
My list of things that I am appreciative of and thankful for:

1. My gorgeous, darling partner.
He treats me like a princess and even though we can't see each other all the time and as often as I'd like, he is truly the most special guy.

2. My dad:
He might irritate me sometimes, and act like a total d*ckhead, but he's still my dad and he still lets me get away with murder like he always has!

3. My horse
In January, he was a distrustful, wary, extremely shy animal due to the abuse he'd suffered at the hands of stupid people. To see him blossoming under my care (and I'm a person who until now hasn't gotten to spend a lot of time around horses in any way apart from the occasional trail rides at horse riding places) has just given me so much joy!

4. My doggies, Angel and Emmy.
They're my little rays of sunshine. No matter how bad I feel, how mean I am, or how cranky I get, they love me and adore me. And every day when I come home, they are so thrilled to see me its crazy. I love them so much! My gorgeous furbabies!

5. My chickens.
They're stupid, brainless, really dumb and they do the most stupid things, but its those stupid things that can actually enthrall me for hours. I mean, I know what they say, small things amuse small minds and even smaller minds watch on, but have you ever sat and just watched chickens do chickenny things? It's actually quite funny!

6. The rest of my family. :fool:
Sometimes, they're a bunch of a$$holes, but whose family isn't? At the end of the day, they do love me and support me, no matter what stupid things I've done in life.

7. Every day that goes by. :shipw:
Yes, I am thankful for that. Yes, sometimes its $hit and sometimes the world can be a horrible place, but I'm thankful God chose me to be a part of this world, that I was the fastest sperm on that day, that I'm here in this strange, whacky, ugly but also beautiful, insane, messed up, bizarro, wonderful world.

8. Being female. :kiss:
Yes, sometimes it sucks having boobs that jiggle, and a butt that could kill something if I sat on it, but I love being female. I love that my body can do the most awesome things, like someday carry a baby and make a baby delicatessan, also that I can enthrall a guy with something so trivial as a pair of chesticles.

9. That I am a unique human being :dance:
And know there is nobody in the world exactly like me. Yes it sucks sometimes because nobody on earth will ever experience things on this planet the exact same way I do because we're made differently, but why be the same as someone else? I like being unique and single.

10. That I have spent six months being relatively happy WITHOUT drugs.:happydance:
I suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder, part of which is incredible problems with depressive moods, but I've spent 6 months being happy at least 95% of the time and I am on NO mood stabilising meds. NONE at all!

11. BnB and all you girls here on the TTHF thread. :hugs:
You help to make my TTC life much more interesting and I don't feel so alone, knowing you lovely, beautiful, sweet girls are here and in it with me!
<3 <3 <3 to you all!
Those are lovely lists :hugs::flower:

Moon the flu is prob increasing your temps and messing up AF may be!!

Lilaala hope your DH is ok and you hear some good news soon :hugs:

Lucky Im still so excited for you!
I said I'd do another pee stick test on Day 8, so that is tomorrow.
I have a FRER test. If its negative, I wil try to get in with some doctor, any doctor, ASAP for blood to be taken.
Moon, Hopefully your bank and paypal works out for you. No AF still huh? How are you feeling? Yoe feeling pregnant?

Tryfor that video is so beautiful and made me cry :hugs: it does a great job on showing whats ahead with a new baby to come for you. :flower:

Moon hell that would annoy me all right! may be a blood test off the doc?

Myturnyet, hope you had a lovely evening with DH :winkwink: good luck on the launch of your site.

I have decided that with the lack of jobs and with a new baby on the way and childcare being so expensive, I going to work from home making modern cloth nappies, baby gowns and many more things my sister is going to make bags and little bracelets for baby's I'm so excited. Hope it goes well now. I made my DD christening gown out of my wedding dress and it was beautiful and her bonnet. it felt great to make something my self for her and I can use it again now FX .

Nice idea! The pictures are beautiful!!!!

OK ladies, an embarrassing story to brighten your day!!!

So today is Saturday and it is gorgeous. Not a cloud in the sky, little wind, beautiful.
We decide to go out on the boat for a spot of fishing to try and catch our dinner.

We dropped the lines in in a few places and the fish were not even biting. I actually almost caught a big flathead but it got off as we were trying to bring it on the boat, but after that nothing. So we decide to go back to this lovely sand island we were on the other day where there was thousands and thousands of little soldier crabs - very cute.

The tide was on the way out and there was not much of the sand bar exposed yet but still enough to bank the boat and do some fishing. Dave takes a run up to the sand but doesn't quite give it enough power to bank it but we are almost right up to the shore and the water is crystal clear and looks pretty shallow.

Being the mariners wife that I am it is my job to anchor and such stuff so I roll up my shorts and get ready to jump in and pull the boat up to pop the anchor in the sand. The water looks to be about 30cm deep so I figure at worst I will get my shorts a bit wet. No drama.

