Valentines Babies, 2013!

Just curious---what did/are you all getting your lo's for their birthdays? DH just wants to get Camden one small toy since we are constantly buying stuff for Camden all of the time (new carseat, cloth diapers, that sort of thing). Is that being cheap? lol I know he's only 1, but I feel that we need to make a big deal out of it, and we really aren't. . .? We'll probably just have a cupcake and open he one small toy on his actual birthday (Monday), then we are having a dinner/cake/presents from extended family on the weekend. . .

Also, did you all make your cakes? I wanted to make his but I don't think I have enough time. . .and feel like I should be making more of an effort instead of just buying one at the grocery store? :shrug:
Thank you ladies for your support! Dragon, I've suggested couples counseling, but DH says no way. He thinks psychology is for "quacks" and that they "always take the woman's side." Hopefully this is just a rough patch and things will improve, or so I've been telling myself for 8 years. :dohh:

Sierra, today is Max's birthday!! So far we're off to a rough start. He didn't sleep well at all and we've been up since 5am. The house is dark and quiet and I'm downstairs chasing him around. I wish I had his energy, lol. Our plans are really simple too. We had a family get together with a cake that I made, but Max wasn't overly impressed. We are planning to buy him one thing also and I think I'll buy a little fruit tart at the store for him. He doesn't appear to like cake, but LOVES fruit, so we're compromising. I think for the most part it will be a regular day. There will be plenty of time for extravagant birthdays, but at this age they really have no idea what's going on. :shrug: It's a big deal to me, though! I can't believe our little people are 1. It's amazing how fast this year has flown.
Happy 1st birthday Max!!! I'm sorry to hear it's started off rough, but hoping it gets TONS better!!

Glad I'm not the only one keeping it simple. I went to order the cake for next weekend's party and the lady asked "What theme are you decorating in?"---and I was like "Decorating?!" None! lol! :haha:
How many naps is everyone on? Camden still takes two, but is fighting his second nap really badly lately. He's tired for both naps (one around 9:30 a.m. and the other around 1:30), but he fights the second one. . .I'm not sure if I should keep trying to force a nap or if he is trying to give it up. . . .
Olivia was 1 yesterday. We had a small family tea party for 2 hours on Sunday where we had tea and cake and presents from family.

Happy birthday to Max for yesterday too!

Yesterday we just went to my mum's for lunch. We didn't buy her much at all as we just spent a small fortune on a new carseat. We got her a wooden shape sorting cube and a ragdoll. I did make her cake, but she wouldn't have noticed, it was more because I wanted to but it was almost a complete disaster and I stayed up past midnight icing it on Saturday! :dohh: She did get some of the foam playmats from my mum that you interlock together. They are amazing! Definitely a great find.

Wamommy - sorry to hear things aren't great. If it's any consolation it's been very similar with my husband and I. We go through moments when I can't stand him but then moments where it's ok again. It's really stressful having kids isn't it!? It will be ok, it's just hard, doesn't mean it's broken.

Sierra - Olivia can sometimes miss her morning nap if I distract her by taking her out and about, she seems to function quite well without it but I don't feel she is completely ready to miss it out all the time. Apparently it's quite common for them to start to change their habits around now though, for the two naps to turn into a bigger one in the early afternoon.
Your birthday plans sounded lovely Jo! Happy belated birthday Olivia!!

Thanks for the help on the naps--- it's just so strange because he sleeps great for his morning nap but fights the afternoon one! I feel I'll never understand him. . .lol ;)
Happy birthday to Max and Olivia :)

I made banana cupcakes for the twins' birthday. We didn't have a party, just had a little celebration on our own. We got the twins one gift each...but our families more than made up for it and practically buried them in clothes and toys. My mom sent my sister home with a 3' x 2' x 1' suitcase FULL of gifts for the babies. It was crazy.

My mom tends to go a little overboard, though. When I mentioned that diapers and formula were taking up a big chunk of our monthly budget, she sent us two cases of diapers (360 diapers), a case of wipes, and 16 cans of formula. She's sad that she can't be here to see all their milestones, so she tries to make up for it by buying them things. It's all very much appreciated, but I feel guilty that she gives us so much.

Gunnar has been very naughty lately. He's not allowed to touch the TV or the garbage can, and he knows that very well, but those are the first things he goes for when he gets on the floor. Apparently Lily has picked up on it, because last night when Gunnar reached for the TV, she yelled "NO! No, unna! NO!"

