Under 25 and TTC number one...

Hi ladies! I am sooo super glad to find a >25 thread for us ttc'rs. DF (21) & I (23) started TTC March 14/2010 - the decision to come off of bcps was made on V-day, but we decided to wait until I was finished that round. After months and months of :bfn: and wonky cycles I went to my family dr and was referred to an OBGYN unusally quick for someone my age. I was told that they suggest a couple TTC for 2 years before being refered and I am extremely happy they did not make me wait.

I found out that I do not ovulate on my own. My cycles are extremely random - I can go from a 30 day cycle to a 130 day cycle and everywhere in between. DF had a SA and that came back stating that he had a low sperm count. The OBGYN referred me to the fertility clinic in the city - which we absolutely cannot afford at approx $500 for just the initial appointment. I spent several unsuccessful months on Metformin before being put on 50 mgs of clomid and told to return back in 3 months... and in that 3 months I only had 1 cycle, she put me on provera for 10 days to jump start my period and I am now on round 2 of clomid.

:dust: and fx'd to all of you ttc ladies, hopefully the wait is short and the joys are many :)
i had a progesterone test done in 2009 and way 40 but underneath it says follicular less than 8? which i didn’t understand
what’s a AMH ?
we have a very very low chance of it happening naturally as well due to low count. you’re lucky your 23 and can get referred i have to wait another 3 years[/QUOTE]

it should be 30 to show that you have ovulated, they mean the follicular phase of ur cycle which is before ovulation. I think that means that its too high should be around 1 i think which means you ovulate earlier than normal? Don't think its a massive problem but dont know much about oving early. AMH= anti mullerian hormone test, checks the egg supply (ovarian reserve). yeah that is the only thing keeping me calmish about the situation but at least you have three years of trying it could happen fingers crossed. Plus my doctor told us that you can do tests before you are 23 just not be referred till then :shrug:[/QUOTE]
Yeah i have had many test i just cant get any thing done, i dont want 3 more yesrs of trying its been 3 1/2 already i dont think i could cope another 3 years doing this. we are hoping we will get refered earlier as my partners count is around 3000 yeah 3000 no million .. and ivf is pobs are only way
What is your name? sadie
OH's name? sean
How old are you? 23
How long have you been ttc? 16months
Eye colour? brown
Hair colour? brown
Shoe size? 4
Favourite colour? purple
Favourite song? rose garden
Favourite film? the notebook :p
Favourite place in the world? anywhere in italy
Would you rather have a boy or girl for your first? boy
Do you have any names chosen? luca
Do you have any vacations planned? paris in feb
Chocolate or chips? chocolate
Rap or classical music? rap
Black or white? black
Summer or winter? summer
Dogs or cats? dogs

p.s OPK always said i ovulated randomly throughout the month but period always regular.
First of all welcome to the group~!
This part stuck out to me...so question...
Did you have more than one surge a cycle? or just a single surge at different times during your cycles? If it's multiple surges, I read somewhere that if sometimes OPKs will show multiple surges and because you're body is having some type of trouble ovulating. OPKs don't really show ovulation. They show the LH surge that usually triggers ovulation.
I did BBT this last cycle and I loved it, it gave me a pretty reliable source of confirmation that I had OVd. It was really cool to be able to see the rise on the chart. I did OPKs too, but the OPKs can almost show when it's too late depending on when you actually OV. It was so cool to see the little smiley face on the OPK (I actually got 3 +s) and the last one was super dark on the strip, the next morning I got my temp spike and it stayed elevated!

