Vaccine induced disease?


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2009
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my mom sent me this only a week before Adrian's second set of vaccines. i think i'm switching to homeopathic remedies.
yet another reason not to get the swine flu vaccine. THis one also showed up in my inbox. I checked it on snopes, but they dont have anything about it yet. How ever it has been mentioned elsewhere.

**I just read on facebook that this guy isnt a chemist, or whatever, and is lying. But I think I'm going to look into the ingredients of the swineflu vaccine anyway.

> >> Swine Flu Vaccination - Poison ? ? ? - From an Angry Australian
> >> Pharmacist.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> "Guys, I'm Emailing you because I'm bloody scared about something.
> >>>
> >>> I created my Facebook group for fun, and to use it to market my
> >>> businesses
> >> to
> >>> people.
> >>>
> >>> What I'm doing now totally kills my ability to do that, but I don't
> >>> care.
> >> This
> >>> is important.
> >>>
> >>> I'm a qualified pharmacist. I've been researching the swine flu vaccine
> >> that our
> >>> government has bought for us (using our money, by the way) and its
> >>>
> >>> Its easily a hundred times more dangerous than the swine flu itself,
> >>> Imo.
> >>>
> >>> Something that freaked me out is that several swine flu vaccine
> >> manufacturers
> >>> have asked governments to give them an exemption from lawsuits, in case
> >> the
> >>> vaccine caused harm in people. If you made a vaccine that you knew
> >>> worked,
> >> then
> >>> why would you need a legal exemption in case it hurt people? Massive
> >> warning
> >>> sign. They don't believe its safe.
> >>>
> >>> The swine flu itself has killed about 2/3000 people total. The regular
> >>> flu
> >> kills
> >>> 40 000 plus per year. So why are we freaking out about swine flu, and
> >>> not
> >>> normal flu? Does that make sense? No.
> >>>
> >>> If the regular flu kills 40 000 plus per year, and the swine flu only
> >> killed 2/3
> >>> 000, Then why are governments buying it in advance, giving it to us for
> >> free,
> >>> and giving drug manufacturers immunity to legal cases against them? Does
> >> that
> >>> make sense? No.
> >>>
> >>> The swine flu vaccine contains 2 horribly dangerous compounds; One is
> >> called
> >>> thimerosol.
> >>>
> >>> It is made 50% of mercury. It binds to receptors in your brain, and
> >> basically
> >>> causes brain damage. Is it smart to be injected with thimerosol, and get
> >> brain
> >>> damage, dropping 10 IQ points and going dumb, in order to avoid getting
> >>> a
> >> flu
> >>> that kills 95% less people than regular flu? No.
> >>>
> >>> The other horrible ingredient is called squalene. Squalene accidentally
> >> tricks
> >>> your immune system into killing your own cells, which creates autoimmune
> >>> diseases like asthma, multiple scelerosis, diabetes, and a bunch of
> >> diseases
> >>> that we don't have a name for yet (because squalene hasnt been used for
> >> that
> >>> long, and we have little data on its effects) Is is smart to inject
> >> yourself
> >>> with that stuff, in order to avoid a relatively mild flu, like the swine
> >> flu? No.
> >>>
> >>> If you're a pregnant mother about to take Panvax, ask yourself this:
> >>> Why
> >> would
> >>> you take Panvax, when it contains Neomycin and Polymyxin B Sulfate?
> >>> Both
> >> of
> >>> which exhibit positive risk to unborn children. So as to avoid what? A
> >> mild
> >>> flu, that kills 95% fewer people than the regular flu?
> >>>
> >>> Look, I'm a funny guy. Yeah, I make good Facebook groups. People join
> >>> them
> >> by
> >>> the thousands, and laugh. But I'm also a qualified pharmacist. I scored
> >>> in
> >> the
> >>> top 0.1% of my state in school. I'm expert at critical analysis of drugs
> >> and
> >>> their effects on humans. And let me be blunt; If someone came up to me
> >> with a
> >>> syringe full of swine flu vaccine, or came near my family with one, I
> >> would
> >>> take the needle off them and poke them with it myself. Followed by
> >> several very
> >>> hard punches. This stuff is poison.
> >>>
> >>> Don't take it. Don't let your friends take it. Don't let your family
> >>> take
> >> it. If
> >>> some idiot in a lab coat asks you if you want it, ask them about
> >> thimerosol,
> >>> squalene, and why the company making it wants legal exemption from being
> >> sued,
> >>> and watch their face go into 'omg I'm being asked serious questions that
> >>> I
> >> don't
> >>> have the answer to' Mode.
> >>>
> >>> Anyway. I hope you're all well. Chat to you on Facebook sometime :)
> >>>
> >>> Sincerely,
> >>>
> >>> George Mamouzellos
> >>> Bachelor of Pharmacy
> >>> University of South Australia
uh, The thing is, if you are going to research something, the best thing to do, is stay away from what other people are saying, and stay away from internet sources. Yeah, there are so many negative things against vaccinations, you have to take your time to look into the pros and will hear that there is mercury in childrens vaccines...well, there is not any in the vaccinations in Canada...There is in the h1n1 shot, yes, but there is only the same amount as in a tuna sandwich... My LO has had a tuna sandwich...several over time, actually, and she is fine, and she will be fine when she gets her h1n1 shot on Thursday. I am not risking Alexa's health just because I believe certain people's opinions. I have formed my own opinion based on research that I have done, and from speaking to health care professionals that I trust. I respect that everyone has their own opinion, that is fine, and just the way things are. There is so much research done saying different things, that I couldn't be bothered with. You make your decision in life, based on what you are comfortable with. Just make sure you have all the facts...The positive ones, and the negative ones!

