VBAC info/support

Thats good Celesse.

Thing is you can always take the monitor off if you want cant you!
That's a great idea Celesse and something I'm discussing with my midwife this week.

Chuck-I booked it there and then as that's what he suggested and it gives me as much time as possible to go into labour naturally. If I feel at any point that I want to change the date, I'll discuss with my MW. Still hoping to go into labour narurally before then
Just because its booked doesn't mean you have to go if you change your mind. But if your comfortable with having it booked for now then it's all good. Nice to have the option if you want it.
Hey girls,

Just wanted to update you. I am still very early days but midwife has already started chatting VBAC which is nice. At my booking in, I almost avoided being high risk but was just tipped over by having a limb in plaster (I broke my foot three weeks ago) so I do need a consultant opinion, but she has booked me on at my hospital with a VBAC midwife, as they have recently opened a specialised VBAC birthing centre which I think will give me a lot more choices hopefully!

Good luck and good vibes to everyone :)
Thats sounds positive Drazic!

Hows your foot now?
Still in cast for another 3 weeks annoyingly! But feeling much better thank you. Broke it in 4 places! Just can't wait for a lovely, relaxing bath :)
OUCH!! poor you! It'll be sore for a while though esp with your weight changing and shifting with pregnancy! Oh noes!

I LOVE long baths when I'm pregnant (although I probably had them hotter than I should have at the end), must be horrible not being able to soak!
I've got my second appointment at hospital of choice next week where my birth plan is gonna get finanlised and signed off.

Currently not sure what to do about VE's. Head of labour ward was saying at last appointment that they like to know when you are above 7cm as between 7cm and birth is the greatest risk of UR and they don't want you to be more than 7cm for an excessive amount of time. So I'm in 2 minds. On one hand I'm drawn to knowing when I'm around this point and reducing the risks to me and baby. On the other hand I don't want to be on an imaginary count down to deliver-or-we-section.

I'm thinking about self examining during early labour, just so I don't go into hospital until I'm well established. But I'm not sure if I want to have a VE around transition, or just to decline unless there is further issues.
Hmmm you can always agree to 1 VE on paper then politely decline in labour to save the arguing now?

The 7cm and above thing was never mentioned to me at all.
I hadn't ever heard of it from a LOT of googling until HoLW mentioned it. It makes sense though that towards the end of labour there are bigger contractions, and therefore more strain on the scar and more chance of rupture. Would be nice to see some research on it though and see just how much of a "danger zone" those last 3 cm are.
I would be interested in that too... as I want to be caught on the back foot during labour with something I don't know about!
Makes sense that the ctx in transition and 2nd stage are stronger, just remember that the rates are still very low and that includes ALL UR at any stage of labour and in unscarred uterii.

I dont think it really mattes all that much. I wouldn't pay much heed to their not wanting you at any stage ion labour for 'too long'

How long is too long and who says that?

We all labour and dilate at different speeds, if you get a rest adn be grateful stage dont be told it's no good and you need a CS
Hi x

Does anyone know if i can be forced into a VBAC? Do i have the right to say no to it if its not what i want? Do they have to give me a repeat c-section if i'm adamant that i want one?

I'm only very early but i'm scared that if i make it that far i'll be bullied and pushed into a VBAC that i do not want. I know that for many women it works well and having already had one baby naturally i'd have a pretty good chance of another natural but for me, the risk is not worth the reward iykwim

I lost my little boy in may after a complete placental abruption, i had an emcs under GA and i don't want to risk another GA if something goes wrong. The fact that i will only be 13 months post c-section is a big factor im my choice, as is the fact that i missed my son's birth, he was only here for 7 days and i missed the first one. I know uterine rupture is a small risk but as i'm sure you'll understand, after losing my son i'm not willing to take any extra risks at all.

I just want to know if they can refuse an elective c-section?

Thankyou xx
My consultant told me that if I'd come to him and asked him for a repeat C-Section he would have said no problem. A couple if weeks prior to my 20 week appointment I was send through VBAC/repeat section info and it all sounded very much that you could choose to have a C-Section and they would just go with it.

That said I've no actual experience with planning an elective section as its something I personally want to avoid.
Thankyou hun! Hopefully it won't be too much of a fight then x

I understand why most go for VBAC, if i had a guarantee all would be fine then i would too, my c-section wasn't nice at all i'd rather give birth any day than have that pain after but i think in my circumstances its the best option, thanks for your help xx
Some areas do push for VBAC unless there's medical reason, other will repeat CS if you ask.

Given your circumstances hun it shouldn't be a problem. You find your MW might try to persuade you to VBAC for the benefits of it simply tell her what you've told us.

You've got to do what is right for you!

If you feel pressured at any time to do something you arent comfortable with then tell the people how you feel...if no change then demand to swap MW/OB.

Out of interest have to looked into gentle caesarean? Do a quick google, it's a method of making the surgery as gentle and close to natural as possible so you get a good entrance for your baby!

Best of luck hun - let us know how you get along!
Thanks Chuck!

I haven't looked into that but i deffinately will, i would like it to be as 'natural' and calm as possible if i can, the total opposite of the last time. Hopefully i'll have time to prepare and understand everything properly, if they try to push VBAC i'll listen and i'll give it the consideration that i should but i deffinately think, for my own sanity alone, that i'll have to go for a c-section. They want to deliver early it will have to be c-section as induction is too much risk, i will only be just over a year post c-section!

Hopefully they'll listen and let me decide what is best for us xx
I'm sure they will, we always prepare ourseoves for a fight and often dont get it!


to start you off
That was a brilliant read thankyou, i had no idea they could or would do that for a c-section, deffinately something to think about xx
You do actually have a lot of rights when it comes to a CS -especially if it is a relaxed planned affair. If its an EMCS too often the team throw the niceties out of the window.

For instance I went to theatre without a birth partner and no body really spoke to me or told me the moment baby was out or show him to me! I had to ask if he was ok whe he was on the other side of the room!

Take a look at the nice guidelines for CS they go through a few things too.

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