Hi, I was lttc I started try for a baby when I was 27 & came off the pill the month we got married. 18 months later nothing

I went to my doctors who was no use what so ever. He ran a few tests which all came back ok along with a sperm check on my husband. My husband has a son from a former relationship so the doctor told me that we would get ivf on the nhs & that was it. He told us our best bet was to go private.
By this time I had turned 30. We live ok but don't have loads of money so we talked & after a few more tests (all coming back normal) we opted to go for egg share ivf, at least this way we could help over women that needed eggs & the cost was much cheaper. You can egg share if you are under 35 & a few certain tests come back with good levels. It all went well & both myself & another lady (which they match to you as best they can eye colour, hair ect..) had my eggs mixed with partners sperm & eggs transfer. I didn't work for me but did work for the other lady (its up to you if you wish to find this out) . I was really upset & we chose to have a year out.
A year later still nothing so we gave it another go on egg share & again all went well another couple were found as a match (you never meet them or know anything about them) & again it worked for them (twins this time) but not for me.

I was really happy that I was able to help the others but why oh why was it not working for me.
I changed my doctors & my new doctor was great & I got to see a specialist at the hospital again myself & husband were checked over & nothing was found to be wrong. I was check mid cycle & found to be producing eggs fine, I had a lap & dye test to check my tubes & all was fine. I was never offered clomid as my cycles were always good 32 days long. Again we were told no ivf due to husband already having a son
By now I am 34 still no baby, the doctor at the hospital said he didn't know that else to do & suggested we had a go at ivf again but not to egg share & to keep all the eggs for ourself & to use icsi to make our chances as good as poss. He said it was up to us but he would be happy to see us every 6 months & run tests again in a year if we had no luck.
We talked & were saving for one last go at ivf when I went to the hospital for a 6 month check & was booked into have my cycle checked to see if I was still producing eggs when my period didn't come OMG I was pregnant. I had a scan at what should have been about 7 weeks but was only showing to be just over 5 weeks. I knew straight away I was having a mc & was told to go back in 2 weeks for another scan but 1 week later I started bleeding & ended up needing a dc.
The only thing that had been different was that I had started having reflexology & the lady that was doing it was so nice I was really able to talk to her about lots of things from my childhood & I deep fear of never being a mum. she got me to open up lots & help me put a few things in order. I really believe for me this helped me fall pregnant & I carried on seeing her then bam 3 months later I fell again.
I was still under the doctor at the hospital and had a scan at just over 6 weeks & was told that they suspected twins but a slow hb was only found in 1 & to go back again in 2 weeks. It was the longest 2 weeks of my life. When we went back it was found that one had vanished but the other was coming on just fine. I was checked every 2 weeks in early pregnancy & gave birth to my perfect little boy aged 35 over 7 years from first trying.
When he was 3 months old we decided to try again for another baby but this time to just go with the flow if it happened it happened. I had what I had longed for for so many years & if we was lucky enough to have another then great. 16 months later nothing again & we decided to call it a day as I was nearing 37 & husband 43. I booked in to have the coil fitted & bam I was pregnant again. This time it ended in a chemical but I fell again 2 months later.
I am due with baby #2 on Xmas eve and fell so blessed. It has been a long 10 years & at times has really tested our relationship & almost ruined our sex life. After this baby is born my husband is going to get the snip lol & our family will finally be complete & our marriage will be all about our family & future not temp checking ovulation checking & failed pregnancy tests & tears.
I wish you the best with your journey & being in your early 20s should make no difference. The longing to be a mother is still the same, you just have a bit more time on your side xx