Hi All
I'm new to BnB so hello to all! DH have been TTC#2 for 12 months now and I'd love to pick your brains. DD (aged 22 months) was conceived the first month of trying but #2 seems reluctant to join us. When we started TTC#2 last August I got pg again straightaway, although it was a chemical pregnancy so was over as soon as it started.
I have mild PCOS (erratic periods but no other symptoms to speak of) so we've always thought I was the problem......however, DH has recently had 2 very poor sperm analyses. He has what's called oligoasthenoteratozoospermia which I think means low everything?! He has a large varicocele which he is due to have repaired soon. I'm wondering whether anyone has experience of a varicocele repair improving sperm counts etc??? The doctors have said it is "possible" the repair will sort everything out, but not definite. I'm really hoping it is the varicocele that has affected things as I can't believe I got pg so easily first time, and then again (albeit it was a chemical pregnancy).....
Anyway, the reason for my question is that we're currently in 2 minds about whether to progress to IVF/ICSI regardless of the varicocele repair. If the repair is unlikely to have an effect I am tempted to just go for the ICF/ICSI now rather than wait several more months needlessly.
I'm trying so hard to be patient etc but it's just not in my nature I'm afraid. We went through so much when DD was born (she was diagnosed antenatally with a congenital heart defect and had to have open heart surgery at 2 days old and then again at 6 months....thankfully she is now all fixed though) and I am desperate for a normal pregnancy....
Advice (and reassurance!) gratefully received!
Kate x
I'm new to BnB so hello to all! DH have been TTC#2 for 12 months now and I'd love to pick your brains. DD (aged 22 months) was conceived the first month of trying but #2 seems reluctant to join us. When we started TTC#2 last August I got pg again straightaway, although it was a chemical pregnancy so was over as soon as it started.
I have mild PCOS (erratic periods but no other symptoms to speak of) so we've always thought I was the problem......however, DH has recently had 2 very poor sperm analyses. He has what's called oligoasthenoteratozoospermia which I think means low everything?! He has a large varicocele which he is due to have repaired soon. I'm wondering whether anyone has experience of a varicocele repair improving sperm counts etc??? The doctors have said it is "possible" the repair will sort everything out, but not definite. I'm really hoping it is the varicocele that has affected things as I can't believe I got pg so easily first time, and then again (albeit it was a chemical pregnancy).....
Anyway, the reason for my question is that we're currently in 2 minds about whether to progress to IVF/ICSI regardless of the varicocele repair. If the repair is unlikely to have an effect I am tempted to just go for the ICF/ICSI now rather than wait several more months needlessly.
I'm trying so hard to be patient etc but it's just not in my nature I'm afraid. We went through so much when DD was born (she was diagnosed antenatally with a congenital heart defect and had to have open heart surgery at 2 days old and then again at 6 months....thankfully she is now all fixed though) and I am desperate for a normal pregnancy....
Advice (and reassurance!) gratefully received!
Kate x