TTC Summer 2010 Girls

Aaah, well I think we'll definitely TTC next cycle. Now I am just waiting for O to be over... I think it will be in about 5 days as I just started getting EWCM. Hubby is currently witholding sex because he doesn't want to use a condom :( He really really wants a baby... it is so cute most of the time, and I feel lucky because I know some women spend a lot of effort convincing their husbands.... but right now it's annoying! Grr. Anyways... next cycle! I can't wait!

As for me... no teas or herbs, they kind of freak me out. But who knows, maybe I'll change my mind if we don't get lucky after a few months of trying!

Dinah, I can't see your chart either...

zb-I totally know how you feel. I think this last ovulation was the hardest for me, cuz I was like "aww, what's the big deal about starting a month earlier than planned"...but yeah, we stuck it out and are now 4DPO--so we can throw out the condoms! Yea!

You'll be there soon!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:
hi ladies can i move from may too im 27 oh 36 this is cycle 4 continuing my usual cycle is 28/29 days for 5 months like clock work anyway as ive just found out cycle 4 is now on cd 33/34 so af late 5 days but we also didnt contrate on ttc this month is been bery busy i managed to use opks just 2 days b4 ov day but when i check opk it was - then next day when i put the next 1 away i noticed the day b4 was + so i got frustated cos we only bded twice, once 2 days b4 est 1st fertile day and once around cd 21/24 ,which annoyed me so i thou give up til next af due 28th may which was i bad idea as im thinking now af hasnt arrived that i may have ovd later but thats the past i can give a date as i havent aclue when af will come as its the first time its been late but i dlike to chat to u all and af could b here anyday. fxd to u all.

thanks for all the welcome messages, still no af nut still also unsure when i ov this month as above says and i deffo think i missed my fertile patch as i still dont know when it was but i also havent charted this month properly been busy waiting for af to start afresh, but as is now 6/7 days late but as i said i can be pregnant may do a preg test tommo im curious lol even thou its like 2 bding sessions in 1 month nar. hurry up af i wanna start again.
hi ladies can i move from may too im 27 oh 36 this is cycle 4 continuing my usual cycle is 28/29 days for 5 months like clock work anyway as ive just found out cycle 4 is now on cd 33/34 so af late 5 days but we also didnt contrate on ttc this month is been bery busy i managed to use opks just 2 days b4 ov day but when i check opk it was - then next day when i put the next 1 away i noticed the day b4 was + so i got frustated cos we only bded twice, once 2 days b4 est 1st fertile day and once around cd 21/24 ,which annoyed me so i thou give up til next af due 28th may which was i bad idea as im thinking now af hasnt arrived that i may have ovd later but thats the past i can give a date as i havent aclue when af will come as its the first time its been late but i dlike to chat to u all and af could b here anyday. fxd to u all.

thanks for all the welcome messages, still no af nut still also unsure when i ov this month as above says and i deffo think i missed my fertile patch as i still dont know when it was but i also havent charted this month properly been busy waiting for af to start afresh, but as is now 6/7 days late but as i said i can be pregnant may do a preg test tommo im curious lol even thou its like 2 bding sessions in 1 month nar. hurry up af i wanna start again.

I would definitely test :)
more annoying cycle stuff--
perhaps this is all related to my cyst, i dunno. i had a temp drop today at 4dpo. i think this has happened to me before a couple times in my temping history. but i'm also having some blood tinged mucus now...very very light, not much. that usually doesn't happen to me (i don't even really spot much before AF comes). i'm hoping temp goes back up tomorrow and i have the normal LP for me.

simpler were the days when i didn't fret over every little cycle thing! :) i sometimes have to laugh at myself
Membas, sometimes I think that being able to laugh at ourselves is the only thing that is keeping us from getting committed! :shock:

As for me, cramping is getting stronger, and is now starting to spread out across my whole tummy rather than just the right side. I thought at first it was gas pain or something, but it seems to be hanging around.

