Unexplained infertility


Active Member
Aug 28, 2013
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Hi I was wondering if anyone could share their stories, I've been ttc for just under 3 years now, I've had millions of tests ( well what feels like it) and I'm no further than I was 2 years ago. My tests have come back ok and my gyno put me on clomid for 6 months. When I went back yesterday she has now told me there is nothing more that they can do :( I feel so down at the moment as no one is properly explaining anything to be and I feel like everyone is trying to fob me off with statistics.
No one had really to me what the next step is.. Can anyone help ?

Thank you :) xxx
Hey there - I totally feel your pain and you really are no alone in how you feel.....

We are not unexplained fertility so I cannot give you any advice but do your doctors not think that IVF would help?? Have they never mentioned it at all - you may just need a little helping hand.
They said that could be an option but haven't really discussed it as she wanted me to come back in a few years. I did ask her but seemed reluctant to tell me much :(
That's not a problem waiting as if you want something so much it's worth the wait right? It just feels like it's never ending and your not getting much explanation as reasons why

Thanks for your reply :)
Hi louiser91,

I am sorry this is a struggle for you. I am in the same unexplained boat as well. Are you very young? I just wonder if your obgyn thinks you don't need much help because of your age. It seems weird that she said come back in a few years.

My only advice after reading your story is to ditch your obgyn and go to a fertility clinic (or get a new obgyn). Fertility clinics are great because they only have 1 goal, which is get you pregnant safely.

Just to give you an idea of my plan was/is...3 months clomid + timed intercourse, 3 months of clomid + IUI, injectables + IUI (we stopped after 1 month of this due to ecoptic), now either going to do 1-2 more injectable + IUI or IVF.

Wishing you all the best in getting some answers.
Thank you :) it's reassuring knowing people are in the same boat!!
I'm going to to look into getting a new obgyn as I felt discriminated due to my age and she didn't seem like she wanted to help me. (I'm in my 20's) it seemed like she wasn't interested until I was in my late 20's.

Ah right I'm looking into ivf now to see if it is available in my area first and what my options are. But I was thinking another year of trying first. I feel like the only information I get is of sites like this.
Thank you for sharing :) good luck to you x
Have you had male factor testing done ? Also what tests exactly have you had done ?
louiser, I think you may be correct on the age discrimination. It can only help to get a second opinion.
Yeah my partners tests came back fine, I've had HSG a scan, quite a few bloods around day 21 for progesterone. They then put me on clomid for 6 months.
A few years ago I had my appendix out but they also found a few cysts on my overies which they removed but they said I shouldn't worry about that ?
I can't believe he said there's nothing he can do!!! I have my OBGYN appointment in December for unexplained infertility as well, and I'm also early 20's.

You should definitely go to another OBGYN, find someone who actually cares and won't discriminate based on your age. Some people have a hard time sympathizing with young people who TTC because we're "so young and can do so much". What they don't realize is that we've already done everything we want, and we're ready for the next stage in life.

I wish you the best of luck <3
I totally agree ! I came back feeling hopeless like all these years have been a waste of time.
The impression I got was that because I'm still young your body can still change until your in your late 20's! So that is what she put it down to but I find it hard to believe that just under 3 years of ttc can be put down to changes..
I'm going I ring up next week and book an appointment. So fingers crossed
Good luck to you xx
Hi, I was lttc I started try for a baby when I was 27 & came off the pill the month we got married. 18 months later nothing :-( I went to my doctors who was no use what so ever. He ran a few tests which all came back ok along with a sperm check on my husband. My husband has a son from a former relationship so the doctor told me that we would get ivf on the nhs & that was it. He told us our best bet was to go private.

By this time I had turned 30. We live ok but don't have loads of money so we talked & after a few more tests (all coming back normal) we opted to go for egg share ivf, at least this way we could help over women that needed eggs & the cost was much cheaper. You can egg share if you are under 35 & a few certain tests come back with good levels. It all went well & both myself & another lady (which they match to you as best they can eye colour, hair ect..) had my eggs mixed with partners sperm & eggs transfer. I didn't work for me but did work for the other lady (its up to you if you wish to find this out) . I was really upset & we chose to have a year out.

A year later still nothing so we gave it another go on egg share & again all went well another couple were found as a match (you never meet them or know anything about them) & again it worked for them (twins this time) but not for me. :-( I was really happy that I was able to help the others but why oh why was it not working for me.

I changed my doctors & my new doctor was great & I got to see a specialist at the hospital again myself & husband were checked over & nothing was found to be wrong. I was check mid cycle & found to be producing eggs fine, I had a lap & dye test to check my tubes & all was fine. I was never offered clomid as my cycles were always good 32 days long. Again we were told no ivf due to husband already having a son :-(

By now I am 34 still no baby, the doctor at the hospital said he didn't know that else to do & suggested we had a go at ivf again but not to egg share & to keep all the eggs for ourself & to use icsi to make our chances as good as poss. He said it was up to us but he would be happy to see us every 6 months & run tests again in a year if we had no luck.

We talked & were saving for one last go at ivf when I went to the hospital for a 6 month check & was booked into have my cycle checked to see if I was still producing eggs when my period didn't come OMG I was pregnant. I had a scan at what should have been about 7 weeks but was only showing to be just over 5 weeks. I knew straight away I was having a mc & was told to go back in 2 weeks for another scan but 1 week later I started bleeding & ended up needing a dc.

