Vomiting after infant oatmeal


Jadyn & Tyler's Mom
Feb 13, 2009
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So i started J at 25 weeks with BLW. She had some sweet potato, carrots, mango, pear, banana, and infant oatmeal (made with bm) on a loaded spoon. I was having panick attacks while she about choking, so we sorta switched to TW with finger foods. And then we got busy and i sorta let solids fall to the wayside for a week.

So then sunday i made her some infant oats and banana (both she had before) and a couple of hours later she was violently ill. Puking up all her stomach contents and dry heaving to the point of exhaustion, then falling asleep for a couple of hours, and when she woke she was able to keep down BM and was fine a few hours after that. So of course i freaked out, and we went back to BF for a couple of days. I actually suspected sour bm as the culprit of the incident.

So last night i pump fresh milk and make 1 tbsp of cereal... of which she ate hardly NONE... maybe a couple of spoonfuls... and within 2 hours she was sick again, exactly the same as before.

So im pulling her off solids for a while and when we go back i will try either rice or barley cereal or skip grains all together and go for fruits & veggies.

Anyone else experience this with grains?? What did you do? Do you think this is a sign she's not ready (even though she exhibits all other readiness signs) and how long should i hold off do you think? We do have a dr's appt today for her 6 month check up, but i wanted the opinions of other mum's on here. TIA

To be honest i'm afraid of giving her anything as if she is sick again, i will probably :cry: as its so horrid to watch.
Been reading B&B threads since I was pregnant, but never posted - LO is now 7 months!! Read this post & felt I needed to reply. We also started blw at 26 weeks, but gave up after nerves got the better of me after a few gagging incidents & went to purees. All was going well until a week or so ago when LO started to randomly vomit. Quite bad projectile & also retching without producing anything. Thought maybe bug, though no high temp/crying etc & otherwise well in himself. 2 Docs & 2 hv's later, no one is any the wiser what is causing this, though no-one seems overly concerned (apart from me). 1 Doc said was possibly acid reflux prob & prescribed gaviscon. Kept a food diary & only thing constant was baby four grain porridge. We cut this out yesterday & things seemed to have improved slightly. No food has been vomited since, but have had a couple of retching incidents, though fewer than usual. So, may have been porridge or the gaviscon has helped. How's your little one doing now? any change? I'd be interested to hear if anyone else has had a similar problem.
I haven't fed her any solids since the last incident. Im thinking of making some brown rice and pureeing it and adding bm and seeing how that goes.

I have noticed in the last week, she is "spitting" up A LOT more then she used to. I wondered about reflux. I always sorta wondered about silent reflux as she seems to swallow a lot of spit up and often gags and coughs on it.

also im noticing a "puke" smell to her spit up lately. i guess its always smelled like that but a lot stronger now. She isn't just spitting up after feeds - its throughout the whole day. Like sometimes up to two hours after her feed.
The weaning side i can't comment on as LO is still just on milk, but the vomiting, the 'puke' smell and being sick even hours after a feed we noticed with our LO about 3 weeks ago...

Went to the doctors who said it is reflux, what you're describing sounds very similar hun,

They've given us infant gaviscon, its worked a treat! The only time he has been sick in the past week was after the 1 feed we missed the gaviscon with! xx
It doesnt sound like reflux hun, reflux starts at early age & at 6+ months babies start to outgrow it. If she had oatmeal & banana before without a problem, then it doesnt sound like intolerance to them. she might be teething or she might have a stomach flu or a stomach bug. Hope she gets better soon hun xx
Out of interest has your LO had gluten before? It could be that?
Oats: The suitability of oats in the gluten-free diet is still somewhat controversial. Some research suggests that oats in themselves are gluten free, but that they are virtually always contaminated by other grains during distribution or processing. However, recent research[13] indicated that a protein naturally found in oats (avenin) possessed peptide sequences closely resembling wheat gluten and caused mucosal inflammation in significant numbers of celiac disease sufferers. Some examination results show that even oats that are not contaminated with wheat particles are nonetheless dangerous, while not very harmful to the majority. Such oats are generally considered risky for celiac children to eat, but two studies show that they are completely safe for celiac adults to eat. People who are merely gluten-sensitive may be able to eat oats without adverse effect,[14] even over a period of five years.[15] Given this conflicting information, excluding oats appears to be the only risk-free practice for celiac disease sufferers of all ages

I have a gut feeling its a gluten thing. trying rice today - praying for no reaction
No they aren't - they have a different type of gluten, but they are not gluten free. They are often used for people with gluten intolerance and research has shown them to be tolerated in smaller quantities by some celiacs, but its a common misconception that they are gluten free as they are definitely not :flow:

Ahhhh PP wrote it better than me :lol: Sorry im a bit slow on the uptake today :haha:
Hahaha i just stole from wikipedia LOL.

She seems to be spitting up a lot more than usual. Im not sure if its just paranoia that she is gonna throw up or if she is actually throwing up more.
Thought we were getting somewhere the last few days. LO being sick less but still retching/stomach contracting with no vomiting. Then, the last two nights after his breast milk feed, we had full on projectile vomiting as I laid him down to sleep in his cot. This is really starting to get me down now - I just don't see what can be causing it. I'm starting to wonder if he's becoming allergic to my breast milk!! It's also strange as it sometimes coincides with movement. Only other thing I can put it down to is teething, as he's fine in all other ways. All of his top teeth are sat just under the gums and bulging. I can't seem to find an explanation, or many others having the same problem though.
I wondered too if the increase spit up was related to her teething. Everywhere says no but enough people say their LO's puked/spit up excessivley during teething for me to think there might be a correlation.

I still have not given J any solids since the last incident. So tomorrow will be 1 week. I have rice cereal to try, but im waiting for a night when DH is home at a decent time, as i don't want her to get sick with it just me. I need his support!
Omar is almost 2 & he still throw up more when he's teething. he was suffering from reflux when he was a baby, when it starts to get better, he goes through a regression & starts to throw up again. The last phase of throwing up ended 4 days back.

Was your Lo a sicky baby before you started weaning or did it start only when you introduced solids?
She has always spit up - probably once after every feed. But nothing major.. just a tbsp or so of milky puke. But when we started solids she was violently ill throwing up all of her stomach contents to the point of bile and dry heaves.
Try to introduce one type of food & wait two days before introducing something new & keep a diary of what she's eating & see how it goes. Hope you figure out what's causing the throwing up soon Hun xx
My LO does puke more when teething - but shes a pukey monster anyway!!
Try to introduce one type of food & wait two days before introducing something new & keep a diary of what she's eating & see how it goes. Hope you figure out what's causing the throwing up soon Hun xx

The only thing she had was oatmeal. I had given her some finger foods 2 weeks prior with no reaction. Both times she had oatmeal (with no other foods in between or around that time) she was sick.
I would honestly just avoid oatmeal hon - could be the gluten, could be something else in the oatmeal proteins etc.

Out of interest is it pure oatmeal or the sachet things? 'Cos they sometimes have milk powder in?
I would honestly just avoid oatmeal hon - could be the gluten, could be something else in the oatmeal proteins etc.

Out of interest is it pure oatmeal or the sachet things? 'Cos they sometimes have milk powder in?

It was heinz organic infant oatmeal, from a pkg, but i picked that kind because it didnt have skim milk in it.

Trying rice tonight.
lol I have to do the same as my LO has CMPI

Hope rice works well :flow:

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