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Happy birthday to Olivia! I didn't realize Max and Olivia shared their birthdays. I have a weird OCD number thing, and I love even numbers. I was ecstatic when Max was born on 2-4! :haha: It sounds like Olivia's party was wonderful. :) We had a little bit of a birthday fiasco yesterday. THe one thing Max really likes is Daniel Tiger (a cartoon interpretation of Mr. Roger's Neighborhood) and he smiles and points whenever we put it on TV. We decided to get him a Daniel Tiger stuffed animal that talks. Anyhow, I called around all morning and there was ONE store in the state that had it in stock. It was about an hour drive away, but we figured it was worth it for his one present. We asked them to hold it for us and drove down there. They put the wrong thing on hold!! THey didn't even have the right doll. :( We bought a little toy anyhow and went to buy him the fruit tart I thought he'd love. THey were out of that at the store too! We ended up buying a bunch of fruit and some whipped cream and just let Max make a yummy slimy mess with it all. He seemed to enjoy it, and has NO clue that my whole plan for his day went to pot, lol. Oh well.

Dragon, how cute about the twins! It sounds like their personalities are already so defined. I'll bet they have the same rolls through high school! It will be fun to see how their relationship changes and grows.

Sierra, Max only naps once a day around 2:00pm. I like it to last 2 hours, but we're usually lucky to get one. If he doesn't get enough sleep at his nap the evenings are miserable.
I was practically rolling on the floor when she started reading him the riot act, she was even shaking her tiny fist at him! :haha:

We're still at two naps per day here. They start getting tired about 2-3 hours after they get up in the morning, and again about 4-5 hours before bedtime. I'd say naps usually last 1-2 hours. Right now their sleep schedule looks like this most days:

8:30am- wake up
11:30-1:30- nap
5-6:30- nap
10pm- bed

Depending on how much she's eaten during the day, sometimes Lily wakes up for a bottle at around 3am. Not a big deal, she just drinks it in her crib and goes right back to sleep on her own. Gunnar has been sleeping poorly recently (teething, I think), so he's been up a few times in the night and needs to be rocked or put in the swing to get back to sleep.
Happy birthday Maxa no Olivia for yesterday. Sorry I missed them, I was back in the uk visiting my parents. Happy times mixed with sad, seeing mum a little bit more unwell than last time. But we still shared some laughs. I took Kiara with me. She was a star but is starting to get a little bit shy and having some mummy separations anxiety issues. If I am in the room only I will do. But if I leave she will allow my dad to hold her, and she will be happy. but not if I am too close.
We didn't get Kiara anything for her birthday...she just didn't need anything. It felt a bit mean, but I would have been buying something just for buying sake. It seemed crazy. we have heaps of toys, I had already bought her a pretty dress months ago that I was saving for her "birthday dress" and so I just made her a cake, allowed her to eat sausages and ice cream. I think that made her very happy. She got lots of clothes and a toy from a friend. Not a lot but she doesn't need a lot.

We are on he that transition to one nap. Maybe 4 or 5 days a week Kiara ans just one nap. But this is easily messed up if we drive anywhere too early in the day - then she has two.

Hang on, Taegan peed on the potty? Amazing!! Clever little lady :)
wamommy--I don't think Camden would last until 2p.m. for a nap---he'd be livid! He wakes at 6:30 everyday and is rubbing his eyes and whining around 9 am for a nap! Wow. how different all of our babes are!

Dragon--your schedule sounds like a dream! lol! I'm a bit jealous! Camden's naps are usually 45-60 minutes long. He wake early But, the good thing is that he is usually asleep for the night by 7p.m.--which gives DH and I time together and to get the house back in order. :)

Helena, I'm sorry your mum is more unwell. :( How heartbreaking! I'm sure Kiara brings her such joy though! :hugs: Camden is like that when I am in a room too--only mommy will do! Must be the age? :shrug:
Hello from Texas!

Belated Happy Birthday to both Oliva and Max. Happy Birthday to Teagen!

She was a super trooper on the plane. And today she has been back on track for her naps. Our schedule is this:
Wake up - 6:30 or 7am
Nap at - 9:30 or 10 until 11 or 11:30
Nap #2 - 2:30 or 3 up at 4pm
Bedtime no later than 7:30pm

Things are interesting here. Teagen's cousins LOVE her and are having fun watching her. Right now she is hanging out with her 10 year old cousin who is fascinated by her.

And yes, we are peeing on the potty about 30% of the time. She does better signing potty in the morning before we begin playing. Once we get into the day she gets distracted.
Happy birthday, Teagen! What a trooper traveling so well. :D I still can't believe she pees in the potty!! That's incredible. :happydance:

Helena, I'm glad to hear that Kiara brightens your Mom's mood so much. I can only imagine how wonderful it is for her to see you and Kiara! Max is the same way with me in the room, too. Even DH won't do, and he loves playing with DH! If I leave to shower or clean, etc, MAx laughs and plays with DH, but the second I walk back in the room he shakes his hands and looks at me saying, "Ma, Ma, ugh ugh ugh, Mamaaaa!!!!"

