Valentines Babies, 2013!

Haha that's too cute! You have a little fashion critic on your hands.

It's funny how quickly the twins teach each other everything. L has already taught G the "m" sound, but he's more reluctant. He's more like "mmmmmmm. mmmmm. muh?" :haha:

It will be soon enough that we won't be able to get them to stop talking, and we'll look back fondly on the days when they were immobile and relatively mute.
Teagen is apparently taking a page from the twin's book today. Not only have we "gah'ed" today, but she found her "hmmmm's". It is so cute. She purses her lips together and makes a humming noise. I think it must feel funny because she giggles each time afterwards. She said "mum" too, but like Gunnar she likes just the sound of "mmmmmmm".

I agree. It is so exciting, but also a bit sad. Sierra, I would enjoy Camden not being mobile quite yet. You'd be surprised how tiring it is keeping up with a semi-mobile baby. Dragon your comment about them being immobile and relatively mute was spot on.

Last night Teagen was passed out on our bed in her jammies and she looked so grown up that I started crying. DH laughed at me... men.
Hi all. It's growth spurt day here today. Kiara was up at 4.30 practicing her rolls and she is still eating an extra meal a day. Ad has reverted to two weds between 10pm and 7am..Urgh. Last night between 7pm and 7am she had about 400ml, much more Than usual.

She has rolled both ways now so life is changing...

Her sitting is coming along well. She can fit unaided on the floor for a second but when she feeds we have a bumbo chair and she can sit unaided in that. Like this...|2;d|_Fq-FeEwPPeeiM:
Occasionally she will slump slightly, and I straighten her. But it doesn't stop her loving her food.
In the last two days, during this growth spurt, she has got so much stronger sitting. If I hold one hand she would sit up all day.
She is also having more textures and lumps. Her chewing action is getting good now. And more finger food the other day - a finger of toast.i kind of hold it too so I know she won't swallow a massive piece. She loved it.
I feel I am zooming through this weening phase. But she loves it!

Well done babies on new sounds. Not much of that here. Bt lots of raspberry blowing while eating. I have a kind of pebble dash look now ;) monkey.

Ht hot hot here today.
Oh my gosh, the babies are all doing so many new things!! Max can roll both ways now, too, but it isn't pretty! He's sort of out of control with his movements still, but he's getting better. He's able to purposely grab things now, which is both cute and sometimes a pain! He grabs my food while I'm eating or yanks at my hair.

We have the same Bumbo, Helena, in purple! Max will look back at his baby pictures and say, "Mom, why are all of my toys pink and purple? Why are some of my pajamas pink?" They're perfectly good, if not slightly used by his sisters :haha:

My stepdaughter has been gone at camp for a week and it's been SO nice. DH and I had some quality time together and were able to reconnect. I didn't realize how much space had been growing, but hopefully it will start to improve now.
wamommy---I tried to get my DH to let me use some of my neices' things for Camden, but he refused due to the girly colors. lol So, we have a Bumbo in blue now. :) Camden yanks at my hair too---and shoves a fist full of it into his mouth the SECOND he grabs it!

Separation Anxiety has hit HARD here. Camden screams whenever anyone but DH and I hold him. He gets red faced, tears, and just inconsolable. :( Poor guy. He especially does not like his grandma---my MIL---but I feel that is because she is very "in his face" and loud whenever she sees him.. . I think it scares him. :(

Where do all of your lo's nap? Camden has been napping in his swing, but is starting to get a bit too big for it. But, he REFUSES to nap anywhere else. . .not sure how to make that transition?
Wamommy, we also just bought an exersaucer- Camden loves it too although he's a bit small for it and I have to stuff a blanket around him. :). Is Camden the only baby that hasn't rolled over at all?! So excited for all of the rollers- I can't wait until Camden gets rolling!

We're still exclusively breastfeeding... we might start cereal in the next couple of weeks but wanted to start foods as close to 6 months as we could wait. He's doing great so far.

Camden has gone on a serious nap regression.... now only napping for 20 minutes only twice a day. Ive tried everything it seems. I'm not sure what to do?

Sierra i am no help but just to say you are not alone on the no naps. Brianna doesnt do naps i have tried walks bathe feed and play. She woke up at 10am and hasnt had a nap and its 7pm. I should say may have a nap on some days when she has had a bowel movement.
The babies are growing and really exciting to hear all the developments, sounds etc. no rolling or definate sounds here.... Or mayb i am a bad listener
Sierra, no separation anxiety yet, but I know it's coming! We get a couple nervous glances, but that's it. What's funny is, it's my godmother (who's also loud) that's the only person who has ever made Max cry! Luckily (not really luckily) she broke her wrist and can't hold him for a while!

Max naps in his Pack n Play in the kitchen, lol... I think he's grown used to the chaos around here and it's actually soothing. He can't sleep when it's quiet!

