Ultrasound - Missed Twin Stories?


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2014
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Hi all, I'm new here and looking for some info/your stories/experiences. DH and I are currently expecting our 5th baby, this is my 6th pregnancy. I found out extremely early (8 days before my period would have shown) that I was pregnant, super early for me. With my others I found out after I had missed a period. My symptoms also started around 4 weeks, and typically don't start til 7-8 weeks. Also, my belly is already huge at 7 weeks (I'm 7w4d now). I look like I'm 18 or 20 weeks pregnant already, and I know some of that is baby bloat, but some of it is not as it is still there in the morning. And yes I know a woman can show earlier with each pregnancy but there is a line there eventually... With my last two babies I started showing a bit around 9-10 weeks but not anything like this. I seemed to "pop" at 6ish weeks. Since I found out I was pg, I have had the strong feeling that it's twins. I can't seem to shake it. Borderline obsessed. I've dreamed about it, also. I'm turning 35 next month, so I fit in the the age category where chances are increased, and also because I've had 5 previous pregnancies. I went for an early scan today to confirm or rule out twins... and the result was inconclusive. It was my midwife doing the scan, and we saw one sac, one baby with a good strong heartrate of 155bpm. I'm so happy for that, don't get me wrong... but there were some strange shadowy-looking things behind the baby and a bit above, towards the middle of the sac (not against the side) that we just couldn't figure out what it was. She said it's still possible that I could go for my 18-20 week scan and see two babies there, or that it could be the amnion as it hasn't quite fused with the chorion yet. Now, that doesn't happen until 12-15 weeks, so I've read. And I've had early scans with all my babies and have never seen these shadowy things... has anyone here had an ultrasound early on and been told there's one, only to find out there's two at the next scan? She said it's still really early and that it's hard to see everything, she couldn't get the wand in around baby to see behind it to figure out what this was that we were seeing. I still cannot shake this twins feeling. I'm just looking for anyone who has had a similar experience and found out that it was indeed twins. I don't know if I'm just grasping at straws here or what! I know it's not very common to miss a twin these days, but she isn't a trained u/s tech, and it isn't entirely unheard of... we only saw the one sac so it would be easier to miss a twin in a single sac than to miss a second sac. I can't seem to post a pic, but the baby is basically against the side, of course, and the shadows are a bit above and behind baby, it's definitely not the band of the amnion that you might see at the bottom, in between baby and the sac. This is in a free area, like towards the middle of the sac, and the images were running the length of the baby. I'm so confused! TIA!
Hi! Can we see a pic of ur scan?

I went for a scan at about 5 weeks with my last pregnancy as had serious pains and a real heavy feeling, like the baby was literally goin to fall out. At the scan they wer like 'all fine, can just see the heartbeat. U r about 5 weeks.' They asked me to come back just over a week later to have another check. I was 7 weeks then. Then!!! Surprise!!!! 2 little beans!! I am skinny but didn't really pop til about 4 months. The only different symptoms I had from 1st pregnancy was the pains and feelings av mentioned and the real bad hunger pangs! I had to eat little and often, every hour often! Felt so hungry.

Mine wer not identical so had ther own sacs. 2 wer clearly visible in ther own sac. If urs looks shadowy, if it is twins they must b identical as they r together??

Go and get another scan an tell them to have a bloody good look xxx
Ultrasound and belly pic are below. Pic is from just 7w0d!! Ultrasound pic only shows a portion of the shadowy stuff we saw behind/above baby and running the length of baby.

I am 7 1/2 weeks. I popped at like 6ish weeks, like never before have I shown this early this much. And the hunger this time is just crazy, like every hour I'm starving.

If its twins, they would be sharing a sac but they could still be identical or fraternal, depends on if they share the same placenta or not I believe.

I wish I could just go and get another scan... I live in a remote area and ultrasound techs only fly in every 6-8 weeks. My midwife did the scan yesterday and it's obviously not her area of expertise. But she knew her way around the machine enough to get the heartrate and measure the gestational age, just not as quickly as a tech would.



Hi! Can we see a pic of ur scan?

