UK mommys, opinions on HiPP and Holle vs Similac etc


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2010
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Hi moms, I live in Southern California. I started doing research on formula and found Hipp and ordered some from a company that imports to the US. My DD does great on it (very little spit up, etc) but we are only doing about 4 oz per day and she is still breastfeeding. She spits up breastmilk way more, surprisingly lol. Anyways, I just got some samples from Similac and I wanted to know if Hipp is much better than similac? or if I am just being paranoid.

Everyone says that the uk and Europe have more strict food regulation laws than our FDA here in the US. But is that really true from your point of view? The foodbabe article is what made me start thinking. I heard the US does not allow consumers to purchase formula from out of country, and they confiscate it sometimes. But WHY would they do that? That raises red flags for me, but again, I could be being paranoid and I have never experienced that myself.

So, is Hipp organic this amazing formula like the Internet says? I pay $39 for one box and I can get similac non gmo for $27 at my local target. Does the UK even have similac?

Extra note, my DD tried the similac supplement formula for 2 days and spit up every bottle, but it was only 2 days so I sort of jumped the gun and stopped.

Thank you!
Honestly, I would use whatever you can find locally that is more affordable. If you ultimately want to feed mostly formula, you will spend a fortune. Personally, no, I don't think there's anything particularly special about Hipp or Holle or any of the European brand organic formulas. The only thing different about a non-U.S. formula might be that we tend to use fewer antibiotics and growth hormones and all that stuff in our dairy cattle, compared to the U.S. But if you're buying organic anyway (like a U.S. brand), then whatever formula you use should be free of that. I'm guessing the reason you aren't allowed to import it though as more to do with imposing import tariffs, which would be harder to do with individual buyers buying somewhat clandestinely. I wouldn't think it has anything to do with safety, more just tariffs and protecting the U.S. market from cheap imports that would take away from U.S. based company revenues.

That said, there's no way in a million years I'd be paying $39 a box for Hipp unless it's the only formula your baby will tolerate. The box doesn't last forever. I think you're only supposed to keep it for maybe 2 weeks after you open it? So if you aren't feeding regularly, there might be a lot of waste and you'll end up having to throw it away and buy more. My daughter personally didn't get on with Hipp. It caused her horrible reflux, like screaming in pain with every feed and projectile vomiting up everything every time. Like you, I tried it because I thought it would be better because lots of people rave about it. Before that, we had been BF and then when we started to use formula, we just used the basic cheap one (non-organic) that everyone here uses. We had no reflux problems with either. But literally as soon as we started on Hipp, it was awful. We tried for a week before I realised it must be the new formula (I honestly didn't think it would be possible that it caused such a dramatic shift, so was looking for every other possible explanation). We switched back to the cheaper non-organic stuff and it went away and she was happy again, no more screaming or vomiting, eating well again. I know loads of people like Hipp, but it didn't work for us.

I would say if you get on fine with your regular old formula you can affordably buy anywhere, then use that. If you do decide to switch fully to formula at any point, you'll probably be looking at using about 2 boxes a week or even more. That works out to being a minimum of $312 a month! Honestly, I wouldn't be able to justify that. Here, Hipp costs about $11 per box, which ends up being expensive enough over more standard formulas. We don't have Similac here, nor do we have Holle, which I think is German, though some people do import it (slightly easier as we're all in the EU).
Thank you for your input! Wow! Formula is so cheap there! A tub of similac is $28 for a box smaller than Hipp. Formula is ridiculously expensive here. The main issue with the US organic formulas is they are EXTREMELY constipating to baby. There is only 1 brand I am going to use from here, but it would be better for me to wait until she is 6 mos and can have prunes to help with constipation. I'm sorry your LO didn't do great on Hipp. She wouldn't even drink an oz of Earths Best (another organic option here) so I am just continuing with the Hipp. Similac uses the RBST cows and I just honestly don't trust the company. There is another family owned brand called Baby's Only, but the formula is marketed to toddlers, however it IS okay for babies to use. But, all babies get constipated with it. And it only comes in a 340 gram tin, so it doesn't last more than 2 days or so and costs $13 for the tin.

I am basically weaning, my DD has been refusing the breast for days now. And being mostly on Hipp, a box has lasted us for a week so far. So if it lasts around that length of time, it will be slightly more expensive than similac would be if I used that. I really wish the US didn't put crap in infant formula. I mean, the fact that similac has a Non gmo version just recently is crazy. It should have been gmo free all this time. Are GMOs used in your infant formula if it isn't organic?
I'm a Brit that had both my babies in the US. Honestly I wouldn't bother importing. Once baby is fully on formula and is bigger you could go through as much as a box a week. Also you have no idea the heat etc the imported formula has been exposed to.

My husband is a biochemical scientist. He read loads of boxes abs he was more than happy for us to use Gerber goodstart gentle. He wouldn't touch similic due to unnecessary ingredients like high fructose corn syrup.

If you really want Lo on Earth's best try mixing it for a while with the Gerber brand. (btw I always found it cheapest to buy from Babies r us.) I too breastfed for 4 months then switched.
But yes in general there is less funky stuff in UK formulas which is why we were very careful the brand we chose when in the US.
Similac is available in the Uk, it's sold in boots and is £14 ($18) per 800g tin. It's made in Ireland so I guess they must be introducing the brand to the uk market!

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