Up Chuckers unite! (Sickness/Nausea/HG. Share tips, review meds, commiserate, laugh!)

Congratulations wannabemomy that's fantastic news and a lovely strong heart beat there too :flower:

Bunny hope your feeling better now hun?

Angel how are you doing hun?

So far my new tablets aren't great but I don't have fuzzy head so that's at least a bonus x
Ok massive bitching coming right up!!! After a few days of feeling relatively well I'm back to feeling like death. I vomited so much last night that I went to bed with severe motion type sickness. I'm avoiding zofran as it really constipates and agitates me :( so I feel like death today. Struggling to get off the couch and do the school run. God help me. How much longer is this going to last?! It's really starting to ruin my life...I haven't been out on an evening in so long. I'm really sad :( feel like this will never end. I can't do this for 9 months...
:hugs: I feel awful today too. I rang the GP but they'll only offer Metaclomide? For 5 days, and its riskier apparently than the Cyclizine. I don't know what to do. They want me to drop in a urine sample today to check for ketones but I'm not sure I can get us there. I feel so weak. I can just about eat if someone puts it in front of me and I don't think about but it's just me at home today with Micah and I can't face it. I made him food then went to bed and he's begging me to get up. I feel like such a shit mum. :'(
So after another day unable to eat or drink I've been prescribed metoclopramide, sorry I misspelled it in my previous post. My midwife said it should work well, but I'm only allowed to take it for 5 days. Here's some info:

Has anyone else taken it? I think brand names are Reglan and Maxolon. I'm kind of dreading taking it because even if it works its so temporary. 5 days sounds like teasing me when I know I'll go back to feeling like this.

I've just taken my first tablet so we'll see how it goes.
Hope it gives you some temporary relief at least angel.

I got up and did breakfast with the kids but I have given up now and retreated to bed. When I stay still I just feel mild nausea. At least lying down still works and we have the inlays here to give some extra help. Told them yesterday that I'm pregnant.
So after another day unable to eat or drink I've been prescribed metoclopramide, sorry I misspelled it in my previous post. My midwife said it should work well, but I'm only allowed to take it for 5 days. Here's some info:

Has anyone else taken it? I think brand names are Reglan and Maxolon. I'm kind of dreading taking it because even if it works its so temporary. 5 days sounds like teasing me when I know I'll go back to feeling like this.

I've just taken my first tablet so we'll see how it goes.

Yes!!! Me! Maxalon. Go ahead it works wonders. I take it almost daily one pill along with my diclectin. I avoid the zofran bc it makes me feel very anxious!
I've been prescribed as long as needed. It's apparently safer than zofran. My sil is a pharmacist she says not to worry it's often prescribed...
I was informed there are a few studies that link cleft palate and other birth defects with using Zofran during pregnancy. I don't mean to scare anyone but this was news to me as I've seen it prescribed to many pregnant women? ?
I was informed there are a few studies that link cleft palate and other birth defects with using Zofran during pregnancy. I don't mean to scare anyone but this was news to me as I've seen it prescribed to many pregnant women? ?

Yes you are right but there are also lots of studies dicrediting diclectin as well and I took it for both pregnancies and my kids are fine! When u conduct those studies there's a lot to consider, size of control group etc. it's prescribed so often zofran and everyone who took it was fine from what I know. In my case I've taken it a few times even the hospital suggested it to me when i was there for hypermesis they gave it untravenously. When I asked the head OB if it was safe he replied " if it wasn't safe we wouldn't have it on the maternity floor "
Thanks Laila, hopefully they'll let me stay on it longer as its working. I'm still nauseous and retching (and still in bed so its early days) but I managed not to throw up this morning and have rated a bit of flapjack!
Those of you with toddlers/preschoolers, pregnancy sickness support gave me a link to this fabulous blog with ideas for entertaining your children when you're suffering with HG. Loads of virtually mess free, smell free, easy activities to keep them busy!
Angel that's great you can keep taking the new medication.

