TTC/Pregnancy while Breastfeeding and Tandem Nursing: Information and Support

LuckyD: Sorry to jump on to the thread :) I just read your comment and wanted to reply. My DD fed until she was 2years and 4weeks old and then just decided to stop. I was prepared to tandem feed too, as I was 7 months pregnant at the time, but she just decided that was enough and stopped asking for it. When Baby arrived she asked a few times to try a boob, so I let her but she had no idea what to do with it. Where your DD hasn't been off the breast for that long, she might relatch after baby arrives and pick up where she left off. Even though I kinda wanted to tandem feed, now I'm really glad we're not as feeding a NB was enough without my 2yr old wanting it too, but at the same time I think it might have helped me with DD as I found her so BIG when we got back from hospital. I'd love to have those snuggly feeds with her again now.

If you're wanting her to get the benefits of breast mlk still, you can express and give it in her sippy cup. :) I do that a few times a week for DD. xx
Lucky, do you think your milk has gone to colostrum?

Also, I am curious about those who tandem feed what do you do about the other child while you are in the hospital? Josie has never gone a day without nursing. And we are definitely having a hospital birth. Of course there is a lot of time between now and then.
Lucky, do you think your milk has gone to colostrum?

Also, I am curious about those who tandem feed what do you do about the other child while you are in the hospital? Josie has never gone a day without nursing. And we are definitely having a hospital birth. Of course there is a lot of time between now and then.

Thanks for asking this, I've been wondering the same. My dd will be 16 months if I go full term this time and doesn't go more than a few hours without nursing. That may change in the next six months but I was in the hospital with dd for four days between the labor and recovery!
Well we are officially tandem nursing! DS #2 was born on Wed. at 1:24 in the morning. He nursed right away, and although his latch was good, he was a really lazy eater, but he's doing much better now and barely lost any weight. DS #1 has been doing really well with the new addition and learning to share Mommy's boobies. He does get jealous when he sees the baby nursing and tries to crawl into my lap to get some himself but he doesn't get too upset about having to wait his turn. I even nursed him at the birthing center after he woke up in the morning, and the midwives thought it was so cute. Now he is very useful in dealing with the engorgement. Everyone needs to have a nursing toddler around for this. He even chokes occasionally with so much milk; I don't think he is used to having to swallow so much anymore. I haven't tried to nurse them together yet, and I'm really unsure about how to manage it. Anyone have any advice or pictures of how to nurse a toddler and an infant together?
LuckyD, I really hope you can get here too. I wouldn't be at all surprised if she changed her mind when the new baby is here. It's such a good reminder that she is still loved and hasn't lost her place.
Well we are officially tandem nursing! DS #2 was born on Wed. at 1:24 in the morning. He nursed right away, and although his latch was good, he was a really lazy eater, but he's doing much better now and barely lost any weight. DS #1 has been doing really well with the new addition and learning to share Mommy's boobies. He does get jealous when he sees the baby nursing and tries to crawl into my lap to get some himself but he doesn't get too upset about having to wait his turn. I even nursed him at the birthing center after he woke up in the morning, and the midwives thought it was so cute. Now he is very useful in dealing with the engorgement. Everyone needs to have a nursing toddler around for this. He even chokes occasionally with so much milk; I don't think he is used to having to swallow so much anymore. I haven't tried to nurse them together yet, and I'm really unsure about how to manage it. Anyone have any advice or pictures of how to nurse a toddler and an infant together?
LuckyD, I really hope you can get here too. I wouldn't be at all surprised if she changed her mind when the new baby is here. It's such a good reminder that she is still loved and hasn't lost her place.

Congratulations! It sounds like it's all going really well. I know what you mean about how useful it is having the older one to manage the engorgement!

As for nursing together, I latched the baby first, lying down was easiest at first, then let the older one find their own way. She'd often kneel up, or lie over the back of me. I'll see if I can find a picture.

Edit; Got one! A bit more exposed than I'd usually have on the internet, so I'll probably take it down after a bit. Oh, and just to be clear - we didn't sleep with the duvet round Arthur like that :haha:
Thank you so much for all of your thoughts and replies - it really means a lot! She hasn't BF again - it's been almost 5 days now, and while I am still offering before her nap/bedtime she isn't interested at all. Feeling emotionally better about it now though. It does feel like this is her choice. And we are still having lots of cuddles and closeness.

I think it's a very emotional thing to stop :). Especially if you weren't quite ready or expecting it! But you never know, I've read of many kids who have picked up again after their sibling is born!

But if she's happy with just songs and cuddles then you seem to still have a pretty good thing going :thumbup:.

Thanks lovely. It is amazing all the emotions that are involved! I am feeling a lot better about it, it is still nice to have her fall asleep in my arms even without BF.

