VBAC info/support

Cangaroo.....even in the pool!! That sounds great!! My vbac is a continuous monitoring stuck to the bed kinda deal which really puts me off!! Your consultant/hospital sound really progressive and positive..that makes such a difference. Good luck I hope you have a positive experience again this time x
Where are you sept10? Out of interest, as there are things you can request and ways around CFM etc. if you are in the UK

I'm in the UK..north west. Yeah I'm not against cfm to be honest just wish they were wireless / waterproof options...but not available at my hospital. Have talked through a plan with consultant.. She was very nice and open.
If the wireless CFM wasn't available I might have made a different decision. I can't imagine labouring strapped to a bed!

The only thing I can do differently this time is make myself rest more in early labour and try to get some sleep. Last time, I walked through almost every contraction for 2 days (I was most comfortable when walking) whilst vomiting profusely, so was exhausted and needed pethidine to recover. To be fair, that allowed me to rest and by the next morning it had worn off and I was finally in active labour. I therefore labourded drug-free. I think if I'd been in less of a hurry and more relaxed I could have had baths etc and let everything slow down to give me some rest more naturally.
I'm feeling a bit lost now.

I'm supposed to have an appointment at 28 weeks to discuss my birth choice with an OB, but I can't make the time they've given me and so now I'm told no one can see me until I'm 37 weeks. That seems really late to me. I don't expect to go early, but I really wanted to know exactly where I stand well in advance so I'm not worrying about it. I know our hospital is big on continuous monitoring on the bed for VBACs which I really do NOT want (and they don't have a great VBAC success rate either). I am willing to stick up for myself but I feel like the longer it's left the less energy and more nerves I will be having.

Not to mention, the 28 week appt is to book a planned section if I opted for one, so leaving it to 37 weeks seems to leave me with little chance of getting a slot.

that seems a bit unreasonable...have you any other options of OB or hospital, or could you at least ring yours and say if you can't be seen earlier you will look elsewhere. You really should have an appointment and time to then consider your options. My first consultant appointment was at 16 weeks to get all the info then at 34 weeks to book in section/make a decision....37 is way to late to be waiting and worrying....
I would push to be seen sooner, that seems awfully late to me. I had a breif chat at 20 weeks and am going back for full chat at 34 weeks and I think is leaving a bit late as I would prefer to know/plan what I am doing sooner rather than later. I am really wanting to chat as I never got much info the first chat and I haven't been able to find out what their expectations of cfm etc are (whether I accept them or not). There is a lot to talk about and think about so wouldn't be able to leave it till 37 weeks.
Hi there. We are expecting number 3, awaiting scan to confirm dates but we think we are around 12-13 weeks. Dd 1 was emergency c section after failure to progress after being induced(hate that term as I was willing to try for longer but only being 18 at the time I trusted those around me). Dd 2 was planned section after reduced fetal movements and a decline in my mental health due to external issues so I wasn't strong enough to push for my wanted vbac.

I've been a nurse for three years, I've got the hospital policies printed off and think this will be my last baby I'm desperate for my vba2c. My OH doesn't understand how important this is to me.

I've read the links posted.
Good for you Rota! I have a friend that is on her 8th VBA2C so anyhing is possible! Stay strong! :)
Just met with my midwife who is going to book me an appointment with the local vbac clinic. But she went through some info today about vbac including only being allowed to Labour for a total of 10 hours, must present at the hospital asap at the start of Labour, and I must show process every hour ie dilate 1cm an hour or they will perform a section. Continuous monitoring on the bed, no bath or shower during Labour and most certainly no pool. Also they may decide to induce me at 40 weeks but this will be up to the consultant (who I don't want to see at all to be honest)

With dd 1 they induced me at 8am(pessary), waters went at 4 pm and got to 9.5cm at around 11pm.

I'm gonna be honest, I think it looks doubtful just from the point of limits being placed.
That's ridiculous! Remember, in the uk, this is your choice! It's not down to them to allow or not!
I'm half tempted to stay and deliver at home.
You can do that! It's your choice!

(There is a UK specific VBAC Facebook group if you're interested in getting some more support/advice)
Hi hope you don't mind me jumping in here, I'm hoping for a vbac soon too and have my consultant appt this week where I'm hoping I can discuss CFM as I don't want to be stuck on the bed either!

Rota your local hospital sounds very very strict!! But it IS your choice remember. At my last consultant appt he did agree to no induction as I don't want that, and he mentioned that if I fail to progress they will want (key phrase, they will want, not they will make me!) to take me for a c section, I'll get him to clarify how long they consider failure to progress to be!

I find it strange that hospitals have such different policies on vbacs and how they "should" or "shouldn't" be.
Had my appointment to discuss options and I'm pretty disappointed. Though they were actually in favour of VBAC in general, there's a lot of restrictions. It will be continuous monitoring in bed - no bath, no shower, only allowed up to use the bathroom. They won't even let me use a birthing ball on the monitors or get on all fours to push!

