Valentines Babies, 2013!

Thanks helena! Going out with your girlfriends sounds amazing!! Oooh I hope you have so much fun!
A ladies' night sounds so fun! You definitely shouldn't cancel it, and I hope it's a blast!

Sierra, maybe waiting and seeing is the right approach, I don't know! Like Helena said, knowing when to call the Doc is one of the hardest things. I still call my Mom for advice, too!
Hey gals.

Sierra - I hope Camden gets to feeling better. If you still think something is hinky, keep pushing.

Wamommy - Your hair looks great! Sorry to hear that your 5 year old wasn't immediately into it. I remember when my mom got contacts instead of glasses when I was around the same age... she just looked weird for a couple of days.

Helena - Hooray for posh camping! It sounds like you had a great time. The evening with your girlfriends sounds fun too.

DH and I had a huge fight on his birthday. He had promised to be home sometime around 10 or a little after. As it approached midnight and I couldn't get a hold of him I sent him a rather snarky text asking if he even cared that he was ditching his family responsibilities. This led to a rather drunk DH coming home and yelling for 3 hours and telling me we were getting a divorce. With that behavior I said do what you want. He also stormed into the house, woke my parents and grandma up, and thought about driving away on his motorcycle.
Well, things have calmed down a little bit. He apologized to me, but is still angry (why?) at my parents and grandma for calling him out as being drunk. His words: "There is a difference between being drunk and being angry. I was angry." Given I could smell tequila from across the room... Then my dad had the audacity to ask DH to help move the new freezer from the barn to the garage. A task DH had volunteered to help with mere days before. Now he is sulking around and muttering about being a good little boy/slave/son-in-law. I just want to smack him!
I have honestly never seen his behavior be this bad. He needs to realize that my family sees him as a son and only wants to help.
Kellen, I'm so sorry about the fight you had with DH :( That is NO fun, and I hope it gets better. I'm sure it adds to an already tough situation that your parents and grandma are involved as well. I hope he snaps out of it, though... because having a fight is bad enough, but moping around about it afterward doesn't help anything!

Thank you all for your kind words about my hair! I'm trying to do anything to make myself feel better about my looks lately. I've felt SO down as wrinkles start to pop up and the last 8 pounds just don't want to budge. I'm feeling every bit of 34 (and not in a good way).
I have definitely aged since having Kiara. Wrinkles, super dry skin, crap hair, greying..Urgh.
Same skin and hair have suffered since the babies were born. Some of it is stress, but most of it is simply not having the time to take care of myself.

Had my psychiatrist appointment on went ok, and he put me on an antidepressant. We'll see how it goes.
Good luck with that dragon xx I suffered depression when I was about 20 and was on servant (paroxetine) for a few months. Helped me a lot :)

I hate rowing with DH..hope it all settles soon Kellen x

Kiara has been spoilt recently. Se had her first baby yogurt the other day..loved it! Ten today was her first finger food - a baby biscuit suitable for 5 months plus. Is hard so she can hold it but goes very mushy once in her mouth. Oh my word, she loved it! When she couldn't quite get it in her mouth and I took it off her to feed her it she cried and screamed like I had stolen it! Hehe. Se is definitely going to be a child who looooves biscuits! It's nice to have something I can give her as a treat already :)
Dragon, I'm so glad they saw you! I really hope the meds help. :hugs:

We're dropping the girls off at a family friend's house this afternoon so that DH and I can go out to a nice, quiet lunch. To be honest, it's actually because the kids LOVE this friend and have a blast at her house. The time would be better spent cleaning my house, but oh well. I've already told DH that I'm renting a UHaul and tossing half of our belongings... I'm that sick of clutter! :haha:
Dragon - I am glad to hear that your appointment went okay. I hope that the medication provides you with some relief.

Helena - Kiara sounds like quite the firecracker! That is cute that she already loves her treats. I'll have to look for some of those (or something similar) when Teagen gets big enough to start eating that sort of thing.

Wamommy - It feels great to get rid of stuff. We got rid of tons of junk when we moved across country... and I did another clean out when we moved from the house to the RV. I'm glad that you and your DH get to have a little alone time. It is important.

DH and I are back to normal and I told him his attitude recently has stunk and it all just came to ahead. He had a tooth pulled today and is now in bed sleeping. I don't think we'll be making our motorcycle club meeting tonight...
Yesterday Teagen was introduced to cucumber slices. I held them for her, but she chowed down on two of them. Last night's poop was interesting to say the least. Today she gnawed on some cauliflower at lunch. DH is very insistent that if she doesn't like a veggie I am not to force it on her (he will not eat veggies...). So far she has loved all the fresh foods we have tried. She cried when I put them away.
We also got her a miniature wading pool. My mom had gotten her a swim suite a couple of months ago... it was too small so she got to go skinny dipping and loved it! She in the middle of the pool and kicked her legs and waved her arms and got all the adoring adults wet.
Glad Teagen is enjoying her food too :) it's fun isn't it. I read tht it can take several exposures to a taste for baby to like something sometimes so I will keep on trying carrot!..Kiara just had breakfast - baby semolina /porridge with banana then some apple purée. Then a lunge and suck on my bread. Cheeky.

