VBAC info/support

I will do thanks x

That must have been so stressful hun, i want to be the first person to see this baby i'd like to see him/her born if they'd let me! My c-section was a true emergancy and i was put to sleep, no time to explain anything at all and obviously i didn't see my Son properly until 12 hours later, i didn't get a lot of time with him and one of the things that gets to me most is i missed his birth. That couldn't be helped, i know but i don't want this one to go the same way and if the pregnancy is ok i don't see any need to make me attempt labour if theres a chance it will end in another emergancy birth. I'd like it nice and calm as described in the article, i do think i have some form of PTSD so the calmer it is the better i'll cope!

Off to look at the guidelines, better to know my rights! xx
Have you heard of the birth trauma association?

They have a website and a FB always good to talk through things or just share feelings with other mums who have some kind of birth trauma.

I know what you mean about missing the birth, as much as I was awake I wasn't part of it at all. I may as well have not been in the room!
No i hadn't but i'll look for it now, thanks hun!

Must be awful being awake and pretty much ignored as if your not involved at all just because its a c-section, its still your babies birth and to feel like you missed it is horrible xx
It was so strange I had all these ideas about what was going to happen like someone telling me everything that was happening the curtain dropped a little and being shown my baby no matter how briefly before he was taken to be checked and than having cuddles.

Nope I was asked if I felt sick by the nasty anaesthetist who had previously told me to shut up when I was crying, and then a scrub nurse asked me if I knew whether 'it' was a boy or girl.
So I had my consultant appointment The other week!
For some reason I didn't see my actual consultant which was a bit odd. Anyway I showed her my birth plan and she "read" through it and said 'yep, no problem' and asked if I had any questions, so I asked if my waterbirth was definitely do-able, to which she looked shocked (she obviously hadn't read a single word of my birth plan!) And said no midwife/dr/consult in this hospital would ALLOW me to have the birth I wanted as I was to much of a risk of UR and could die! She said I HAD to have continuous monitoring so me and the baby didn't die etc!!! The dribble she was coming out with was rediculus!!! I explained that if I was strapped to a bed with continuous monitoring my labour WOULD go wrong (that's what happened last time) and that I was happy to have occasional monitoring and mentioned that one of the best ways that showed UR was a pain that didn't end after contractions, she then told me that wasn't true and I shouldn't believe everything I read on The internet!

I don't think she liked me much so she went and got my actual consultant who told me I was in luck, that the hospital had just ordered portable, waterproof trace machines that are due to arrive in December so my water birth wont be a problem and she doesn't see any reason why I shouldn't have one as my pregnancy has been problem free!!!

So long story short, I'm getting my waterbirth and I love my consultant!!! Lol!!

The only problem I have now is....baby is breech/transverse with its bum in my pelvis!!! I've been trying to convince her to turn but nothing is working :( I'm worried that all the scar tissue is making it hard to turn!!!

This will sound really silly but I'm really worried about my mental health if I don't get a vbac, I really think it might cause pnd.
Flipping consultants grrrr"

Excellent news on the new monitoring equipment though, nice to see them moving with the times.

You still have time for lo to turn hun, I doubt the scar tissue is causing the topsy turvyness just poor luck. Look at spinningbabies for some tips.

If it does come to having a CS try not to despair, if it is planned you can do as much of it on your own terms as possible!! Take a google of gently caesarian and see how a good CS can be.
This thread has been super helpful to me! Thank you!

Any advice on how to prepare for an hbac? I've had 2 csections ( the first was planned due to my "huge" baby which ended up being 8 lbs 4 ozs and the second was a failed vbac due to failure to progress). My second baby was 9 lbs 7 ozs so I know that this baby won't be tiny but I'm 5'9 and feel that I can accomplish it.

Although I'm not worried about the pain as much as I'm worried about having to be transferred, I don't think we'll be able to afford a birthing tub, etc. I'm wondering how I'll be comfortable laboring in my own home! I had a consult with my midwife and she has agreed to work with me. I go for my first appt with her in 2 weeks. I know she will come to my home at 36 weeks to check out my space but I'm so desperate to be successful in my vba2c!! I know many vbacs that fail are due to the mom getting tired and then not progressing. I'm wondering how women work around that.
I'd ask your midwife about the pool, she may have other Mums on her books who are looking to sell their pools on. My midwife happily puts people in touch with each other for things like that.

