Ultrasounds??? Yes or No

I have not had any ultrasounds and my doctor isn't concerned at all. He mentioned that he offers because he has to offer. If you refuse to have an ultrasound and your doctor or midwife truely believes it is best to have one, they are going to explain why. Sometimes health care providers can't come up with reasons why other than that it is the way it is done and sometimes they may believe there is a problem to warrant one. After that, it is still up to you.

Some further reading:


These are older issues of Midwifery Today. I recommend reading the studies that follow the articles that are included.


Not just the article itself but the massive list of references underneath. This one puts it into words that most can understand but I will admit it does lean heavily towards not having an ultrasound. This is why reading the references to make up your mind would be useful.

My opinion is have a little ultrasounds as you can.

ETA: I haven't had an ultrasound but I have had the doctor use a doppler on me to listen to the heart beat at every appointment since 14 weeks for no more than 20 seconds each time. It uses the same technology but I feel a lot better about the time that the doppler is used.
Thanks so much everyone for your replies! So much great info and references.

It's amazing how much dissension I seem to encounter when I mention that ultrasounds seem to be overdone, and COULD be dangerous. I kinda made the mistake of mentioning this in the first trimester forum, and I hope there isn't a huge backlash! People just seem to be so set on doing what the majority does without question--especially because ultrasounds sound so fun. It makes sense, because it seems like the majority of people just CAN'T be wrong. Too bad the majority turns out to be wrong. A LOT! So many examples: x-rays on pregnant women, thalidomide sedative used on pregnant women, Phen-Fen prescriptions, we used to believe based on fact that the earth was flat, women used to be 2nd class citizens incapable of voting. Oh the list goes on...

Anyhow, I so appreciate all your responses. I'm kinda nervous to talk to my midwife about it Monday. I'm guessing she'll think I at least need one US since I'm 35. I'm just hoping she sees things the way I do!!!
Thanks so much everyone for your replies! So much great info and references.

It's amazing how much dissension I seem to encounter when I mention that ultrasounds seem to be overdone, and COULD be dangerous. I kinda made the mistake of mentioning this in the first trimester forum, and I hope there isn't a huge backlash! People just seem to be so set on doing what the majority does without question--especially because ultrasounds sound so fun. It makes sense, because it seems like the majority of people just CAN'T be wrong. Too bad the majority turns out to be wrong. A LOT! So many examples: x-rays on pregnant women, thalidomide sedative used on pregnant women, Phen-Fen prescriptions, we used to believe based on fact that the earth was flat, women used to be 2nd class citizens incapable of voting. Oh the list goes on...

Anyhow, I so appreciate all your responses. I'm kinda nervous to talk to my midwife about it Monday. I'm guessing she'll think I at least need one US since I'm 35. I'm just hoping she sees things the way I do!!!

dont let them use the age issue i am 40 and have not had a single one:nope:
Hi everyone:winkwink: I had been reading this forum since some time and have finally registered here and this is my first post. For now I will write just a question that had been running in my mind since I came to know about my pregnancy.

I live in a foreign country where doctors do not speak English much, and neither do I speak their local language much. But I understand a bit, and somehow we converse usually someone who would interpret little bit. Now, since this is first time for me, I am trying to do everything according to the advice of the doctor, just to make sure everything is done on time.

What I dont understand however is that, on my first visit the Gynaec did ultrasound and I was happy that the pregnancy was confirmed. However, I started reading about ultrasounds and am thinking, are there not other ways to do that? I mean blood test or something. And wait. I did not have any symptoms at all ! Just that my periods had stopped. And am doing quite healthy as well ( no medical history) thanks to my being vegetarian (trying to have organic as much as I can afford and have) .

Well, I did question the doctor, she just replied that I am little over 30 thats probably it. And then on second one , she again did ultrasound I do not know for what. And then she sent me for prenatals, which I do not know was really necessary to do.Everything seems okay and now after having 3 ultrasounds, I am thinking was it worth bothering our baby with this ?