oh really didnt realise that thanks, i think it was multiple so maybe thats why. I have stopped them now anyway cos gunna need the docs help seems like a unneccesary stress atm.
What is your name? hayley
OH's name? andrew
How old are you? 20
How long have you been ttc? 31/2 years
Eye colour?Blue
Hair colour?Blonde
Shoe size? 5
Favourite colour?Black
Favourite song?.....dont no
Favourite film?......Many
Favourite place in the world? My Bed :D
Would you rather have a boy or girl for your first? Any As long as they are healthy
Do you have any names chosen? Nope
Do you have any vacations planned? Just come back from 2
Favourite joke..?......
Chocolate or chips? chips
Rap or classical music? Rap
Black or white? White
Summer or winter?Summer
Dogs or cats? Dogs
Hi ladies! I am sooo super glad to find a >25 thread for us ttc'rs. DF (21) & I (23) started TTC March 14/2010 - the decision to come off of bcps was made on V-day, but we decided to wait until I was finished that round. After months and months of :bfn: and wonky cycles I went to my family dr and was referred to an OBGYN unusally quick for someone my age. I was told that they suggest a couple TTC for 2 years before being refered and I am extremely happy they did not make me wait.

I found out that I do not ovulate on my own. My cycles are extremely random - I can go from a 30 day cycle to a 130 day cycle and everywhere in between. DF had a SA and that came back stating that he had a low sperm count. The OBGYN referred me to the fertility clinic in the city - which we absolutely cannot afford at approx $500 for just the initial appointment. I spent several unsuccessful months on Metformin before being put on 50 mgs of clomid and told to return back in 3 months... and in that 3 months I only had 1 cycle, she put me on provera for 10 days to jump start my period and I am now on round 2 of clomid.

:dust: and fx'd to all of you ttc ladies, hopefully the wait is short and the joys are many :)

Hi sweetie! Welcome to our lovely group, I'm so happy lots of lovely girlies are here. I've wanted to make a group for us young TTC'ers for ages but never dared in case it was just me. Glad to see there are lots of people that can empathise. Very happy for you that you got results from your doctor, I think help is one of the hardest thing to get at our age. We're never seen as a priority. Will keep my fingers crossed that this round of clomid is the one that gives you a sticky bean!
can you see a diff doctor that might refer you sooner? i know that there criteria is really really strict so dont know what else to suggest. I know it feels like forever even waiting a month to us while ttc. Im trying to take my mind of the actual ttc (easier said than done) and thinking that (hopefully) in the next few years il have my baby and will have made myself the best i can for them and OH... so far this is curbing my impatience :/ but very hard when everyone around me is getting married and having babies
What is your name? Paige
OH's name? Micheal
How old are you? 23
How long have you been ttc? Just over 26 mths
Eye colour? Hazel-ish
Hair colour? Dark Brown
Shoe size? 9 (I know - Amazonian feet. lol)
Favourite colour? Pink/Green/Orange
Favourite song? Manyyyy :)
Favourite film? Beauty & The Beast
Favourite place in the world? DF's arms, or any where with my family.
Would you rather have a boy or girl for your first? Boy... Just because I think it would be adorable in that order. Haha.
Do you have any names chosen? Yes...and will not share again - told a preggo friend my #1 boys name and now her son is named that.
Do you have any vacations planned? Just the honeymoon.
Favourite joke..? I have many.
Chocolate or chips? I guess that depends on the day - but mostly chocolate.
Rap or classical music? Classical... I am such a nerd.
Black or white? I am freshly out of my black/dark phase... so white.
Summer or winter? If I had to choose one, summer - autumn is my fave though.
Dogs or cats? Cats, I have 2 :)
What is your name? Brittany
OH's name? Heath
How old are you? 24
How long have you been ttc? 30 months
Eye colour? brown
Hair colour? brown
Shoe size? 5 1/2
Favourite colour? turquoise
Favourite song? currently Springsteen by Eric Church
Favourite film? too hard to decide on just one
Favourite place in the world? haven't been very many places but I do love Texas
Would you rather have a boy or girl for your first? doesn't matter to me the order
Do you have any names chosen? Hayden Heath, Hunter Huel, Hadleigh Hope, (sticking with a HHH theme
Do you have any vacations planned? no, currently all our extra money goes toward fertility treatments
Chocolate or chips? chips
Rap or classical music? rap (I prefer country)
Black or white? white
Summer or winter? summer
Dogs or cats? dogs
What is your name? Demi
OH's name? Ryan
How old are you? 19
How long have you been ttc? It's complicated, I'll say a year.
Eye colour? Greeny grey.
Hair colour? Reddy brown.
Shoe size? 5
Favourite colour? Green
Favourite song? Anything by Eminem but at the minute 'I won't give up' by Jason Mraz.
Favourite film? Beautiful Mind
Favourite place in the world? Colorado
Would you rather have a boy or girl for your first? Probably girl.
Do you have any names chosen? Not yet.
Do you have any vacations planned? I'm going to Spain in July and Mexico next year.
Favourite joke..? Maybe I should have chosen an easier survey from internet...
Chocolate or chips? Chocolate
Rap or classical music? Both
Black or white? White
Summer or winter? Summer
Dogs or cats? Dogs.
Hi! This is such a great thread!
I'm 24 years old (well will be 6/17) DH is 26 (27 in Nov).
We've been together for 8 years but just got married this past September. We have been actively trying to conceive since January. I had a chemical pregnancy in December, which was a real bummer.
My mom isn't so keen on me having a baby just yet (I think its more that shes not ready to accept that I'm getting older) I try not to take it personal. My dad and DHs family are pretty supportive though.
I'm really hoping June is our month... It would be such a great Birthday present. Its been getting me more frustrated each month when AF shows. Never knew how emotionally draining TTC was.
Its nice to meet everyone on here! :dust: to all!
Favourite film? Beauty & The Beast