Have you considered hypnobirthing? That is very calming. I went for a HB for my first baby, and found it brilliantly helpful even when I got transferred due to meconium in my waters. It made what could have been a very stressful situation very calm, and I didn't need any other pain relief, or feel tired.

I'm now going for a HBAC (any day now!) and have done a hypnobirthing refresher class. It has helped me feel much more confident I think. Classes are great but even just getting the book and CD and doing it yourself is pretty good, and a lot of people successfully do it that way.
My C-Section was for a high fetal heart rate. I'm terrified same thing will happen again. Or this baby will show signs of distress in another way. And I'll end up needing a C-Section again for something that is completely out of my control. With my daughter I felt like I could have given birth to her naturally, nothing should have stopped me. But if I had have she could have died.

I feel like I failed but it wasn't my fault, but at the same time I can't exactly blame my daughter. And I can't really blame the medical team or midwives because they acted to save her life. I think it would be easier if I could look back at the section and think, yes its this persons fault.

Not really any point to this post, just a little rant.
Celesse a little something that I got hold of just today...might help you.


Posts on ICAN about women processing a CS after a CS..they were hoping to VBAC but needed a CS in the end.

Nice to read some stories of that nature, its not all bad.
Ladies it's CBAC week over on ICAN in fact take a look see what post go up

yup yup, a week of info and stories from ladies hoping to HBAC/VBAC but need a CS.

They get forgotten about or we tend to think/say failed to achieve VBAC so they need some recognition!

A couple lovely very heart rending stories I've read so far.
Well, I didn't get my VBAC, I ended up having an EMCS because I had meconium in my waters & my son's heartrate kept dropping. At first I was ok about it, after being in slow labour for 3 days.. But now I'm feeling really down that it didn't happen for me. I've also been told any future pregnancies will end in C-section as they were that desperate to get him out, and quickly, they tore my womb :cry:

Knowing I have to have yet another C-section just puts me off anymore children at all :(
Added some facebook pages of interest to the first page.

I highly suggest anyone interested in VBAC goes over to birth without fear (not a specialist VBAC place) but its a wonderful wonderful site for all things birth related and they're having a bit of a VBAC week.
Well, I didn't get my VBAC, I ended up having an EMCS because I had meconium in my waters & my son's heartrate kept dropping. At first I was ok about it, after being in slow labour for 3 days.. But now I'm feeling really down that it didn't happen for me. I've also been told any future pregnancies will end in C-section as they were that desperate to get him out, and quickly, they tore my womb :cry:

Knowing I have to have yet another C-section just puts me off anymore children at all :(

Don't let that get you down hun... You have a beautiful little boy and you tried! Lots of women would have gone straight to section - you at least tried for 3 days.

As for more children - Chuck has some wonderful resources about gentle sections.... :hugs:
RM sorry I missed your post...congratulations on your arrival.

I hope physically you're healing well from the surgery and extra trauma of the womb.

Take a little heart in knowing that your LO needed to be out fast hence the torn womb - it wasn't a needless CS or injury. You had worked super hard for days and you and baby needed the CS in the end.

I know right now things feel awful, but down the line your outlook will change, with the right care provider and the right set of circumstances - remember a labour and birth takes 2! Baby has to do their part (shame some babies are so naughty!) a VBAC may be an option down the line.

Saying that it doesn't mean an ELCS in the future is a failure, they're very different to a EMCS. You'll be able to make it yours.

Try not to think about more babies right now, concentrate on the one you have just brought safely into the world and enjoy them.

It takes time to process any birth let alone one that goes awry from what you wanted.
Hi chuck, on my postnatal notes it specifies that I am a candidate for a vbac which is great. But how long should I wait to try again. I don't want to try so soon if my womb hasn't healed fully. But I want to give my body the optimal chance of succeeding in a vbac
Now thats a question with no real answer I'm afraid other than when you feel ready!

Every area/country/MW etc may give you a different answer but the usual one seems to be (in my experience of ladies here on BnB) of wait a year after a CS before getting PG again.

There were 8/9 months between my CS and getting PG again and I had not 1 incidence of scar pan or even a twinge in memory.

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