Ultrasounds??? Yes or No

It is an anomaly scan after all, and you have to think hard about if the results would change you wanting to continue with the pregnancy. Ultrasounds, also isn't an exact science, and once you have your results which if they are not favourable, you are sort of stuck going for an amino, to find out for certain what is going on... and almost feel as though you have to keep testing. Then, amino have risk of miscarriage with them.
But I think it is important to decide if the information you get from an US would change anything or not. Then of course, when you are in the situation, and have had some news that you weren't expecting, it is frightening. You may react in an entirely different way to how you thought you would, without you knowing!
It's allot to consider.
I am still conflicted about this. I'm booked for the 19 week scan but don't know if I'll go ahead with it. I have my own selfish desire to see my baby, it's lots of fun and will reassure me, but is that enough of a reason to expose it to the possibly harmful effects of powerful ultrasound? The only good reason I've got for doing it at the moment is to rule out multiples or placenta preavia, as I'm planning an HBAC 3+ hours from a main hospital, and need to know early if I have to change my mindset about going into hospital, as I think it'll take a lot for me to turn my mind around at this stage. Also I promised my daughter she could come to a scan (before I did all this reading, oops), but that's still no good reason to possibly expose her little brother or sister to harm. I had the Nuchal scan booked but after a lot of reading I cancelled it. I've always been adamant I wouldn't abort and therefore I wouldn't go for CVS or Amniocintesis so I didn't see the point of gleaning information I wouldn't act upon but which could stress me needlessly or stop me from enjoying my pregnancy.

There are some good links here to read: https://www.whale.to/a/ultrasound_unsound.html
but ultimately the choice is yours and yours alone, you can't let what any of us did or didn't do influence you, have a good read up on the pros and cons and think hard, that's all you can do.

Its not allways the case of if they are problems found they will tell you to abort the baby, its about being to plan for any problems by having the right treatment ready for baby once its born.

I agree, for example with spina bifida the baby would need life saving surgery only performed at special neonatal units within hours of birth. If this could be planned for before delivey, the baby would have a stronger chance of surviving that if it was an unknown. And the same applies to other things that are picked up such as some heart problems etc.

And as far as being against abortion, I too felt like this. But you dont know how you would react until you are faced with that decision. At the end of the day a mother has to do what is best for their child, not what is best for themselves. which is why we are all here right?

I hope you are able to make the best informed decision for you and your family xxxx

Hannpn, That was no way a dig at you, I'm so sorry for the loss of Harri, and I agree that to not make a decision in a case like that would have been selfish.

I agree also with the Spina Bifida comment but I felt that the Nuchal Scan and bloods were primarily looking for chromasomal abnormalities such as down's, in which case the knowledge wouldn't have allowed for any treatment as there is none, and wouldn't have altered the course of the pregnancy, so there was no point in me gleaning this info. Due to my age I knew the numbers would probably come back as high-ish risk (I've lost count of how many threads I've read in first tri on this, from stressed-out women looking for reassurance) and as it is not a diagnostic tool I woould have been faced with the decision to go for amnio or not and risk possible miscarriage, and also deal with that hideous stressy wait for results.

Lozzie, Nobody can "tell" you to abort, and who knows what decisions I'd make in a situation like that, I just meant in the case of chromasomal things I'd rather just deal with it when it comes along. Anyway, this is a pretty emotive subject and I think I'll leave it at that, it's too difficult to discuss here.
I think this thread is helpfull in making us all think more about what were doing or not as the case may be
We are having a Hb with an IM and i am now nearly 26wks and at age 40 was told by my gp that Hb was not advisable i have felt no need to get a scan but that has been our choice i knew that if anything came up in a scan i would not act upon it i want to enjoy this time not be worried sick i personally feel that if my mw was worried about anything she would let me know and i still would prefer to carry on as things are thats my personal choice
Nikki_d72 no offence taken, I just wanted to make people aware of the other side of the coin so to speak.

I had no reason when going to my anomaly scan to think that there should be anything wrong. I am young (24), took my prenatals which included folic acid, had the results from the downs bloods (which were low risk). But unfortuantly I was that 1 in 1000 who had a baby with a life threatening birth defect which was picked up on that scan :cry:

I just hope everyone is able to make the best decision for themselves and there babies xxx
Hannpin, I'm so sorry for your loss as well. I thank you all so, so very much for your knowledge and honest input, on both sides of the coin. You have all helped me tremendously!

So, it turns out after reading everyone's advice, we ended up settling on just one ultrasound, the anomaly scan. I definitely didn't want to do multiple scans, just for my own reassurance, or the fun of seeing the baby. We decided on just the one, just in case there was anything that the docs picked up that could be taken care of early, or immediately planned for upon delivery. Yesterday was the 20-week mark, and we had the ultrasound. The feeling of relief when we were told our son looked healthy, strong, and the right size was immeasurable. I had seriously been worrying, partly because I am a worrier, and partly because of my age (35); I also didn't seem to be growing much, and I wasn't feeling any movement that other first time moms were feeling (turns out it's a simple reason--placenta is anterior).

From here on out, I'm just going to enjoy this, trusting that all will be well--can't wait to see our perfect angel on or about Nov. 3. I wish you all the same. Thanks again, so much, everyone!
That's brilliant. So pleased you feel great. Enjoy your pregnancy
So glad for you, enjoy the rest now and try not to worry...
i think every choice in pregnancy should be made after you honestly and knowledgeably answer the question: 'will this be whats best for my baby or will this be whats best for me?'
I really think everyone should have one US at 20 weeks during their pregnancy, to detect anomalies.

Obviously, nothing would change the outcome of a pregnancy I had (it didn't with Tegan) but some birth defects can be fatal if not detected before delivery. For instance Tegan would have died if she was born at home. If I hadn't had an US she would have been born at home and she would have died. Vaginal birth can cause brain damage and sometimes death in infants with Hydrocephalus.

It's nor always a case of forgoing an US because you don't care whether or not there is something wrong with your baby. It may not make a difference to you, but that US could be the difference between life and death for your baby.

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