Valentines Babies, 2013!

Does anyone else have a chatter bug at night? As soon as Teagen crawls into her bed she wants to talk... not just for a little bit, but for an hour! I have tried staying still. I have tried reading a book. I have tried leaving, but she'll call me back and I can't stand to hear her cry or become distressed. She just has so much to say I don't want to stop her, but I also want her to GO TO SLEEP!

Tonight she had two stuffed creatures in her bed and they were carrying on a rather nice conversation.

Rachel Rabbit: Hi! Name Rachel Rabbit. Yours?
SaraBen: Hi. Name SaraBen. Friends now.
Rachel Rabbit: Yes, friends now. Play.
*Random humming as the two "friends" play
SaraBen: Rachel, kisses. Night night.
Rachel Rabbit: Night night. Drop SaraBen on floor now. Bye bye!
Teagen: Mommy. Play SaraBen now. Hugs kisses sleep now. Wuv you, mommy. Mommy. Mommy. Mommy. Mommy. Night. Good night. Mommy. Mommy. C'mhere Mommy. Hands! Hold hands. No, Mommy. Use potty? Mommy kisses. All better? Wake up time? Mommy. Mommy. Mommy. Mommy....

This is my night. Every night. From 7:30-8:30 or 8-9 depending on when nap time was.
I'm sorry I haven't posted in so long! Life has been NUTS...

Sierra, hurray for baby #2! That's great news. :)

Kellen, Max is a super-talker too. I have to tell him to be quiet sometimes, and then I feel bad. He just doesn't ever stop!

I'm amazed by your little ones using t he potty so well. Max refuses to even sit on it. He's fine with talking about it and even WANTS to use the potty, but once the diaper comes off and it's time to actually try, he loses his mind.

So, we might be moving to San Diego! DH's parents house in Hawaii has been sitting vacant for 9 years since they passed away. We haven't had the finances to handle to clean-up and restoration of the house to sell it, but my Dad stepped in and is paying for everything. He went over to Hawaii 3 times with DH so far to hire contractors and empty the house. DH's parents were hoarders, so it's a HUGE job. Anyhow, once the house sells we're thinking of turning the money right into a new house down where my Dad lives. It certainly would be nice to have family nearby and not feel so isolated. In the meantime, DH keeps leaving and the kids keep getting super sick. I sometimes feel like the last year was both the longest in my life and the shortest, if that makes sense.

Luca just turned 1. Can you believe it's been a year?? I feel like I just found out I was pregnant with him! Here's a pic of Max and Luca. Max is constantly irritated by Luca and randomly pushing him down. :( I'm hoping they learn to get along soon!!


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Wamommy---that's wonderfull that you get to love near family!!! I think that will be great for all of you---I'm excited for you! :)

Camden is the most timid, shy little boy we don't have a chattering issue here... haha. Instead, we are trying to teach him that he can still play on the slide if other people are using it (instead of cowering by mommy's legs)... poor little guy.

I'm so excited about baby #2!! I can't stand it! I'm currently in the looooong 2 week wait--at least I think, because my cycle was off last month. I'm hoping the time flies and I can test soon! Haha!
Wamommy - Your life is crazy! But that is so exciting that you guys might be able to move. It would be great if you could have some additional family around. Too bad about sick kids and an away DH, but awesome that you have something to look forward to. Too cute about Max pushing Luca. I know it isn't cute in reality, but the mental image is kind of adorable.

Sierra - I'm so happy for you. I know you really wanted another one. I think we're all on tender hooks here waiting to see your results.

Teagen was a typical two year old this morning. First she ate her scrambled eggs, but then all the big chunks were gone so she needed more eggs. However, there were no more eggs but the tiny pieces that I offered to help get on the fork. Nope. Cue major meltdown because she just wanted eeeeeeeeeggggggsssss!!!!!!!!!
Then at the shop she melted down because there were no egg carton cups! (She did a fun painting project that made flowers out of egg carton cups). Life was sure to end, but then my mom showed up and took Teagen home to help plant in the garden.

Tomorrow I officially start weaning boot camp for myself and Teagen. I am cutting out nap time nursing. She barely nurses at nap time so I am hoping it will only be a couple days of whining. Next will come bed time. The hardest will be the morning wake up, because if she doesn't nurse when she is waking up she is GRUMPY ALL DAY LONG! No just a little grump, but an all over mean grump.
Kellen, how did the weaning go? I understand the super-grump thing. Max definitely has his moments. If he doesn't get his way he's prone to dropping to his knees and wailing. It's almost more cute than aggravating, though! I have to hide a smile. I usually just say, "oh, the drama! The world is ending!" and he crosses his arms and stops screaming, lol.

