very cautiosusly excited

So sorry Smiler :hugs: - so cruel when there's a faint line and then the witch arrives (that was me last month). I like your positivity and hope that next month is your month. x
Thanks tripleB.

As I said I am absolutely devastated but I am fed up of being miserable and crying all the time so I am going to try going with the positive outlook in the coming month and se if that helps.

Sorry that you had the same disappointment last month. Do you mind me asking how long you have bben trying (you can private message me if you would prefer).

Sending baby dust to you!
Absolutely right hun, the sadness and crying really takes it out of you until sometimes all you've got left is positivity or you'll go mad (if that makes sense!).

I'm not sure what happened with me last month. I had my usual pre-AF spotting but it went on for days with no AF so I started to get suspicious it was IB. After a BFN at 11dpo I tested again at 14dpo and got a faint line (cue: great excitement, shock, wonder etc). Sadly, AF arrived the next day and I got a BFN on a digi. I'm not sure whether it was dodgy test or a chemical but I know that my AF was a little heavier than usual and I spotted for ages afterwards (didn't go until CD10!). Just had to draw a line under it and move on really.

I don't mind you asking hunni, I had an ERPC for a MMC 6 months ago next Wednesday (not that I'm counting :rofl:). We've been trying ever since but my cycles have irritatingly gone from around 30 days pre-MC to 37 now (boo), so I'm only on my 4th full cycle (excluding MMC to first AF) - I'm hoping its a lucky one. I just need to ovulate in the next few days!

Sorry that's a bit of a ramble!

Thanks triple B.

My miscarriage was 6 months ago yesteday so we were suffering at around the same time. cycles have been erectic since too but te other way. They were 34 days since I came off the pill last april and were like that up until the miscarriage. First AF after mc was 32 days and then back to 34 days, However in Feb my cycle was 30 days, march was 26 days! and then this month it is 29 days today so who knows what is going on with me!!!

It just makes it that little bit more frustrating! How long were you tryin before your mmc?
Its been a long, hard six months but hopefully we're both a lot nearer to a sticky BFP now! It is sooooo annoying that our cycles have changed isn't it?! It took 50 days for my first AF after ERPC, then 34 days for first cycle (not sure I ovulated though) and then 2 x 37 day cycles. I'm CD 20 today and hopefully going to ovulate in the next few days so it looks like 37 days is going to be the norm from now on. I hope that your March cycle was a blip and yours settle down around 30 days again. Even better, a BFP and you won't have to think about it!

We were not being very careful in the birth control department for about 8 months before we got pregnant. But in comparison to now I was completely clueless about TTC so its a miracle we got pregnant at all! I thought because it had happened relatively easily last time (in comparision) that we would defo be pregnant again by now considering the effort being put in! I guess that MC affects us all in different ways and I think for me my body has only just got over the trauma. Hopefully its ready for another go soon!

I know how you feel I came off the pill in April 09 but wwe did not start trying til July so it only took us 3 months to get pregnant. Thereforei thought the same as you that it would not take that long again which is whty despite 6 months not being that long compare to some ladies onm here it feel slike forever.

Especially as a close friend of mine who 4 weeks ahead of where i should be is due in 4 and a half weeks!
I hear you Smiler, one of my best friends had her little boy 2 weeks ago and another is due next month - so so hard to put on a brave face. Although I've come to accept the loss of our baby (as much as you ever can), a part of me is saying at the very least I should be pregnant again - we deserve that surely?! (Irrational ramblings of a TTCAL woman...!) x

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