I went for a scan at about 5 weeks with my last pregnancy as had serious pains and a real heavy feeling, like the baby was literally goin to fall out. At the scan they wer like 'all fine, can just see the heartbeat. U r about 5 weeks.' They asked me to come back just over a week later to have another check. I was 7 weeks then. Then!!! Surprise!!!! 2 little beans!! I am skinny but didn't really pop til about 4 months. The only different symptoms I had from 1st pregnancy was the pains and feelings av mentioned and the real bad hunger pangs! I had to eat little and often, every hour often! Felt so hungry.

Mine wer not identical so had ther own sacs. 2 wer clearly visible in ther own sac. If urs looks shadowy, if it is twins they must b identical as they r together??

Go and get another scan an tell them to have a bloody good look xxx
I'd b more concerned about the black blob on the bottom right! Separate sac!! Tbh I am not skilled in the area of scanning lol but those white bits could just as much be the umbilical cord(??)

Am not being funny but ur belly looks big! An hard! Oh my god! Prob triplets!!! 2 in the one sac and another. No way did my belly do that! Mine grew on top of each other pretty much from the start so mayb that's y it didn't pop so quick!

Oh my god I can't believe it ha. U will b harassed with twins/triplets but they r so special and u wud b so lucky! Aaww. My emails will let me know when u reply so keep me posted! I am intrigued!

Try to get another scan. Good luck!! Xxxx
lol yeah I can see how one would think that could be another sac but as far as I could tell it's my spleen. She said nothing about it and it didn't look the same as the main one. You never know though... maybe it is a bit smaller and less developed at this point, that has been known to happen. Also, maybe it is/was one that isn't going to make it, which would explain my symptoms, my gut feeling of twins, and the fact that only one can be seen.... I don't know. If a real tech would have been there I can't help but think I would have gotten more conclusive results...!

I know that thing looks like a white dot but it is just the way the pic turned out. When she was moving the wand around it was way more shadowy and bigger, and undefined. Here it looks like a defined dot, lol. I'm already getting bets that it's twins and some say triplets as well. lol I would be blessed for either! But equally blessed for one, too.

I just can't help but think that she missed something. I wish I could have grabbed the wand from her and scanned myself, lol. Depending on how I'm feeling about it all in a few weeks, I may just take her up on her offer to maybe do one around 12 weeks. I'm sure she would catch it at that point if there is another one hiding in there!

Thx :)

I'd b more concerned about the black blob on the bottom right! Separate sac!! Tbh I am not skilled in the area of scanning lol but those white bits could just as much be the umbilical cord(??)

Am not being funny but ur belly looks big! An hard! Oh my god! Prob triplets!!! 2 in the one sac and another. No way did my belly do that! Mine grew on top of each other pretty much from the start so mayb that's y it didn't pop so quick!

Oh my god I can't believe it ha. U will b harassed with twins/triplets but they r so special and u wud b so lucky! Aaww. My emails will let me know when u reply so keep me posted! I am intrigued!

Try to get another scan. Good luck!! Xxxx
No advice mamabean but definitely stalking for an update....your ultrasound does look interesting to me! I've seen a couple ultrasound techs on here maybe they will comment.

Good luck! :flower:
It's very hard to get both twins on the same Scan at the same time. Both at equal sizes anyway. It is easier if u r earlier on, I just managed to get both on the same pic at my 7 week scan. I am saying this as the dark blob on bottom right, if she was to move around with the scanning thing (lol) then that could have shown another baba in it's own sac. Same size as that one.... Oooo it's exciting!!! Over here we get a routine scan at 12 weeks anyway then another at 20weeks. U should definitely get one at 12 week!! Xx
At 7 weeks it would have been impossible to miss both of ours but you never know I guess. Could be an issue of different equipment.

Did your OB have insight as to why you were measuring so big? Or schedule you for another scan to confirm either way?

There's no way I'd be comfortable waiting much longer to sort that out.

Do you know too why they labeled your scan picture "Fetus A?" What's the rest of the writing below that? They don't typically do that unless there is multiples.

