It's hard, but has got a lot easier now she realises that I'm feeding. She likes having her Barney DVDs or CBeebies on and if I need a bit of peace whilst I'm feeding I pop that on. It was difficult in the early days but when you're feeling better you'll realise how much easier it is as you still have an arm free, so if I'm feeding him at a toddler group and she's doing something I can keep him attached with one arm and grab her with the other, the same at home. Whereas with bottle feeding you're holding them with one arm and the bottle with the other. If she sits the side opposite where Alex is feeding then I can use that hand to flick through a book with her etc. Rebecca is probably just acting up at the moment because she's jealous that you're holding Lucy and she's after your attention. Ella will do things sometimes even if she knows she'll get negative attention, like spitting on the floor if she's in her highchair and I'm feeding Alex. You kind of get used to feeling stressed out and pissed off, especially when you're sat there trying to feed and they're surfing on the sofa cushions, or sliding off them.Kina how the hell do you cope feeding Alex with Ella running about? Everytime Im feeding Lucy, Rebecca is climbing on the couch etc...Ahh its a nightmare!
I'm sorry to hear how awful things have been with the breastfeeding and that you had to go into hospital. I had infected mastitis 3 times with Ella and it was so painful and I felt so poorly and that doesn't even come close to what you've had so I can't imagine how ill you've been feeling. It must be horrible feeling like that with two little uns to look after