
lol that's hilarious!!! Im not sure how many times we've done it.... but if it's saying 4 times a week for the fertile week and on average 6 months, how is that 104 times?!
lol that's hilarious!!! Im not sure how many times we've done it.... but if it's saying 4 times a week for the fertile week and on average 6 months, how is that 104 times?!

I think it's 4 times a week EVERY week for 6 months! No way did me and my OH manage anything like that!
it's a good day here, high on the cbfm, and some ewcm this evening!! I hardly ever get it so i get super excited when i do lol. called my hubs and told him to get home from work now. Need some spermies waiting for when the egg is released lol!!

im studying at the moment, its so boring. had yummy soup and oatcakes for dinner though. yum. what's everyone up to?

niamh, tanikit! hey preggers! How ya doing?
Hey Honey whoo hoo for EWCM get busy, boom boom shake the room :haha:
Im good :thumbup: Im loving soup lately its a great cure for my MS and Im craving it LOL this is a first! curry beans just dont work any more yuck!

Emily, hoorah for the high!!! It looks like I did indeed O super early and am already 2dpo! So the waiting has begun. Dh was not willing to deviate from the 'every other day' plan to do an extra session last night so home we did enough! I will still force him into an insurance session tonight though ;)

Is 2dpo to early to start symptom spotting??? LOL I swear my boobs are tender! I'm an idiot right?

I am so over work right now. The start of the term was ok but I have really been feeling the frustration the last couple of weeks. At the moment the year 6 block at my school is being renovated (will be awesome when it is finished) so since the start of term 6 weeks ago, all the year 6s have been jammed like sardines into 1 room together. That's 85 kids in one room!!!!!!! It also means that when we do maths and reading groups thee are no classroom for the groups to work in, so sometime we have to take the kids outside, or traipse them over to the other campus to work in the library, or work in a tiny withdrawal room. It totally suck and we are over it. The kids have managed really well but they are starting to shit me now too. They are over it. I need my space. I need a desk to put my crap! We are supposed to be moving back into our rooms next wed/thurs. I am being the pessimist, but I doubt it.

Thats so cool Soph in the tww already excellent, Im with you I will do a spoilt little girl dance if I dont see some BFP soon in here :winkwink: oh and 2DPO is so not to early for symptom spotting I did as well more so this time than before esp as closer to end of tww my boobs got sore, they never get sore!!!!

I'm right on cycle with honeybee and soph :happydance:
Hello :hugs: missed you so much, its been sooo quite here with out you :hugs:
Howdy TTHFers! Miss yas!

I have clear tubes! yay!

Don't have time to catch up-will come on and read up & update tomorrow. : )

YAY :happydance: cant wait to hear all about it Titi :flower:
:wave: Hey girls! Just thought I would drop in and say hey! Congrats to those who have recieved good news lately!

It seems as though my break from bnb hasn't helped one bit... I am actually more stressed than ever about ttc!

Anyway, I thought I would share some information with you girls and see what you think about it. DH and I went to see the urologist last week so he could get checked out. We had been bding every other day, but according to the urologist that is way too much. He says that we should bd every 3-4 days max. But my midwife says we should bd every other day... I don't know who to listen to, but since every other day definitely isn't working I am thinking about trying every 3-4 days and see what happens... it can't make things any worse. Can it?
So sorry your break did not help, thats not great for you is it!
on the sex thing, let me check my cycle to see how many times we did it!

OOH wow I have we BD cd 11 and 12 and I OV CD 15 so only twice leading up to OV :wacko: man I have BD right through OV and no joy :haha: who knows but 3 to 4 days migt be worth a try for one month may be!

Anna I never saw the test in your chart LOL
it's a good day here, high on the cbfm, and some ewcm this evening!! I hardly ever get it so i get super excited when i do lol. called my hubs and told him to get home from work now. Need some spermies waiting for when the egg is released lol!!

im studying at the moment, its so boring. had yummy soup and oatcakes for dinner though. yum. what's everyone up to?

niamh, tanikit! hey preggers! How ya doing?
Hey Honey whoo hoo for EWCM get busy, boom boom shake the room :haha:
Im good :thumbup: Im loving soup lately its a great cure for my MS and Im craving it LOL this is a first! curry beans just dont work any more yuck!

Emily, hoorah for the high!!! It looks like I did indeed O super early and am already 2dpo! So the waiting has begun. Dh was not willing to deviate from the 'every other day' plan to do an extra session last night so home we did enough! I will still force him into an insurance session tonight though ;)

Is 2dpo to early to start symptom spotting??? LOL I swear my boobs are tender! I'm an idiot right?