You could also try posting the pic down in multiples to see what they say!
Oooooo good catch messica!! Never had the "baby a" on any of my ultrasounds (singletons)

So exciting!!
I don't have much to add on top of what has already been said, except that someone I worked with made it to 5 months before they finally discovered they were having twins (and this was recently). The other baby was just very good at hiding during the previous ultrasounds. So more than one could be possible! :flower:
OMG I didn't even realize that it said Fetus A! ha! That's really weird! No it wasn't a technician it was just my midwife who said she'd do a bit of a peek to see if there were two... but she isn't a trained tech so who knows, maybe if it was a trained tech there would have been more answers! She hasn't even measured me yet... I hadn't "popped" at my first appointment which was 2 weeks ago, and my next appointment is 2 weeks from now, so I imagine she will start taking measurements then, especially since I'll be even bigger by then! So yeah she didn't even say anything about me being so big. I also would think at 7 1/2 weeks it would be hard to miss a twin but I suppose if the scan is done at just the right (wrong!) time, and one twin has moved in behind the other twin... in the same sac, it's definitely feasible. I have been reading a lot of very recent instances of missed twins in early ultrasounds so who knows... maybe I'm one of them. Or maybe my instincts are out of whack and I'm imagining the whole thing!

Oh, the rest of the writing below Fetus A is just my LMP and my EDD, and the CRL of 13.3mm.

I came out thinking ok, this is weird, but I'm going to just enjoy my pregnancy and focus on the one thing I do know for sure, that I have one healthy little bean in there, cuz let's face it, that's exciting and something to be happy about. I thought ok, if I see two in my next ultrasound, which my midwife said is still quite possible, then great, if not, great..... but I know myself way better than that! There's no way I can let this go...... it's still such a strong feeling that there are two! I think I will set up the 12 week scan with her when I go for my appointment in 2 weeks time.... so that will be sometime around the week of October 6th. Ha, just in time for my inlaws to be showing up for a couple of weeks visit. LOL

At 7 weeks it would have been impossible to miss both of ours but you never know I guess. Could be an issue of different equipment.

Did your OB have insight as to why you were measuring so big? Or schedule you for another scan to confirm either way?

There's no way I'd be comfortable waiting much longer to sort that out.

Do you know too why they labeled your scan picture "Fetus A?" What's the rest of the writing below that? They don't typically do that unless there is multiples.

You could also try posting the pic down in multiples to see what they say!
We have to wait until the 6th for an update??!!! Oh my!! Ha. U will b racking ur brain wondering if..... I will aswell ha.

At 5 weeks, I was just having one baba. She had a good luck around aswell coz she sed about cysts on one of my ovaries mayb causing some pain. She was trained! It was her job to scan all day lol u didn't get a scan pic at that time as it was so early on. I will have to dig out my scan pics and have a good look for u!!!

One point that might b able to help is that my womb was measuring 8 weeks at 5 weeks. Obviously bigger as there wer 2 in ther. Ur midwife should b able to measure that for u.

I know someone who had a third baby missed until 16 weeks so it does happen!
One of my high school acquaintences had a fourth baby missed up until delivery (yikes!).

Just wanted to wish you well...and stalk
Ohhh how interesting! That does look like one popped out tummy! Stalking............ x
I have my next mw appointment on Sept 17 so I'm sure she will measure me then, I'll be more huge by then. Maybe she will really start to question as well! Maybe she'll even give me another scan then, too, who knows. I will let her know that it's really bugging me and that there's no way I can wait until the end of November!

We have to wait until the 6th for an update??!!! Oh my!! Ha. U will b racking ur brain wondering if..... I will aswell ha.

At 5 weeks, I was just having one baba. She had a good luck around aswell coz she sed about cysts on one of my ovaries mayb causing some pain. She was trained! It was her job to scan all day lol u didn't get a scan pic at that time as it was so early on. I will have to dig out my scan pics and have a good look for u!!!

One point that might b able to help is that my womb was measuring 8 weeks at 5 weeks. Obviously bigger as there wer 2 in ther. Ur midwife should b able to measure that for u.

Wow, that is some bump for 6 weeks! Good luck at your next scan :)

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