By the way, I have not read the article, but I have some idea of what it says, because I have read so much before...
well, yeah, the article (from george whatshisface) didn't look very reputable to begin with, which is why i was looking to see what else was said about it. But the first link i posted, about vaccine-induced diseases, actually has court proceedings and records.

The first one is about things like small pox break outs happening *after* the vaccine was administered to the population. Not necessarily swine flu, that I've seen yet anyway. But things like that have happened in the past, and unfortunately that doesn't mean that they won't happen now, or in the future. The economy is down, health and medicine is multi-billion dollar industry, and unfortunately people are corrupt. Maybe not all people, but enough to make me worry.

By all means, form your own opinions and do what you think is best for your family; I'm not trying to persuade you into anything different. I'm just spreading info that I've received or come across to help other people come to their own decisions. I also happen to be on the negative side of vaccines at this point. Maybe once this pandemic has washed over and the panic is gone, i'll consider them again. But at this point I don't trust the health system enough to have them injecting substances that I personally can't identify, and don't necessarily understand into myself, or my family.
That is total bull.

Sorry. I'm not totally for vaccinations and I'm following a delayed and selected schedule for her regular immunizations.

I actually discussed this with my REAL LIFE pharmacist friend. He doesn't agree with vaccinations either but he DID tell me to get this one for everyone in my family, and he got it himself.

The swine flu is deadly, there was a perfectly HEALTHY woman who died here in Newfoundland last night in fact because of it. She was only 36 years old.

This is the same thing as this video of the girl who said she got dystonia from getting a flu vaccination. She later came out and said that she was actually being treated for PSYCHOGENIC dystonia. So pretty much, the information in the video was true...except for the part where it was caused by the flu shot...and except for the part where she left out that its actually got something to do with her brain instead?

Its all the work of crazy anti-vaccination fanatics. I'm sorry, but when you hear of children and perfectly healthy adults just dying out of nowhere because of this...why WOULDN"T you protect your children?