Just wanted to vent out my thoughts out here, this is my first post so a big Hi and baby dust to all mums and trying to be here :)
Yes, I think scans are quite important really. It pinpoints any potential issues before the birth and you're better prepared as a new mum. It must be awful to have a baby born with a defect or extreme disability and you had no idea :(
I also will have the NT scan and the bloods taken. I dont know if I'd have amnio if I needed to but I probably would.
I am mortified with the idea of someone sucking out a part of my placenta fluid. Sorry I do not want to scare you but, I've read about the side effects and I probably will not go for more ultrasounds unless very necessary or the amnio. I so hope that I will not need to do that....
I had the standard ultrasounds at 12 weeks and 20 weeks. Then, at my 25 week check, they heard something weird on the doppler while listening to LOs heartbeat and sent me for an ultrasound. Because of that one, they found that he had a heart condition. Since then, I've had one a week to check his heartrate (as this is the only real way to get an accurate reading in a heart block baby). Because of his heart condition, it is reassuring to me to see him growing and moving and see his heartrate being stable. If it had not been discovered by doppler, he could have gone into heart failure without anyone knowing. I'm thankful they listened in. I will have to probably have the same types of checks with any other baby because there is a 20% chance that any other children we have could have a heart block as well.

Side note: Heart block is a VERY RARE condition in babies. Mine was triggered by lupus antibodies that I didn't know I even had! I say this so no one gets scared or paranoid :flower: :hugs:
I'm a paranoid pregnant lady but I just wanted to add my experiences from scans.
Here in Germany you can pay a small fee and have an ultrasound at EVERY appointment (which is every 4 weeks until 32 weeks and then every week after that). I'd read that maybe there was a connection between u/s and behavioural problems in children but I kind of figured that in Germany it's pretty normal to have so many ultrasounds and I haven't seen any problems with the children here....well no more than anywhere else :D
Anyway, I have chosen both times to have an u/s every time because it just puts my mind at ease to see my baby. My doctor checks it's heart, measures everything (legs, arms etc) and makes sure everything is going well.
I also have a friend that lived in Australia and moved to Germany when she was 20 weeks pregnant. In Oz they told her that everything was great and the baby was perfectly fine. It wasn't until she came to Germany and she had her first u/s that they told her the baby was much too small and he was quite ill. She ended up having problems with the baby and it was very lucky that they spotted it early and kept him monitored because he needed to be delivered pretty early.
I have to say though, my u/s here are very quick. I'm in and out in about 5 mins - 10 mins MAX.
Im having my 2nd scan on thursday i had an early one to check everything was ok as i had bleeding, and i will get at least a 20 wk one as well to check babies heart and everything are ok. its likely they will give me more as ive had 2 big babies now and didnt measure large with either so they may well want to check on babys size.

i think we would see a much greater number of twins and triplets with austism and stuff if there was any link there as multiple mums get alot more scans than singleton mums but we dont see lots of twin cases of autism being diagnoised.
If you don't want one, don't have one, it's your choise for yourself and your baby :)

Personally I think that information about possible problems is vital, not necessarily for you to decide on continuing the pregnancy or not but to help you get the support you could need before and after the pregnancy.

Also if you avoided everything that hadn't been clinically proven not to harm the baby you'd never eat an apple, or wear demin etc... I feel that if there had been proof of harm it would be in every paper and tv programme. The midwifery today articles were very interesting and made some valid points. However as it says on the website, it is a magazine, biased towards non-intervention, not a peer reviewed scientific journal (though it does quote these). Articles do not make science, and I'd be careful what I allow to influence my decision.
I had the 12 and 20 weeks ones. I wouldn't have had anymore but I found those two useful to reassure me all was well.
Hi I have not read all of the thread but just wanted to add that I think that scans are so imprtant for the welfare of your unborn child. I found out on my 19 week anomaly (sp?) scan that our son was very unwell, and it would have been to cruel to continue with the pregnancy. I am so glad that I live in an area of the world where I was able to find this out and allow him to be free and suffer no more.
I had 7 in total.

I was on the pill so unsure how pregnant i was, they asked me to gess and sent me for a "12 week" dating scan but i turned out to be 8 weeks.

A emergancy scan at 9 weeks after a bleed

My propper 12 week dating scan

I needed two anomaly scans as she was hiding and wouldent turn round.

A growth scan at 33 weeks as i was measuring 4 weeks ahead.

A scan to check babys position when my waters went early.

They dont offer NT scans in my area but id have refused it anyway, it wouldent have made a differance for me.

The only one i felt was unnecissary was the last one but my head was up my arse after my waters going early so i went with what the doctor said.