How wrong could I be?

I jump in and am completely submerged. It was so deep I didn't even touch the bottom! Seriously, I went down like a pencil dive and disappeared!!! All that was left of me was my hat floating on the water where I once was! I had to SWIM all of 1-2 meters to shore!

And now I realise that most of you are in the middle of summer and think how lovely a dip in the ocean would be right now, but I need to remind you that it is the middle of winter here! I was wearing a big woolen jumper and a scarf, it was effing freezing! Then the boat drifted out and they had to get the stupid thing started again and come back and rescue me. I cried :(

Epic fail, or should I say epic sink. And no fish for dinner!

:rofl: You are always too funny!!! I feel bad for you getting soaked in ice cold water :hugs:

Hey ladies!

How are you all doing?

I have had the craziest weekend....haven't been near a computer since Friday.

My grandfather went into hosptial at the beginning of the week with an infection, but he was doing well and getting better. Friday morning I was at work and my Mum called and told me he was really sick. The doctors didn't think he would make it through the day. Mum was calling all the family, and they were all driving/flying in from around New Zealand. Me and my OH drove into the hospital, and spent the day there with the family...Grandad was really unwell, on oxygen, not really conscious or able to speak. It was so upsetting. The Drs said to prepare ourselves - the infection had gone into his blood and he didn't look like he was going to be able to fight it off.

But by the end of Friday night he was able to speak slightly and eat some food. By Saturday he was talking and joking (although still really sick). And then today they have reduced his oxygen, he is eating everything in sight, and no-one can believe it. The Drs actually called it a 'miracle'. I am so happy about it, it is amazing.

We have been staying with the family all weekend and just got home a few hours ago. I am 14dpo today and started spotting brown blood this morning and having stomach cramps. I was 100% certain AF was arriving. Then the spotting stopped. I don't know why, but I took an OPK, and it was really positive. So I took a HPT - and it was positive.

I can't believe it. I am feeling very cautious about it...don't want to get too worked up...but it was definitely positive.

So yeah, one crazy weekend!

OMG! OMG! OMG! Congratulations!!! :dance:
Well I don't really know what being pregnant feels like, so its hard to say.

Dunno what to think at this point in time. I'm just confused and wish whatever would happen (whether it be BFP or AF) would happen already and let me get on with it!
I know right. Either af come of bfp. There is nothing worse while ttc than being in limbo!
hey girls im here just mega busy sense saturday, we went to andys parents for them to celabrate skyes birthday then yesterday we had skyes birthday party with my family and tomorrow its her proper birthday but she is at school so busy busy busy, not thought about TTC in a few days though what with being busy but i will try to get time to read up i promise

congrats to the girls with BFP
Hugs to the girls with AF coming or got it
and catch that eggy to the girls that are ovulating
Congrats LuckyD!!! This is turning into a lucky thread now - hoping the rest of you make your way over soon.

Moon sorry you are in limbo - really liked your list of positives. Hope you will know what is going on soon.

Anna sounds like fun - what did you do for the party?
Oh thats right! I'm really sorry you had to deal with that this weekend. Way to stay strong during the ceremony hon. We had a very chill weekend, got all my cleaning and weeding done : )
I am thankful for so many things in my life. Here is my list.

#1. That I have a TRULY happy marriage. I have found my soul mate.

#2. That I have a healthy happy and vibrant soon to be 6 year old daughter.

#3. That no matter what we go through in our life together, my husband is the most loving, caring and supportive being in my life. He is my funny man!!

#4. That the people in my life who have lost their way have found sobriety in their life and that they are here today and following their programs.

#5. That I was/am able to stay home with my daughter and still keep the house afloat. Not many mom's could do that. ;)

There is more I am thankful for but the most important thing to me is that I have my own little family.
Oh thats right! I'm really sorry you had to deal with that this weekend. Way to stay strong during the ceremony hon. We had a very chill weekend, got all my cleaning and weeding done : )

Thanks :hugs:

Ugh....thats what I have to do today and tomorrow. CLEANING!!! BOOO! LOL I have to be honest with you but BnB is making me more sad since all this. TTC felt repetative, then fist tri scared the crap out of me now back to TTC and TTC after loss is scaring me again!!!! AGHHHH!!! LOL

At least yur weeding and cleaning is done!!! :winkwink:
Congrats LuckyD!!! This is turning into a lucky thread now - hoping the rest of you make your way over soon.

Moon sorry you are in limbo - really liked your list of positives. Hope you will know what is going on soon.

Anna sounds like fun - what did you do for the party?

i got her a bouncy castle she loved it, if you have facebook then look for Anna DuncanWasEustace, there you can see the pictures if you add me
Hi girls-missed you all tons but I didn't get a day off this hellish work week and my arm is bothering me so much to type! Plus I was REALLY sad when AF hit me this time but on to our break then and tthf!

