Valentines Babies, 2013!

Glad Camden enjoyed his cake :) happy birthday!!!

Wamommy, it's so funny - my best friend (since we were 8) must have similar head genes to you and the doctor once described her baby's head as "off the scale!" Hehehe. I can't remember if it was her son or daughter, but either way, they don't look top heavy now :)

Have started Kiara in pull up pampers during the day, since she has decided that nappy changing time = torture. She screams and screams and refuses to lie down longer than absolutely necessary. Beastie.
Both of mine have started hating diaper changes too! As soon as I head toward the changing table, they turn into a baby scarf and wrap themselves around my neck trying to keep from being put down. Then as soon as they touch the table, they scream like it's made of lava and do everything they can to leap off. 75% of the time I can get them to lie still by giving them a hairbrush to play with or tickling them. The other 25% of the time they scream and thrash around through the whole thing.

We had to install a second heavy duty strap on the changing pad so they don't fall off. It took 10 years off my life the time Gunnar managed to take a dive.
Happy Birthday, Camden!! I hope this weekend's party is fun and not too overwhelming for him!

I'm so glad it's not just Max who hates diaper changes!! I thought he'd gone mad. It's SO tough (especially with a poo) to get him to stay still. He wraps his legs around my arm like a wrestler to keep me from wiping... :wacko: Sometimes I have to call DH to come hold whatever limb he's currently flailing so that I can change him!
Teagen has been fighting the diaper changes for the last few months. LOL. We have perfected the standing change. Since she uses the potty quite a bit things have become less traumatic for the both of us. She is too long for her changing table so we have started using it as a dresser for her clothes.

Happy Birthday, Camden! I understand your love of peace and quiet.

We are home now. Teagen was up at 4:45am which would have been a quarter til 7 Texas time. She spent most of the night in her crib and didn't fuss at all when we put her to bed.
Happy belated Valentine's Day, Valentines Ladies!! How was everyone's day/weekend?

DD was up all night sick the night before Valentines and ended up missing school. She was really bummed to miss her "friendship party" they were having, and spent the day sleeping on the couch with a fever. :( I now seem to have caught whatever she had and am SO tired and sore. I just want to sleep, sleep, sleep. She's all better today, so at least I know this bug has a short life.

Sierra, how was Camden's party?
We have colds all around. Teagen's cousin (who's party we shared) was sick and we caught it. I was the first victim, then Teagen, the great-grandma, and now my mom. So nice of my SIL to let us know her child was sick...

Happy Valentine's a little late!

How is the weather treating everyone? We have some substantial flooding is our neck of the woods. So glad we don't live in Atlanta anymore.
The party went great! We were all super tired after it, but he enjoyed playing with his cousins. He didn't quite like the cake this time. . .I think he's more of a chocolate fan like his momma :haha:

We have crazy diaper changes too---Camden has started throwing fits whenever he doesn't want something---especially diaper changes. He will arch his back, kick, and scream! How do you all handle that? I just tell him "no" and make him stay there until I am done. . . I think this age is so hard because they understand, yet don't. :shrug:

How are everyone's colds doing? Camden's cousins had colds, so I'm expecting us to get hit here this week. :(

I hope the flooding lets up Kellen! Stay safe!!
It must be the week for colds! The twins have runny noses, and I woke up this morning with a scratchy throat and almost no voice...really inconvenient, because I spend a good portion of my day at work on the phone! Can't really make phone calls if I can't talk.

On a happy note, the rest of my blood tests came back normal, and my chest x-ray was fine. The doctor said I can just follow-up in 3 months if the lymph node doesn't go away, or sooner if it gets bigger or I develop any other symptoms.
Kellen, I hope you all feel better! My Mom does that, brings my niece over when she's sick. It drives me NUTS! I feel like saying, "thanks Mom... now I don't get to sleep for a week..." :haha:

Sierra, I'm glad Camden's bday went well! I don't have a magic secret for the tantrums, though. Max has started freaking out when he wants something (or doesn't want it) and it's really tough to deal with. He's strong too, so I've had my share of head butts and kicks to the tummy. Luckily I think baby is well cushioned in there. I just hold Max down for diaper changes and explain to him that "it's really not that bad." :rofl:
Dragon, SO glad your tests came back normal!!! I'm sorry you're all sick too, though. :( Get well, everyone!
Dragon---so glad your tests came back okay!! I think I forgot to answer your questions about the other symptoms I had. (Sorry!!) Mostly, it was just the lump, but I had night sweats all of the time (my bed would be soaked every night)-- I didn't know until after my diagnosis that that was a symptom.. .I just figured I sweated a lot! :haha: I also couldn't breath well if I laid down flat on my back--again, I didn't know that was a symptom. . .just thought I ha asthma or something. They ended up finding a 5 inch diameter mass in my chest, which was why I couldn't breath. . . but mostly, just a weird lump in my neck. . . The chest xray would have shown anything serious, I'm thinking. I hope the lump disappears for you so you don't have to worry anymore!
Sierra - I am glad that the party was a success and that Camden enjoyed all of his cousins. Too bad the cake was a bust... We haven't let Teagen try chocolate yet despite the fact that her uncle bought her a dozen chocolate doughnuts.

Our colds are pretty much gone thanks to some homeopathic cold tablet things. Teagen wasn't overly fond of the baby ones so I had to dissolve them in her water.

