Hi I'm 30 weeks pregnant with my son and I'm unsure whether I should breast feed or not... I was wondering if people could offer some advice or tips on breast feeding? Pros and cons etc?
Hi, congratulations on your pregnancy! Have you spoken to your midwife about breastfeeding at all? If you've been to parenting classes, was breastfeeding discussed?
It has many many benefits for the baby as well as for the mother. There are your antibodies in it so baby is protected from what you are immune to, breast milk is designed to suit your baby's needs, it's right there and always the right temp so you don't need to faff with bottles and powder and heating up and sterilizing (and that is a lot of work, especially for night feeds), you don't have to shell out for formula or worry that you'll run out on a Sunday before a bank holiday, it's great for bonding with the baby, it protects you from some cancers, it helps your uterus shrink, it helps you lose weight... And so much more.
I'm a huge advocate of breastfeeding. Yes, it can be difficult, yes, it can be painful for a while at the beginning. Yes, you are the one who does all the feeds, every single one. But it's worth it.
My tips, hmmm. Read up on it - educate yourself on the physiology of breastfeeding, on what to expect, what your options are, what possible problems there are and how they can be solved. Talk to your midwife, they are a mine of information. Don't set yourself goals like "I will breastfeed for a year", take it one feed at a time and suddenly it becomes easy. Buy a tube of Lansinoh and use it after each feed at the beginning. Wear a good, supportive nursing bra. Breastpads. Always have a drink within reach while feeding, and drink lots throughout the day. Eat well - have snacks ready that you can have while baby is nursing. Have a book or something for when you want to do something other than admiring your baby while nursing. (Movies, the internet, whatever you enjoy.) Make sure you're sitting or lying comfortably while nursing. Some people find a breastfeeding pillow helpful. Try different nursing positions several times before saying something doesn't work for you.
Don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it or if you feel uncertain. Breastfeeding can take some effort at the beginning.
Most of all, enjoy it. It's a special time for you and your baby.
ETA Have a look at this: https://breastfeeding.about.com/od/breastfeedingbasics/a/proscons.htm