United States Frustration


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2012
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Between Obamacare and bills from the hospital, I just gotta rant.
I spent the last three hours debating someone on facebook about Obamacare. This is someone who is dead set against Obamacare (and this grown man calls him 'Obummer'. If I still lived in the same state I would punch him in the forehead for being so annoying just for insisting on continuing to do that! I don't care that he doesn't like Obama, but does he really have to keep calling him Obummer over and over?). Because I sited all the sources that helped me form my opinions, he said I was spewing rhetoric, meanwhile, he can't site one source or contribute one fact-based opinion on why he thinks Obamacare is so evil. To make matters worse, his buddies are supporting him and cannot provide any facts or information, either (I want to learn if there is actual info to support their arguments!) Meanwhile, Romneycare even has a 'tax' in the form of a tax exemption that this guy is complaining about, but each time I point that out and give him links to prove that, he ignores that part of my response and complains again his thing is against the Obamacare tax/fine.
Not to mention how so many of these Obamacare opposers are 'Christian'! I'm a Christian! Jesus didn't tell you to try your best to screw over your fellow man! What Holy Bible are these people reading from?!
I don't understand how these people are so opposed to making sure their fellow American is healthy! Don't they want their country to be healthy? Don't they want their insurance agencies to be held accountable? Isn't it worth catching cancer in the beginning stages rather than right before it's too late? Isn't it worth it to have healthy babies? It'll cost us a few extra bucks, but won't it be worth it if the U.S. doesn't become a third world country? Maybe I'm misinformed. Maybe I just don't get it, but it drives me absolutely mad!
Also, I just got a medical bill from my hospital that charged me over $400 for a 'deposit'. My husband and I refused to sign the slip agreeing to the deposit because we weren't sure that's where we wanted to have our babies (and now we definitely aren't going to have them there! I want a natural birth and I didn't get the impression that the doctor cared what I wanted and now this). The billing center said it was their policy to bill us the deposit -even though we refused to sign the agreement to it-!! We told them we'd no longer be with them anymore so to take the deposit off so they said we might be liable to pay for other expenses for services rendered with them. Can't wait for the talk with the insurance agency over what they might bill us!
My husband and I pay $800 a month for insurance with a $1000 deductible each. Is it unreasonable to want good health care and some damn respect? Why is it that on my hospital bill my ultra sound is $410 when Living Social has a deal to get an ultra sound for $40? I get paying an extra hundred dollars or so to pay for the medical part of it, but an extra $370? I mean, there's a $20 charge for 'handling and/or conveyance of specimen for transfer from the phy". A $20 charge for taking a urine cup from the collection table to a lab table twenty feet away! Every time I get a medical bill I nearly have to go to the hospital again because of the anxiety!
I have never wanted to go a country with universal health care so much! I want to move to Canada or the UK right now. I'm just so frustrated with the United States! I want to be proud of the U.S. I want my kids to be proud to be an American. I grew up loving the U.S., I hate being so damn disappointed with it at every turn! People uttering Socialism here like it's an evil term while Capitalism is okay? It's okay for CEOs to take million dollar bonuses while 98% of us struggle to make ends meet? While parents work two jobs and sacrifice time with their kids so that they can live this so-called 'American Dream'? So that their banks can steal from them? So that they can pay for their medical expenses if God forbid one of their children gets sick?
It's like we don't even bother looking at other countries to see what made them successful and last or what made them crash and burn.
Sorry for the rant. I just am so amazingly frustrated with things here!
Pre-pregnancy I might have a cigarette or a drink or do some hard-core exercising or even do something moderately reckless to blow of some steam.
Now my only stress relief is cracking open a can of diet coke. And I had my one diet coke for today :(
To make it worse, I've gotten much more bothered by politics since pregnancy (my kids are being born into this country with these people who can't be bothered to explain how they even came upon their opinion, after all!).
I tried taking a walk, I surfed on pinterest, tried playing with the dog, tried to take a nap with hubby (poor thing has heard me complain for the past few days about this sort of thing), just can't keep my mind off of these things that are driving me crazy!
I don't know how to cope or get rid of the stress and almost rage this is causing me. I feel like a crazy person right now for letting it get to me so much, but I'm struggling with how to not let it get to me!
Is this sort of pregnancy rage normal?
I want to reply in a really long message to help you feel better, but I'm getting ill from looking at my hospital bills. :p

But really. Just ignore those idiots on Facebook. I don't know enough about what's going on to have an opinion on it, but I do know that people like that are just as ignorant and shouldn't be saying anything if they can't back it up or if they don't know what they're talking about. A lot of people blindly follow others without having an opinion of their own because they feel comfortable not thinking. He's just a mindless zombie when it comes to politics and a debate with some one as hard headed and idiotic as that will only tire you out. They're too stubborn and too blinded to hear any facts or research them on their own. They're not worth your time.

