LP and it made it even shorter, go figure! Hope you have more luck!
Thanks Jodi. I'm hoping so too. I have heard a few people say that it actually shortened it for them, so I'm wary. But its one of the few things I can try without seeing a specialist. :/ The weird thing is my LP was 11 days for a few cycles and then in my last cycle it was only 9 days. Unless I miscalculated my ovulation, but I don't think so since the OPKs were clear and I had an immediately severe dry up of CM, from super abundant EWCM to nothing literally overnight. I would love to start charting my temps, but DD sleeps with us and so it's not really a feasible thing to do.
I know exactly how you are feeling. It seems ridiculous that 1. Our bodies can produce a healthy child one minute and be infertile the next, 2. That it is happening to so many of us ladies and the medical profession has no answers other than strong drugs w ith many side effects. I have been offered Clomid by gynae. Yet told it will not work by endocrinologist, wtf! Think I have come to realise that fertility is dramatically affected by nutrition (poor nutrition causes an imbalance in the oestrogen/progesterone balance), stress, lack of exercise and lack of sleep amongst others. We forget how complex the human body is and how much we are messing up our natural cycle with processed food, too much electromagnetic radiation, alcohol, cigarettes etc. I think it's time we got back in touch with our bodies and stop abusing them. I'm going to see a nutritional consultant for starters to see if I can sort this out myself, instead of relying on artificial drugs. This should be a service which the NHS provides, however I'm convinced that there only interest is profit and not our health and
well being!:x sorry if it seems like I'm ranting, but, like many of us I am just so sick of going to appointments every 3 months to simply come away even more confused! Anyone else trying alternatives methods/therapies ttc?x
Kat20_30 - I totally agree. I am now on cycle 16 and still no luck. We are taking abreak for the next little while due to OH's work schedule. I just finished reading "The Fertility Diet" and and am going to take these next few months to make some major lifestyle changes. I am not overweight by any means but I don't watch what I'm eating, I can definitely improve my diet and nutrition. I also just bought a treadmill so I can make exercise a daily thing. I'm hoping this will help. I have to make an appointment with my obgyn for next month and he has already mentioned at my HSG that drugs are the next step.

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