I'll do my best to catch up-been lurking all wknd:

Luckyd-having our business is really great except of course that I sometimes (often) work 6-7 days a week really long hours. But it's from a home office so that makes a big difference. Dickhead & I (hahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!) don't seem to need space.--I'm sure its not totally healthy but we are crazy best friends and love it. I do miss actually MISSING him though-and sometimes on date night we don't have much to talk about b/c we've been blabbering to each other all day long, all week long!
I think your idea about an awesome youth service sounds lovely!!!! Hope grandpa is doing well also and of course keeping the congrats coming and coming and coming!!!!!
I think its so awesome you thought witch was coming-but truthfully didn't need to know you spotted all day!!! OH no!!!! That will= more crazyness for me, lol! I spotted all day Thurs. which is extremely rare for me. I kept trying to tell myself it was pg spotting and not af! :doh:

Jaimie-I love how you have proclaimed me the "Queen of TTC Aids-especially ones that you stick up the vajay!!!" :rofl:........But alas Celtic she's right-I tried accupuncture last year for quite some time, been on maca a year, have DH taking maca, fertilaid and even ayervedic semen stuff, I've tried EPO, soy (no impressive bfp rate for me), wild yam, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. Thanks tho for all the info!

Soph-how cold does it get in Australia during the winter? I always pictured it like Florida here. Sometimes we get 30's-50's in the winter but rarely and only in the morning and then it's usually back to 70's + in the afternoon. Your story made me BRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Moondance-keeping my fx'd for you-I've never been that late-must make you crazy!!!!

Honeybee-Congrats on the exam!!!!!!!

Myturn-I have something written here about you going to the fs alone. I can't remember the details now, duh. But will go back and reread-FX'd! LOVE the 5 things/gratitude list-excllent idea and love the new acroymn we have for our DH's!!

Jaimie-one more thing-OVULICIOUS!!!! :HA:
So another Big Fat No Way on the pee stick this morning. So I phoned the doctor and they got me an appointment for 12:45 with the same lovely, funny, lady doctor I had last time.
So hopefully she can send me downstairs to the vampires who will suck my blood and tell me WTF is going on!!!!

Getting really annoyed with this state of limbo crud. Not going anywhere and not knowing why!

For some reason I don't feel very hopeful about the blood test, have a feeling in my gut it will come back negative also, which sucks, but I'll let everyone know whenever I get test results back.
So another Big Fat No Way on the pee stick this morning. So I phoned the doctor and they got me an appointment for 12:45 with the same lovely, funny, lady doctor I had last time.
So hopefully she can send me downstairs to the vampires who will suck my blood and tell me WTF is going on!!!!

Getting really annoyed with this state of limbo crud. Not going anywhere and not knowing why!

For some reason I don't feel very hopeful about the blood test, have a feeling in my gut it will come back negative also, which sucks, but I'll let everyone know whenever I get test results back.

:hugs: ugh, so sorry Moon. Stupid witch.... I mean, really, either show the F up or don't and give you a BFP. Pick one ugly witch! :wacko:

:wave: hi everyone, I kinda forgot everything else to reply to! :dohh:
Other than this stupid ... being left to wonder wtf is going on, I am actually pretty happy today.
Doing some rope training with my horse, and he's doing so well. The past few days I've had to spin a rope around in circles whilst near him, to get him used to the whole idea of rope spinning around and not hurting him, and he was doing so well with that, today we progressed onto standing near him and just tossing the rope over his back. He took it marvellously. A few times got a little perturbed and backed up a bit, but I soothed him with love and kisses and he kept going.
Appears to be more touchy about it on his right side than the left, the left side is like "yeah, do what ya want" but the right side he is more cautious and wary.
But he did so well, I am very happy!
hey girlies, alright?

im so sleepy, work has been metal and i went out last night and got home late, then had a little drunken bd lol.

i am grateful for a lot of things, mainly my gorgeous dh, my family, my friends including my bnb friends, ice cream, having a job that pays ok, having a great house, being able to go on amazing holidays....... love it. i really love my life.
would love to have a little bubba to share it with, i sure i will do soon, i just i wish i knew how long i'll have to wait.

lol d*ckhead!!! that's so funny!!! bless our dh's. cant be easy for them.

right must go on, need to go sort out some stuff at work that i messed up on friday.

have a lovely day/eve.xxxx
Hi everyone, I didn't want to just dissapear without saying thank you to everyone.

I am going to take a break from BnB for a while to spend a bit more chillax time with OH.

I really hope that when I come back the whole of this thread will have graduated over to the Pregnancy section.

Thank you girls so much for making me laugh.

Love you all xx

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