Valentines Babies, 2013!

Camden fights teeth brushing too. He loves to brush them himself but cries when I do it. So, I have to play a game a be really exuberant to get a little brushing in...I'm sure I don't get all of the teeth. :/
No, Praise the Lord! Teagen loves to brush her teeth. I have to keep her from stealing other people's toothbrushes.

It would be fun to pregnant again at the same time, Sierra.

Laundry beckons...
Oh hi girls!!!!!! I just wrote a huge reply then my phone shut down the window.. Arrrrgh!

Glad to see you are all back here and chatty again :) and testing again Sierra, excitjng times!!
Hah no thanks wamommy, my hands are full with my three and the dog. Another just wouldn't be sensible (Though I did have a weird bleed day 12 of my cycle this month and did cycles are a bit unpredictable..have names picked out just in case! Lol, I am terrible)

Kiara is doing well - she is super chatty in bed too. And sings a lot. Very cute. My boys never sang much.
Wow, I missed a ton of updates! Sorry to hear Teagen was so sick, and that you didn't get your BFP yet, Sierra!

We're doing ok over here. My husband's grandfather passed away last month, so we had a rough couple of weeks (my husband is POA, trustee, and executor of the estate...tons of work), but things are settling down again.

We had all three kids baptized last Friday, so that was fun. Gunnar and Lily are constant chatter boxes, I can't get them to be quiet for one second of the day :haha:! They are speaking very well, and have most of their pronouns down pat, although they tend to mix up "her" and "him." They have developed a bit of their own twin language as well, and have several words that they say to each other that are obviously made up, but they understand each other perfectly lol.

I read that 2 year olds are mostly into parallel play rather than interactive play, but the twins spend all day playing games with each other and chasing each other around the house. Yesterday, they were pretending they were Anna and Elsa from Frozen! :lmao: "Run away Elsa!" "No, Anna, go away!" They've only seen the movie twice, but they seem to have internalized a lot of it! They also have tickle fights and sometimes walk around holding hands (when they're not beating each other up).

Gunnar is super rough-and-tumble, and routinely jumps off the couch, lands flat on his face, and runs away laughing. Meanwhile, Lily stubs her toe and wails for 10 minutes and wants an ice pack :haha:.

Anson is 6 months old now, and I swear he'll be walking by 8-10 months. He already walks all over the house in the walker, walks while holding hands, and is starting to cruise on the furniture a little. No crawling, but he gets around by pulling and pushing himself on his tummy and by rolling across the floor. He knows and uses the hand signs for milk and for diaper change. Lily and Gunnar still use the signs for "all done" and "more" while actually saying the words as well.

As far as more kids go, we're waiting until the twins are in school. Then we may try for a 4th, but in the meantime, I'm on the mini-pill and still nursing, and my periods have not come back. Yay!

Here's a recent picture of Anson:


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Helena - Your family sounds very busy but also very content. How is your mom doing these days? What with my MIL having been recently diagnosed with breast cancer you have been on my mind a lot lately.

Dragon - Anson is a very handsome fella. He looks like he'll be more than willing to follow the twins into trouble. Teagen still uses signs as well (I encourage her and we learn more together) but is jabbering in non-stop full sentences.

In 10 days Teagen starts pre-school two days a week. It is more for the social interaction than the education portion. She easily counts to 13 and 20 with help. Knows her alphabet and can point to the corresponding letters. We recently bought a copy of Rachel and the Treeschoolers: Science so she will tell you (in song) that water can be a liquid, solid, or gas and you can call it H2O.

Weaning is going well. I bought her three books that talk about weaning from a toddler perspective. Now we only nurse for morning snuggles and not for too long. Just enough to wake up. I've been putting essential peppermint oil on the tops of my breasts before bed otherwise I wake up engorged and in pain. Peppermint helps reduce supply and so far it seems to work.
Ha helena! Maybe you'll be testing with me! ;)

Dragon, Anson is adorable! The twins sound so.sweet as well!

How long did it take you ladies to conceive your second (or third or fourth) child? I'm obsessing, of course, but read somewhere that you can become infertile after your first child---and I'm sure that's not me, but I just want to have a time frame on how long it might take to get #2! Boy, I really wish I was one of the ladies that don't try but don't prevent...but mo, I obsess over every symptom and count my ovulation days. Haha. :doh:

Kellen---I love peppermint oil for headaches but didn't know it could help engorgement! That's awesome! I'm so glad the weaning is going well!
No testing for me - DH was relieved!!!!!

