TTC/Pregnancy while Breastfeeding and Tandem Nursing: Information and Support

Congrats Bunny! That is wild! 3 very close-praying for your patience and sanity. :) Only teasing!

1babydreamer my LO nurses quite frequently like that as well, it's rough. Good luck making it to the 2 year mark.

I need patience, the sanity is long gone :). I must have lost it already when we started TTC for #2, lol. We decided we would really like one more and I am 36 so didnt want to wait too long. We were thinking of waiting a few more months but kind of decided not bother with bc because with BFing chances are it would take a few months anyway....oops. I got pregnant after only one period :). If I think about it too much it is a bit terrifying, lol but I'm sure we will manage. OH helps out a lot with the house and the kids too which makes a big difference.
Hi guys. New here. I am nursing my 13 month old rainbow baby and haven't had a period yet. I've always been naturally thin but nursing (and going dairy free) caused me to be Really thin! So my doc just did some bloodwork to make sure everything was okay. She tested my hormone levels and I'm a little nervous. My FSH is 8.6. Which from research seems high for my age (29). Estrogen was low 28.1 (typical with bfing I think) prolactin was 34. LH was 8.9. I don't know what to make of all of this. I was feeling pretty relaxed for once but now am feeling that race against the clock feeling. I'm not ready to wean yet but wondering if it's something I need to seriously think about because I definitely want a second child. Was hoping to get my period back by 2016 and start trying then. Any thoughts?
13 months is still quite early. I read 14 months is average so try not to panic yet (I know its easier said than done). Maybe give yourself another 3 or 4 months to let it come back on its own and if it doesn't by then decide what to do next. My periods came back at 7 months and 8.5months but that is quite early. I think its because both of mine loved solids so much.

Night weaning or cutting back weaning can be enough to bring periods back for some. I've also read that a sudden increase in calories can trigger your periods. If you are super thin (not some thing I can claim) then trying to gain a little might help?
I need advice and help mamas!

I'm currently 13.5 weeks pregnant and still nursing my almost 16 month old toddler. He loves his milkies and I am not ready to wean him. I am fine with nursing through the pregnancy and then tandem nursing, BUT... My toddler has started biting frequently during nursing sessions. He's asking for milkies all the time but when he nurses he bites after a bit. I stop nursing him and say, "no biting mama, that hurts." Then I put him down and wait a bit to nurse again. Today has been really bad though. He screams when I put him down and cries "mi-mi-mi," his word for milkies. So I try nursing him again and again he bites after a short time. I'm at a loss. The only time he's ever bitten me before was when he was teething and that was rare and he would only ever do it once.
He's got all his teeth except for his two year molars and I can't tell if that's what it is. He is drooling a bit more, but I can't tell. Isn't 16 months a bit early to cut two year molars?
He nurses down for naps and bedtime so this is a real problem right now.
Is it maybe that my milk is drying up and he's frustrated?? I can still hand express milk after each nursing session so I know I'm not completely dry.

Please help!! :nope:
Ok, I know this sounds silly, but are you sure he's biting? I was convinced my DD was biting, and after checking for teeth marks, realized it just FELT that way because of the pregnancy/hormonal pain associated with nursing.

If you're absolutely positive (teeth marks and all) that he's biting, I'd agree - maybe the flow isn't as fast as it used to be. Maybe you can try hand expressing into his mouth a bit while he nurses? Can you look for signs that he's about to bite so you can stop it before it starts? If not, I'd continue doing what you're doing - he will eventually realize that unless he stops, he won't get the milkies.

FX for you!
Ok, I know this sounds silly, but are you sure he's biting? I was convinced my DD was biting, and after checking for teeth marks, realized it just FELT that way because of the pregnancy/hormonal pain associated with nursing.

If you're absolutely positive (teeth marks and all) that he's biting, I'd agree - maybe the flow isn't as fast as it used to be. Maybe you can try hand expressing into his mouth a bit while he nurses? Can you look for signs that he's about to bite so you can stop it before it starts? If not, I'd continue doing what you're doing - he will eventually realize that unless he stops, he won't get the milkies.