I'm not saying I'm for Obama or Romney. I really don't know much about any of that right now, but I'm not going to argue about "my beliefs" when I really don't have any.

As for the hormonal rage, yes. That's normal. :p
Being from Canada I have a hard time debating with my American friends about Obama Care. For us, it's a no brainer. Aside from the fact that it makes insurance companies accountable and coverage between them much more fair and universal, there's the secondary effect to the class system, blurring the lines. I think this is what scares people. Anything that is remotely socialist (Finland education system anyone?) is seen as evil in the U.S., even if the results are completely opposite. Mind you, this is the view of a Canadian looking in from the outside.

If you want to debate politics, stay away from hicks who spout 'facts' they get from Fox News. Go find yourself a forum that caters to this, and please, not the comments section of news sites! They're horrible! Lol!
i got into an argument on facebook with someone about it, too. the only argument this woman had of why it was terrible, was that now she "can't afford to eat!!!" :shock: ummm, WHAT?!

OH told me to not argue with people like that that obviously haven't done their research. after seeing all the Canadian and UK girls on here not have to deal with the insurance B.S. we do here, i'm even more excited! :)
I don't have anything to add, didn't want to read and run I just wanted to say that I am with you 100%. Things are so frustrating right now and it's the others who are misinformed, not you. As for Obamacare, I can't stand when people bash things they don't even understand and can't give reason as to why. People just love to be angry about what Obama does all the time. They won't give anything he does a chance. He's done a lot more than others have and they refuse to see it because they hate to be proven wrong. He and those in charge have a lot of mess to clean up of this country, it takes more than one person and a couple of years to do it.
I don't even debate politics with anyone anymore...half the people on my list are idiots when it comes to politics.i live in the bible belt and here all anyone cares about are abortion issues and gay rights. Half my friends go to church and are told by their crazy pastor that they should vote for "x" because "x" is anti gay and anti abortion...so when "x" doesn't win, they hate on the person who did and are against their every decision, every policy, ct even though they don't understand a thing about them.

I'm not a huge fan of Obama for my own reasons (nor am I a fan of Romney before anyone asks) but I want to slap some of my friends and explain to them that they should actually be supporting Democrats and Obama because the policies they want would actually HELP most of them!
I don't understand why people are so afraid of a socialist health care system. God forbid they let everyone have an equal opportunity to health care. I really don't know enough either about the American system or issues. From what I do think I understand is they want everyone to have health care but be forced to pay for it. I'm not sure about that because it seems the American system is about money making not actual health care. We pay a small amount ($20 a year) for some extras and yes we pay more in taxes but to me that seems most fair?? If it was that easy it would be figured out long before now.

I just feel bad for people who don't have the money and who have to fight with their insurance companies. It seems like such a struggle. For us dental work is similar to your system and I haven't gone to the dentist in years because I can't afford it!
I don't even debate politics with anyone anymore...half the people on my list are idiots when it comes to politics.i live in the bible belt and here all anyone cares about are abortion issues and gay rights. Half my friends go to church and are told by their crazy pastor that they should vote for "x" because "x" is anti gay and anti abortion...so when "x" doesn't win, they hate on the person who did and are against their every decision, every policy, ct even though they don't understand a thing about them.

Reminds me of a post I saw on Failbook - a guy was all upset, urging people to boycott Kraft because of their rainbow Oreo cookie add...and his profile picture was of Neil Patrick Harris. :haha:

AP - I think part of the issue is having to pay for a system that you may never use, just like having no kids but still having to pay taxes for education every year. For me, as a member of the military, all my health care is covered. Usually, no matter what province I'm in, I don't have to pay the health care tax for that province...unless I'm in Ontario for some strange reason. Does it annoy me? Myou bet. I'm already covered under a Federal program. Of course, Ontario now being a 'have not' province who gets subsidies from other provinces, that's just all part of the cost of living there and I have to suck it up.

