Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

Eh.. all day I have been thinking we should ttc in February. Hubby is all for it, but if we do it means another year or two here and I really wanted to move in two years. But I could have free childcare while here so it is very tempting.
Why were you hoping to move in two years, Krissie? We just moved to a new town recently and we love it here. I'm really glad that we were able to move before we had another baby, two in a two bedroom apartment would have been impossible. We live in a three bedroom house now but we're still just renting. It will be at least 5 more years before we could buy our own house most likely. I'd be very surprised if we could buy one sooner. If we end up having four children I want to own our own home before we have our fourth. Before our third would be preferable, but it would still be manageable to have 3 in this house.

I've been feeling a lot less broody lately and it's nice. I think it's because we finally have a date that we're both comfortable with and know for sure that we won't need to push back that date. It's also easier now that we have our biggest WTT step out of the way. Waiting seems less like a chore now and I feel like I'm able to just relax and enjoy the time I have left with just DS. Time has been going by a lot faster now thanks to that. Before I know it May 2016 will be here and it'll be go time! The way I calculated it is that if my periods stay normal then my fertile period will be right at the end of May, so I think I'd like to start trying then.
We moved from where we have been the last 5 years 2 hours away so that I could take a paid internship. Where we were there was nothing that was paid and with a baby on the way it was impossible for me to do that. My internship is a year long so it had to be paid. I then agreed to stay an additional year beyond my internship. So we are here for a minimum of 2 years.

The reasons I want to move back are because I loved my OB and the hospital and I like the area. It is near a larger city so there are lots of things to do, but it is a quick drive to the mountains or the country. Hubby has no desire to move back because his parents live up there and he grew up there. I grew up here and find it boring and culturally lacking. So as it stands neither of have found a happy medium where we are both satisfied.
I think we are waiting till end of feb 2016. We want more but want to wait a little while before trying again. I fell pregnant very quickly after my first. although planned we didn't expect it to happen so quickly as it took 2 years with my first. hubby wants to wait till we are in a better financial situation and I want to wait till our youngest is 2. So 2016 we'll see where we are and decide from there if we feel ready for a 3rd.
Haven't been posting much lately, been busy with classes. But I've been lurking regularly. My broodiness settled way down after some bad news from my father recently. Now it's starting to come back as thing have settled down a bit and time seems to be flying now.

Biggest thing is that I start my internship Monday. I had my orientation today and met my teacher, got my fob and laptop and parking pass, and saw where the classroom is. Ahhh! Can't believe it, one more year, just two short semesters and I'll be a fully licensed teacher.

In other good news, I finished up my last licensure exam...196/200 final score. Not bragging or anything, but I am pretty pleased with myself. :D So all that is left is to get through my internship and I'll be done. This time next year I'll be setting up my own classroom and getting ready for my first year of solo teaching. Then one year to starting our family.

Can't believe summer is over already, it feels like it flew by. I know this fall is just going to fly as well...it'll be Christmas before I know it!
Congratulations Symphony! Those are amazing results. Always nice to meet another 'colleague' - I am a teacher too, here in Melbourne. Enjoy your internship!

Ladies the bhcg I took came back kind of funny. They said it should have been zero, but it wasn't right on zero, so they're getting me retested. I get my results this evening. Not panicking as they basically told me it was just a formality. Also I've found a new GP with whom I am quite happy so far (today will make 3 visits in ten days lol).

In other news, lady on staff's daughter had an eleven pound (!!!!) baby on Wednesday! Ouch!
That is awesome symphony! I taught six year before becoming.a school psychologist.

Eleven pounds!!! That is far to big.
Haven't been posting much lately, been busy with classes. But I've been lurking regularly. My broodiness settled way down after some bad news from my father recently. Now it's starting to come back as thing have settled down a bit and time seems to be flying now.

Biggest thing is that I start my internship Monday. I had my orientation today and met my teacher, got my fob and laptop and parking pass, and saw where the classroom is. Ahhh! Can't believe it, one more year, just two short semesters and I'll be a fully licensed teacher.

In other good news, I finished up my last licensure exam...196/200 final score. Not bragging or anything, but I am pretty pleased with myself. :D So all that is left is to get through my internship and I'll be done. This time next year I'll be setting up my own classroom and getting ready for my first year of solo teaching. Then one year to starting our family.

Can't believe summer is over already, it feels like it flew by. I know this fall is just going to fly as well...it'll be Christmas before I know it!

What year are you going to be teaching?

The summer has been going by fast, the schools here don't go back until Sept 2nd. That's in less than two weeks.
So I'm due to give my body a break from the pill after our recent debacle with the doctor/s. Asked the husband (not dh at the moment as I am pretty mad at him) what he wants to do for birth control in the meantime, and he said whatever you want to do. I said well I can't get the shot, or implant, and I am not getting an IUD fitted, so the options are limited. He said nah whatever you want to do so I was honest and said just the rhythm method - and that was when he went all NO WAY. So I said ok so you tell me what you want to do. And he said whatever you want to do.

I got really cross. It seems like he wants me to take all the responsibility for birth control, and he seems mad I won't keep taking the pill despite two doctors now saying I need to give my body a break (14 years is a long time). It feels as though he is effectively saying he doesn't care about my health, it is all about him not having a baby right now and not having to be the one taking responsibility for that. And walking off in the middle of discussions about it, rather than facing up to it.