They make the case about mercury. Do you eat fish? Do you feed your child fish? Do you eat microwave meals? They all have mercury in them as well, and you're probably 1000xs more likely to have damage from eating microwaved food and using cell phones than you are from getting any type of damage from the miniscule amounts of mercury in this vaccination.
why are you being so offensive? Honestly, I already said do what you think is best for your family. As to why I wouldn't inject my own family with substance that i can't identify, well, call me paranoid. There are other ways to protect your family. People die from the regular flu ALL the time. My Brother-in-law's girlfriend died from the common cold a few years go. according to my doctor swine flu has been blown out of proportion by the media anyway, and if I got it, or Adrian got it, chances are we'd pull through, because it's JUST a FLU.

and just to answer your other questions, I actually don't eat fish, or microwaved meals. I don't like microwaved meals because i grew up on home cooking, and I just don't care for fish.
Not offensive, I just don't think you should be posting e-mail forwards as medical advice to people who may not know any better. If you're going to post anti-vaccination things then go ahead and do that but at least get it from credible sources, not an e-mail forward that any moron could have made up(and probably did since you admitted he wasn't really a pharmacist). Totally unacceptable and irresponsible in my opinion to be posting information that isn't medically proven or written by a medical professional!
Actually restring, there have been quite a number of deaths amoung perfectly healthy younger adults due to swine flu... I agree I think the media is making it seem worse. But I work in a hospital and one of our patients was 17 and got the swine flu and had to be sent to a larger city hospital because she got so bad with the flu. i am not even sure what happened to her or if she even pulled through.
Scorpio: i'm not posting medical advice. i'm posting my own findings so that others may take of it what they will. And it's just as easy to say that some one isn't a pharmacist as it is for him to have claimed to be a pharmacist in the first place. I can neither say he is or is not, because I do not know him personally. but as a REAL MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL has said to me, the media is blowing it way out of proportion, and in my case at least, it's not worth it to get the shot. Did you even look at the other link I posted? Or is your entire case built against one post that has a 50/50 chance of being credible? Health care is a multi-billion dollar industry, and the economy is down. Is it really so hard to believe that there's a chance this whole "pandemic" is just a money grab? Did you know that you can't even sue the pharmaceutical company if you get a side-affect from their vaccination? You don't find this odd at all?

By all means, do what you think is best for your family. If that means getting the shot then get it, it's your choice, I don't really care. But don't sit on your high horse and judge me for doing what i think is best for my family.

Ryder: I'm sorry to hear that. It is a sad thing when people die, of illness or other reasons. It must be hard to work in a hospital, especially with everyone freaking out over this flu.
Scorpio: i'm not posting medical advice. i'm posting my own findings so that others may take of it what they will. And it's just as easy to say that some one isn't a pharmacist as it is for him to have claimed to be a pharmacist in the first place. I can neither say he is or is not, because I do not know him personally. but as a REAL MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL has said to me, the media is blowing it way out of proportion, and in my case at least, it's not worth it to get the shot. Did you even look at the other link I posted? Or is your entire case built against one post that has a 50/50 chance of being credible? Health care is a multi-billion dollar industry, and the economy is down. Is it really so hard to believe that there's a chance this whole "pandemic" is just a money grab? Did you know that you can't even sue the pharmaceutical company if you get a side-affect from their vaccination? You don't find this odd at all?

By all means, do what you think is best for your family. If that means getting the shot then get it, it's your choice, I don't really care. But don't sit on your high horse and judge me for doing what i think is best for my family.

Ryder: I'm sorry to hear that. It is a sad thing when people die, of illness or other reasons. It must be hard to work in a hospital, especially with everyone freaking out over this flu.

