Wooohooo for the BFP avalanche!
Yea, it would be much different asking for reimbursement for the blinds from your friend. Is she paying you to watch her dog? If so, I would call it a wash but if she isn't paying you, well then I would be tempted to ask. But it would be hard. Depends on the type of friend, you know?
I think the dog I'm watching just got sick from the carpet padding our dog tore up trying to get him out of his pen - seems to be feeling better now! The snack is a good idea, our dog will do that in the mornings too sometimes, especially when he gets over heated and drinks too much water.
My DH can't make the appointment either, but he has to fill out a long medical history form that I'll bring. He has also gotten an SA so I'll bring that with me.
Kinda nervous that my appointment got moved up two months - I was planning on trying to take a break for July and August then regroup for the original appointment in September. Just hoping that starting the diagnostic tests doesn't make me super edgy and emotional ~ I'd REALLY like to lay this whole burden down for a while! Maybe I'll just be able to put it into the doctor's hands and let go a little.
Bullet tore up your carpet padding? I need to go back and read up...still so far behind! I think we'll mention the blinds to our friends and see what they say. They offered to pay us to watch the dog, but we feel weird taking money...I think I'll let them replace the blinds if they offer, but maybe will get the faux wood ones which are a little less expensive. I'd still have to get them custom made because we have really weird sized windows.
I totally know what you mean about being nervous about the appointment. I'm kind of nervous, too. I agree with the idea of putting it in the doctor (and God's) hands. Let's both try to take it easy. It's BFP avalanche month, so will happen for us soon, too.
Oh yikes, that's kind of a tough one, Jill.... hmph. Personally, I wouldn't be able to say anything, but then I'd hold a grudge. No good comes from that!
Anyway, you could mention that the dog ruined your blinds, then wait to see what your friend says. I have those cellular blinds as well, custom-sized to fit my window... I'd be pretty upset about it. My OH put his dirty hand on one of ours and I flipped out on him.

I'm thinking I should have gotten every piece of furniture, floor covering, towel etc in dirt brown so I wouldn't be able to see exactly where he's been in the house each day! I feel like I'm cleaning up after a four year old sometimes!
Yeah, for some reason, we have a white couch and you see every spec of dirt on it...one day I left a pen on the couch though and it exploded, so I'm not one to complain about DH and his friends getting it dirty. Luckily, we got the warranty so they came out and cleaned up the stain...you can't even see it at all. Wish I could say the same for our blinds.
Moon, I'm very sorry to hear about that stupid witch.

Edited: Just saw your post, below, that spotting went away. Hmmmm...intriguing. Fx'd!

Lucky, just read your story and got the chills, too. How awesome is that? So you got your land, new job, and BFP in a very short time, huh? It reminded me that I keep thinking of proposing that we write the things on here that we are grateful for. I've been kind of moping around feeling sorry for myself. I'll start. Here are 5 things I'm grateful for:
1) Have the best DH ever...he is very considerate, sweet, giving. Plus, he's smart and totally hot. I love him with all my heart.
2) My supportive family, beautiful sister, brother-in-law and my nieces and nephew.
3) My little beagle, Charlie.
4) Have a decent paying job that is semi-creative.
5) Have a cute townhouse in a quiet wooded area and nice deck.