Hullo world.... Moondance is back again....
Sorry for my long absence... I've been quite out of it mentally, and also really busy with my horse, and a few new friends (who are turning out to be quite the backstabbing users)
Whats the news? There are so many pages to go through since last I was here, its kind of overwhelming, is there anybody who can summarise for me whats happening??
Last you all heard from me, my cycles were majorly out of whack. I had a 60 day long cycle that encompassed June/July. Then immediately following that I had a second 60 day cycle that encompassed August/September.
So then it was onto the next cycle. And due to the fact I don't normally ovulate until CD19, I decided to wait until CD 17 or so to start temping. Well, amazingly, FF pinpointed me as having ovulated on CD 19. Which must have been true, because AF arrived exactly when FF said she would...
Weirdly, now that I'm back to doing my temping as soon as AF is gone, FF has for some reason pinpointed me as O'ing on CD10 this cycle. That in no way could, should, or would be accurate I think. Why she's pegging me soon is beyond me. I'm hoping she's not accurate. I wasn't with my DP then.
Oh, and? The other news. I don't know if anyone remembers me mentioning a real life friend who said she was also trying to get pregnant? I think I made a comment saying how annoyed I will be if she gets pregnant first? Well.... she tested this morning and has a faint pink line on her pregnancy test. Her AF isn't even due yet.
She's only been trying since early September when she had her IUD out. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!

I'm so jealous!
So jealous of all the pregnant girls, feels like I've been trying forever!
*pounces gently and glomps on Honeybee* I see you got a pos test my darling! Congrats so much!

*baby dust all over you*
Just know I am so so jealous, LOL