Maybe I'm just reading way too much into it, but I am so tired of the waiting, and so tired of everything else in our lives being down to what he wants at the moment.
:hugs: sorry he is being a bit immature about it and not having a reasonable discussion with you. I am sure that he will come around though and you guys can come up with something that you are both comfortable with. It's terrifying for guys especially to think about the potential to get pregnant and I think they deflect the thoughts by placing the responsibility of BC on the woman(which we all know is simply not fair nor should it be the way it is). I went on BC before we got married and gained 25 pounds in 4 weeks. After 6 months of messed up cycles and emotions all over the place, I flat out refused to use any other type of hormonal BC. Told my DH that we could either use condoms, stay celibate until we started TTC (would be 5 years) or have a baby then... so he started making trips to the store :) lol. When it comes down to it, I am sure he will see reason and have the conversation with you.

I've been away for a bit but think I might finally have time to start stalking BnB again! My LO has been sick for a month and for 3 weeks regressed back to waking up every 2 hours at night and eating for large portions of the day. Your body gets used to interrupted sleep (TBH, it was worse when I was preggo - up 7-8 times a night to pee = no good stretches of sleep) but makes it difficult to function mentally beyond caring for baby and brushing your teeth. This last week though (once he finished antibiotics), we've been really working on getting a good nap routine down and letting him cry for a few minutes when he goes down at night before we go in and get him. And he's gotten back to a 6 hour stretch! Makes me feel like we can make it through and now the broodiness is very slightly starting to return. I would definitely NOT want to be pregnant anytime soon, but that twinge is back to have another baby eventually :)
It feels like I'm growing up because the thought of marriage doesn't scare me as much as it used to. If you were to ask me two years ago if I would get married I'd probably say no. If you asked me now I would say I would get married one day.
Hey ladies, how is everyone doing? :D

WhiteK: I'm sorry that your husband is being immature about birth control, unfortunately most men are that way. Mine has been too lately, even though I've explained to him many times that hormonal birth control makes me sick, makes my mood swings and hormonal emotions even worse than they already are, screws up my cycles terribly, and gives me terrible symptoms and weight gain. He doesn't seem to agree though and believes that there has to be some form of hormonal birth control that will work for me. I told him I'd give it a try, but I already know that nothing will work because nothing has in the past and as soon as he sees this he will beg me to get off of it. :p
Why can't men just be happy with condoms? Hormonal birth control is NOT good for a woman's health despite popular belief. Besides, condoms are more effective than hormonal birth control at preventing pregnancy, so I guess that if DF doesn't mind the possibility of an accident then sure, I'll get on hormonal birth control. :haha:
I went to the doctor yesterday because I have been having migraines (2 in two weeks) and they said it was due to the hormonal birth control and told me to stop right away. Since our ds is only 8 weeks old our only options are the copper iud or condoms. We agreed to go with condoms for now because I have heard to many negative things about an iud and I do not think it is worth the risks. Hubby was not to happy and says it takes away from the moment, but if he wants to :dtd: then he will suck it up.
I'm good.I'm debating if I want to buy a pair of shoes tomorrow that I would wear to the gym. One pair I would save $40 and there on sale for $49.99. The other pair are the same price but would only save $10.

Oh and at the mall it was like babies/children galore. I waved at this little girl but she looked too shy and didn't wave back. This little boy in the food court kept looking at me so I wave to him but he didn't wave back either.
Well fortunately I'm feeling less broody now, I hope that it lasts until 2016! DS is becoming such a handful at his age that I couldn't deal with him and a pregnancy at the same time right now. Hopefully he'll be easier to handle a couple of years from now. I'm terrified that he'll be such a handful that it will put DF off from having another one though. I'm willing to wait until June 2016 because I think it's for the best and that next June would be too soon, but I really don't want to wait any longer than that. ):
Hello ladies!! I'm joining in here! I'm not 100% sure we will be TTC in 2016, but it's when I'm going to think about possibly having another one. I have an 8.5 week old daughter Harper and I'm about to celebrate my one year wedding anniversary. I am hoping to run my second marathon before getting pregnant, as I was pregnant when I ran my first marathon and it killed my time! Looking forward to chatting with you ladies over the next two years.

Hello ladies!! I'm joining in here! I'm not 100% sure we will be TTC in 2016, but it's when I'm going to think about possibly having another one. I have an 8.5 week old daughter Harper and I'm about to celebrate my one year wedding anniversary. I am hoping to run my second marathon before getting pregnant, as I was pregnant when I ran my first marathon and it killed my time! Looking forward to chatting with you ladies over the next two years.


Welcome. :flower:
Omg, hi Britt! Welcome! :hugs:

It's so good to be in WTT with you again, I thought that Tverb and KK were going to be the only ones in this thread that I would recognize from before. Most of the others that I know are either TTCing right now or waiting until next year. How have you and baby Harper been? She gets more beautiful every day. :cloud9:
Hi Britt! Another familiar face :) Its fun that we are all back WTT together again :) Harper is such a cutie! How are things going with her?

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