I am so over work right now. The start of the term was ok but I have really been feeling the frustration the last couple of weeks. At the moment the year 6 block at my school is being renovated (will be awesome when it is finished) so since the start of term 6 weeks ago, all the year 6s have been jammed like sardines into 1 room together. That's 85 kids in one room!!!!!!! It also means that when we do maths and reading groups thee are no classroom for the groups to work in, so sometime we have to take the kids outside, or traipse them over to the other campus to work in the library, or work in a tiny withdrawal room. It totally suck and we are over it. The kids have managed really well but they are starting to shit me now too. They are over it. I need my space. I need a desk to put my crap! We are supposed to be moving back into our rooms next wed/thurs. I am being the pessimist, but I doubt it.

Thats so cool Soph in the tww already excellent, Im with you I will do a spoilt little girl dance if I dont see some BFP soon in here :winkwink: oh and 2DPO is so not to early for symptom spotting I did as well more so this time than before esp as closer to end of tww my boobs got sore, they never get sore!!!!

I'm right on cycle with honeybee and soph :happydance:
Hello :hugs: missed you so much, its been sooo quite here with out you :hugs:
Howdy TTHFers! Miss yas!

I have clear tubes! yay!

Don't have time to catch up-will come on and read up & update tomorrow. : )

YAY :happydance: cant wait to hear all about it Titi :flower:
:wave: Hey girls! Just thought I would drop in and say hey! Congrats to those who have recieved good news lately!

It seems as though my break from bnb hasn't helped one bit... I am actually more stressed than ever about ttc!

Anyway, I thought I would share some information with you girls and see what you think about it. DH and I went to see the urologist last week so he could get checked out. We had been bding every other day, but according to the urologist that is way too much. He says that we should bd every 3-4 days max. But my midwife says we should bd every other day... I don't know who to listen to, but since every other day definitely isn't working I am thinking about trying every 3-4 days and see what happens... it can't make things any worse. Can it?
So sorry your break did not help, thats not great for you is it!
on the sex thing, let me check my cycle to see how many times we did it!

OOH wow I have we BD cd 11 and 12 and I OV CD 15 so only twice leading up to OV :wacko: man I have BD right through OV and no joy :haha: who knows but 3 to 4 days migt be worth a try for one month may be!

Anna I never saw the test in your chart LOL

its alright hun, i now put egg white in and ovulation has disapeared, then again it was sticky so might go with sticky
Hi everyone - yay for the 2ww hope it ends in lots of double lines.

Anna yay for a 28 day cycle - still want it to end in a BFP, but 28 days is much better than 56 or more - I think there will be a BFP in your near future (maybe I should start a Jenny/whatever predictor site)

Had my 12 week scan today and everything looked great. Baby is about 6cm and HB was 164 beats/min. The relief was huge after the past few weeks of hypoglycaemia. So longing to see all your scans in the future.

Oh and while you are ttc, enjoy the sex for me please - we have not dtd in ages! I miss that (well I didn't which is why we haven't, but I think I may want to again soon)

Take care.
Hi everyone - yay for the 2ww hope it ends in lots of double lines.

Anna yay for a 28 day cycle - still want it to end in a BFP, but 28 days is much better than 56 or more - I think there will be a BFP in your near future (maybe I should start a Jenny/whatever predictor site)

Had my 12 week scan today and everything looked great. Baby is about 6cm and HB was 164 beats/min. The relief was huge after the past few weeks of hypoglycaemia. So longing to see all your scans in the future.

Oh and while you are ttc, enjoy the sex for me please - we have not dtd in ages! I miss that (well I didn't which is why we haven't, but I think I may want to again soon)

Take care.

well i dont see no sign of anything yet, and my boobs feel huge so i dunno what my temp means at the moment
Hi Girls,

Had an HSG today and my tubes are clear! :happydance:

Anna :hugs: fingers crossed for you.

lol that's hilarious!!! Im not sure how many times we've done it.... but if it's saying 4 times a week for the fertile week and on average 6 months, how is that 104 times?!

I think it's 4 times a week EVERY week for 6 months! No way did me and my OH manage anything like that!