I think it took us 6 months to conceive our third. Second was maybe three or four months. Each time it was longer.

Just coming to the end of a two week visit from my inlaws. Kiara still hardly looks at them and hasn't once sat with them.. Such a shy girl (And I was looking forward to being able to share a bit of child care too!!)

Peppy pig is big in kiara's world this week.
Peppa is a HUGE thing for Teagen too. By huge I mean a Peppa doll, two sets of pajamas, a book and soon a backpack for school next week. Today, however, she discovered Paw Patrol and is now in love with Ryder.

Too bad about the shyness around the in-laws. Teagen is normally very outgoing, but she clams up around her father's side of the family. They treat her like a baby whereas here at home she is included in most all discussions (that are appropriate) and expected to be a contributing member of the household.

Next Tuesday Teagen starts pre-school for two half days a week. I'm pretty excited for her. She is a little apprehensive and will cling and cry when I tell her that yes, I will be leaving, but I will be coming back for her. I think once I'm gone and she is kept busy she will have an amazing time. Probably sometime Friday or Saturday I am going to take her to the mall and let her pick out a new outfit and shoes for starting school, along with a lunch box.

Weaning continues to be going smoothly. Or at least as smoothly as possible. Some days she doesn't ask at all and others (like this evening) she will try to stick her head down my shirt and nurse. But for the most part we are only nursing when she wakes up in the morning. I am enjoying the feeling of eventually being able to leave her with someone and that they will be able to put her to bed or down for a "rest."

How long do your kiddos nap for? Because of the bright summer sun (even with blackout curtains) Teagen has been getting up around 5:45 - 6:30, napping from 1:30-4 or 2-4:30 and then asleep by 9pm.
Dragon, Anson is adorable! I'm sure he'll have so much fun chasing after the twins. How does Gunnar like him? We're still struggling with Max not liking Luca... :dohh:

Helena, my older girls even love Peppa Pig! There aren't a ton of episodes, so I think I've seen every one a few times, lol. It's a cute show, though. Max prefers Bubble Guppies and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

Sierra, I'm not sure how long it took to conceive each time, actually! My first we needed fertility assistance, so that one doesn't count. The second was a complete surprise, since I thought we couldn't have babies naturally, so I don't know! With Max I had back-to-back miscarriages and then conceived him right away, but I've hear that's common to be so fertile after a miscarriage. Luca was another surprise, so I don't I wouldn't worry, though. My brother and his wife just celebrated their one year anniversary and his wife is about 18 weeks pregnant. They've been actively trying since their wedding day! lol. It can take a while, but I'm sure it won't for you.

Kellen, I hope Teagen enjoys school! I'm sure it will be fun and become part of the routine that she really enjoys. As for naps, Max is all over the place. He usually gets up at 7am and naps around 1 or 2pm for about an hour. He goes to sleep at 8:30. Sometimes he doesn't nap at all, and sometimes we have to wake him up after 2 hours so that he'll sleep at night! He also has a lot of nightmares. He wakes up screaming bloody murder and mumbling about this or that. It's pretty disconcerting.

We bought a little pool for the yard since it's been in the 80s the last couple of days. Max LOVES it! Even though the water from the house was so cold that his lips were blue and he was shivering. I'd say, "want to go inside?" and he'd chatter, "no, I'm fine." Weird kid. I think the kids spent an hour straight out there yesterday. I'm kind of dreading summer break. All 4 kids all day every day for 3 months is a little daunting!
Oh wamommy i am with you on your fear of the summer break!! I hope to plan lots of picnics and trips to pRks, but my eldest two have been going to these parks for years and might get bored... We have about 9 weeks off starting July and luckily DH has three week off in the middle to save my sanity!!
We joined our local library's summer reading program this morning. Teagen was thrilled to be able to pick out books and take them home. She was so excited that she willing put herself down for a nap so that we can read more when she wakes up.

Yesterday my mom bought Teagen a pair of butterfly wings. This morning Teagen was sooo excited to wake up and be a butterfly that she completely forgot about nursing. She hasn't asked to nurse all day. This is the longest we have gone without nursing in almost 2.5 years. I'm thrilled!