I spent my whole childhood wishing I was Belle. I'm so lame I still have her on a money box now :dohh: Amazing film though, I definitely need to break out the VCR and find the tape.
We have just found a doctor that is trying to get all the test done to refer us but is a long prosses becuase of my age. And we need getting bad results back so having to sort them out each time.in the time we have been ttc i have done everything felt everything iv excepted the fact it wont happen naturally but im at a really low point atm as my partner brother and misses have just told us they are pregnant and hey have a child already and she is an alcholic so thats why i have come on here to let everything out and its helping. :D
What is your name?- Allyse (pronounced ah-lease)
OH's name?- John
How old are you?- 24
How long have you been ttc?- Officially, 3months
Eye colour?- Dark brown!
Hair colour?- Almost milk chocolate brown color with red undertones
Shoe size? 7.5US
Favourite colour? Red
Favourite song? Oh jeeze...right now, I have so many...Probably "Drive-by" by Train or Fun's "We Are Young" I crank those up driving in my little Mini Cooper
Favourite film? Hmm This is a hard one. I have too many favorites, I can't really watch any movie over and over though...I love comedy, action, musicals, thrillers, Disney movies, whatever! I can't stand chick flicks though!!! OR feel good under-dog sports movies....WAAAY too predictable...
Favourite place in the world? Anywhere my hubby is. If the military has taught me anything it's that it really doesn't matter where you are, it's the people who are there for you.
Would you rather have a boy or girl for your first? I have no shame in saying hubby and I wish for a boy. I know I'd be happy with either. Especially after having two MCs, I would just be overjoyed with anything, but I love the idea of a little boy, and my hubby is such a "guy's guy" that I know they'd be two peas in a pod.
Do you have any names chosen? Yes! But I'm superstitious! I think as soon as I say them then all the babies born around then will take my names! I felt bad because I had a distant cousin have a little girl a month or so ago and I sent her a private email telling her congrats and in the PS I told her I loved the name and that my hubby and I had decided on that name if we had a girl a long time ago so don't be surprised if we have a girl and name her the same thing!
Do you have any vacations planned? Yes! Every year my family goes to Disney World in FL the end of August (that's when all the Florida kids go back to school, perfect time!) The last 3 or 4 years my hubby has got to go with, and his whole family has met us down there twice now. We actually got married down there last year during our trip!
Favourite joke..? How many Fruedian analysts does it take to screw in a light bulb? - 2 one to screw it in the other to hold the penis- LADDER! I mean LADDER!
Chocolate or chips? Chips all the way. I'm actually one of the few ladies I know who is really not very fond of chocolate...
Rap or classical music? Of those two....Classical. But I'm really not that picky. I'll listen to whatever sounds good to me.
Black or white? White.
Summer or winter? Winter all the way.....I miss the snow
Dogs or cats? DOGS! We have one big Airedale Terrier puppy (around 50lbs) named Maximus Million. We both liked "Max" and Maximus is the "manly" name my hubby wanted and I wanted "Maximilian" so we compromised and named him Maximus Million. He's still a baby at only 7 months, albeit a biiiiiig baby.
Hi! This is such a great thread!
I'm 24 years old (well will be 6/17) DH is 26 (27 in Nov).
We've been together for 8 years but just got married this past September. We have been actively trying to conceive since January. I had a chemical pregnancy in December, which was a real bummer.
My mom isn't so keen on me having a baby just yet (I think its more that shes not ready to accept that I'm getting older) I try not to take it personal. My dad and DHs family are pretty supportive though.
I'm really hoping June is our month... It would be such a great Birthday present. Its been getting me more frustrated each month when AF shows. Never knew how emotionally draining TTC was.
Its nice to meet everyone on here! :dust: to all!