What people seem to be afraid of is, once you start down the socialist path, where does it stop? Heck, look at the occupy movement. You've got a wack of young people who think they should be getting management jobs and paid the big bucks right out of college and university. After all, that's socialism! :nope:
I am sorry to say this, but I think Obama has screwed this country into the ground. I respect other peoples opinions and will not debate with anybody. Have a nice day:)
i am so happy that people cannot be denied because of pre-conditions.
i am happy that women will not have to pay more for health insurance then men (equal rights baby).
i am happy that there will be no more caps on insurance so that people with diseases, disorders, or who are sick will not have their insurance run out mid-treatment.
i am happy that i will get a refund if i dont use my insurance through-out the year.

i could go on..

how anyone can say the above things are bad are BEYOND ME. gives me a headache just thinking about it.

my biggest problem is people get way to political and think everything that democrats or republicans do is bad and wrong. i am democrat and obama fan but can i admit when he is wrong or disagree? absolutely. i dont think everything republicans do is wrong either, even if its not my party.
I'm with you 100%, Porcelain. If others can get healthcare, why can't I? I either have to be really rich, or really poor to get OHP here in Oregon. I'm just barely outside of the income limits to qualify for OHP. I can't afford private health care, can't qualify for OHP, so I just don't go to the doctor. It's homeopathic remedies for me. I'm paying out of pocket for prenatal care with a midwife. A third of our income every month goes to taxes, leaving us with $1700-$2000 to live on, for a month. What did I do to deserve no healthcare?! It makes me mad to see people insulting Obamacare. No, it's not a perfect plan. But something is better than nothing for people like me. But hey, maybe I'm just a fool. I really don't know.
Here's something for people to consider though, if the American health care system ever goes to the same extent as Canada.

Right now, in the US, if you pay enough money you can get treated for whatever you want as long as you want. For example, if you have a very rare form of cancer that has always been terminal, if you pay enough money, you can get whatever treatment is out there, even though it won't be successful but may extend your life a bit longer.

In Canada, that same person has to fight for this life-extending treatment. Usually a case like this would be referred directly to palliative care, because there is no private system.

It's a pretty extreme example, but I'm sure you guys get where I'm going with it, and something to consider in the coming years as your health care system becomes more and more public.
I am sorry to say this, but I think Obama has screwed this country into the ground. I respect other peoples opinions and will not debate with anybody. Have a nice day:)

I'm also not interested in debating, I am always open to other peoples opinions and the various sides we stand on. But, I do believe more than one person is involved in screwing this country! He himself cannot be held accountable for it all. Yes, he's the president. But, he's also only a single human being with shoulders no bigger than ours to carry around so many responsibilities. Again, why it takes more than one person and a few years to either destroy or build up a country. I think a lot of people are mislead in what he has and hasn't done for us, as well as the other many people involved in making these decisions. The worst part is the media portrays what they want us to hear, not always the honest facts or complete story. It's a shame the way this entire world is run and I wish it were easier for those of us struggling. It hasn't become easier, but I still stand behind our president, 100%.
I work in healthcare in the UK and people have often said why don't you go to US you'll make soooooo much more money- BUT that's why I didn't make the move. I didn't want to work in a system where I'd be more concerned about how much I could make out of the insurance company than actually the care I provide to patients. Our NHS is not perfect but I know that whether someone is rich, poor, homeless or living in a mansion they will get the same equal care! That matters more. Especially with the recent economic downturn- people who were previously very well off having lost everything now living on the bread-line and benefits has shocked many. Those that say ' I hardly use the system so why should i pay into it?' Erm! you can NEVER predict what will happen with your health EVER.

In the UK a while back they showed a documentary about a voluntary organisation who set up a medical camp somewhere in the US for a couple of days for those people who couldn't afford healthcare to get free medical advice. The line was crazy long. The state some people were in made me cry (before I was pregnant). I was in total state of shock that a country so wealthy could have people in that state. I've volunteered in India and Africa where people have no access to healthcare and I'm sorry to say it was a similar sight. I really felt for those people.

