TTC/Pregnancy while Breastfeeding and Tandem Nursing: Information and Support

I think you both need nose plugs :haha:

LOL yes that would definitely help.

But i'm a little psychotic about the issue and argue with hubby over it all the time. If there is a bad smell i don't like to breath through my mouth... i feel my nose filters things a bit but if i breath through my mouth all of the poo smell is going straight into my lungs.

I know it's insane and silly. But i just can't kick the habit, i've always thought this since i was a little kid. I tried doing it the other day just blocking my nose and breathing through my mouth and i ended up just about sick from thinking about all the poo smell in my throat and on my tongue. :dohh: hahaha
That must be such a pain. :dohh: Some smells cause me to heave if I'm feeling particularly nauseous (cigarette smoke, bins etc) but, so far, nappy changes, even vile ones, have been ok. I'm mainly a mouth breather anyway so I'm very good and blocking off my nose and not being able to smell badness - a good thing to do in my job as a veterinary nurse! :winkwink:

I probably won't be on this thread much longer as our BFing journey is very close to the end. I've only been feeding once a day, in the evening, for the past week and my supply has plummeted. It feels like the time is right to stop now as Meg really isn't bothered about boob and loves her moo milk through a straw cup. I always wanted to get to a year, which I've done, and it now seems to be winding down in a lovely way that feels natural.:cloud9: Tandem nursing doesn't really appeal to me, though I have massive respect for those who do it, so at least there'll be a nice gap between finishing feeding Meg and (hopefully) feeding this bubs. :flower:
That must be such a pain. :dohh: Some smells cause me to heave if I'm feeling particularly nauseous (cigarette smoke, bins etc) but, so far, nappy changes, even vile ones, have been ok. I'm mainly a mouth breather anyway so I'm very good and blocking off my nose and not being able to smell badness - a good thing to do in my job as a veterinary nurse! :winkwink:

I probably won't be on this thread much longer as our BFing journey is very close to the end. I've only been feeding once a day, in the evening, for the past week and my supply has plummeted. It feels like the time is right to stop now as Meg really isn't bothered about boob and loves her moo milk through a straw cup. I always wanted to get to a year, which I've done, and it now seems to be winding down in a lovely way that feels natural.:cloud9: Tandem nursing doesn't really appeal to me, though I have massive respect for those who do it, so at least there'll be a nice gap between finishing feeding Meg and (hopefully) feeding this bubs. :flower:

congrats with making the year that you've made!!!

Poo smells and wee smells always set me off, in my first pregnancy i would vomit FROM MY OWN pee and poo. IT would be awful sitting on the toilet and not being able to vomit because you're still sitting on it because you haven't wiped yourself yet, i got to be an expert in speed toilet breaks because i had to move FAST!!! Cigarette smoke never bothered me AT ALL! which is weird because i hate cigarette smoke and it's a common complaint during pregnancy, but not for me....
I just want to wish you ladies well on your journeys.

While I fully understand that it is possible to concieve while Bfing (as many of you have proven) I have decided after 5 months of ttc and a return to my irregular cycles (4-12 weeks I don't even count days). That if I really want another baby I have to do what I can to increase my chances and have given up BFing.
Tommyg I'm probably not the best person to say this as I'm close to 2 years TTC with no luck, and have discovered I have too short an LP which is likely caused by breastfeeding. And I have recently been having my own doubts about continuing to breastfeed. But, it may not take full weaning. Does you LO still feed through the night? Night weaning could be the answer. Or just cut down some feedings. Obviously its a personal choice and the decision lies with you, but if you are feeling sad, but that its your only choice, know that it doesnt have to be all or nothing.
Mother of Boys, he was down to 3/4 feeds a day usually. Just before bed, once or twice during the night and early morning.

I'm 37 so I don't really have time to waste. If I had a regualar 28-32 day cycle then I would have carried on a bit longer but when your cycles are all over the place and you know if you decide to seek help it's one of the first things they will tell you to do.

I am a wee bit sad that our journey has come to an end but I think it's for the best for us both, I look forward to starting a new journey with #2 I'll be over the moon if I make it to 16 months with #2.
tommyg - a friend of mine has recently weaned her son at 18 months, to assist her with TTC, she's 38 or so I believe and has other problems which may mean she is unlikely to conceive again. Totally understand your decision.

Guys, my supply has taken a knocking in the last few weeks, I'm maybe making half the milk I was. LO tried upping the supply in frustration and refused to sleep until I was raw with sucking, then he gradually accepted it and has a very short feed before bed now and before nap.
I don't think he will dry nurse if the milk goes completely, he's never really nursed for comfort, he just wants milk! Hoping I make it to tandem nursing, even if it's just for a bit.
Mother of Boys, he was down to 3/4 feeds a day usually. Just before bed, once or twice during the night and early morning.

I'm 37 so I don't really have time to waste. If I had a regualar 28-32 day cycle then I would have carried on a bit longer but when your cycles are all over the place and you know if you decide to seek help it's one of the first things they will tell you to do.

I am a wee bit sad that our journey has come to an end but I think it's for the best for us both, I look forward to starting a new journey with #2 I'll be over the moon if I make it to 16 months with #2.

My friend is in the same boat as you. Mid 30s no time to waste and kept putting off the fertility specialist she knew they'd say to stop breastfeeding. But she finally sucked it up went to the appointment and the FS waved her off saying "of course you don't have to stop breastfeeding".... it seems GPs like to say stop but fertility specialists don't think necessary. Her cycles were crazy before breastfeeding and pregnancy so everyone knew stopping wasn't going to be a miraculous cure, they were still going to be all over the place regardless.

