
Trying to catch up on some of everything that I've missed, and I find THIS!

I have another word that I don't like - nips.
Nips sounds really dirty, but nipples is a happy word!

Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipppppppppppppsssssssssssssssssss!!!! I love nips. I love saying "wanna grope mah nips?" to my sweety, he just starts laughing!!!! Coulda killed him a few weeks ago. I was on his computer and he comes up behind me and stuffs his hand down my shirt and grabs my boobs, one in each hand. His hands were cold so I squirmed and told him "no gropage until you warm up those hands" so he complains and says "ok ok" and walks into the kitchen, can hear him fiddling with what sounds like the frypan, so I'm thinkin "yeah, he's making his hands toasty and warm above the frypan" .... turns out he was sticking his hands in the FREEZER. He came back out and stuck these ICE COLD hands down my top, I squealed!!!!! Literally, out loud, squealage!!! He was piddling himself laughing. I chased him around poking him, and then he got ME on the floor, poking and tickling me! I <3 my sweety!

Laughing my arse off now!!!! That's totally something my hubby would do, only instead of the freezer he'd pretend he was going to actually try to fry his hands warm to get me to stop him. :dohh: Boys!

Nips is totally dirty! :haha: I watch Scrubs and JD calls nipples 'Nerps' which I think is freaking hilarious. :rofl: You know what other word isn't technically dirty but I can't read without thinking it's SOooooo frigging dirty? Moist.

Moon I am so frigging excited about your FF chart!!!

As for Maca, I like the capsules, never liked the supposedly dissolvable powder, hope you had success finding some good and actually dissolvable stuff!

My temp today didn't stay high as it was yesterday, but still well above coverline. I'm going to just wait it out now and see what happens.
I can't take capsules OR tablets, they make me throw up (I have the most bizarre gag reflex, it chooses to react over random things).
Now its 5 days late. I shall wait until one whole week has passed and I am 8 days late before testing again. If AF comes between now and then, then she will, if she doesn't, then I test. I'm not gunna start stressing about it.
(Already being late consumes my thoughts and the days seem to go on forever before the next day comes and I get to check my temp again, crazy).

Today is my official "Scoop the Poop" day at my horses paddock.
Yesterday my friend Lisa and I went out there and she attempted to help me put him on the long line and do some lunging work with him. He stood at the end of the long line, looking hellishly confused and extremely upset, trembling. Then he'd just put his head down, totally upset and walk up to me nervously, hiding his face in my chest. So after a few rounds of this, we got him out to the end of the long line and Lisa had me twirl the end of it a little, around in a circle to get him to move out. Well, absolutely terrified, he bolted. Full on race horse flying start, hunkered his rump down, launched himself 3 feet into the air and ran. Ten seconds later he'd calmed down, but golly it scared him.
Now I have to take time desensitizing him to the whole area. Lisa reckons its possible he was flogged with a rope which is why he's so scared, and my other friend Jane thinks maybe its because he was lunged to within an inch of his sanity being an ex racer. Not sure about her theory, as he didn't seem to even understand what was expected of him.
Am taking him his breakfast now.
Hey ladies!

How are you all doing?

I have had the craziest weekend....haven't been near a computer since Friday.

My grandfather went into hosptial at the beginning of the week with an infection, but he was doing well and getting better. Friday morning I was at work and my Mum called and told me he was really sick. The doctors didn't think he would make it through the day. Mum was calling all the family, and they were all driving/flying in from around New Zealand. Me and my OH drove into the hospital, and spent the day there with the family...Grandad was really unwell, on oxygen, not really conscious or able to speak. It was so upsetting. The Drs said to prepare ourselves - the infection had gone into his blood and he didn't look like he was going to be able to fight it off.

But by the end of Friday night he was able to speak slightly and eat some food. By Saturday he was talking and joking (although still really sick). And then today they have reduced his oxygen, he is eating everything in sight, and no-one can believe it. The Drs actually called it a 'miracle'. I am so happy about it, it is amazing.

We have been staying with the family all weekend and just got home a few hours ago. I am 14dpo today and started spotting brown blood this morning and having stomach cramps. I was 100% certain AF was arriving. Then the spotting stopped. I don't know why, but I took an OPK, and it was really positive. So I took a HPT - and it was positive.