Also found out that DH gets to come home for a quick visit in mid-July. I'm looking forward to having him around for four days. Teagen really misses her daddy, but gets to talk with him at least once a day and facetime when he has cell signal.

Today Teagen brought me one of her signing DVDs. It happened to be the one about school. She very seriously brought it to me and said: "Mommy, Teagen needs to learn about going to school. Watch Rachel please." Before lunch she was skipping around the kitchen singing: "Welcome to school! Grab your chili please! Welcome to school, eat your cottage cheese!" Which oddly enough was what she wanted to eat for lunch.
Camden goes to bed around 8pm, wakes up around 6:30am. He Naps usually from 1:30-2:30/3:30.

Thanks for the encouragement on ttc #2---we're trying hard this month, so we shall see what happens! I'm 1 dpo today, so the wait begins! ;)

Camden goes to the park almost every day and hasn't gotten sick of it yet! Haha in fact, he begs for it multiple times a day!

Does anyone else's lo repeat things over and over again even after you answer them? Camden will ask for something like the park, park, park, park and get up in my face and repeat it over and over even after I tell him "yes "wait" or "not right now". He does this with anything he asks for --tv shows, snacks, toys, etc. I always make it a point to answer him right away but it doesn't seem to help. :/
So today was Teagen's first and last day of school. I dropped her off at 8:30. When I started to leave she started to cry. The teacher told me just to leave because it makes it easier. I listened and I know that is sometimes true when I work in the nursery.

Well, when I came back at 12:30 she had tear tracks on her face, her lunch had barely been touched and she refused to chat about her day at school. The teachers didn't tell me how she did. Did give me any feedback. Barely noticed that I took her from the classroom.

The director is out of town on vacation this week, but next week I will be calling her to let her know that I am very disappointed and Teagen will not be attending their school. I realize that this was her first day, but the fact that they obviously could not calm her down for 4 hours is a bit upsetting, especially since they didn't call me. If I had a child who was practically inconsolable for four hours you better believe I'd be calling the parent just to let them know. If they parent said keep trying that is one thing...

Anyways... rant over. Teagen's newest obsession is Paw Patrol. She has the cutest crush on Ryder. It is adorable.

Sierra - Teagen does the repeating thing over and over again too... even though the question has been answered multiple times. Some times it is cute and other times it drives me up the wall!
Oh Kellen ---I would have been so mad at that school! Poor Teagen! That just breaks my heart. Good for you for not sending her back!
How sad, Kellen! I agree that a few tears at the first drop-off is normal, but 4 hours?? I would not have been happy either. Poor sweet girl. :( You're right to follow your instincts.

Sierra, what is it, about 8 dpo now? Haha! Any testing?

The U.S. Open is this week about a mile from my house at Chambers Bay Golf course. It is INSANE around here. Streets are blocked off, cops are everywhere, and there's a million tour buses, since University Place can't handle hundreds of thousands of extra cars so people are bused in from huge fields around the area... Crazy! We went down there to check it out on Sunday. It was free to walk the grounds before the Open started yesterday. We had to park in the middle of a huge field and walk a mile to stand in line for an hour to catch a shuttle down to the course. There was an entire tent city built where we usually fly kites! I was shocked! The merchandise tent was as big as a Nordstrom, and there were a TON of people there. Max was a trooper and slept in his stroller. :) This whole week and especially during the final round on the weekend, I think we'll just stay home!


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Wamommy--YES! 8dpo--tested yesterday and today, both negative. No symptoms yet either. We'll see! I'd love to.surprise dh with it on father's day!

It must be CRAZY around you right now--I'm glad you got out to see it, but I'd probably stay home the rest of the time too! Your kiddos are so sweet. Lovely that Max slept, too!!
No news except big fat BFNs. :( my period is due tomorrow. Although I still hope for a bfp, I fully expect af to show. :(
Guys!! No AF this morning when it was due (and I usually get it as soon as I wake up)--and then THESE! They are super light, but showed up right away! What do you think? I'm in unbelief! They are hard to see on the computer. I'm going to try to buy another frer and test later, but I swear they are there!


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I see it, Sierra!! Oh, exciting!!!! I can't wait for the next test!:happydance:

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