:rofl: if we do 104 in one year that maybe about (12 months by 3 weeks by say 3 times per week)...I guess it all comes back to every other day except when af is about...that explains why it's taking so long :haha:

Good Luck to all who are about to OV, I'm CD 11 so maybe sometime next week for me if I'm lucky. I'm trying maca this cycle so we'll see if there is a difference.
4 times a week EVERY WEEK!? oh no. that's too much sexy time for me!!
i reckon on average we do it twice a week (not at all when af is here but more when im fertile), so that would put us at around 70-80 times. so maybe i'll get there in another 4 months or so!!!

so my time off has been approved to go down under in december. fx hubs can have the time off too!!

ooooh dee, another one with clear tubes YEY!! Hope you're super fertile now!!

tanikit, im glad your scan went well! congrats!

hope you're ok bbdreams.x

we better have some more bfps in here soon - it's been way too long!
My poor husband would be dead if we did it 4 times a week, every week!
We have just done it 3 times in 6 days and he needs a break! He says he feels like an empty vessel!
so my time off has been approved to go down under in december. fx hubs can have the time off too!!

Oh yeah!!! I'm going to the Great Barrier Reef in the week leading up to xmas, I sure hope we can coordinate a meeting!!! That would be so much fun. Even more fun if we are both FAT for all the right reasons!
My poor husband would be dead if we did it 4 times a week, every week!
We have just done it 3 times in 6 days and he needs a break! He says he feels like an empty vessel!

we can only do it every few days then he starts saying hes too tired or that he cant do it, i have to beg most nights lol
We are having an African choir come and visit our school today. They are called the wototo choir and they are all orphans.

Watoto Children’s Choirs have travelled internationally since 1994 as advocates for the estimated 50 million children in Africa, orphaned as a result of HIV/AIDS, war, poverty and disease.

Accompanied by a team of adults, the choir presents Watoto’s vision and mission through their stories, music and dance. Watoto choirs act as ambassadors to raise awareness about the plight of the orphaned and vulnerable children of Africa.

After their performance, our schools drum line will perform for them. By the way, we have the ONLY primary school drum line in I think all of Australia!! and then this afternoon all of the classes are going to host a few of the wototo children. We are going to teach them a classic Aussie song with actions - 'Give me a home among the gum trees'. So I think today will be a fun day.
that sounds like a great day soph! Have they given you an update on when you'll be moved out of the cramped classroom yet?
yeah totally!!! Will wait to hear about hubs time off then look at dates. you're near brisbane arent you?
wanna go to perth, brisbane, ayres rock, and maybe NZ too.
Move in day is supposed to be next wed/thurs. Fingers crossed.
Yeah I am on the Gold Coast (where Surfers Paradise is), an hour from Brisbane. There are some great places on the coast to visit.

There is soooooo much of my country that i have not seen. I want to go to Uluru too. That is what we call Aryes Rock nowadays. The name was officially changed some time ago to Uluru because that is the aboriginal name for the rock which is on traditional land.

I want to go to Broome and The Kimberlies and down to the Tasmanian forests. I have been up to Cape Tribulation, where the forest meets the sea and it was beautiful. If you get up that way you MUST go to Josephine Falls. I would love to take a year to travel around the whole country there are so many places to experience. I love Australia :)
Wow it's been busy on here last few days!

104 times??? In 6 months?? At best we would be 3 times a week on the key weeks and during AF and days either side we're both recovering. Perhaps I'll be trying for 11 more cycles at thus rate.....

My Turn - my first crush was Morten Haarket from 80s Norweigan pop band Aha. Mmm. But Im not even in the 2ww yet... waiting to O should be any day now.

Titi - congrats hun!!!! Lots of :sex: action now I presume?

Honeybee Ive fallen off the wagon already :blush: had 1/2 bottle of wine with dinner tonight. Rubbish.

:hi: to everyonelse x
Very glad to hear I am not the only one thinking 4 times a week every week is extreme! :blush:

Congrats on the HSG results Dee! :dance:
uhoh waiting!! Was it a special event or just a regular wednesday night? still could have been worse, you could have had the whole bottle!!
Move in day is supposed to be next wed/thurs. Fingers crossed.
Yeah I am on the Gold Coast (where Surfers Paradise is), an hour from Brisbane. There are some great places on the coast to visit.

There is soooooo much of my country that i have not seen. I want to go to Uluru too. That is what we call Aryes Rock nowadays. The name was officially changed some time ago to Uluru because that is the aboriginal name for the rock which is on traditional land.

I want to go to Broome and The Kimberlies and down to the Tasmanian forests. I have been up to Cape Tribulation, where the forest meets the sea and it was beautiful. If you get up that way you MUST go to Josephine Falls. I would love to take a year to travel around the whole country there are so many places to experience. I love Australia :)

ahhhhhh!! sounds sooooo amazing!!!!
o.....k now my temp is staying just above the line and i have a light light light bleed again wtf?

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