LuckyD: Sorry to jump on to the thread :) I just read your comment and wanted to reply. My DD fed until she was 2years and 4weeks old and then just decided to stop. I was prepared to tandem feed too, as I was 7 months pregnant at the time, but she just decided that was enough and stopped asking for it. When Baby arrived she asked a few times to try a boob, so I let her but she had no idea what to do with it. Where your DD hasn't been off the breast for that long, she might relatch after baby arrives and pick up where she left off. Even though I kinda wanted to tandem feed, now I'm really glad we're not as feeding a NB was enough without my 2yr old wanting it too, but at the same time I think it might have helped me with DD as I found her so BIG when we got back from hospital. I'd love to have those snuggly feeds with her again now.

If you're wanting her to get the benefits of breast mlk still, you can express and give it in her sippy cup. :) I do that a few times a week for DD. xx

Thank you for sharing your story! That is interesting that your DD wanted to try it when the baby was born but didn't really know what to do. I have to admit that while I was all prepared to tandem feed I have had the thought that it may be easier this way - I had so many issues BF my daughter for the first few months, if that happens again it may have been hard to tandem feed anyway. I don't know, we shall see what happens I guess!

Lucky, do you think your milk has gone to colostrum?

Not sure - I guess maybe? But I barely had any milk for the middle of pregnancy and she kept on going, as she just uses it to get to sleep, so it has been more of a comfort thing for her I think. But yeah, maybe my milk changing has contributed? :shrug:

Well we are officially tandem nursing! DS #2 was born on Wed. at 1:24 in the morning. He nursed right away, and although his latch was good, he was a really lazy eater, but he's doing much better now and barely lost any weight. DS #1 has been doing really well with the new addition and learning to share Mommy's boobies. He does get jealous when he sees the baby nursing and tries to crawl into my lap to get some himself but he doesn't get too upset about having to wait his turn. I even nursed him at the birthing center after he woke up in the morning, and the midwives thought it was so cute. Now he is very useful in dealing with the engorgement. Everyone needs to have a nursing toddler around for this. He even chokes occasionally with so much milk; I don't think he is used to having to swallow so much anymore. I haven't tried to nurse them together yet, and I'm really unsure about how to manage it. Anyone have any advice or pictures of how to nurse a toddler and an infant together?
LuckyD, I really hope you can get here too. I wouldn't be at all surprised if she changed her mind when the new baby is here. It's such a good reminder that she is still loved and hasn't lost her place.

Congratulations! That is so great that it is going so well for you all. I will definitely offer her the chance to BF when the baby is born, maybe she will be keen to give it a try.

Well we are officially tandem nursing! DS #2 was born on Wed. at 1:24 in the morning. He nursed right away, and although his latch was good, he was a really lazy eater, but he's doing much better now and barely lost any weight. DS #1 has been doing really well with the new addition and learning to share Mommy's boobies. He does get jealous when he sees the baby nursing and tries to crawl into my lap to get some himself but he doesn't get too upset about having to wait his turn. I even nursed him at the birthing center after he woke up in the morning, and the midwives thought it was so cute. Now he is very useful in dealing with the engorgement. Everyone needs to have a nursing toddler around for this. He even chokes occasionally with so much milk; I don't think he is used to having to swallow so much anymore. I haven't tried to nurse them together yet, and I'm really unsure about how to manage it. Anyone have any advice or pictures of how to nurse a toddler and an infant together?
LuckyD, I really hope you can get here too. I wouldn't be at all surprised if she changed her mind when the new baby is here. It's such a good reminder that she is still loved and hasn't lost her place.

Congratulations! It sounds like it's all going really well. I know what you mean about how useful it is having the older one to manage the engorgement!

As for nursing together, I latched the baby first, lying down was easiest at first, then let the older one find their own way. She'd often kneel up, or lie over the back of me. I'll see if I can find a picture.

Edit; Got one! A bit more exposed than I'd usually have on the internet, so I'll probably take it down after a bit. Oh, and just to be clear - we didn't sleep with the duvet round Arthur like that :haha:

That photo is amazing! Love!
Well we are officially tandem nursing! DS #2 was born on Wed. at 1:24 in the morning. He nursed right away, and although his latch was good, he was a really lazy eater, but he's doing much better now and barely lost any weight. DS #1 has been doing really well with the new addition and learning to share Mommy's boobies. He does get jealous when he sees the baby nursing and tries to crawl into my lap to get some himself but he doesn't get too upset about having to wait his turn. I even nursed him at the birthing center after he woke up in the morning, and the midwives thought it was so cute. Now he is very useful in dealing with the engorgement. Everyone needs to have a nursing toddler around for this. He even chokes occasionally with so much milk; I don't think he is used to having to swallow so much anymore. I haven't tried to nurse them together yet, and I'm really unsure about how to manage it. Anyone have any advice or pictures of how to nurse a toddler and an infant together?
LuckyD, I really hope you can get here too. I wouldn't be at all surprised if she changed her mind when the new baby is here. It's such a good reminder that she is still loved and hasn't lost her place.