The only thing that had been different was that I had started having reflexology & the lady that was doing it was so nice I was really able to talk to her about lots of things from my childhood & I deep fear of never being a mum. she got me to open up lots & help me put a few things in order. I really believe for me this helped me fall pregnant & I carried on seeing her then bam 3 months later I fell again.

I was still under the doctor at the hospital and had a scan at just over 6 weeks & was told that they suspected twins but a slow hb was only found in 1 & to go back again in 2 weeks. It was the longest 2 weeks of my life. When we went back it was found that one had vanished but the other was coming on just fine. I was checked every 2 weeks in early pregnancy & gave birth to my perfect little boy aged 35 over 7 years from first trying.

When he was 3 months old we decided to try again for another baby but this time to just go with the flow if it happened it happened. I had what I had longed for for so many years & if we was lucky enough to have another then great. 16 months later nothing again & we decided to call it a day as I was nearing 37 & husband 43. I booked in to have the coil fitted & bam I was pregnant again. This time it ended in a chemical but I fell again 2 months later.

I am due with baby #2 on Xmas eve and fell so blessed. It has been a long 10 years & at times has really tested our relationship & almost ruined our sex life. After this baby is born my husband is going to get the snip lol & our family will finally be complete & our marriage will be all about our family & future not temp checking ovulation checking & failed pregnancy tests & tears.

I wish you the best with your journey & being in your early 20s should make no difference. The longing to be a mother is still the same, you just have a bit more time on your side xx
hi soontobemum,

I'm in Northampton too! Thanks for sharing this as it's given me some hope - the doctor keeps saying that because I'm unexplained then eventually I will become pregnant and your story backs this up : D

In the meantime I'm awaiting Iui number 1 and trying to stay positive.....I reckon it'll eventually come down to IVF and I'm going to do the egg sharing as well to bring the costs down. Was your treatment at Care?

I went through the same. Everything on my tests came back perfect & I did 5 rounds of IUI.....I went for a second option & found out both my tubes are blocked from an infection I would have developed some time in the spring/summer of this year!!! Had I not gone for that second opinion I'd never have known........
Ah wow thanks so much for sharing :) this has given me so much hope !
I'm defiantly going to go back to someone else for a second opinion !!

I suppose it will do you good to get it all out in the open and talking about it, they say don't think about it and it will happen but it's hard not to when your in our situation.
I found my gp was more helpful than my obgyn and sent me for lap and dye
And everything came back fine , because I am young they say it will happen one day ? But best chance is ivf.
I don't know why they offered me clomid as my periods have always been 28-32 days regular and tests have shown I have ovulated although it had been low , but personally I think I ovulate at a different time from the day 21 testing they have done.
I'm so happy it has worked out for you :)
Thanks ladies, yes my treatment was at care. I wish you both luck & hope your wait isn't as long as mine was (all be it worth it in the end). Just never take no for an answer & keep pestering them. Xx
Definitely get a referral for a fertility clinic/reproductive endocrinologist. Everything you listed test-wise was done through my regular OB/gyn before I was referred...this was 3.5 years of TTC for us. RE immediately scheduled me for a laparoscopy and then injectibles with timed intercourse. This was the last step my insurance would cover, and I got my BFP after my first round of Follstim.
Yoga can help with unexplained infertility (as a side effect). Especially in this particular Yogic Kriya as taught by Sadhguru, people have had successes. I just wanted to share in case someone might benefit from it.


The Basic Yogic process is called Shambhavi Mahamudra.(https://www.ishafoundation.org/us/programs/basic/inner-engineering/shambhavi/)

After getting this yogic initiation, you can then participate in the highly powerful Bhava Spandana Program that has helped people who have this problem. (https://www.ishafoundation.org/us/programs/advanced/bsp/)

Good luck. I really hope that you will have children soon.
I, too, am in the unexplained category. I'm 31, DH is 33. SA is normal (a bit slowish but nothing alarming to the doc). All my tests (blood, HSGx2, and SIS are clear). I do have PCOS but it's not affecting my cycles right now as I've been really predictable and temps are following an ovulation trend.

Our next step is Clomid if natural doesn't do it by the end of 2013.

I never thought this would be our life...waited to get married, waited to be stable and in a home...then a year+ later, we're still sitting here waiting for a positive. I've never seen two clear glorious lines. Praying that happens soon for us all.
We are also "unexplained" all exploratory tests done like hysterosalpingogram, ultrasound etc (whoop I've said it that many times I can spell it now!) inc. male factor also and absolutely nothing found and we are now approaching three years.

My partner had a low count 1st but 3 months later with some diet changes he was fine with a good count and motility (stopped taking protein supplements after the gym).

We had our last appointment a year ago and was told that he could put me on clomid but didn't want to because although it helps with ovulation it dries up cervical fluid and he didn't want to mess with something he didn't see an issue with (I understand but it's still frustrating)

He told me to come back in a year, which will be January. I'm hoping he will suggest something, and not just say "wait it out" like he did last time. I am in my late 20s so I hope that he doesn't.

Good luck to everyone out there, it's a frustrating but not futile journey x

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