My midwife did my birth plan on Monday, although what the point of a plan is with a c section scheduled is beyond me and as I did a third of the midwifery training years ago, then worked in labs for 13 years, the explanations were wasted on me, but hey ho, if they want to sit telling me things in triplicate, its up to them.
Anyway, to the point, yes, routine stay is 2 days, meaning one night, for those people where everything is going ok. Unfortunately, I have placenta previa meaning if I bleed too much, I will be having a transfusion, with just this, they may possibly have let me out if confident I won't haemorrhage post partum. However, pain clinic have told me to make sure I am written up for oral morphine pain relief for my osteoarthritis before having the section so I can get pain relief started as soon as spinal is wearing off. When I take morphine, I also have to take anti sickness and reflux medication, so she thinks the ward may want to keep me longer to make sure pain releif is established first. Personally, having been on the same meds for 5 years prior to pregnancy, I think I know how to control my pain using these drugs myself better than they will, and in my opinion this can be done at home, as long as little man is feeding and healthy enough, I am happy to stay for as short a period as possible. I am a nightmare patient and do not like being on wards, I get very ratty and irritable and if I see someone doing something not right, I tend to end up telling people how to do their jobs, it never goes down too well and is usually infection control issues.
When I had my appendix out years ago, I had to stay in 5 days post op too, now you can be out the same day if no other issues and much less even if you have some issues. Techniques, anaesthetics and research changes protocols all the time in medicine, it won't just be down to beds, it will really be because of advances mean its now safe to let you home earlier. If it was not safe, in this day with so much legal action taken, they honestly would not be letting you go home.