I used to find easiest way to feed together was to have a U-pillow on ym knee and have both in the rugby ball position. I'd attach baby and then have toddler attach herself. There's more pic's in my tandem story in my blog (see sig)

Spoiler....contains boobies with babies!
Congrats on the newborns!
I forget who asked but when I had my lo, my oldest had to miss 2 breastfeeds - bedtime and first thing in the morning, as a result (she was 25 months) she refused to go to bed and spent the night on the sofa with daddy, and when she came to the hospital to meet her brother after her breakfast she practically ignored him in her quest for a feed!! lol!!
In answer to the feeding at the same time question - I have occasionally fed together and I do so by sitting up with my oldest latched first in cradle hold and then the youngest laid on top of her (supported weigh wise by my arm and pillows/sofa), so they are both facing the same way i.e. my oldest can see the back of my youngest's head. Hope this makes sense!! Good luck xx
Thanks Tacey and Celesse for the pictures, and Mork for the explanation.. It helps to see how I might manage both. I tried to look at kellymom but looks like they took the pictures down, or perhaps they just won't open on my ipad. It looks like you have to be a little creative with the position of the toddler. Celesse, I love your nursing rules! We're just teaching Rowan how to gently touch his baby brother, and I'm a little worried that he would just try to crawl over the baby--actually he already does try to do this. I guess we will find our way. I never would have imagined I would be doing this a couple years ago.
tacey and celesse...awesome photos!!

jcg congrats!!!

so engorgement still happens in the beginning after your milk comes in???

I also had another question...did you ladies notice any changes in your behavior of your baby when you got pregnant?? like the extra hormones or something making them moody.
Okay ladies I need your help please.
I was one of those moms who go there period right after my LO was born so around 9 weeks my period returned and I have had a perfect cycle til last month. I had light spotting not really much of a period and I was beginning to wean him off slowly. Now I still breastfeed just morning and nights and my period is missing. Could I be pregnant or is my body out of wack since I started to wean him off.
Does anyone have any tips for ttc whilst bf. My period hasn't returned yet but ds is sleeping through the night although he still feeds 5 - 6 times a day x x
not sure if this will help anyone r if it will work for anyone was accidental for me!

I left lo for 24 hrs, pumped enough for her before and pumped after while I was away, but BAM, one week later my af returned and has been regular since, even tho I have only just night weaned 5 months on!

I think it was the skin to skin and let down hormones that DIDNT trigger for that day.

I have no advice for ttc before af returns, gl x
Hi ladies! Does anyone know how likely it is to be ovulating once periods have returned? I mean is it probable or could I be having periods without ovulating due to bf? I have had 3 periods/ 2 cycles. First cycle was 52 days but second was 29 which is back to normal for me. What do you think my chances of being fertile are?! Also, LO still feeds a few times overnight, is this bad for fertility?

TIA for any answers!
Hi ladies! Does anyone know how likely it is to be ovulating once periods have returned? I mean is it probable or could I be having periods without ovulating due to bf? I have had 3 periods/ 2 cycles. First cycle was 52 days but second was 29 which is back to normal for me. What do you think my chances of being fertile are?! Also, LO still feeds a few times overnight, is this bad for fertility?

TIA for any answers!

I began ovulating as soon as period returned even though cycles were anywhere from 28-55 days so they were far from regular. We conceived when DD was six months old in my 5th cycle after delivering her. She is exclusively breastfed on demand and nurses every 2-3 hours all day and night
So I've no cycle, DD is 13 months, no sign of cycle returning yet.
We want to TTC. Do we just wait it out?
I am very grumpy. VERY grumpy!!! Having managed to get pregnant without AF between #1 & #2 I was hoping for a Hat trick. But the stupid :witch: arrived on Sunday.

I'm not sure for certain when I ovulated but the Wednesday in the week before I had super sore boobs (which I put down to chompasaurous eating so much, but maybe he was eating more as supply was lower with ovulation hormones.) So if this was ovulation it gives me an 11 day LP.

So AF back 8 weeks after DD weaned and 4 weeks after DS started STTN.

On plus side we are officially TTC now....or at least I am and OH is looking forward to more sex.
hi all,

just reading a previous post and wanted to check something,

pre pregNancy and bf'ing I would always get sore boobs before af. beginning of last pregnancy they were mega sore, like wake me up when I roll over in bed.

but I never get sore boobs anymore, even with af back and tested so I know I'm this normal?

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