UK Stay in Hospital Afterwards Shortened! (Apparently)


Mummy to 3 wonderful boys
May 13, 2009
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Last section they wanted me to stay put in the hospital routinely for 5 days but I discharged after 3 due to an annoying LOUD woman across the room from me! I was fine anyway, recovered really well.

Anyway I am dreading them makin me stay in for the 5 nights this time around but after chatting to someone in my local shop who's just had a baby by section, she proclaimed they want you out after 2 nights now! She says it's because they need the beds and the 5 days is not mandetory anymore - anyone else know if this is true (I hope so!!)??
Can't help b/c I'm in the states, but I only had to stay 48 hours.
I only stayed 2 nights after my ELCS 2 weeks ago :)
I had a emergency section 6 weeks ago, i stayed in 2 nights but they asked me if i wanted to go after 1 night but i said no as i wanted to get breastfeeding established x
I was speaking to my midwife about this last week and she reckoned 48hrs although they would let me go after 24hrs if all was ok and I wanted to go home!
It is 2 days but could be sooner if you want to and all is well. I left the day after my section x
I only stayed 48 hours. I could've stayed an extra night if I wanted X
I only stayed for 2 and a half days after my c-section in Canada.
:yipee::yipee::yipee: :happydance:

See I'm only bothered about having a short stay because I don't fancy leaving my 2 year old son for a few nights as I think this new baby will be enough for him to cope with!

Seeing the consultant on Tues for my 28 week check up, will ask her and hopefully get my date (so excited!!! :thumbup:)

Go Sections!!! lol x
It was 4 years ago but i stayed for 3 night with my eldest.

My second was a VBAC and i stayed in for 4 nights. As much as i didn't want to leave my DS for too long i knew that the time in hospital would be the only time i'd get to just be with my DD. I was right - once i got out of hospital poor DD was pretty much sidelined lol
3 years ago I had to stay 5 bloody days.

It was awful.

If you can go home after 2, do it :)

V xx
LO was born early Friday morning, they discussed me going home on the Sunday but decided I'd better stay as I wasn't doing great (anaemic) and LO wouldn't feed and was small. In the end I went home on the Tuesday afternoon exclusively expressing. LO just didn't like my boobs!

Thinking back, I should have just gone home earlier and gone onto formula. It would have saved so much heartache! Oh well, you live and learn!
Last section they wanted me to stay put in the hospital routinely for 5 days but I discharged after 3 due to an annoying LOUD woman across the room from me! I was fine anyway, recovered really well.

Anyway I am dreading them makin me stay in for the 5 nights this time around but after chatting to someone in my local shop who's just had a baby by section, she proclaimed they want you out after 2 nights now! She says it's because they need the beds and the 5 days is not mandetory anymore - anyone else know if this is true (I hope so!!)??

I had an emergency c-section last Friday and I was only in for 2 days. I was pleased about that though.

Not of bed issues, it's just because if they think you're doing well, then you can go home but if you don't feel better enough to go home after day 2, you can stay in longer.
They really want you out after 2 nights in my hospital, I think I'd have had to fight to be allowed to stay longer. 2 nights was enough for me anyway, I was glad to get out x
I had LO on Xmas eve by planned c section at 37 weeks and lost alot of blood and was still discharged after 2 nights and they were really quiet with lots of free beds, do definately wasn't a space issue. X
I live in Manitoba, Canada and I believe the standard is 72 hours for a C-section. However, I ended up staying 4 nights and wasn't discharged until the afternoon of the 5th day. I think a lot of that had to do with DS not feeding well and having to be in the NICU for a few days. It was just as well as I had a hard time getting up and about.
I was told 3 nights is the norm but I had to stay longer due to other problems as well - my god I'd have love to have discharged early because of the noisy woman in my ward too but I wasn't well enough to go home apparently pft! :)
My midwife did my birth plan on Monday, although what the point of a plan is with a c section scheduled is beyond me and as I did a third of the midwifery training years ago, then worked in labs for 13 years, the explanations were wasted on me, but hey ho, if they want to sit telling me things in triplicate, its up to them.

Anyway, to the point, yes, routine stay is 2 days, meaning one night, for those people where everything is going ok. Unfortunately, I have placenta previa meaning if I bleed too much, I will be having a transfusion, with just this, they may possibly have let me out if confident I won't haemorrhage post partum. However, pain clinic have told me to make sure I am written up for oral morphine pain relief for my osteoarthritis before having the section so I can get pain relief started as soon as spinal is wearing off. When I take morphine, I also have to take anti sickness and reflux medication, so she thinks the ward may want to keep me longer to make sure pain releif is established first. Personally, having been on the same meds for 5 years prior to pregnancy, I think I know how to control my pain using these drugs myself better than they will, and in my opinion this can be done at home, as long as little man is feeding and healthy enough, I am happy to stay for as short a period as possible. I am a nightmare patient and do not like being on wards, I get very ratty and irritable and if I see someone doing something not right, I tend to end up telling people how to do their jobs, it never goes down too well and is usually infection control issues.

When I had my appendix out years ago, I had to stay in 5 days post op too, now you can be out the same day if no other issues and much less even if you have some issues. Techniques, anaesthetics and research changes protocols all the time in medicine, it won't just be down to beds, it will really be because of advances mean its now safe to let you home earlier. If it was not safe, in this day with so much legal action taken, they honestly would not be letting you go home.
Im booked in for a 2 night stay for my section in 4 weeks. I stayed in 5 days after my first section, I loved the rest lol

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