I'm fairly sure being stuck in bed on monitors is what caused my daughter to turn into a bad position and get stuck, so this is my nightmare scenario. I've also read you're much more likely to tear or need forceps if you're pushing lying back.

They also want you in hospital from the start of labour which isn't going to happen because the nearest family to watch my toddler are two hours away.

On one hand, I feel like I'm wimping out if I opt for the section but I can't help thinking that if they're going to limit me and take away any sort of control I have during the birth, then I may as well just opt for a section and have the convenience of knowing when it will happen.

I know they can't force me to do anything, but labour is not the time I want to be fighting for my rights and antagonising the doctors by going against their wishes.
I pretty much got told the same story why bird. I'm hoping that I'll have the strength to stand up for myself but I don't know as I've never been in natural labour, I was useless when I was induced and just went along with everything they said. I asked about the wireless monitoring equipment they have at our hospital and basically got told they never use them coz they aren't very good. I'm adamant I will not spend the whole time lying on my back coz I'm also convinced that's why my dd was back to back as well coz she hadn't been throughout my third tri, she had been the right way round. If they want to do CFM fine but I'm ready to fight them when it comes to lying down the whole time. I'm also not going in straight away unless I think there's a problem. My mum lives an hours drive away and if it's when my df is at work he doesn't drive so I'll be on my own with my 1 year old until anyone can get to me (there's always MIL or SIL in an emergency who are round the corner).

It just sucks that we feel like we have to fight to get what we want! I'm all for making sure we and babies are all safe but I don't get why it makes a difference if we do or do not lay on the bed the whole time!
I just wanted to share a little info on my vbac in case it helps others :)
The last paragraph could be deemed negative so don't read that if you prefer not to.

I had my first little girl via EMCS after severe eclampsia.

I was unsure about going for a VBAC but ultimately chose to try because i hoped to be able to lift my toddler straight after delivery.

My hospital put quite a few restrictions on my VBAC, the usual continuous monitoring and that i had to go into hospital at the first hint of labour and not stay home. I wasn't really supportive of their instructions and toyed with the ideal of staying home for early labour and going in when contractions were strong and frequent. When the day came however i DID go in as requested at the first, very minor contraction. My second contraction was ten minutes later and after that they came strong and fast. From that first contraction my baby arrived after only two hours. Everyone was surprised at the speed.
So i'm posting to say don't be like me and think you likely have a 12 hour labour ahead and stay home a while!


Unfortunately my delivery wasn't 'good' i got a 3rd degree perennial tear, labia tear and internal vaginal tear up to my cervix so couldn't lift my toddler for many weeks anyway. My recovery has been hideous. BUT that aside it still is all worth it when you have a healthy baby in arms :)
Ladies - I had a vbac three weeks ago and met with similar objections/restrictions from my hospital.

NICE guidelines state that all women attempting a VBAC should be offered CFM. However, there is zero evidence that CFM is more likely to spot uterine rupture/fetal distress/placenta abruption/cord prolapse more quickly that regular 15min checks with a doppler. Check out the guidance for yourselves as this is what UK hospitals should be following. The NCT website also has a good section on this as it's something hospitals seem to insist on (same as inserting IV's 'just in case') but there is no medical reason to do so.

Just to note as well that statistically any one of the above birth problems I've listed above (fetal distress, placenta abruption etc) are more likely to happen in labour than a uterine rupture, it's just that if you've had a cs this is what they focus on.

I refused consent for CFM unless it was wireless (telemetry I think it's called) and was allowed to use this in the birthing pool. I also refused consent to have an IV cited and I refused to have bloods taken. The staff tried to push for all these things though but I just kept saying no, I don't consent.

The doctor also told me to come to hospital as soon as contractions started so I could be monitored - I didn't and arrived at 5cm dilated (and my DD was born 1.5hours later). Again, there is no evidence to support CFM and in fact it is thought it is more likely to increase risk of repeat cs as data can be misinterpreted and you are 'on the clock' in terms of progressing. In my case - I was high risk only due to previous cs and I was glad I stayed away for as long as possible as the team didn't have time to bully me into anything as my baby was coming!

BTW - my doc told me that failure to progress would be not progressing at a rate on 1cm per hour.

This is a link to my birth story which will hopefully give you some hope!


Mrs HM - How did they react when you refused consent? I'm not good at confrontation and was sort of zoned-out of what was happening around me last time I was in labour. I'm not sure I have it in me to put up much of a fight.
Thats great info thanks Mrs HM, that phrase is gonna be sticking in my head "no I dont consent" lol. Thats the only reason I am high risk too, I did have high BP and suspected pre-e last time but as long as there are no signs of it this time then having a previous CS is the only "risk".

Wow they dont give you long to progress then do they if they consider 1cm per hour.....it took me 16 hours last time and I thought that was good!!

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