So my brother and his gf just found out the sex of their baby (loooong depressing story, he'd juuuust turned 20, they'd only been together a month and she screwed up her BCP's. I was a hugely devastating blow to my whole family. I don't think I've cried so much in my life finding out that they were expecting... had the whole not-fair-why-not-me-i'm-trying-to-do-everything-right-beforehand moment... blah blah blah) yesterday. After getting BFN that morning, my brother calls me and tells me that "they're having a baby boy". I tried really hard to be excited for him but after I hung up with him I literally lost it all over again. :cry: I think that's why I am so frustrated with my cycle right now, because his deal is constantly being thrown in my face. I know he means well, but because he has known for a long time, waaay before we started trying, that I was really looking forward to TTC soon and so he always asks me about it which makes it even more difficult.

Ah well, not much I can do about it so why stress. I just wish that it was as easy for all of us as it (obviously) was for them. Starts me thinking about who women who don't even want babies are usually the ones that it is so easy for, which isn't a good mindset to be in. I'm just trying to keep in mind that there is one specific egg and one specific sperm that are meant to get together and create our little sweet pea!

I have a doctor's appt on June 9th, just for a regular checkup, but I think I am going to ask him to test my thyroid. In highschool I was tested and they said that I was on the extremely low end of normal, and they put my on a low dose of synthroid. When I got dropped off my parents insurance I stopped taking it, so haven't been on it for about 5 years. Whenever I stopped it I didn't really notice any changes but I was still on BCP's at the time, so who knows if that has something to do with it? I'm not getting too concerned at the mo because it's not like we've been steadily trying, but I thought that since I'd be in there anyway I'd get it looked at, since I had problems in the past.

Hope all you girls are having a good evening! :hugs:
hey ladies!
how you all doing tonight?
Sweetpea, tough day! :(

That sounds like a bad situation for your brother... do you like his girlfriend? It's funny, in real life that kind of situation is really hard and usually doesn't work out well. But in the movies things always turn out warm and fuzzy in the end and everyone decides it was for the best (i.e. Knocked Up). Hope it turns out okay for your brother.

Anyways, I'm hoping we all get speedy BFP's so we can stop worrying! It does seem like almost every single person on this board has something they're worried about with their cycles. It's hard to believe that we'll _all_ have trouble getting pregnant though, you know? Just based on statistics, a lot of us should get pregnant soon :D

Of course, after the BFP there will be other things to worry about for the next 9 months... 18 years... lifetime. :)
I didn't really get along with her at first, along with the rest of my family. She was sort of a "rebound" gf I think, because my brother just started dating her a few weeks after ending a close to three year relationship. I get along better with her now, but it feels somewhat forced, if you know what I mean. Afterall, it will be my nephew and I'll want to be able to spend time with him, so no use pissing off the momma!
Yes, I know what you mean! I don't particularly like my sister's boyfriend (the whole family doesn't really) but it's kind of getting to that point where it looks like he'll be sticking around so we might as well try to get along with him... I've actually noticed that he's been acting more mature lately so maybe someday I'll like him for real!
:hugs: sweetpea I hope you are feeling better now. that is a tough situation...keep your chin up lady! your time is coming and it will be perfect :)

we tossed out the condoms tonight! yea! well okay, we didn't really throw them out, we just put them away for the next who knows how long :winkwink::happydance::happydance::winkwink: SO said tonight "so does this mean we are now working on a baby?"....I said "well I'm not really gonna be fertile again for another 3+ weeks, but yeah, that's what it means". What a lovely moment :thumbup:

hope you are all having a nice evening
Yay membas!!! :wohoo:
I'm officially in the same boat from Sunday or so, very exciting!

SweetPea, I can only imagine how hard it must be for you to watch your brother get by accident what you're wanting so badly. But you've only just started trying, I'm sure you'll get you :bfp: soon.