Bet Tagen was adorable in the water, splashing :) Kiara went in a pool for first time last weekend. All eyes were on her, she still looks so small. I was proud :)
In fact someone said this week she s so small for 5 months old. Another person couldn't believe she was on solids already. I think the lack of hair confuses people too :)

Glad all is normal again with DH Kellen xx
Ladies with toddlers/young children in addition to you ever find that your older kids are intentionally rough with the baby? Recently several of the twins' cousins have visted- ranging in age from 1-6 years old. The 5 and 6 year old weren't quite as bad, but the 2 and 3 year olds kept trying to hurt the babies! They made it look like playing, but I caught one sticking his finger in Lily's eye, another one "beeped" her nose over and over so hard that her poor little nose was bright red, another came over and tickled the babies, but she was so rough that they both started wailing (I tickle them all the time and they love it, so she must have really poked them hard). Yesterday, my 2.5 year old neice came over to see the babies for the first time, and all she did was rip their toys out of their hands and make them cry. I stepped into the kitchen for a minute at one point, and realized that my neice was alone in the living room with I ran back into the room to find her pinching the baby! What the hell?

Also, their parents weren't doing anything to stop them.
I don't have older children, but I have 2 neices--one 4 and the other almost 2. The 4 year old is a bit rough but doesn't mean to be. . .she loves Camden so much. The 2 year old is EXTREMELY jealous of the baby and all of the attention he gets. . .so she tends to be more "mean"--but I think it's just purely out of jealousy. Poor kiddo had been the baby for so long and now Camden has taken her place. . .

Also, I know that the parents seem to be less likely to do anything about it and I have to intervene. I think they are used to their kids' actions, but it puts me on pins and needles because it's around my baby.

How much does everyone's LO's weigh now?

Camden is 13lbs, 2 oz--at times he feels super heavy, but I still think he looks like a little peanut. :)
At our last ped appointment a month ago Teagen was 16lb 8oz, she had gained 2lb that month. I haven't stepped on the scales with her recently, but going with that trend I think she must be close to 18 or 19lb. She is very solid and in 9-12mo clothes.

So far all the nieces and nephews we've been around have been fascinated by the baby. Given their ages are 4-20+ so it is a bit different.
Oh my goodness! Teagan is a grower! Soooo cute! Camden's went down in the weight percentile, so that's why I'm curious--to see what other babies are at at this age.
My mom found her baby book today while we were cleaning out the barn. She was due the same time as our babies, but ended up being born Dec 29th. At 5 months she was 13lb. Since it was the 50's she had never heard of adjusted age and was shocked that she didn't start solids until 8 months. It was an interesting perspective.
Dragon, my girls can be too rough from time to time. Sometimes playful tickling or head rubbing becomes way too rough and Max cries. The 5-year-old is much better at playing gently, but my 3-year-old seems to be really conflicted. It's like, she loves him SO much, but every once in a while she gets a spike of jealousy (she was the baby too) and almost unintentionally makes Max uncomfortable. She never hurts him though, like the pinching. I would certainly intervene if that happened. It's weird that their parents don't say anything. I would talk to the parents, since ultimately they should be helping teach the kids. I don't think little ones that age are intentionally mean, it's just that they have no filter for emotions like jealousy and it's a great opportunity for the kids to learn. That said, if the parents did nothing I would step in and protect the babies.

Sierra, Max was 16 pounds at his 4-month check-up, so I imagine about 17 or 18 now? He's quite a chunk, though. I don't worry too much about percentiles, because I was SUPER fat as a baby... like off-the-charts fat. Once I started walking it all worked out. DH was tiny as a baby, and is now...ahem...a bit rotund. If your ped isn't concerned about Camden's weight, I wouldn't worry (easier said than done!).
And in other news... AF made a surprise return today. No wonder I've been cranky.
My doc told me that kids often don't get compassion or empathy until they are around 7. So when they pinch the baby they dont understand it hurts and makes them sad. They just can't imagine how their actions make baby feel.
My eldest is good with baby 90% of the time. My almost 3 yr old is good half the time... But also seems to try and hurt baby.i think they are interested in the reaction. If I squeeze baby makes loud noise and mummy gets in a flap...

Funnily enough it is my rough boy that Kiara gives the biggest grins.

I would maybe just say "ooh gentle now, that made her cry, it hurt her" to the kids and hopefully the parents will pick up on it..
Unless there is a definite real major danger I try and not go OTT since its no ones fault, no malice meant. And Kiara will be tougher for it. It's just a case of not leaving them alone, as you found, and repeating the message over and over to the kids... I think it's a universal curiosity for kids and babies. Wait until the babies are bigger and greet friends with a big wallop to the face..
Ps. I was out eating pizza and chatting with friends and drinking beer util 11.30! Get me! ;)
When we last weighed the babies about a week ago, Gunnar was 16 pounds, and Lily was 13 pounds. He is very tall and has big fat thighs lol, and she is pretty tiny but has a big froggy belly. They have their 6 month checkup on Wednesday, so we'll see where they are on the charts.

Gunnar rolled over for the first time last week, and Lily laughed for the first time :)

I was supposed to be on a business trip to Atlanta today and tomorrow, but the client cancelled 3 hours before my flight. What a fiasco.

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