Under 25 and TTC number one...


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2011
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I've noticed a few girls recently on the site who experience judgement when trying to conceive their first because of their age; or who don't have many friends that are settled down and focused on growing a family. Personally I have felt pretty lonely in my journey so far, save for some amazing BnB women and of course OH.

So here's a thread where us young baby dancers can all chat and share our ups and down together :thumbup:

Please don't feel shy about introducing yourself :) It's a non-judgement, happy thread to meet other young women who are at the same stage in life.


Good Luck to:














Mommy and me

DH (22) and I (18) are trying for #1. On CD 1 (maybe). So excited to start BBT this month.:dust:
Hey :)

Nice to see a face over here!

I'm Demi, 19 and ttc #1. OH is 20 and we got engaged last year after being together since I was 15. We decided to stop using BC last year and started ntnp/ttc in January. This month it got serious because if we don't get our bfp by July OH wants to WTT until we get married.

Wantababybad - do you have a journal I can stalk?? ;)

Where is everyone from?? :hugs:
Hello all

so heres my story....

im 20 and my partner is 23
we started ttc 3 1/2 years ago yes i was only 16 i come off the pill and thought it would take some time (was very earlier but new he was the one and new i wanted a family with him) so after a year we went to the doctors...they wouldn’t do anything for us due to my age we went from doctor to doctor and all the same they wouldn’t do any test.

Eventually they sent me for test all come back normal then my partner was told his mobility was low but it only takes one bla bla bla

so after more time passed again seeing more doctors my partner had a second sa and was told the same again mobility low but only takes 1...

Recently i went in for a lap&dye due to suspected endometriosis turns out i have mild pcos but not symptoms other than cycles being 29-48 but 29-36 the last year.

we then found a doctor that was willing to help so my partner had some blood work done and found out his testosterone levels were very high and we are waiting to be referred to a hormone specialist.

And from the sa we also found out he don’t have low mobility it’s a very very low sperm count (how the doctor told us the wrong thing.) and are only chance is for ivf
Because I am only 20 we are not able to be referred to a fertility clinic for ivf I have to wait till I’m 23

Im hoping for a miracle and can still conceive naturally
maybebaby - I think it's awesome that you've not given up after all this time! I think it's awesome to see women with so much strength on this site continuing to be so strong over the years it takes. Do you temp or OPK at all? Wishing you loads of :dust:

Are we all from England? I come from Leicestershire but am living near to Bracknell at the minute. I'd love to move to the states one day though. I have lots of family there.
I don't...ha. Idk how to do one. I'm new to this.

:rofl: Sorry, I've been on this site for so long :dohh:

There's a section called TTC journals where you just make a thread as your journal. Pretty handy for posting tets pics 'is it negative?' kinda thingy. Saying that, I deleted mine ages ago. I should start a new one.
Everybody thinks about the young people as not having any issues conceiving, but we do. And when we experience loss, they say "well you have plenty of time, you're still young" but it still hurts.
Glad to see a <25 group. :)
Hubby (30) and I (24) have had 2 miscarriages now. One was just over 5 years ago. We went on The Pill until we were ready. Went off just recently, got pregnant the first cycle TTC#1 but MC'd again. On CD1 today. First regular cycle since this last MC. We hoped that since this last MC was so early maybe we'd get pregnant right away, but it didn't happen and maybe that's for the best. Let my body sort of reset itself naturally and we'll keep going!
We did pre-seed/softcups/prenatals/baby aspirin/ and BBT.
I have bloodwork in to test for antiphospholipid syndrome since I've had the 2 MCs, haven't heard back yet, and I have a lab order in to get my blood drawn to check my progesterone this cycle on day 21. But I may have to ask if it'll still be CD21 since that's the day they said since my cycles were always 28 days before and since I started temping this last month I OV'd on day 15 but then only had an 11 day luteal phase. Kind of short :( It may have been off since the MC though.
I'm from Arkansas. DH and I have been married for 11 months. Said we were trying a while ago but never BD over 4 or 5 times a month since, and only last month was around O day. I'm not really sure if I'm on CD 1 or still CD 49. It's very very light. Never EVER seen it like this at the beginning only the end. Ha. This is terrible. I'm just going to try BBT this month and see if it works. If not I will probably try OPK.
oh its been a struggle but we will get there in the end i hope:D i used to do all of it afte rthe time i have tried all sorts but was told by the doc it causes more stress which will then lower your chance so i just stick with the concieve plus lube ( but have brough preseed to try) and vitamins
I am from bristol i wouldnt mind moving there to anywhere other than here :D
Welcome baby_bray! I'm very sorry to hear about your angels and I hope that your results come back soon so that you can start making progression. Have you been taking any supplements for progesterone? I completely agree about some people's attitudes to young people ttc, I have sometimes felt that they think that we should wait until it's really difficult to try. As some of you lovely girls have proved, it's not always plain sailing, even with age on your side. Why shouldn't we do everything now to conceive? Our body, our choice.

