Very quick arrival of Miss Molly Amber, homebirth story


Prodest mummy ever
Oct 11, 2007
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Miss Molly Amber, born at home 12.45pm on 16th August 2011 weighing 9lbs 3oz.

Just breifly... started getting mild pain Tuesday morning about 6am, I couldn't sleep so me & hubby got up had a cuppa and started timing contractions, they were about 12 mins apart. Gradually upped to about 6 mins by 8am. We took Seth up to nursery & popped in to asda to get a few bits, felt them coming a bit more regularly but wasn't timing, I guessed about 4 mins. Got home & decided to have a bath to keep myself calm, got out & started timing again, at about 10am they were about 2 mins apart but not really very painful. I called the home birth team anyway coz I wasn't sure what to do and they said they'd send someone out but they would have to send a community midwife because their homebirth team was too busy to let anyone go from the hospital. Very abrupt midwife rung and said she'd be on her way, after telling my I was talking rubbish & not making sense when trying to answer her questions through contractions. I can't remember what time it was, about 1145, but she arrived and checked me (not very gently it was agony) and didn't say anything I said "nothings happening is it?" and she said "no, you're 5cms!", she called for a second midwife and G&A.

I panicked a bit and went back downstairs to sit on my ball. The pain was still bearable, but I decided to have another bath anyway. Matt went up to run it and it took ages lol I got in at 12.10pm, and the second midwife and student arrived about the same time. As soon as I got in the bath, the contractions hit me really hard and I lost it a little bit because it all happened so quickly... I thought it was because I was lying on my back but I tried loads of positions and nothing worked. Hypnobirthing had worked really well so far but I lost focus and started making a bit of noise.

Matt got the midwife and she asked what I wanted to do, if I wanted to get out or stay in the bath, I said whatever as long as there is drugs Midwife said it hadn't arrived yet. I knew what was coming because I felt her head coming down when I was in the bath but I was so scared of pushing. I decided in my head just to push as hard as I could anyway & just get her out asap lol midwife didn't think I had enough time to get downstairs so they had a mad rush moving everything from downstairs to upstairs. I went back into my bedroom and nealt down next to my bed and leant over it and had the urge to push. I did and my waters popped everywhere, I heard them say there was merconium there and she was in distress and I freaked out totally panicked. The horrible midwife told me to calm down she was in distress, I wasnt helping her blah blah and not to push. Got my next contraction and pushed her head out. Second contraction pushed her body out, it was probably the most horrible feeling or experience ever I felt every single little part of her come out. She was born at 12.45, with two pushes and no pain relief whatsoever.

This is where it started to go wrong basically, and I'm so upset about it.

They put her on the floor & she was purpley... not the right colour, wasn't breathing and didn't cry. The gas & air and oxygen still hadn't arrived yet. They started trying to clamp her cord and Matt asked them to stop and leave it to pulse. I asked them to try and resuscitate her while she was still attached. The midwife told me "her cord has stopped pulsing anyway" not 3 minutes after she was born, and clamped and cut it before I had a chance to say anything else. The midwife grabbed her and started slapping her feet trying to get her to cry, she kept doing little cries but she wasn't pinking up still. They called an ambulance and the oxygen arrived in a taxi about the same time. Me & Matt were begging them to tell us what was wrong, but no one would. All I knew was that she had poo'd inside me. They gave her to me for skin to skin and started to give her oxygen.

Midwife asked if I wanted an injection to get the placenta out, I said I wanted a natural third stage. She told me if I didn't get the placenta out I wouldn't be able to go in the ambulance with Molly, so I agreed to have it. She did it and the ambulance people arrived - one responder car and 2 ambulances. All of the staff of which were stood on my hallway staring at me, bleeding, cord half hanging out, eventually half of them left because they decided they didn't need three ambulance responders and left us with one.

They took Molly from me and the midwife started to try and pull the placenta out. She started pushing on my tummy and said that it hadn't seperated properly yet, tried pulling the cord to get it out and the cord snapped at the base of where it attaches to the placenta. She put her hand in to try and pull it out but couldn't. She said they'd have to do it in hospital, so I got dressed put a pad on and somehow got downstairs, in agony and into the ambulance. I felt like I was in labour all over again the pain was awful. Got into the ambulance and Matt passed Molly over to me, I asked the midwife to take her because I was lying down in agony and terrified of dropping her. She ignored me and ate her lunch. I felt every bump on the road to hospital.