FX for you!

Thank you for the response!
Yes, he's definitely biting. I've been putting up with his aggressive nursing and my sensitive, sore nipples for weeks but these episodes are biting episodes. He's doing it on purpose and I think it's because he's overtired and fighting his naps so he's frustrated. He just turned 16 months and there's a growth spurt and developmental leap too. It's throwing all his sleep off. At night and when he's sleepy he never bites, only when he's awake. It's hard to see him to stop him before he does it because I nurse him in his darkened nursery before and after every nap and at bedtime. He's also wanting to stay on the boob all night long! I'm so tired but hopefully this is a passing phase!
Sounds to me like he might be getting fustrated with your supply. Can you use a very dim light like a nightlight or the screan of your cell phone so that you can just see a bit? That might help. The light from the radio is enough in our room to see whats going on.
Random question of the day - does colostrum taste like soap??

LOL - the last time my DD nursed (a couple days ago) she made a face and told me my milk tasted like soap. She hasn't nursed since... although she has gone a couple days in between here and there, so I'm not 100% sure she's done...
Hello ladies,
Can I join?
My baby is almost 8mos. I weaned him off night feeds a month ago so he can sleep through night by substitutING formula. Unfortunately he still wakes up.very often as he rather sleep with me than on his own when he wakes up, I give him bottle..I was hoping he ll sleep thru as formula is heavier but he doesnt...I think he gets separation anxiety
..anyways. since it took me over year to conceive him..we want to start now so I can conceive in next 6mths before turning 35. Issue being, my period are not back yet...does it mean the 3-4 feeds during day should end? He is on solids but still want milk to fall asleep not necessary mine...
Can you get preggo before 1st period?
What can I do to bring back my period?
I m working out and eating healthy.
Thanks for helping :)
I think its so different for everyone. Some women wont be able to get pregnant while they are still breastfeeding at all. For most its just a case of finding the point their fertility will return. I got my periods back at 8.5 months after DD was born. She still fed frequently day and night but they were short feeds and she ate a lot of solids. I got pregnant after 3 periods. After DS was born my period returned at 7 months. I got pregnant after my 1st period. He still woke 2or 3 times a night but day feeds were getting less frequent and he eats more solid food of any baby I've known! The breastfeeding caused my cycles to be long and irregular but I managed to get pregnant anyway. Unfortunately we lost this one at about 9weeks but that is unrelated to BFing.

My periods cane back quite early 14 months is supposed to be average. You can wait patiently or try experimenting with cutting back night feeds, going a day without nursing or eating a high calorie diet. Those things help to jump start things for some.

Some women do get pregnant before their 1st period but after 3 or 4 cycles is more common.
Thank you bunny...
So I started my first day period today..I m still breastfeeding 2-3 times a day..
Does it mean I am ovulating now? I missed this cycle although I felt ovulation pain n fertile cm but dh was too busy dtd...
Thats great news! I never thought i'd be so glad to get a period after DD anyway! Some women dont ovulate before their first period, some do. Most likely you will ovulate this cycle (occasionally women don't for a couple more cycles but that's not too likely). Generally it is a bit harder to get pregnant wile you are still pregnant but getting your period is the important bit. BFing gave me irregular cycles. I did OPKs and never ovulated until day 20+ of my cycle. I also got false positive OPKs because my body kept trying and failing to ovulate. I got the hang of knowing when ovulation really happened because the lines would be darker and i'd get other signs of o too. The first couple of cycles after DD I was aiming for the wrong time being my fertile window so its good to be aware things can be different.
if you are not ovulating after baby ..y is one considered super fertile after pregnancy?
I kept timing my first pregnancy...the cycle that I conceived was the cycle blood test showed I didn't ovulate..opks kept giving multiple lines n smile face and my body kept gearing for o...n I gave up...n it just happened. ..I felt guilty wasting money on opks..
I get o cramps..and also sharp pain in extremities suggesting hormonal changes. ..
I will just try to dtd 2 times a week after I m dun period until next period...n see wat happens...hubby is usually busy to be available for even one oh is diabetic and not so much into's weird and sometimes stressful. ..
How many kids you got bunny,
Sorry when I was talking about not ovulating before your first period I was talking about BFing mums. I think the super fertile after pregnancy thing might just be a myth to stop women getting pregnant by mistake before their periods come back. Its not unusual for women to get pregnant before their six week checkup because they didnt use birth control. Breastfeeding is really different though. A few women can get pregnant right way while BFing but that is unusual. Exclusive BFing (if the baby is still feeding frequently and your periods are not back yet) will stop 98% of women from getting pregnant for the first 6 months.