Just want to say, the shot in Canada is free... I see that you, like me, live in Canada, so how is this a money grab? The Government is saying take the shot AND they are the ones paying for it!!! Also, in another perspective, it is mandatory for Health Care Workers, and Military, and probably a few other organizations/high risk people. Do you really think they would give a harmful substance to these very important members of our society???
That being said, I do respect that everyone has their own opinion of the vaccine, and any other vaccine, HOWEVER, when making a decision like this, it is very important to get lots of reliable information. YES, maybe your doctor did say that the whole thing is not a pandemic in her opinion, HOWEVER, people are seriously sick from this virus! There are kids and adults here, that are on respitory support, because this virus attacks the respitory system, which limits breathing. The high risk catergories include babies, and toddlers, up to the age of 5, and then, of course, high risk at the level below, include people under the age of 45. I am patiently waiting to get my shot over here in NS, as I am not deemed high risk, however, my daughter, my sister and my neice all have gotten the shot, and for that, I am relieved, because they are now protected against it. Sure, the regular seasonal flu may be dangerous as well, my daughter got that shot as well, there are shots every year for the seasonal flu, and parents are urged to vaccinate their children. Again, personal choice, but always know why, or why not you are or are not getting the shot for your child. As for your title "funny how people, like sheep, will line up for the slaughter." people have opinions, and I found that quite rude.; I can see why Scorpio87 came on here with the attitude she had, because as an educated woman, she is likely shocked to see this thread, with the back-up material you posted. No, I am not slagging you about your level of education (not even sure what level you have) that is neither here nor there, just saying I see why she said what she said. This is a public forum-you will get people that will oppose opinions, and sorry, just so happens, that the people who wandered onto this thread, didn't agree with what you posted. I'm not attacking you, just giving you a reason for the response you recieved. I think it is always smart to have more than one source of reliable information when making a decision. I took not only my doctors advice but also my well educated friends advice, and on top of that, I researched through the Health Canada Website. Emails, and links, such as the ones you posted, do not get considered when I make a decision. That is what scorpio was getting at... anyway, I think that is all I can say based on this matter... :flow:

PS. I see that your son is not even 6 months yet, you still have time to decided whether or not you will get the shot for him. It's a very difficult decision-I know, because I had a hard time deciding too, but I, in the end, realized, that I wouldn't be able to live with myself, if something happened to Alexa, because I failed to do the proper research...
I was just going to throw in that the link you posted also claims that the reason why HIV (AIDS) is in North America is because Doctors put the virus in the Hepatitis vaccine.

Its more conspiracy theory than actual fact. The fact that your link is arguing that aspect (HIV isn't a sort of warfare weapon that the US is secretly using against their own people) makes me disbelieve anything else in there too.

The link is also comparing vaccines made back in the 1920s versus the ones today in 2009. You cannot compare. Medical Science has advanced leaps and bounds from the 1920s until now, and there is much more research being done rather than the limited means they had back then.

I'm not trying to say that you can't make up your own mind. I am a huge fan of homoeopathic remedies, we tend to lean towards those before anything else in our household, but the stuff that you are posting to argue your case is either not accurate by your own description, or conspiracy theories that don't prove anything other than how gullible people are.

Do you want to fight with me over vaccinations and what is considered crediable information? I am a RESEARCHER. That is what I do. That is my actual job. I look up information and find CREDIBLE sources. Comparing people to sheep who will line up for slaughter because I don't agree with your sources? Come off it.

Yes, I did read your first link. I read it when you first posted and I didn't respond then because I thought it was a bunch of crap then too. I said in my first post that I don't agree with all vaccinations.

Did you even read what I said or are you just freaking out because there's a 50/50 chance your information is wrong?

Also, I would like to point out that the first link you posted ALSO, to go along with its medical expertise, contains information about alien sightings.

Case Proven.
OK the first link as Tyff says is total conspiracy. I agree with everything she says. The second post the guy calls hi8mself a Bachelor of Pharmacy. As a 'Bachelor of Science' myself I can tell you no-one calls themself anything like that when they have a degree so I think the chances of him not being pharmacist are somewhat higher than 50%. I have to add to that - if you make health decisions for you and your child based on entire chance then I fear for you both.

