Brand new mumma!
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and lol no you're not an idiot for symptom spotting! Ive been known to do it even when af is here! lmao!!
you are so flipping lucky to have short cycles! I swear yours are about 2 weeks shorter than mine!!
i think every other day is enough from everything that ive read, fx for you. LUCKY CYCLE 9!!!
omg, 85 kids in one room!!! Thats crazy, you would think that would be illegal or something. really hope it gets sorted soon for you, must be driving you mental.
have you been out on your boat lately? what's the weather like there at the moment? it's coming to the end of your winter right?
ive lost 2 pounds in the last week woop woop. my 'if i cant have a baby belly i will have an amazing toned belly' plan is off to a good start.
just realised ive got a testing night out on friday night, allllllll my bestest drinking buddies are going out. big test for my willpower.
JAIMIEEEEEEE!!!! Oh I've missed you!!! How ya doing?
Soph - I've cut back on my drinking and started to do some exercise. and trying not to eat pasta/bread/pizza too often in the evenings. i never used to do any exercise, now i swim or do a fitness dvd everyday. im aiming to lose another 5 or so pounds.
Jill! Hey girl!! Missed you. ooooh you're oving, exciting. i dont really have any tips for cutting back on alcohol im afraid, i think it'll be one of those things that gets easier the longer it goes on.... i hope!!
I cant wait for my cbfm to peak, i reckon it'll happen around the weekend.
Hehe, thank you!!Hiya Jill!!!!!!! Happy O day for you! Jill, I think it must have been the supplements that caused me to O so early, but I am not complaining! Looks like we will all be in the 2ww soon. Happy days to come
Ok, I really need to get ready for work now. Have a good day, or night wherever you are!
Awesome Titi!!! Congrats!!I have clear tubes! yay!
Don't have time to catch up-will come on and read up & update tomorrow. : )
:wave: Hey girls! Just thought I would drop in and say hey! Congrats to those who have recieved good news lately!
It seems as though my break from bnb hasn't helped one bit... I am actually more stressed than ever about ttc!
Anyway, I thought I would share some information with you girls and see what you think about it. DH and I went to see the urologist last week so he could get checked out. We had been bding every other day, but according to the urologist that is way too much. He says that we should bd every 3-4 days max. But my midwife says we should bd every other day... I don't know who to listen to, but since every other day definitely isn't working I am thinking about trying every 3-4 days and see what happens... it can't make things any worse. Can it?