Vinnie Elijah James - 24th Feb 2010 8lbs 2.5oz


Sleep deprived!!
Jul 21, 2009
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Gonna start writing this now so will probably be finished by 2moro as Vinnie is such a booby monster.

Well on monday 22nd, 4 days overdue I went to see the midwife in the morning as Id been having tightenings for a few days but nothing was progressing and it was getting me down. She squeezed me in an appointment and gave me an internal to see what was going on. My cervix was high and closed and she didnt think baby would be coming out very soon. I was gutted that nothing had been happening, just my body teasing me.
So i went home and spent the afternoon on the sofa watching films and feeling sorry myself. Had some dinner around 4pm then sat down to watch Takeshis a bit of a geek and was giggling loads when i felt a pop. It felt like when you crack your knuckles but was inside my belly. I stood up but nothing happened so sat back down :(. I felt very uncomfortable though and then desperate for a wee out of nowhere (no different to the last 9 months really) so i ran up to the loo and gush went my waters!! I cant believe how much there was. I literally couldnt get off the toilet for about 10 minutes. My contractions started straight away!! I remember thinking they were quite strong although looking back they were pants really!!
After my water leakage had slowed down i shoved a flannel in my knickers and went for a walk to try and speed things up. I was so excited to think Id be meeting my little guy so soon.
Contractions kicked up a gear at about 9pm so i jumped on my ball to start timing them. They were coming every 4 minutes lasting just over a minute so i called the hospital to see what they wanted me to do because I live about 50minutes away from there. They told us to go straight in.
Arrived there about 11pm and was showed into a side room, they put me on the monitor straight away and my contractions gradually got weaker. Little mans heartrate was dipping a tiny bit with each contraction so they asked the doctor in to come and have a look. He examined me (i was 1-2cm) and just told them to monitor me for another hour or so. Hour passed he came back and still no change so he asked me to change positions as i was practically flat on my back.....i could of kissed him cuz I was so uncomfortable. Although as soon as i had moved onto my left side my contractions kicked up again....little ones heartrate was staying the same throughout though so they said i could be unhooked and told not to lay on my back if i could help it.
I dont remember all that much about the hours in between. The morning of the 23rd came and went, at 1pm we decided to go for a walk to the canteen just to get out of the room.
At 5pm they came back to examine me and i was only 4cms dilated but in agony. After me insisting that gas & air wouldnt work they persuaded me and it was the best thing I have ever come across in my life....i cannot praise it enough! The labour ward was so busy they had no rooms so I couldnt move over and had to stay on maternity. I went through half a canister of g&a when it ran out...the wards were so busy that nobody could get me another one for half an hour...ouchy! Finally the midwife came back and told me they could move me to the labour ward so at 6:30pm off we trotted. I had 2 contractions on the walk over and the midwife was trying to get me to hurry because she didnt think it would be long before he arrived (how wrong was she!?)
Strapped to the monitor again in the labour ward and my contractions were coming thick and fast, every 2 minutes lasting about 2 minutes! I was in so much pain and so exhausted i gave in and agreed to have pethadine. It wasnt as bad as i thought it would be, i felt completely normal it just took the edge off the pain and allowed me to sleep between contractions! They kept asking if i felt the urge to push and the midwife sat and stared up my foof every time i had a contraction (so right about losing all dignity in labour) After 4hours of this they called the doctor back in because i was contracting so fast and strong but his head wasnt moving down. When he examined me he found that i was only 6cms and the top&back of lo's head had swelled up from the pressure :( my poor bunny!
The doctor warned me about a c.section but said he was happy to leave me a little while longer to see if things would happen on there own. He came back at 12:30am and still no progression except for the fact that my little guys head was getting bigger. By 1:30am my pulse was racing at 111bpm and Vinnies heart rate had slowed to around 109bpm so because they were so close together they put a monitor on his head. At 2am the doctor came back in and i still hadnt dilated any further and because of the swelling little mans head couldnt move down into my pelvis much more. He decided to go for the c-section before anything went wrong and Vinnie got into distress.
So i was prepped for theatre and in went my epidural. I was shaking uncontrollably and at this point absolutely petrified!!
The epidural didnt work, i could still feel all my contractions in my bum, could feel my ankles being tickled and could feel my left hip. So they went for the spinal block. It took about 25 minutes for the aneasthastist(sp?) to get it right and the midwife and doctor had to hold me down onto the bed because i was shaking so much!
After 5 minutes of pulling and tugging and what felt like "someone washing up in my tummy" we heard a huge scream and at 2:43am on the 24th february 2010 Vinnie Elijah James came into the world weighing 8lbs 2.5oz :cloud9:. He screamed for ages and i was so relieved to hear it! Couldnt stop crying. He was checked over, wrapped up and handed to my mum who was sat just behind me. After letting me see him she took him back to the delivery room while they stitched me up and wheeled me back.
His apgar score was 9 at 1 minute and 10 at 5 minutes :happydance:
He was born with a unilateral cleft lip on the left side but it hasnt affected him in the slightest and hes feeding like a trooper....too good sometimes! My nipples are so sore.
The pain was intense and it was such a scary traumatic experience but i would go through it all again 2moro for him.
Sorry its so long and if i waffled on, everythings still a bit vague and Vinnie has me on my toes so im tired.
Oh and his head only stayed swollen for about 6 hours and by the time we woke in the morning it looked completely normal.


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Congrats, he's gorgeous :) Sorry you had such a tough time though, hope you're not in too much pain from the section :hugs: xx
He is gorgeous! Sorry to hear you had a tough time but as you said, hes well worth it.

Congratulations xxxx
:cloud9: He's so gorgeous! And my what big feet he's got!! Or is that just the angle of the photo :haha: Congrats on your lovely wee man and I hope you make a quick recovery! x
He looks so adorably cute and peaceful sleeping!
Aww honey :hugs:

He is sooooo beautiful hun :cloud9: his skin is so perfect! Reminds me of Karma looked ^_^ xxxx
Well done you! Huge congratulations! He is absolutely gorgeous :hugs: xx
Awww beautiful - congrats hun :flower:
Massive congrats VP!! Vinnie is a cutie patootie!!

U done so well, scary that the epi didnt work :wacko: Congrats tho darlin! Being a mummy is brilliant, and even through the know you would go to hell and back for them :cloud9:

soak up every second of him, he's gorgeous. Hope you're recovering well huny, take care of YOU as well...x x x
He's absolutely gorgeous :cloud9: Congratulations!! xxx
Congratulations hun :hugs: your lil man is gorgeous x
Huge congratulations Hunni, I hope I haven't already replied to this as I am sleep deprived & cant remember :rofl:
Congratulations on your handsome little man!

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