I can't believe it. I am feeling very cautious about it...don't want to get too worked up...but it was definitely positive.

So yeah, one crazy weekend!
omg Lucky!!!! What a weekend you have had. I am so glad your grandfather is doing well and a :bfp:, you little ripper!!!!!!!! Am so happy for you and hope that spotting stays away for you. What a lovely way to end the weekend with good news on all fronts! :D
omg Lucky!!!! What a weekend you have had. I am so glad your grandfather is doing well and a :bfp:, you little ripper!!!!!!!! Am so happy for you and hope that spotting stays away for you. What a lovely way to end the weekend with good news on all fronts! :D

Thanks love! Yeah, its been an emotional rollercoaster of a weekend for sure!

I am feeling pretty overwhelmed and also nervous!!

My temp today didn't stay high as it was yesterday, but still well above coverline. I'm going to just wait it out now and see what happens.
I can't take capsules OR tablets, they make me throw up (I have the most bizarre gag reflex, it chooses to react over random things).
Now its 5 days late. I shall wait until one whole week has passed and I am 8 days late before testing again. If AF comes between now and then, then she will, if she doesn't, then I test. I'm not gunna start stressing about it.
(Already being late consumes my thoughts and the days seem to go on forever before the next day comes and I get to check my temp again, crazy).

Today is my official "Scoop the Poop" day at my horses paddock.
Yesterday my friend Lisa and I went out there and she attempted to help me put him on the long line and do some lunging work with him. He stood at the end of the long line, looking hellishly confused and extremely upset, trembling. Then he'd just put his head down, totally upset and walk up to me nervously, hiding his face in my chest. So after a few rounds of this, we got him out to the end of the long line and Lisa had me twirl the end of it a little, around in a circle to get him to move out. Well, absolutely terrified, he bolted. Full on race horse flying start, hunkered his rump down, launched himself 3 feet into the air and ran. Ten seconds later he'd calmed down, but golly it scared him.
Now I have to take time desensitizing him to the whole area. Lisa reckons its possible he was flogged with a rope which is why he's so scared, and my other friend Jane thinks maybe its because he was lunged to within an inch of his sanity being an ex racer. Not sure about her theory, as he didn't seem to even understand what was expected of him.
Am taking him his breakfast now.[/QUOTE]

I worked with horses for many years, breaking them for a few years then I worked in racing yards as well, I say he was never lunged correctly every thing with race horses is fast, they are taken in from the field, bridle and saddle goes on lunged in a enclosed area long rein to make them tired no trotting at all, all canter work the end of that session (first time long reined) some one will lay across their back so basically by the end of the first week he will be on the gallops cantering with dead sides and prob a dead mouth. so you are starting all over. its sad the way they break Thoroughbreds some of them end up mental. oh and its in their nature to buck and rare hot blooded.
ID go super slow with him and he will come round they do make beautiful horse's to ride. your right though I say he was like what the hell do they want me to do! he will prob go mad for the first few minutes then clam down when he knows nothing bad is going to happen were you lunging him one reined or two, I find two better more control and he will feel it on his sides. I always used my body and voice to encourage them on. I used to walk at the horse head while my boss held the ropes may be a bit dangerous though if he started messing for you now. ok did not mean to go on lol brought back memories there! it will be very rewarding when you have him going well again :thumbup:

How is ever one else doing I have to go back a re read every thing again

OOH Jaimie I have a picture of the Gown I made I will post it here for you first is the dress, second had the hat I made, shoes I bought, 3rd is Eireann wearing it sitting on my Nanas knee


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  • Eireann with NANA.jpg
    Eireann with NANA.jpg
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Bright red spotting on toilet paper when I go to the toilet.
Looks like AF is going to get me tomorrow perhaps.
Hey ladies!

How are you all doing?

I have had the craziest weekend....haven't been near a computer since Friday.

My grandfather went into hosptial at the beginning of the week with an infection, but he was doing well and getting better. Friday morning I was at work and my Mum called and told me he was really sick. The doctors didn't think he would make it through the day. Mum was calling all the family, and they were all driving/flying in from around New Zealand. Me and my OH drove into the hospital, and spent the day there with the family...Grandad was really unwell, on oxygen, not really conscious or able to speak. It was so upsetting. The Drs said to prepare ourselves - the infection had gone into his blood and he didn't look like he was going to be able to fight it off.

