You are lucky B. The pain is getting worse here but I think it is because I am producing so little that he is mostly comfort sucking and his latch is also very shallow now which hurts too. I'm sad about it
I feel like it's all my fault.
i feel the same sometimes, now that i have next to no milk i wouldn't be surprised if we stopped breastfeeding now, and while i'm not way sad by the length of our journey or anything i feel that my daughter was technically forced to stop because of my own selfish desires to have another child, i feel terrible about it.
My nipples didn't used to hurt much, but now they do. It makes me sad too. I too feel somewhat guilty about losing my milk and the James not being as happy BF. But really my goal was to BF for 6 months, until I found out they needed it till a year, then my goal was a year. I have now reached that, and am not quite ready to stop, I hope that he's ready when it happens though. I dunno.