Zb5 is right, chances are most of us will end up knocked up in the next few months. I think it's normal to worry though. Especially nowadays, where you spend so much time making sure your body can't get pregnant, I think it can then become hard to believe that it can when you want it to. But I also think it's a good idea to get checked over. SweetPea, if there's something wrong with your thyroid then that can be sorted relatively easily and you'll save yourself a lot of heartache by finding out asap. Real infertility is so rare these days, most problems can be dealt with relatively easily. So I think it's normal to worry but we should all make an effort not to. I'm sure in a few weeks the :bfp:s will just be roling in!
Membas, congrats on getting to the TTC stage!! Hurrah!
Zb5, toughie there for you the other night. Hang in there tho, you are almost there. As are you Amygdala.

Sweetpea, that's not easy re your brother. And having it so close makes it even harder. FX'd it works out so you can get lots of cuddles from your nephew. Totally natural to want to go and ball and wail after such a call. I know the feeling (though not so close), at least 2 friends of mine have gotten preggers and announced recently. Am off to see the new baby of another in a few weeks. And a girl in the office is just starting to show, having been surprised at how quick she fell following trying! Bumps and babies EVERYWHERE! But i guess it's gonna feel like that until we get our own. Which we WILL!!! As Amygdala says, there's so much clever stuff out there that even if some of us end up needing a hand along the way, we're all in with a good chance of getting our BFP's! It just might take a good few goes!

Right. Be back sunday evening. Have a good weekend everybody!

Fairybabe xx
Hey Ladies,

I haven't been a round for a bit. Thanks Amygdala for moving us to a ttc group.

Sweetpea, sorry your having such a rough time with all the up and downs in your cycle. I know it can be so frustrating when someone get pregnant by accident and you're trying. fingers crossed for you, you might still get it this cycle

Fairybabe, sorry the with got you, good luck this cycle

Yay for all the ladies ready to start next cycle!!

looks like O is just around the corner for me, I'm doing my opks twice a day and got a nice second line this morning, hoping for a positive in the next couple of days :)
Thanks so much everyone for your words of encouragement. Picked myself up after talking with him and dusted myself off, and am feeling a lot better after having that good cry! It means a lot that you all take the time to listen and are there to lean on when things like that come up!

Membas and Amyg, cheers for officially TTC (well, a few more days Amyg!!) Yay!!!

Laural - FX'ed you get a positive soon!
hi everyone, new user here!!! I am on Day 1 of my cycle and i was hoping day 1 wouldn't come... :( we have been ttc for 13 cycles now, and I think it is time to go see my doctor, but I have no idea what to say or bring up or show him! I have been taking my temp for 7 months, so i woudl bring that... What do they normally offer? suggestions, advice? thanks all - Reegan
hi everyone, new user here!!! I am on Day 1 of my cycle and i was hoping day 1 wouldn't come... :( we have been ttc for 13 cycles now, and I think it is time to go see my doctor, but I have no idea what to say or bring up or show him! I have been taking my temp for 7 months, so i woudl bring that... What do they normally offer? suggestions, advice? thanks all - Reegan

Hi Reegan,
I'm not sure how that process works, but if you feel it's time to go for a visit, you should definitely do so. I'm sorry it has been such a long journey for you. I would take your temp charts with you and any other cycle notes you have--like do you get fertile mucus, if you have used any OPKs then include those results. I don't know what their first step is--they probably do an exam, maybe an ultrasound and take blood. They might consider looking at your partner's sperm as well. Those are just things I've heard from other folks. Best of luck, and welcome to the group! Perhaps it'll be a lucky group for you! Sending you positive thoughts.
Hi Reegan! :hi:
I think taking your temp charts with you is probably the most important bit. Do you know if you're ovulating/hitting the right time? I'm sure the doctor will tell you where to go from here. It might be something really simple they can do. Good luck with the appointment!
af arrived this evening so on to a new month gd luck to all.x

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