Welcome! I feel exactly the same. TTC is such a drain but there are some really amazing ladies on this thread to share the journey with! I think my mum would feel the same although I haven't dared tell her :nope: She always says I'm not going to 'throw my life away' by getting pregnant. But I'm engaged and settled with a wonderful man. I just want my family iykwim? Very sorry to hear of your loss. I know how you feel hun, it's awful. FX this thread brings us lots of luck for a June bfp :D
Favourite film? Beauty & The Beast

I spent my whole childhood wishing I was Belle. I'm so lame I still have her on a money box now :dohh: Amazing film though, I definitely need to break out the VCR and find the tape.

love love love beauty and the beast, i also used to wish i was belle and that i would grow up to have her exact life :happydance:
@baby_bray - I almost peed myself at your joke, that was brill! OH is just sat here staring at me giggling at the computer screen.
We have just found a doctor that is trying to get all the test done to refer us but is a long prosses becuase of my age. And we need getting bad results back so having to sort them out each time.in the time we have been ttc i have done everything felt everything iv excepted the fact it wont happen naturally but im at a really low point atm as my partner brother and misses have just told us they are pregnant and hey have a child already and she is an alcholic so thats why i have come on here to let everything out and its helping. :D

thats so frustrating im surrounded by people who couldnt care less about being pg having kids etc and im screaming inside cos im so desperate. definately a bummer just gotta vent sometimes and keep on going :hugs:
Hi sweetie! Welcome to our lovely group, I'm so happy lots of lovely girlies are here. I've wanted to make a group for us young TTC'ers for ages but never dared in case it was just me. Glad to see there are lots of people that can empathise. Very happy for you that you got results from your doctor, I think help is one of the hardest thing to get at our age. We're never seen as a priority. Will keep my fingers crossed that this round of clomid is the one that gives you a sticky bean!

Yeah, when I first started going to the OBGYN she was always brushing my off like I was just some young kid. The switch in her came after I got an HSG and told her that there is no way I would be going to that fertility clinic. We did not make enough to do it at that point in time... after that she prescibed me Met, and now clomid. IMHO, she just didn't want to help us. Glad she changed her tune in a hurry though. :)
thats so frustrating im surrounded by people who couldnt care less about being pg having kids etc and im screaming inside cos im so desperate. definately a bummer just gotta vent sometimes and keep on going :hugs:
yep...iv been so good lately calm and just not worring to much, but because shes having a baby and there so close to us it hurts they have a unstable relationship and she goes off drinking all the time and it has got me so down i thought id try one of these site

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