If Obamacare can begin to help in that then how can anyone be against that actual plan ( irrespective of whether you like Obama or not). Just an outsiders opinion.
Between Obamacare and bills from the hospital, I just gotta rant.
I spent the last three hours debating someone on facebook about Obamacare. This is someone who is dead set against Obamacare (and this grown man calls him 'Obummer'. If I still lived in the same state I would punch him in the forehead for being so annoying just for insisting on continuing to do that! I don't care that he doesn't like Obama, but does he really have to keep calling him Obummer over and over?). Because I sited all the sources that helped me form my opinions, he said I was spewing rhetoric, meanwhile, he can't site one source or contribute one fact-based opinion on why he thinks Obamacare is so evil. To make matters worse, his buddies are supporting him and cannot provide any facts or information, either (I want to learn if there is actual info to support their arguments!) Meanwhile, Romneycare even has a 'tax' in the form of a tax exemption that this guy is complaining about, but each time I point that out and give him links to prove that, he ignores that part of my response and complains again his thing is against the Obamacare tax/fine.
Not to mention how so many of these Obamacare opposers are 'Christian'! I'm a Christian! Jesus didn't tell you to try your best to screw over your fellow man! What Holy Bible are these people reading from?!
I don't understand how these people are so opposed to making sure their fellow American is healthy! Don't they want their country to be healthy? Don't they want their insurance agencies to be held accountable? Isn't it worth catching cancer in the beginning stages rather than right before it's too late? Isn't it worth it to have healthy babies? It'll cost us a few extra bucks, but won't it be worth it if the U.S. doesn't become a third world country? Maybe I'm misinformed. Maybe I just don't get it, but it drives me absolutely mad!
Also, I just got a medical bill from my hospital that charged me over $400 for a 'deposit'. My husband and I refused to sign the slip agreeing to the deposit because we weren't sure that's where we wanted to have our babies (and now we definitely aren't going to have them there! I want a natural birth and I didn't get the impression that the doctor cared what I wanted and now this). The billing center said it was their policy to bill us the deposit -even though we refused to sign the agreement to it-!! We told them we'd no longer be with them anymore so to take the deposit off so they said we might be liable to pay for other expenses for services rendered with them. Can't wait for the talk with the insurance agency over what they might bill us!
My husband and I pay $800 a month for insurance with a $1000 deductible each. Is it unreasonable to want good health care and some damn respect? Why is it that on my hospital bill my ultra sound is $410 when Living Social has a deal to get an ultra sound for $40? I get paying an extra hundred dollars or so to pay for the medical part of it, but an extra $370? I mean, there's a $20 charge for 'handling and/or conveyance of specimen for transfer from the phy". A $20 charge for taking a urine cup from the collection table to a lab table twenty feet away! Every time I get a medical bill I nearly have to go to the hospital again because of the anxiety!
I have never wanted to go a country with universal health care so much! I want to move to Canada or the UK right now. I'm just so frustrated with the United States! I want to be proud of the U.S. I want my kids to be proud to be an American. I grew up loving the U.S., I hate being so damn disappointed with it at every turn! People uttering Socialism here like it's an evil term while Capitalism is okay? It's okay for CEOs to take million dollar bonuses while 98% of us struggle to make ends meet? While parents work two jobs and sacrifice time with their kids so that they can live this so-called 'American Dream'? So that their banks can steal from them? So that they can pay for their medical expenses if God forbid one of their children gets sick?
It's like we don't even bother looking at other countries to see what made them successful and last or what made them crash and burn.
Sorry for the rant. I just am so amazingly frustrated with things here!

Oh my goodness, it is SO good to hear an American with SENSE! I am from a country with universal health care, and while the system is not as perfect as Swedens (for eg), I am giving birth essentially for free, and have no worries if something should go wrong either during birth or everyday life. I went to Washington DC and ran into an American who was opposed to free health care...what the heck??? What type of person is opposed to free health care?? I have many American friends, but its people like the guy I met that day that makes the world shake it's head at the States....so sad. I hope you guys have as little trouble possible adjusting to health care- in 20 years it will be a part of every day life and people will wonder how anyone lived without it! (And sadly, some people DON'T live without it....) Your bubs is coming into a country that is rebuilding itself to be better than ever :thumbup:
When I had my son there were some complications and I had to go to hospital (we usually do homebirths here), and we ended up staying for a week with my son in the NICU for a few days.

Also, really?? Cool, I didn't know that about homebirths in the Netherlands. I have spent a lot of time in Europe, particularly Germany, and never knew this. I love that!Europe is so forward thinking in so many ways...sigh. I miss Europe hehe.
There is so many things I could say on this topic... I just won't. Like you, it makes me so mad! So often I feel literally sick about it. Americans pay the most out of the developed countries (all of which have health care either compulsory insurance(government pays if you can't) or a national health service) and they get the LEAST for it! Shouldn't health care be one of the basic things your government should provide????? People shouldn't be dying of preventable illnesses! Sorry... I think I was just about to start...:( I'll just go back to fuming in my mind!

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