@maybebaby - let me know how the preseed goes! I was thinking of ordering some but not sure how OH would react :haha:

@wantababy- I'm trying to visit all US states. I've done 12 so far. Is Arkansas worth a visit? FX that temping works for you, I guess it'll make your cycles easier to track :D
Well I love Arkansas. I have lived here all 18 years of my life...lol. So yea, but it depends on how u like ur weather. It's never the same here. One day it could be 88 and the next 55. It's crazy. People who come to Arkansas from different places always complain about allergy problems, but I would say it is. I hope it does work for me. We really want a little bean, and so does both of our families.
hi guys im sadie, 23 live in plymouth, uk.
Me and my OH are both 23 went to school together, best friends and now have been together nearly 3 years. Been ttc since jan 2011 so 16months and turned 23 last month so went in for tests:thumbup:

Turns out I have low progesterone so am probably not ovulating, last month 16 this month 5:blush: very low. My OH has 1% morphology and poor motility so we have a very very slim chance of EVER concieveing naturally together :cry:

I have always had very regular cycles (35 days) but this month I have missed entirely I am 7 days late and no signs of AF other than occasional cramping which iv had all week. Dunno if its stress or worse but have now had thyroid tested (normal) and get my AMH results back tomoz.... im scared cos this test could say I have low or no egg reserves.

We are automatically being referred regardless as my OH's results are concerning enough so at least I know something could be done soon but just can't understand why I have suddenly had no period, I also have insomnia, nausea, cramping etc and if I didnt know better would think I was PG but store bought test says neg :growlmad:
Am i imagining it?
So glad theres this group cos its really difficult to find people under 25 who understand :happydance:

Sorry for the rant just nice to get it all out!!!

p.s OPK always said i ovulated randomly throughout the month but period always regular.

So thats me..... nice to meet u girlies :hugs:
hi guys im sadie, 23 live in plymouth, uk.
Me and my OH are both 23 went to school together, best friends and now have been together nearly 3 years. Been ttc since jan 2011 so 16months and turned 23 last month so went in for tests:thumbup:

Turns out I have low progesterone so am probably not ovulating, last month 16 this month 5:blush: very low. My OH has 1% morphology and poor motility so we have a very very slim chance of EVER concieveing naturally together :cry:

I have always had very regular cycles (35 days) but this month I have missed entirely I am 7 days late and no signs of AF other than occasional cramping which iv had all week. Dunno if its stress or worse but have now had thyroid tested (normal) and get my AMH results back tomoz.... im scared cos this test could say I have low or no egg reserves.

We are automatically being referred regardless as my OH's results are concerning enough so at least I know something could be done soon but just can't understand why I have suddenly had no period, I also have insomnia, nausea, cramping etc and if I didnt know better would think I was PG but store bought test says neg :growlmad:
Am i imagining it?
So glad theres this group cos its really difficult to find people under 25 who understand :happydance:

Sorry for the rant just nice to get it all out!!!

p.s OPK always said i ovulated randomly throughout the month but period always regular.

So thats me..... nice to meet u girlies :hugs:
i had a progesterone test done in 2009 and way 40 but underneath it says follicular less than 8? which i didn&#8217;t understand
what&#8217;s a AMH ?
we have a very very low chance of it happening naturally as well due to low count. you&#8217;re lucky your 23 and can get referred i have to wait another 3 years
No progesterone supplements yet. The blood draw on day 21(we'll see if it's still CD21 since my last cycle was a bit shorter) should be a yes or no on that one. As much as TTC-ers swear by the progesterone, it's really very highly debated by OB/GYNs. I totally trust the Doc I saw. My hubby and I are both surgical technicians, so we know all the docs pretty well. I recently "specialized" in Urology though, so I only work with my two Urology Docs now. My GYN doesn't swear by progesterone, but is open minded. She said some docs will prescribe it no questions asked and I agreed to do the blood draw before we know for sure. It's obvious hubby and I can *get* pregnant, it's just making it stick...