I thought the domperidone was working for me but it seems to have stopped today, I can't hold anything down. So don't want to go to hospital. Am going to see how I go till tomorrow then decide what to do. May just be a bad day.

So i don't know if it's because yet another medication isn't working but I'm an emotional wreck today. I literally sobbed watching Marley and me just now. So I've rewound it and am watching the happy beginning again to cheer me up.

Hope your all doing ok ladies x
I'm the same :( very bad day today... Can't keep anything down and trying really hard not to end up back in hospital... I've been in bed most of the day and even my big gun meds aren't working so I'm very down. Yesterday was such a good day I don't get it. When will this misery end ??????
:( bad day for me too, after 2 good days!

My doc also prescribed me suppositories should I get to where nothing stays down again....not a pleasant thought but good to have on hand??

I got sick twice before 8am today but then been "okay" since...just feel overall yucky and having trouble staying awake.

The placenta is starting to take over, so there SHOULD be less sickness soon?? Please!!
God I sure hope so. I want to try to enjoy this pregnancy as it will be my last. So far I've been pretty miserable and I feel like I'm letting my family down ESP my poor Dh who has been house bound with me all weekend long... When does the damned placenta start taking over anyway??? Almost 9 weeks here and I can't wait for the day when this is all a distant memory. So medicated today I'm a zombie :(
Laila and wannabemome I'm sorry your both suffering today too. I thought placenta kicked in around 12 weeks? I'm not holding my breath though as I was sick till 16 weeks with DS am actually dreading being so sick for another 5 weeks (or more) work will disown me being off for so long.

Your GPs sound better than mine, I've been told nothing more they can do I've to go to hospital. That doesn't seem right as I've had a couple of days of keeping things down so won't be dehydrated or have keystones but can't keep anything down today. I don't know what to do. Surely I can't carry on like this, why do I have to wait till I'm hospitalised before anyone will help? Sorry, just feeling down x
Laila and wannabemome I'm sorry your both suffering today too. I thought placenta kicked in around 12 weeks? I'm not holding my breath though as I was sick till 16 weeks with DS am actually dreading being so sick for another 5 weeks (or more) work will disown me being off for so long.

Your GPs sound better than mine, I've been told nothing more they can do I've to go to hospital. That doesn't seem right as I've had a couple of days of keeping things down so won't be dehydrated or have keystones but can't keep anything down today. I don't know what to do. Surely I can't carry on like this, why do I have to wait till I'm hospitalised before anyone will help? Sorry, just feeling down x

I know Hun :( my OB won't do much else for me ... Other than the meds if I dehydrate I'm to go to hospital that's it. It's really debilitating and I sure hope we all start to feel better soon. It beats me how some women don't even have any symptoms!!! Wtf. So jealous
I know Hun :( my OB won't do much else for me ... Other than the meds if I dehydrate I'm to go to hospital that's it. It's really debilitating and I sure hope we all start to feel better soon. It beats me how some women don't even have any symptoms!!! Wtf. So jealous

Omg I so know what you mean, how can some people sail through while others suffer so much. So would love to have normal ms and just feel a bit nauseous in the mornings lucky buggers :dohh:

It really is debilitating I miss doing normal stuff like going out with DS to the park or even shopping. Just doing something more than vomit would be so nice. Sounds like maybe they just reach a point there isn't much more they can do. Maybe we have to just survive these weeks till it passes. I felt so sure medication would fix things and I could get back on with things :dohh: :wacko: :cry: :dohh:
Well it can't last forever? Right? Lol it's gonna end one day... I miss going out for dinners with Dh, friends, hanging out playing with the kids, heck I even miss grocery shopping!!! I think we're in the throes of ms now I think past 9 weeks it should start to decline... I'm praying every single day for all of us suffering that we see the light soon and that the rest of the pregnancy will be uneventful smoooooooooooth sailing xx

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