I persisted with OPKs because it was important to me to know my dates but I can understand why you would give up if you were getting confusing results. I used cheep internet ones so didnt spend too big a fortune despite getting through a load of them.
The "super fertile" after baby I have heard is related to the massively higher levels of blood supply to the area after the baby. The rapidly changing hormones probably contribute as well.
So, anyone tandem nursing and experiencing reoccurred clogged ducts/mastitis? This is the 5th clogged duct I've had in the past 3 months. The first four were all in one breast, but the other one caught up on the action yesterday.

Most of them were tied to times when my toddler wasn't around to nurse, when he stayed extra long at grandma's house and I didn't pump or didn't pump enough, etc.

This time, I nursed both kids all day yesterday and all night. I just SLEPT in an unusual position, and didn't sleep well. Woke up at 2:30 with that familiar pain and then really couldn't sleep after that.

What am I doing wrong!?!? I know it can happen when you are tandem nursing. It also happens more with oversupply (which I have). But I didn't have a SINGLE clogged duct with DS, even when I quit pumping cold turkey with DS in the NICU. After a recommendation from the lactation consultants, I've started lethicin. I am applying cold after feeding to reduce inflammation and taking NSAID pain relievers, also for inflammation. I use heat before feeding, as well as during with massage. I've tried using an electric toothbrush on this one as well. I nurse the kids as often as I can. I took a nap with my youngest today and pumped during the time my toddler was gone.

All this power nursing/pumping increases my oversupply....

I'm just frustrated.
Misspriss, I haven't gotten to the tandem nursing bit yet, since I'm still pregnant, but I just wanted to send thoughts & prayers your way - I hope you get this resolved soon! Sounds awful :(

The only thing I can say that may help at all is that the one time I had a clogged duct with DD, it lasted 3 days and the only thing that finally broke it up was DH taking a power tool to my boob :rofl: He literally used a high powered sanding tool, put a buffer on it rather than sand paper, and put it up against the clog. (So, think your electric toothbrush x 10000!). Not sure if that will help you at all... but thought I'd mention it. Good luck!!!
Hi Guys :hi:

SOo my period Finally returned last month when my DD turned 15 months. She is still nursing a ton and throughout the night. I had read that if your periods return later (like after 12 months pp) then they are usually fertile cycles right away. But then have heard that if you are breastfeeding at all they could be irregular, and throw off yor luteal phase, etc making it hard to get pregnant. I would like to start trying for number 2 soon but am more curious how my periods will be since they were irregular the first time around (and I suffered RMC). However, I have been off the pill for 3 years now and have a different diet, lifestyle, etc. Just wondering what everyone's experience was if/when their periods returned later. Regular right away or did it take a few cycles to sort out? Ovulating right away? Thanks!

ETA: my first pp period was also not extremely heavy like I had heard it was going to be.
Hi newlywed!

My periods were relatively regular right from the start. It wasn't the clockwork 29 days like it had been prior to having my first baby, but I'd say within 3-5 days or so.

We waited a bit to TTC our second baby. DD turned 2 on May 7th, and we started TTC in June. We got pregnant the first month we tried. We are still nursing and I'm due on March 21st. Hope that helps!

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