hi!! I heard about this thread and thought I would start following as I just got aand am still nursing my 17 month old!!
Lucky i think your daughter wouldnt let go unless she was ready. I know no matter how many times I say "TEETH!!" so my dd she wouldnt give it up, so i honestly dont think that you caused her to wean. I know my dd is a fair bit younger than yours but once she went 5 days without feeding. It just seemed she was gradually losing interest in it, then i got pregnant and she became a boobaholic again.
just a q as ttc, if my af has been regular, should I worry about ovulation?
Hey ladies! So glad I can across this thread! I've got a 13 month old little boy who is in love with the boob. I can't get him off but we are down to night feeds only, probably 3-5 feeds depending on the night. I'm still not having AF but really want to have another baby. I'm wondering if there is anything I'm able to do to try to get my cycle back. I've tried getting DS on cows milk with no luck.. So I'm more after suggestions that don't involve weaning as I have tried and am still trying!! Currently my plan is to not feed him before a certain time during the night so before 1 am and slowly move that time to HOPEFULLY get him STTN.
Lucky i think your daughter wouldnt let go unless she was ready. I know no matter how many times I say "TEETH!!" so my dd she wouldnt give it up, so i honestly dont think that you caused her to wean. I know my dd is a fair bit younger than yours but once she went 5 days without feeding. It just seemed she was gradually losing interest in it, then i got pregnant and she became a boobaholic again.
Thank you steph - that makes me feel better! I do get what you are saying, I have had to go through various re-latching phases with her and it's never put her off before. I just don't want her to be worrying about hurting me. But I am doing everything I can to be reassuring about it if she wants to start again. Thanks for your comment![]()
Lucky i think your daughter wouldnt let go unless she was ready. I know no matter how many times I say "TEETH!!" so my dd she wouldnt give it up, so i honestly dont think that you caused her to wean. I know my dd is a fair bit younger than yours but once she went 5 days without feeding. It just seemed she was gradually losing interest in it, then i got pregnant and she became a boobaholic again.
Thank you steph - that makes me feel better! I do get what you are saying, I have had to go through various re-latching phases with her and it's never put her off before. I just don't want her to be worrying about hurting me. But I am doing everything I can to be reassuring about it if she wants to start again. Thanks for your comment![]()
She might just have a bit of a nursing strike? I know it's been 48 hours for you, so not exactly the same. But Sophie sometimes doesn't nurse a day. She'll just say: No! Night night! And lays down in bed and wants snuggles instead. The next day I have to take her off after 30 minutes because I start cramping real bad with braxton hicks. And then the day after she'll only want to nurse for 2 minutes and so on.. All in all it's very very irregular and I never know what's going to happen. I keep offering her before bed and just go with the flow.
Perhaps when she sees the baby nurse, she wants to have a go too. Perhaps not, but you can be happy that she was ready to stop as she didn't need any convinving and there was no upset involved.
I know exactly how you feel though! I'm so ready to tandem nurse and I'm terrified Sophie will wean in the next 10 weeks. But if she's happy to stop nursing I just take comfort in the fact that she finds her peace and quiet in my arms instead.