Sierra, I can't wait until you test! Yay!! Please keep us posted. Fingers crossed for you! I forgot how exciting the two week wait is (when you WANT to be pregnant, haha).

I feel like I let my kids watch entirely too much TV. I used to be one of those parents who said, "my kids will not watch ANY TV until they're like 5!" Ya... that didn't last. It's on during breakfast and in the background most of the day. I'm thinking about having a "tv free" day once a week where we aren't allowed to turn the TV on at all. I've learned to tune out the cartoons, but even when the kids are doing something else around the house, studies have shown that tv noise has a negative impact on imagination and concentration. That, and if I have to hear "bubble bubble bubble, guppy guppy guppies!" one more time, I might explode. :haha:

Helena and Dragon, how are you two doing? How are Kiara, Gunnar and Lily? Are they enjoying spring? Max LOVES the park. He's a bit timid about heights, so he climbs up the stairs to the slide on his hands and knees.... lol. He won't swing at all, but he loves to run around and collect rocks and sticks. He could do it all day!
Yesterday was out first non-nursing nap day and it was FANTASTIC! Today was awful. She cried for twenty minutes begging me to nurse and take off the bandaids. I felt bad, but stuck to my guns. She eventually let me snuggle her and fell asleep. Tomorrow should be easier as she will be in the car seat as we head north. The same with Wednesday. If it is anything like when I weaned her from only falling a sleeping while nursing one more crying session should help her realize I'm serious. I hate hearing her cry, but I'm ready to be done nursing. Her latch has been getting worse as her molars come in. Only one left.

We try not to do too much TV. My dad has it one a lot, but he has a set of wireless headphones so we don't hear the noise. We watch a little bit of Peppa Pig in the morning and then when it comes on at 6 in the evening. Other than that she is busy at the shop or outside.

She is fairly cautious at the park; not afraid just doesn't like to test her physical boundaries (which is totally unlike DH or myself). However she will swing for HOURS if I were to consent to push her for that long. Slides are fun and she loves ladders.
Kellen---hopefully today went better with the nap-weaning. I hate when Camden cries, so I can imagine how tough that has to be on you. :(

Camden does the typical toddler fits, too. . . He'll even YELL at me when he's angry---red-faced and all. Yikes. .'s so hard to be strict when it's so hilarious how much they carry on. haha

So, tomorrow is 7dpo for me (or at least I think). How soon did you guys test? I'm having such a hard time waiting!! lol. . .
I'd say 10 dpo, to be safe. Even then it's not 100%. Also, if there's a dollar store nearby, their tests are actually really good! I'm so excited, Sierra!! :)
I actually have about 15 Internet cheapies to ..and 3 frers for closer to 14dpo. I read back in my journal and I got a faint positive with Camden at 9dpo, and then got a clear positive at 11dpo. I'm tempted to test every day with the cheap tests starting tomorrow. I feel like I shouldnt be this crazy with baby #2, but I just want to see a positive right away! :)

Probably tmi, but I have an awful yeast infection right now, which I'm hoping is a good sign. I got one right around my bfp for Camden too ... fingers crossed!
Oh good! In that case, go test! :haha: Just think... If this is your last baby then this is your last 2 week wait. I say, do it up! Test away!
Haha. I'll test tomorrow and let you know! :) I'm not sure if this will be our last baby or that dh has decided he wants another one, we're both unsure if this is the last one or if we'll try for a 3rd! I guess we'll see how life goes with for a while! ;)
Hooray for testing! Exciting to see this thread starting to become active again. I know we all have crazy lives... but I've missed all of your updates and stories!

So, we are home from Portland and weaning has been suspended for the near future. It was a breeze picking up the dog from the airport. He is AMAZING and immediately bonded with Teagen. His only shortcoming is is lack of manners as he wants ALL the FOOD from ALL THE PEOPLE! NOW!!! But we simply put him in his crate for meal times.

Last night at 10:15-ish I heard Teagen from the spare bedroom. When I went to check on her she was COVERED in vomit. Awesome. So I took her into the bathroom cleaned her up the best I could and took her to the second guest room so I could clean the first. She proceeded to vomit every hour until 4am when she slept until she woke us both up at 6:45 by vomiting again. She was in good spirits and wanted to eat. Her breakfast request: bell peppers and corn chips. She took an impromptu nap around 9:30 which delayed our going home until noon. 20 minutes after getting in the car... Bleck! Thank goodness my mom was with us so she could help Teagen vomit into a towel.