We got to the hospital and they tried with my placenta again and couldn't get it. They told me I'd have to go to theatre if it didn't come soon. I started trying to push it out and after about 20 mins of pushing it came thankfully. Molly was checked over and given the OK to come home. We started to get her ready, as soon as I stood up off the bed I felt something in my leg, just horrible pain can't really explain it. I mentioned it to the midwife and she sent a Dr in. They measured my leg and felt it and said it was slightly swollen, suspected a DVT and I'd have to stay in overnight. They said Molly couldn't stay. I would have to have blood thinners and then a scan the next day (today). The next person thankfully told me that there's no way they'd seperate me & Molly and of course she could stay

So we went up to the ward and I stayed in overnight, she was an absolute little star, pretty much slept all night and she is feeding perfectly.

Pediatrician came round to do her checks today and (just to make everything a little bit more stressful!) they have found a heart murmour. She has been referred for an echo, they said it might well just be a little hole that hadn't closed up but it's not serious for now anyway. Just need to take it one step at a time.

So... thats that. We're home now thankfully and pleased the whole ordeal is over with tbh. But she is happy and very content and healthy which is the most important.

Just want to stress, it all went a bit hectic at the end and we did transfer to hsoptial out of precaution but my bad experience had nothing to do with the fact we had her at home, it was down to the care I received. I honestly believe that had I been in hospital, the labour wouldn't have progressed so quickly and I wouldn't have been able to push her out as easily as I did which could have been more dangerous with the cord round her twice. I absolutely loved giving birth and labouring at home, and I would certainly do it again if I had another baby so don't let this put you off :) It certainly wasn't anything that was extremely traumatic and exactly the same would have happened anywhere.

So here she is. She has the same birthmark on her head as her big brother.
Many congratulations on your homebirth. Sorry to hear that you had such a horrible midwife and that it was traumatic towards the end. BUT, your little girl is absolutely adorable! xxx
Jesus that kept me gripped! So glad she's ok and all at home now! You going to mention the midwives care to anyone if she was snappy from start?
Congratulations, very interesting and gripping birth story ! Glad everything is ok now and it sounds like the care from the Midwives was not good at all. Molly is beautiful xx
I've considered complaining but tbh it still feels a bit raw, took quite a lot for me to write it out but I felt like I had to get it off my chest. Especially when I'm being blamed for her heart murmur because her cord was round her neck and I should have been in hospital blahblahblah whatever.
I'm glad to hear that you and her are both ok, and hope the echo comes back clear. So sorry to hear about the awful care you received, that's utterly appalling. Definitely complain, and if the hospital don't listen, I'd consider getting the name of the midwife in question and going to the NMC. The way you were treated is just awful :(

Congratulations on your beautiful little girl :hugs:
Your midwife sounds like a right cowbag! You poor thing :hugs: Congratulations again xxx
Oh my gosh, your birth story had me on edge! She's absolutely gorgeous, though, what kissable little lips!

FX the murmur is innocent; my little boy has a murmur, too.:hugs:
Sorry to hear you had a tough time of it and had a horrible midwife.

But huge congratulations! She's gorgeous :flower:
Congratulations on the birth of your adorable little girl.
I was scared reading the end of your post but I'm so pleased you are home and doing well.
Hope all goes well for the echo.
congratulations, she is beautiful, sorry to hear about your midwife/s but she is ever so gorgeous :) xx
first off congrats again hunni she is Beautiful x x


Sorry you had a bitch of a MW! I would be complaining she sounds very unprofessional! I dont like the sound of her trying to remove your placenta forcefully.
Congrats, on baby Molly she's gorgeous!
Sorry you had a bad time with the MW glad your both safe x
:hug: be kind to yourself Linzi and give yourself some time to reflect.
You really should consider making a complaint or giving feedback as this is one of the most atrocious things I've read in a long while. No one can ever learn if women do not make people higher up know what is going on. You may help another women not have to endure something similar x
Especially when I'm being blamed for her heart murmur because her cord was round her neck and I should have been in hospital blahblahblah whatever.

Nope, it was your MWs job to check for the cord being wrapped, it happens in loads of births, it is something she should have checked once you delivered her head. Do not blame yourself, or let anyone else!

I think once you are ready you should complain. She should have let the cord alone, as well as your placenta.

I think you did brilliantly!!!
Congratulations and well done :hugs: she is lovely. I'm sorry things didn't go more smoothly, i agree that you should make a complaint re: the midwife and her level of 'care'.

Lots of :hugs: to you all.
Congratulations. Molly is beautiful. Sorry you had such a horrible midwife. I hope Molly's echo goes ok. X

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