it's a good day here, high on the cbfm, and some ewcm this evening!! I hardly ever get it so i get super excited when i do lol. called my hubs and told him to get home from work now. Need some spermies waiting for when the egg is released lol!!
im studying at the moment, its so boring. had yummy soup and oatcakes for dinner though. yum. what's everyone up to?
niamh, tanikit! hey preggers! How ya doing?
Hey Honey whoo hoo for EWCM get busy, boom boom shake the room

Im good

Im loving soup lately its a great cure for my MS and Im craving it LOL this is a first! curry beans just dont work any more yuck!
Emily, hoorah for the high!!! It looks like I did indeed O super early and am already 2dpo! So the waiting has begun. Dh was not willing to deviate from the 'every other day' plan to do an extra session last night so home we did enough! I will still force him into an insurance session tonight though
Is 2dpo to early to start symptom spotting??? LOL I swear my boobs are tender! I'm an idiot right?
I am so over work right now. The start of the term was ok but I have really been feeling the frustration the last couple of weeks. At the moment the year 6 block at my school is being renovated (will be awesome when it is finished) so since the start of term 6 weeks ago, all the year 6s have been jammed like sardines into 1 room together. That's 85 kids in one room!!!!!!! It also means that when we do maths and reading groups thee are no classroom for the groups to work in, so sometime we have to take the kids outside, or traipse them over to the other campus to work in the library, or work in a tiny withdrawal room. It totally suck and we are over it. The kids have managed really well but they are starting to shit me now too. They are over it. I need my space. I need a desk to put my crap! We are supposed to be moving back into our rooms next wed/thurs. I am being the pessimist, but I doubt it.
Thats so cool Soph in the tww already excellent, Im with you I will do a spoilt little girl dance if I dont see some BFP soon in here

oh and 2DPO is so not to early for symptom spotting I did as well more so this time than before esp as closer to end of tww my boobs got sore, they never get sore!!!!
I'm right on cycle with honeybee and soph


missed you so much, its been sooo quite here with out you

Howdy TTHFers! Miss yas!
I have clear tubes! yay!
Don't have time to catch up-will come on and read up & update tomorrow. : )

cant wait to hear all about it Titi
:wave: Hey girls! Just thought I would drop in and say hey! Congrats to those who have recieved good news lately!
It seems as though my break from bnb hasn't helped one bit... I am actually more stressed than ever about ttc!
Anyway, I thought I would share some information with you girls and see what you think about it. DH and I went to see the urologist last week so he could get checked out. We had been bding every other day, but according to the urologist that is way too much. He says that we should bd every 3-4 days max. But my midwife says we should bd every other day... I don't know who to listen to, but since every other day definitely isn't working I am thinking about trying every 3-4 days and see what happens... it can't make things any worse. Can it?
So sorry your break did not help, thats not great for you is it!
on the sex thing, let me check my cycle to see how many times we did it!
OOH wow I have we BD cd 11 and 12 and I OV CD 15 so only twice leading up to OV

man I have BD right through OV and no joy

who knows but 3 to 4 days migt be worth a try for one month may be!
Anna I never saw the test in your chart LOL