Kim, your avatar is too cute! What lovely ladies :D
Thanks wamommy! He used to nap in the Pack In Play but switched that for the swing at 2 months. He also sleeps downstairs amidst my "chaos"--which isn't much, but I'm wondering when naps need to transition to his crib? Anyone know?
Kiara naps in her car seat, pushchair or her cot / crib, depending where we are. Yesterday it was on her baby gym on the living room floor! just dozed off. so cute.
If we are at homei prefer her to nap in her crib. My first son wouldn't ever do this, so l know not all babies will, but Kiara seems happy enough. And it allows me to get on with doing other things. But since I am often out and about Kiara has to be flexible - I have heard of babies who will only nap on their cribs.. That wouldn't work for us.
I think the earlier we can get them used to sleeping in their own spaces the better (or maybe I was just scarred by My first...such a bad sleeper, needed mummy too much! For two years!) but I am also aware of wanting her to be adaptable.
I prefer to do battle with a younger baby than an older a d louder one. For me sleep training, I.e. getting Kiara into her own bed and room, for night and naps, has been important frm 3 months.

Ultimately whatever works is fine. For a year my eldest would only nap on the sofa.
He stopped naps at about 3 or 4 and suddenly I realized I shouldn't have stressed so much about trying to get him into a good nap routine since he soon gave up naps anyway!...

Wamommy, Kiara seems to enjoy the noises chaos of a couple of superheroes or dinosaurs charging about here too. If she wakes before my boys in the morning she will often doze off again more easily once they wake and start making too much noise :)
No separation anxiety yet here, Kiara is happy with anyone who will pay her attention. I am always handing her to friends at the park or wherever we are though since it is school holidays and i habe all three kids full time, and on top of that I have just got my middle son out of diapers so i often need to nip off and assist him for wees etc. or I share Kiara with friends to try and share myself with my sons a bit too.
It's tricky sometimes, making sure all three get my you find that too wamommy?
Luckily my friends love babies and happy to cuddle a happy smiling baby any time :)
No separation anxiety here yet, either...although the babies don't actually see other people all that often! We have visitors maybe once a week, usually less, and we take them out maybe twice a month lol. DH and I have always been homebodies, and it's SUCH a production getting both babies ready, then keeping them fed and happy while we're out. It's just easier to stay home. I run errands on my own after work and on Sunday afternoons. If DH has to go anywhere, he goes when I get home from work or on Saturdays. Two weekends ago, we took them out for the afternoon on Saturday...all we did was stop at a few stores and his grandfather's house, but at the end of the day I was totally exhausted. It's also difficult to coordinate pumping if I have to be out of the house for more than 3 hours.

I wonder when all of this stuff will get easier. I guess it will get a little better when they're a year old and I can stop pumping.
Shhh... I'm hiding out at a local coffee shop supposedly working on my Phd. I left Teagen with DH and have promised to be home by 1pm. I have two whole hours to myself! I do actually need to finish my assignment that is due this evening, but I thought I'd pop on here quickly.

No separation anxiety here. But since we live right next to my parents and grandmother Teagen is quite used to being looked after by other people. She isn't terribly fond of strangers, but given 5 minutes she'll warm up to just about anyone. I blame DH for this as he is very outgoing and loves to be social, whereas I would prefer to hide away and only talk to my family.

I was supposed to go to the library to work on my coursework today, but apparently they don't open until 2pm on Thursdays. Really? Ridiculous! My brain stops working around noon so 2pm is way out of my reach.

We had a hand-me down Bumbo that someone gave us for our shower, but it was on the recall list and since we didn't have the original paperwork we couldn't get the correct parts to make it safe. Tomorrow my mom and I are going baby shopping so I think I'll break down and buy a nice new one with the belt strap. Teagen wants to join us at the table so I think the Bumbo would work nicely for beginning eating. My mom is buying her an awesome highchair/rocking horse/desk combo that a local man makes out of local wood that he fells and finishes. It is beautiful, but she doesn't get it until Christmas.

We live out in the country and every week we are allotted water for the purpose of irrigating our fields. Well, yesterday evening we were watering the lawn. My DH and dad had run off to put gas in the vehicles and had asked me to go out and move the hose every so often. The second time I stepped out to move the house I noticed movement in the gas. It was a gopher! The nasty little suckers have been eating the roots of my tomato plants so I went in the house and promptly handed Teagen off to my mom before grabbing the .22 long riffle. I successfully killed it and then made DH throw it over the fence into the pasture. Now I'm aching to go out to the range. I'd forgotten how much I enjoy shooting.

Enough of this... I must go contemplate how my values and ethics will affect the process of policy analysis. First I need to choose a policy to analyze. :(
Love you coming on here instead of working right away Kellen :)

My bumbo doesn't have a strap...neither of the two I have had have. As soon as baby gets too wriggly I will get rid of it. I didn't realize they could have a strap. Is it to strap it to a chair?

I am thinking of getting our proper high chair out soon - the cheapest basic one from Ikea, I love it, and I think Kiara is ready for sitting up more.