As a strong proponent for homeopathy I also feel you are misunderstanding its uses. To help with some flu symptoms it will probably be quite beneficial as long as you get the correct remedy from a qualified homeopath but it will not prevent you getting H1N1 and it will not save your life.

Like others have said your risk from mercury is much higher from eating fish. The bigger the fish the more mercury.

"injecting substances that I personally can't identify"
Unless you are a chemist yourself you're never going to understand what goes into these things nor what the effects of the components are.

Your doctor is completely right that the media have blown it up out of all proportion and indeed far more people do die from seasonal flu however as Ryder has alluded to the issue with H1N1 is that it is affecting younger and healthier people proportionally more than seasonal flu making it harder to predict and generally less well understood. There is also an issue of flus mixing within an individual then spreading as a new strain which is often more virulent.

I also think your lambs to slaughter title was a bit much.

I'm sorry if you feel attacked but there are people on here with a strong understanding for science and medical issues who get frustrated when they read complete rubbish that they know is likely to sway others on here (who haven't had equivalent opportunity to understand these issues) far more than the reality of scientific and medical evidence.
That all just went way over my head hopefully when I qualify I will be able to understand it all:D

Can someone please explain to me what it means etc in simplfied terms :blush;
That all just went way over my head hopefully when I qualify I will be able to understand it all:D

Can someone please explain to me what it means etc in simplfied terms :blush;

Don't worry! :hugs:

Which bits do you want clarifying? The for or the against?
The for side. and the issues with murcery in the vaccinations?Thanks hun I dont want to seem stupid but you all sound so smart and then theres me sitting here really interested in it as it could give me an insight into the medical proffesion before I go to uni but not understanding a word
She posted links about how vaccines are bad and basically made up by the government just for money, and that they cause the diseases themselves. However, she decided to post links and e-mail forwards from conspiracy theorists instead of even a credible anti-vaccine institution. We are saying that while nobody is judging her or anyone else who chooses not to vaccinate their children, that she should be getting her information from credible (reliable) sources. She then went on to say that people who get vaccines for themselves and their children are basically lining up to do whatever the government says and won't think for ourselves, and is also pissed off because I called her out on the credibility of her sources and prefers to compare us to goats because we don't agree with it.

The issue is that the swine flu vaccination has miniscule levels of mercury in it. However, if you research the actual levels, they're less than the amount you would eat in a tuna sandwich. Anti-vaccination extremists are trying to push this point to sway people in their direction, saying that it causes brain damage. But guess what? So does getting too high of a fever, which is common with h1n1.
oooooooooooh I see. Well your argument sounded very educated and an imformed and well reasearched one.

OP- Maybe speak with your health vistior ( or whatever you have over there) they will proberly give you more fact based advice like scorpio and peanut. Rather than relying on a consiparcy theory which is just that a consipracy not yet been proven. If we all believed in consiparcy theorys then no one would agree in this world

Scorpio and peanut are very lovely ladies and I have never seen them 'attack' someone. Be passionate maybe :hugs:
What a sweetie you are! :hugs:

For the record I have doubts about the extent of vaccination use, especially for some of the usually less dangerous childhood illnesses, but there is a wider social argument to these vaccination programmes where jumping on the bandwagon becomes the sensible and safe thing to do e.g. the measles vaccination where reduced take up caused by media scaremongering based on a single scientific paper that came into immediate disrepute has meant that measles has been allowed the opportunity to mutate and become more resistant to the vaccine.

When considering vaccinations it is important to weigh up:
The risks of the illness (this might be how likely it is as well as how dangerous it could be even if the danger is rare);
Any potential risks of the vaccine (real risks not pretend risks documented by ill-informed scaremongers - vaccines are tested and both in trial and in application will have any associated risks documented, just like you can see written in normal medication leaflets);
And the wider social implications of you taking or not taking the vaccine.

It's not always clear cut but there is a lot of misinformation out there on any emotive topic.

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