Both my hubby and I are US Air Force. We figured we'd "travel the world" but we've only been stationed in the Southern US, lol. Texas, Mississippi and now Florida. LOVE Florida, other than it just too hot in the summer! The humidity makes things so weird! When it's cold it's WAY too cold and when it's hot it's WAY too hot...

I grew up a Navy brat, so I've always moved around. Lived in sooooo many different states. I "claim" Maine as home since that's where I lived the longest, where my dad retired, and where I graduated High School. I miss it so much...the weather was perfect and even when there was snow on the ground it was a dry cold and you could go outside in a sweatshirt and jeans and be comfortable...lol

Hubby and I used preseed this last cycle and it was alright. It seemed to dry pretty quickly and is almost a little sticky once it starts to dry. By the time we were done BDing I couldn't tell a difference. I don't think it made a huge difference by itself.... But with the softcups is another story! The softcups were a little awkward the first time, but not difficult or painful or anything. And when I took them out I *knew* they had been holding everything close to my cervix. It was nice not worrying about laying there after BDing that everything would "fall back out" lol...
Do y'all mind if I join this thread? I'm Brittany and I am 24 and live in Texas. DH and I have been trying for 2 1/2 years. (Married 4 years)

Today is CD 1 after my first failed IUI. It is really disappointing because I thought (for some crazy reason) that we would be the lucky couple who got a BFP after their first IUI. We have been diagnosed with unexplained infertility. I don't ovulate on my own, but do with the help of medicine. I ovulated 6 times with the help of Clomid, still no BFP. Had a HSG which came back normal. Its hard to deal with this because there seems to be no real science to treating infertility except try something and see if that works.

I'm looking forward to being able to talk to some others my own age. Like a lot of you, I'm tired of hearing, "you are still young - it will happen."
i had a progesterone test done in 2009 and way 40 but underneath it says follicular less than 8? which i didn’t understand
what’s a AMH ?
we have a very very low chance of it happening naturally as well due to low count. you’re lucky your 23 and can get referred i have to wait another 3 years[/QUOTE]

it should be 30 to show that you have ovulated, they mean the follicular phase of ur cycle which is before ovulation. I think that means that its too high should be around 1 i think which means you ovulate earlier than normal? Don't think its a massive problem but dont know much about oving early. AMH= anti mullerian hormone test, checks the egg supply (ovarian reserve). yeah that is the only thing keeping me calmish about the situation but at least you have three years of trying it could happen fingers crossed. Plus my doctor told us that you can do tests before you are 23 just not be referred till then :shrug:
Welcome ikmju4 and Britt87, you're both very welcome here!

I will have my fingers crossed for you that it's just a shy bfp ikmju :hugs: WIll keep you in mind tomorrow when you get your results. Let us know how it all goes :)

Hey Britt, it's great to see so many lovely ladies who can relate to what I/we are going through. I agree that often it's a guessing game. Several ladies I've spoken to on here have tried for years for children and still never got any answers as to why it took so long to conceive.

Hopefully we've started a lucky thread here, spreading :dust:
I thought it would be fun to fill in a survey to get to know each other, it's pretty random I took it from online and shoved some ttc questions in too...

What is your name?
OH's name?
How old are you?
How long have you been ttc?
Eye colour?
Hair colour?
Shoe size?
Favourite colour?
Favourite song?
Favourite film?
Favourite place in the world?
Would you rather have a boy or girl for your first?
Do you have any names chosen?
Do you have any vacations planned?
Favourite joke..?
Chocolate or chips?
Rap or classical music?
Black or white?
Summer or winter?
Dogs or cats?
p.s OPK always said i ovulated randomly throughout the month but period always regular.
First of all welcome to the group~!
This part stuck out to me...so question...
Did you have more than one surge a cycle? or just a single surge at different times during your cycles? If it's multiple surges, I read somewhere that if sometimes OPKs will show multiple surges and because you're body is having some type of trouble ovulating. OPKs don't really show ovulation. They show the LH surge that usually triggers ovulation.
I did BBT this last cycle and I loved it, it gave me a pretty reliable source of confirmation that I had OVd. It was really cool to be able to see the rise on the chart. I did OPKs too, but the OPKs can almost show when it's too late depending on when you actually OV. It was so cool to see the little smiley face on the OPK (I actually got 3 +s) and the last one was super dark on the strip, the next morning I got my temp spike and it stayed elevated!

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