It's my birthday today. A whole 36 years old...Urgh. Spent he day at the park it's my adorable trio of children and friends and a picnic, and have an evening with takeaway pizza and cold beer with DH. Perfect :)
Happy Birthday, Helena! I'm glad you had a wonderful time.

And the Bump strap is for around their waist, I believe. I read that there were too may reports of kids toppling out of it and cracking their heads.

It was nice to be out and away from responsibility for a while. I managed to get my work done, drink a cup of coffee and chat with a baristo who has twim 5 month old girls. Now DH has run off on his motorcycle to go riding with a group of co-workers. I get to hang with the kiddo and go to the out door market pretty soon.
Teagen is on the bed with me. She just flipped herself over and grabbed the video monitor for her crib... Apparently we are all done nursing for now. And now she is mad that I won't let her chew on the electric cord.
Happy birthday, Helena!! It sounds like a wonderful one. :D

Our Bumbo doesn't have the strap either, but since we only use it on the floor I'm not too worried. Worst case scenario Max face plants a whole 8 inches... which while sad wouldn't be terribly dangerous. I think the problem is that parents were walking away from babies in the Bumbo on the counter/table etc. We actually don't even own a high chair. We use one of those chairs that attaches to the table. I think Max is about ready!

Kellen, get to work, procrastinator!! :haha: I would actually enjoy the time to yourself. Good for DH for making sure you get that!

I'm starting a new workout today. I did a great job a couple of months ago, working our every day and I lost 8 pounds in one month... then quit :dohh: I've been stalled at 10 pounds to go for 2 months! No excuses now... Max is 5 months old for goodness sake. It's sad to be hiding my body all summer in baggy shirts and "fat" jeans.

Sierra, how is Camden feeling?
Happy birthday helena! Sounds like a nice day!

Kellen--good for you for getting out of the house for a bit---and having fun amidst doing your work. Outdoor market sounds lovely!

wamommy, I still have 8 pounds left to lose. . .I was diligent for about a month exercising, but then didn't see any results, so I got discouraged and quit. . . I'm trying to convince DH that he and I need to take up jogging or something that we can include Camden in (since we have a jogging stroller!).

Camden is feeling better (I think?) I switched him to sensitive diapers and that took care of the smell and how many diapers he wets a day! Crazy!! He's still SUCH a fussy little baby. . .I just can't believe it. He definitely has his happy moments, but fusses ALL of the time. The doctor has assured me that usually after 6 months that "switch" has "flipped". . .we shall see. . . His temp still varies quite a bit, but the dr doesn't seem worried. . .so I'm guessing that's just our strange little boy. ;)

DH and I are thinking about checking out a house for sale in the country. We absolutely love our house (which we bought 2 years ago), but it doesn't have a backyard for Camden to play in, and our street continues to get busier and busier. . .which worries us if Camden plays in the side yard because it's right by the street. . .no buffer. I don't know how it'd work if we bought the house in the country, because we would need to sell our house in order to pay for the country house. .. so not sure how possible that is. Anyone have any experience in that?

We ordered Camden some rice cereal today. . .it'll be here in a week or so (I'm a huge organic, non-GMO, non-pesticide person, so we had to do tons of research and order it from a special store. . .lol.. .I'm probably over-the-top, but it makes me feel better). SO, maybe in a couple weeks, we'll finally start Camden on cereal. :) I'm getting excited for him. I think he'll LOVE it because he is always trying to grab my food or plate (today he was chewing on my plate as I ate. . .no matter how many times I took it away from him, he pulled it back into his mouth!)
Sierra - I am super fussy about what foods Teagen eats too. The majority of what she has tried has either been purchased from local farmers or picked right out of our garden. I think that having a house in the country is the most amazing thing you can do for a child. I'm a bit biased as I was allowed to roam all over 80 acres growing up. I'm glad that the new diapers are working out. Hopefully that magically flip will happen and you'll have a happy non-fussy baby.

I think lugging around my 18+lb baby and getting back to eating healthy has helped me drop my pregnancy weight dramatically. Only 1lb to go before I'm back to pre-pregnancy weight. I'm back in my old jeans, which are beginning to be a bit baggy as lifting Teagen, squatting with Teagen, playing on the floor with Teagen has given my leg muscles more definition. Best of luck to you all! My goal was to be back to my original weight by 6 months. I've got three weeks and 1lb to go!
Thanks all. Was a nice easy day. Today however is another matter. Have woken up to two boys being v naughty and testing...Urgh. I have no patiene after Kiara woke twice in the night to practice making noises and rolling. Bleurgh.
Oh no Helena! Hopefully they calm down for you soon!! :( every time I'm having a rough day with Camden, I always wonder how people do it with older children as well. You've got to be exhausted!

Kellen, I too grew up on 40 acres and frequently walked to my grandpa's 80 acres to play too. I built forts, caught frogs and turtles in the pond, and did tons of make believe in the fields and woods. It's an experience I would love Camden to have! I'm going to take a drive past the house tomorrow... because so far I've just seen photos.

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