Wow, I envy your schedules! Ours goes like this:

5:30-6am Wake up
11am-12pm Super tired but fights sleep and gets a second wind at lunch
2pm-3 or 3:30pm Nap
9pm down for the night

Ya, I'm screwed when the new baby comes! Speaking of, I had a 28-week OB appointment today, complete with Gestational Diabetes test. I'm measuring 28 cm and have gained 5 pounds in 5 weeks, for a total of 9 pounds so far. The OB is pleased, but had some odd news for me. Apparently because of my "advanced maternal age" (BOO) I have to have non-stress tests starting next month and another ultrasound in 5 weeks! I'm not complaining about the ultrasound since it's another great opportunity to see LO, I just don't like feeling like something might be wrong just because I'm "old." I'll only be 35 on Friday. That's not THAT old!!!!
Sorry to hear about your mum Helena :hugs:

Happy birthday Teagan :cake:

Oh Wamommy, that's not old, they just pick an age and go with it.

Our routine is a bit like this

06:30 - 07:00 Wake
07:00 - 07:30 bottle
07:30 - 08:00 breakfast
10:00 snack & drink
10:30 nap
11:00 - 11:30 - wake
12:30 lunch
14:30 bottle and nap
15:30 wake
16:30 tea
18:00 bath & bottle
19:00 bed

That is an ideal scenario, se is good at going to bed but the naps in the day vary, she's leaning towards 1.5 hours in the afternoon and 30 mins in the morning lately, but not there yet. Also, she doesn't have a full bottle at each feed but as part of her issues, she's not drinking from a cup properly enough to rely on it for fluids, so she's on more bottles than she should be for her age, but I'm not bothered. We've found a straw cup she is drinking from now, so it should sort itself out a bit I think.
Kellen---so glad to hear the plane ride went well and she's on track with her schedule!

wamommy--I wouldn't worry about the "advanced maternal age"--35 is a great age! Plus---extra ultrasound sounds fabulous! :) I say, "Congrats" on getting an extra look at your babe that far in the pregnancy! :thumbup:

Jo--Camden can't drink out of sippy cup without a straw, either. .and even with that, we have to hold it for him most of the time or he wouldn't drink from it. We're lucky if he gets 3/4 of the cup gone all day! He's still breastfeeding 4-5 times a day, though, so that helps with his fluids. .. We've found the Nuby cups with the straws work best for him. :)
That's teally interesting to know about Camden! Thanks Sierra. I have tried so many cups with straws. Our SALT lady said to try cartons of juice so you can squeeze it and she realised what's in there. That started her off. She now seems to like the Oxo water bottle. It's free flow and wide, but goes everywhere!!
Oh--- that's really cool on the cartons of juice! I should try that with Camden. The Nuby cups leak somewhat but I feel at least he's getting fluids!
That's funny that you both use straws instead of sippy cups too! Max just turns the sippy upside down and "paints" all over the table with the water. If we hold a straw cup or even a regular glass with a straw in it, he drinks and drinks. I've been looking for a good brand of sippy with a straw that you don't have to "bite" at the end to get stuff to come out.

Thanks for saying I'm not old, ladies! :haha: I suppose I should look at the bright side that I get to see LO again before his/her birth! I'll have to tell the sonographer not to show me any potty shots. We've come this far, I'd hate to accidentally find out the gender!

Have any of you had the non stress test? What is it exactly?
Wamommy, one of my Nuby cups you have to bite but the other is free flow.. maybe they have a website?
I had lots of nonstress tests! I had to get them twice a week from 25 weeks on to monitor for preterm labor. Fat lot of good that did me, because I had them early anyway!

For mine, I sat on a hospital bed, and they strapped three monitors to my belly- one to check for contractions, and one for each baby's heartbeat (so you'd just have two things strapped to you). Then I just sat there for 30 minutes while it tracked their movements and heart rates.

The purpose of the test is twofold. First, they want to make sure that the baby's heartrate increases appropriately with his/her activity level. When the baby is moving, the heartrate should go up, and it should go back down when they are resting. Second, the contraction monitor picks up tightenings that you might not even feel, and helps detect preterm labor.

They're no big deal, just bring a book or something so you don't get bored. Gunnar liked to kick the monitors off me, so I usually had to hold them in place the whole time.

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