Yes they dident do them years ago but they did xrays instead.
I think tbh its better to have one. Autism is not the end of the world, it does not harm your child. Ultrasounds can help many things. IMO.
I am still conflicted about this. I'm booked for the 19 week scan but don't know if I'll go ahead with it. I have my own selfish desire to see my baby, it's lots of fun and will reassure me, but is that enough of a reason to expose it to the possibly harmful effects of powerful ultrasound? The only good reason I've got for doing it at the moment is to rule out multiples or placenta preavia, as I'm planning an HBAC 3+ hours from a main hospital, and need to know early if I have to change my mindset about going into hospital, as I think it'll take a lot for me to turn my mind around at this stage. Also I promised my daughter she could come to a scan (before I did all this reading, oops), but that's still no good reason to possibly expose her little brother or sister to harm. I had the Nuchal scan booked but after a lot of reading I cancelled it. I've always been adamant I wouldn't abort and therefore I wouldn't go for CVS or Amniocintesis so I didn't see the point of gleaning information I wouldn't act upon but which could stress me needlessly or stop me from enjoying my pregnancy.

There are some good links here to read: https://www.whale.to/a/ultrasound_unsound.html
but ultimately the choice is yours and yours alone, you can't let what any of us did or didn't do influence you, have a good read up on the pros and cons and think hard, that's all you can do.
I think I responded to this thread way back when it was first posted, but hey ho. I've had an ultrasound every week since 25 weeks to help check my baby's heart. It's the ONLY way to monitor his heart accurately. I don't know where I would be without them. The doppler is just so ineffective when it comes to measuring heart block.
I am still conflicted about this. I'm booked for the 19 week scan but don't know if I'll go ahead with it. I have my own selfish desire to see my baby, it's lots of fun and will reassure me, but is that enough of a reason to expose it to the possibly harmful effects of powerful ultrasound? The only good reason I've got for doing it at the moment is to rule out multiples or placenta preavia, as I'm planning an HBAC 3+ hours from a main hospital, and need to know early if I have to change my mindset about going into hospital, as I think it'll take a lot for me to turn my mind around at this stage. Also I promised my daughter she could come to a scan (before I did all this reading, oops), but that's still no good reason to possibly expose her little brother or sister to harm. I had the Nuchal scan booked but after a lot of reading I cancelled it. I've always been adamant I wouldn't abort and therefore I wouldn't go for CVS or Amniocintesis so I didn't see the point of gleaning information I wouldn't act upon but which could stress me needlessly or stop me from enjoying my pregnancy.

There are some good links here to read: https://www.whale.to/a/ultrasound_unsound.html
but ultimately the choice is yours and yours alone, you can't let what any of us did or didn't do influence you, have a good read up on the pros and cons and think hard, that's all you can do.

Its not allways the case of if they are problems found they will tell you to abort the baby, its about being to plan for any problems by having the right treatment ready for baby once its born.
I am still conflicted about this. I'm booked for the 19 week scan but don't know if I'll go ahead with it. I have my own selfish desire to see my baby, it's lots of fun and will reassure me, but is that enough of a reason to expose it to the possibly harmful effects of powerful ultrasound? The only good reason I've got for doing it at the moment is to rule out multiples or placenta preavia, as I'm planning an HBAC 3+ hours from a main hospital, and need to know early if I have to change my mindset about going into hospital, as I think it'll take a lot for me to turn my mind around at this stage. Also I promised my daughter she could come to a scan (before I did all this reading, oops), but that's still no good reason to possibly expose her little brother or sister to harm. I had the Nuchal scan booked but after a lot of reading I cancelled it. I've always been adamant I wouldn't abort and therefore I wouldn't go for CVS or Amniocintesis so I didn't see the point of gleaning information I wouldn't act upon but which could stress me needlessly or stop me from enjoying my pregnancy.

There are some good links here to read: https://www.whale.to/a/ultrasound_unsound.html
but ultimately the choice is yours and yours alone, you can't let what any of us did or didn't do influence you, have a good read up on the pros and cons and think hard, that's all you can do.

Its not allways the case of if they are problems found they will tell you to abort the baby, its about being to plan for any problems by having the right treatment ready for baby once its born.

I agree, for example with spina bifida the baby would need life saving surgery only performed at special neonatal units within hours of birth. If this could be planned for before delivey, the baby would have a stronger chance of surviving that if it was an unknown. And the same applies to other things that are picked up such as some heart problems etc.

And as far as being against abortion, I too felt like this. But you dont know how you would react until you are faced with that decision. At the end of the day a mother has to do what is best for their child, not what is best for themselves. which is why we are all here right?

I hope you are able to make the best informed decision for you and your family xxxx

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