But by the end of Friday night he was able to speak slightly and eat some food. By Saturday he was talking and joking (although still really sick). And then today they have reduced his oxygen, he is eating everything in sight, and no-one can believe it. The Drs actually called it a 'miracle'. I am so happy about it, it is amazing.

We have been staying with the family all weekend and just got home a few hours ago. I am 14dpo today and started spotting brown blood this morning and having stomach cramps. I was 100% certain AF was arriving. Then the spotting stopped. I don't know why, but I took an OPK, and it was really positive. So I took a HPT - and it was positive.

I can't believe it. I am feeling very cautious about it...don't want to get too worked up...but it was definitely positive.

So yeah, one crazy weekend!

Ok well I posted on your journal, I think I may have lost it on excitment for you :happydance::hugs: so happy for you. FX its a sticky bub better be. and Im glad your Grandfather is doing much better as well :hugs:
Celtic, I was only doing it with the one line, he's not even really ready for that right now.

I think part of his confusion stems from the fact that the racing stables, they clipped them up to a motorised exercise machine that led them around, not a person lunging. And he is SO well trained on the lead that once he has a clip on his halter, his training instincts kick in that he is supposed to be walking behind or beside you. So when you're trying to get him to be 20 feet away on this long line, he's confused.
Because too, he is so scared of the twirling rope, my friend Jane who does Parelli natural horsemanship, suggested to put him on the line, walk away from him and keep as much distance between myself and him as humanly possible, so while he's clipped and still attached to me, keep walking AWAY, not even looking at him and twirl the rope like I don't even remember he's there.
He was only about six feet behind me and I twirled the rope and he didn't balk at all. Yet if you turn and face him and do it, he poops himself!
and CONGRATS LUCKY!!!!! You are Lucky Dragon! :P
Hope its a sticky sticky oh so sticky bean!
I always remember about dragons. I loves dragons.
Still remember being a kid and saying "Ima dwagon, me fly" and running around the house with my arms out to the sides.

Loves all the mythy beasties. Always wished dragons were real so I could have one as a pet. Like Hagrid and Norbert.

and and and.... Lucky Dragon makes me think of Luck Dragon and he's Falcor and he's awesome.
Yes, my brain is broken today. I am so exhausted.
And tired.
And hateful of my body for being such a baby tease!

Yup, AF is here. Had to just put a pad in my panties as I was getting pink patches on my panties.
lucky!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSS!! Congrats lovely, fx for you. did you do anything different this cycle? glad your grandad is
Girrl what did I tell you? I totally totes TOLD you that you'd be one of those gals that thinks AF is on the way and it never shows!!! Actually, it kinda freaks me out that I told you that just a few days ago. I am ecstatic for you!:yipee::headspin::yipee:

It is amazing that your grandad turned that blood infection around, I've known people that have passed once they got to that stage and it is serious stuff. I'm so happy for you Lucky! Now you get to visit your friend and help with her newborn with a BFP :thumbup:

Niamh - the christening gown and hat are gorgeous. I wish you great success with making them, hope you get loads of orders.

Moon - really sorry about the late AF, that sucks. I'm due for another one of those cycles ~ I have one every now and then.

:flower: Hi ya honeybee!
How many threads can I say congratulations on.. :haha: CONGRATULATIONS LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh... and I saw that you had told DH, but tell us the story of how you told him! What was his reaction???
i havent been using opks this cycle or my cbfm
my tummy feels funny at the moment, like it normally does when i ov, and i thought mmmmmm i bet im ovulating. so i did a cheapo opk and it was super positive, and a digi and got a smiley face YEY!! (ntnp is going well as you can see lol). is it wrong im really pleased with myself for being about to tell when im ovulating?! (i hardly ever get fertile cm so cant tell from that!)
I'm psyched that you can tell when you are ovulicious from signs other than ewcm, because I hardly ever get that either HoneyBee : ) I'm right there with you - bloating and ov pains. Yup, not paying attention and relaxing is going super well :thumbup::haha: Let's eat some ice cream! Wish we could get pg that way...

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