I was right on to the day all four times but I knew the exact day I ovulated and the for sure date of conception all 4 times. Sometimes you might be off a few days I you are using OPKs or BD every day. Were your dates different than what you thought?
No well idk lol I'm trying to figure out if I ovulated the day I had a crazy amount of ewcm (globs of it) I never had ewcm before, my 8 week ultrasound lined up perfect to that date!
I found out I had conceived 3 or 4 days earlier than I thought I did. I wasn't temping or anything while TTC, just tracking my periods on a tracker/fertility app.
But I had suspected I ovulated a bit earlier than usual that month, and it turned out I was right!
I 'know' I ovulated on CD 19 as I had a positive opk in the evening of CD 18 after days of negatives but according to my 8 week scan and 12 week scan I conceived on CD 17 which makes no sense to me but I'm sticking with what the scans have all said
Thanks I'm just trying to figure out when I might have ovulated! I don't temp and wish I would have, I just saw a crazy amount of ewcm on cd15 and jumped on it and ended being pregnant after a year of trying, wondering if the lack of mucus was the reason
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