This is the third time I've type all of this out... The first time Teagen woke up from a 2 minute nap. Yes, two minutes. She had been up since 5:30 and we laid down at 9. So I needed a break and put her in her crib with a box of toys and turned on a movie for her. I managed to type up a nice posting here, but then the blue screen of death happened. Great... Typed it all up again, then Teagen started screaming bloody murder, jumped up, knocked the computer over... She had almost fallen asleep by herself and it frightened her :dohh:

So we took a shower together, played with some toys, fed each other applesauce, washed a few dishes. Then I needed to use the restroom and she was quietly playing with toys. When I walk back in the room she had managed to grab the box that normally houses the humidifier, stand it against the counter, climb on said box, and grab her Daddy's coffee cup and was draining the last couple of sips from it.

Thankfully at 11 she decided she was tired so she grab my hand and led me to the bed. LOL. Now I have consumed half a bag of Valentine's Reese's in hope of getting a sugar rush and surviving the rest of the day.
Dragon - So glad the results came back normal!

Teagen HATES diaper changes too. I told her that as soon as she learns how to pull her pants down by herself we will switch to pull ups or panties and she can use the big girl potty. But mostly I stand her facing the back of the couch and pin her there until the diaper is on.
Kellen--I hope the sugar rush works! Sounds like a rough morning!! What a smart little cookie Teagen is!

The cake was Camden's first taste of chocolate. . .but I can tell he'll be addicted like me! :haha:

I might have to try the pinning to the couch idea! Thanks! ;)
Thanks, ladies! It was a relief to see that all the tests were normal. I have more lymph nodes up in my neck today, but I'm sure that's from whatever virus I'm fighting. I'm going to put it all out of my mind unless any other symptoms pop up.

Sierra, thank you for the additional info on your symptoms- that's so scary, and I'm sorry you had to go through all that. I remember you saying that you need to get checked periodically to be sure everything's still clear, and I'm SO glad that you made a complete recovery.

Do you all think it's normal to bond with one twin a little more than the other? Or for one parent to bond more with one and the other parent bond more with the other baby? I love both my babies equally, but it seems like Lily and I have a more affectionate relationship at this point. Gunnar is so independent that he almost never wants to stop for a cuddle with his Mama, and when he's upset, he usually wants DH. When Lily is upset or hurt, she usually reaches for me rather than DH. She also cuddles more, and gives me kisses and hugs. Also, she sleeps in the crib in my bedroom, while Gunnar sleeps in his pack n' play in the living room (this is so they don't wake each other in the night). When Gunnar wakes up at night, DH goes to him, and when Lily wakes up, I go to her. We didn't really decide this, it just sort of happens. Lily also sleeps in bed with me once in a while if she's having a bad night and won't stay in her crib, and she loves to be held while she sleeps. Gunnar hates being held while he sleeps, and will only go to sleep on his own.

Gunnar and I do have our cuddle time (when he'll slow down enough to allow it!), and we all play together and are just makes me feel a little guilty that I tend to understand and relate to Lily more, and DH understands and relates to Gunnar more. I don't ever want them to feel like we play favorites.
Oh Dragon---that's a good question! I would think it'd be natural for them to gravitate to one or the other of you---they probably realize that they get more attention if they go towards one of you instead of both of them going to the same parent! It sounds like you're doing just fine!
Haha Kellen, your day sounds eventful! I hope the Reese's gave you a boost (or at least were REALLY yummy!) and that Teagen finally gave you a break.

Dragon, I wouldn't feel guilty about bonding more with one twin than the other. I think it's totally natural. My girls are 18 months apart and when the second one was born I had to take almost complete charge of her, with breast feeding and all. DH started bonding with/spending more time with DD#1, which at first made me REALLY sad... I felt like I turned my back on her and that DH was "stealing" my relationship with her... It seems silly now, but it was real and very painful. To this day DH has a really special relationship with DD#1. It isn't that he loves her more than the others, but they naturally get along well and have a special bond. I have learned not to fight it, and to recognize that as long as each child is getting their needs met, no matter WHO is meeting them, Yay. :) My personal parenting philosophy is very simple. I tend to over complicate things at times, but ultimately it come down to this: If a child knows they are loved, without doubt or conditions, every day of their life, they'll be fine. I hope that helps!

I'm off to do an hour of a terrible Prenatal Barre workout. It really is quite hard!
Thanks for the reassurance :)

Ugh, whatever virus I have is really kicking my butt. I'm on day 3 with no voice, plus sore throat, body aches, and a painful cough. DH keeps telling me I'm just dehydrated, not actually sick. If he says "but you don't look sick" one more time, I'm going to kick him in the shin.

Monday I was able to work fine, except I couldn't make phone calls. Yesterday, I had to take a couple hours off to nap. Today, I could hardly get out of bed, so I'm working from my bedroom. Still can't make any of my phone calls, some of which are time sensitive, so I'm going to have to find someone else to help with those. I keep getting emails from various people saying "Can you talk yet??"

I wish I could just go to sleep, but I took a day off last week, so I feel guilty. However, it doesn't seem like I'm going to make a quick recovery if I don't rest. *sigh*
Dragon, I'm so sorry you're so sick! Whatever it is that you have, I think I have too! My kids all had it one by one, but they were able to beat it in a day or two. This is day 3 for me and I woke up feeling AWFUL. I can barely breathe and my throat and airway are so raw. It's miserable! I can't imagine having to work through it, much less make phone calls. All I want is a nap, but that's impossible... :( Actually, we're driving an HOUR in the car today to buy a slightly used car seat for the baby, so maybe I'll sleep in the car! I'm really excited about the car seat. We used the same one for the first 3 babies, but it's seen better days and is now expired. We're getting a fancy new model that still works with our stroller. :D

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