Of course like the PP said it's your choice entirely but I would just cut down to 1-2feeds a day if you really are sad about it.
I completely understand your decision, I think given the circumstances I would make the same choice. I know I've been close to it recently anyway.
I've not fed him since Friday night so its a bit late to turn back. Yes I'm a wee bit sad it's ended but not heartbreakingly so, I kind of see it as my baby is growing up too. I went out on Saturday night had a few drinks and at 4 in the morning I had to offer a cup, when morning came I just made my decison that he'd gone one night and it might be the right time. I'm not going back now he actually seems more settled than he's ever been and that can't be a bad thing.

Time will tell if it will help me ttc but if he starts sttn I might be less tired too.

Mother of Boys you've done fantastic to get to over 2 years esp with another 2 children to deal with. I wouldn't feel guilty about giving up if you think it will help you conceive.
Hi girls, hope you are all well.

My name is Joanne. I have been happily breastfeeding my little girl for just under 11 months. I have just recently became pregnant. I am nearly 7 weeks. I am looking for some advice. I am finding my milk supply is dropping and that my daughter is not feeding as well. Has anyone experienced this so early on?

I am considering weaning her on to formula but I keep telling myself that in another month I could miss formula out and just put her onto cows milk. I really dont know what to do? At night she is very restless and wanting to feed lots when she use to sleep through. Of course I am blaming this on inadequate milk as she is still crying coming of nd on.

I really dont know what to do for the best. Can anyone help me or share there own experiences.

I am drying up quite badly and probably started noticing it about 8 weeks. He's not a happy man that there's less milk but it's not as important to him as a baby less than a year. I think you may have to top up, supply and demand just doesn't work during pregnancy, the milk doesn't hold as well in the breasts.
I had a good week of my son attempting to up my supply. but now he's given up and just takes what he can get.

Under a year they just need that milk, I don't think topping up will effect your supply at this stage if you want to see if it improves in a few weeks/month or so. Having her milk needs unmet for the next couple of months probably won't please her just so you can avoid formula. You may find it beneficial to give formula after a year anyway, and phrase it into cows milk if that's what you want x
I'm trying a few other things to help conceive atm as well as set some boundries for him and cut down a bit of his nursing as he still nurses quite a lot. Most of it I think is just about keeping him busy, like today is a Saturday so his brothers are not at school so his busy playing with them and not particularly bothered. His still had 2 feeds and its not yet 1pm but on a school day he could spend all morning latched on if I let him!
I don't think its about the milk for him at the moment, but more about the closeness of nursing and emotionally his not ready to let go, and deep down I don't think I am. But his very demanding lately and with knowing its effecting my fertility the thought did enter my head and lingered for quite some time. But I think perhaps cutting out some of his feeds is going to be enough for now, if not night weaned or anything so its no wonder, with him still feeding like a new born at times, that my body is denying me the chance of another.
I'm also feeling much more relaxed about TTC itself. And feeling like, I know its going to happen one day, and I just have to trust that when that time is right everything will fall into place.
I'm trying a few other things to help conceive atm as well as set some boundries for him and cut down a bit of his nursing as he still nurses quite a lot. Most of it I think is just about keeping him busy, like today is a Saturday so his brothers are not at school so his busy playing with them and not particularly bothered. His still had 2 feeds and its not yet 1pm but on a school day he could spend all morning latched on if I let him!
I don't think its about the milk for him at the moment, but more about the closeness of nursing and emotionally his not ready to let go, and deep down I don't think I am. But his very demanding lately and with knowing its effecting my fertility the thought did enter my head and lingered for quite some time. But I think perhaps cutting out some of his feeds is going to be enough for now, if not night weaned or anything so its no wonder, with him still feeding like a new born at times, that my body is denying me the chance of another.
I'm also feeling much more relaxed about TTC itself. And feeling like, I know its going to happen one day, and I just have to trust that when that time is right everything will fall into place.

I could have written the exact Same thing, my lo will spend all day breastfeeding if I let him more for closeness than to have milk but if we're out or busy he doesn't ask for it.
any ideas to ease the pain in nipples???? I feel like they've been attacked with a cheese grater, especially after a bad night. Poor boobies!!!!
iow bird, i didn't find a solution all i did was continually tell myself if i can't handle this i'm not going to be able to handle a newborn breastfeeding again. That made me more determined to try and cope with it.
Feel a bit smug that I have had absolutely zero pain breastfeeding so far in the pregnancy. Very very lucky duck.
any ideas to ease the pain in nipples???? I feel like they've been attacked with a cheese grater, especially after a bad night. Poor boobies!!!!

It's the same way for me too. I come in the door from work and that's the first thing she wants to do. I have to grit my teeth cause I know the pain that's coming.
Puts you off a bit eh!! They're a bit better today, cut her feed a bit short, felt bad, but she'll get another one later. I think it's the bedtime feed doing the nipple damage as she messes about a bit. The ones overnight she is almost asleep for, so just feeds :)
Hey ladies,
I have now been tandem feeding for 10 days and am very proud of myself :) However, I am experiencing some frustration with my dd (2 years) at times when she is feeding, I think this is because she is doing it more frequently and for longer (which I fully expected and understand), wondered if anyone can share some experiences on this and how long it lasted for as I really dont want her to pick up on this :(

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