Basically a 3 hour car ride took 5 and a half hours due to a vomiting toddler and anxious dog. But Ace and our prior dog SisQ took an immediate liking to each other. We had to separate them just now because they wanted to play and bark and I threatened to kill anyone who wakes up a sick baby who ASKED to go to bed at 6:30. Now I shall enjoy my extra time alone and veg by catching up on Game of Thrones and Outlander.
Oh Kellen! That's just awful!! Poor Teagen! :( A vomiting child is sooooo hard. I.hope the worst has passed for you!

Negative test this morning. ..but I expected that since it's early. ;)
also, that's amazing how well the dogs are getting along! They both must be sweeties! <3
Meh, a negative test is no biggie at this point! 8 dpo today? Keep us posed!

Kellen, I'm so sorry Teagen is sick. How is she doing today? Max had a horrific 2-week bug where he vomited like that. He made up a new word. He would run up to me and say, "Mommy, I carf..." and then he would vomit everywhere. I assume it's cough and barf combined? Lol I don't know. I sure hope it passes quickly for you.

I wish we had dogs. I grew up with them and really miss it. I'll add a fenced yard to my wish-list for a new house! Since we don't have a functional yard here (it's literally a cliff...not safe for the kids to play outdoors here) we go down the street to the fenced park to play. Max loves to collect sticks and rocks and go down the slide over and over. Once I asked him why he crawls instead of walking on the big toy. He said, "I don't want to die." Weird kid.
Guys, my boobs are super sore! I'm trying not to get too excited, but the only times they are ever sore was when I was pregnant! Oh i Hope it's true!!

Camden had the flu twice this last winter. ..I felt so bad. He wouldn't say anything, but start crying uncontrollably before he threw up. I really hope Teagen is over it already...poor dear!

Wamommy, a dog is on my.wishlist too when we get a bigger back yard. Dh wants an Irish we'll need a TON of space! ;)

Camden LOVES sticks! He also recently began Picking dandelions and giving them to me. My.heart melts every time!
Teagen is pretty much back to normal today. She was a chatty cathy at bedtime; I think part of it is because the last time she really went to sleep for a normal bedtime she woke up vomiting. Thankfully she is super stoic when she throws up and just wants to be held. I know exactly where the bug came from as a mom from church posted on facebook that her little girl was up vomiting most of the night, but then brought her to church the next night while I was working in the nursery. Really!? Who does that?

Sierra - Exciting news about the sore breasts! That is such an odd thing to say... but congrats! Hopefully you'll see a BFP before you know it.

So here are a few "current" pictures. One is of our two dogs. The dog on the left is our female who we've had for a little over a year and the bigger one on the right is our new addition. He responds well with women and children, but is a bit aggressive towards my dad. However, our female gets on him and lets him know what manners he needs to have.

The picture of Teagen with our dog was at Easter. We were getting ready to go to church and she had to take a minute to read a book to the dog. It was too good of a photo opportunity to miss. The other picture is of our family when we went to Texas for a wedding of a friend of DH's. It was on a cruise ship and it was awful. They made us get to the boat at 8:30am (which was 6:30am by Teagen's clock), we then had to wait for 2 hours (really fun with a grumpy, tired toddler), then we helped the bride get ready, then they did rehearsal, then the wedding, then a two hour long reception dinner. Teagen was toast and so was I. There was no nap that day. Never again. Never again.


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Love the pictures! Such a lovely family!

So.glad Teagen is feeling better! It drives me crazy when people expose other children to.illnesses! So sad. :(

Bfn for me today. Im.hoping tomorrow.'s getting hard to be patient and not be discouraged. ...
Bummer, Sierra. If you do get a BFP the new baby will have a similar birthday to Cameron.

I took Teagen to the doctor today. This morning at 2:15 I heard "Mom, help... Bleck." They said just give it time since she is eating and drinking well. Two more throw ups tonight. Hopefully she will let me sleep beyond 5:30 tonight. She was bouncing on me his morning. I told her to let me sleep if she didn't want to have a grumpy mommy. She doesn't know how much I love her as I gave up a massage appointment to take her to the doctor.

Teagen was super awesome at the doctor's office. I sat her on the table and she promptly today the nurse: "I throw up all day AND all night. Feeling sick. Have owie on my toe." Apparently she also has super waxy ears.
10dpo and another bfn. A bit discouraging, but I know I still have time. Did any of you not get a bfp.until after your missed period? Also, did any of you drink coffee throughout your pregnancy? I've cut out most coffee and all wine since we're ttc...but it's sooooo hard.. especially since I was drinking 4 cups of coffee a day. :(

Kellen, Teagen sounds so grown up! What a little cutie! I hope you both get some sleep soon! Camden has waxy ears too--he even had to get them cleaned out by the doctor when he was 9 months old! :/

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