Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

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Can I ask a favor?
Can someone take a look at my chart and encourage me?
I expected a rise in temps today, not a dip. I do however think the slight dip may be AC related. These past days we've been sleeping without AC, but last night it was so hot we slept with it on. Plus, this past week my nights have been quite restless, and last night I slept like a log.
The dip isn't that bad, right? and it's encouraging that I got a +OPK the other day, right? My O cramps are still happening, lighter though.
I don't want that to be a false O.


Hi Nina,

I don't know much about temping, as it's my first month of temping but the dip isn't hugely significant, so I'd say you should still see an increase soon.

Fingers crossed for you xxx
Absolutely adorable! I first thought they were twins in the avatar, then saw your siggy ;)
I think that you should have a nice time tonight, don't drink till you pass out, but a drink won't hurt. If you don't have a clear BFP, then you guys aren't sharing the same blood yet- you'll be fine.
I do agree that if this isn't your cycle- you'll think about it later on- why didn't I just have a drink and have fun.
That may sound irresponsible of me, and I'm sorry, but I don't think one drink will hurt, and I believe that the few sips of wine I drank when pregnant didn't cause my MC. I wish that were the only reason MC happen, but we all know it isn't. <3

They are very alike.

Thanks ladies, i think you are both right. I think I'll just have a glass or two tonight, enjoy myself and test again in a couple of days.

I don't think moderate alcohol causes miscarriage. I drank the odd glass of wine after about 16 weeks with both my kids. I bled whilst pregnant with both my kids. I didn't avoid sex with both my kids. I smoked when I was pregnant with Lily and stopped in the third tri. I stopped 13 August 2011.

I'm not condoning any of those things but I did everything 100% by the book when I was pregnant with the baby I lost and look how that turned out? I didn't smoke, drink, eat anything I shouldn't, we had sex once I think in the time I was pregnant, I didn't have any bleeding like I did before.

Just shows you I guess xx

You're so right there Nat, just go with it. I was stressing and symptom spotting for weeks and then the first weekend I relaxed (my relaxing involves shopping, and I did A LOT of shoe relaxing the weekend just gone!) I got a positive OPK, so as annoying as it is when people say 'just relax and it'll happen' they're right! We've got a big weekend planned this weekend and FF put crosshairs on my chart now, so looking like I'm 3DPO but I intend to let my hair down a little this weekend.

And wow, look at your gorgeous babies!! They're SSSOOO cute! I want to squeeze their cheeks even more now!!! You're very lucky, bet you're so proud!

I swear by the relaxed approach.

Lol at the shoe shopping. I used to have an addiction to shoes. Now I'm addicted to pee sticks :dohh:

I am very lucky and very proud, Lily is so sociable as well so whenever we go out it takes us forever as people always stop and coo over her.

The best time was in the lift in the maternity hospital when I was pregnant with Jacob. A woman in the lift started cooing over Lily and saying how gorgeous and friendly she was. I was smiling and nodding and pretending to be modest :haha: when I looked at her properly and said "you delivered her". It was the Consultant Obgyn who performed my c-section!
Absolutely adorable! I first thought they were twins in the avatar, then saw your siggy ;)
I think that you should have a nice time tonight, don't drink till you pass out, but a drink won't hurt. If you don't have a clear BFP, then you guys aren't sharing the same blood yet- you'll be fine.
I do agree that if this isn't your cycle- you'll think about it later on- why didn't I just have a drink and have fun.
That may sound irresponsible of me, and I'm sorry, but I don't think one drink will hurt, and I believe that the few sips of wine I drank when pregnant didn't cause my MC. I wish that were the only reason MC happen, but we all know it isn't. <3

They are very alike.

Thanks ladies, i think you are both right. I think I'll just have a glass or two tonight, enjoy myself and test again in a couple of days.

I don't think moderate alcohol causes miscarriage. I drank the odd glass of wine after about 16 weeks with both my kids. I bled whilst pregnant with both my kids. I didn't avoid sex with both my kids. I smoked when I was pregnant with Lily and stopped in the third tri. I stopped 13 August 2011.

I'm not condoning any of those things but I did everything 100% by the book when I was pregnant with the baby I lost and look how that turned out? I didn't smoke, drink, eat anything I shouldn't, we had sex once I think in the time I was pregnant, I didn't have any bleeding like I did before.

Just shows you I guess xx

I completely agree. I never drank during pregnancy once I knew about it, but with two of my children, I didn't know and I drank before I missed my period. They were both born at term, healthy without any problems. This time, I decided to do the whole 3-month preparation thing like you're advised to do. Since I'm getting older (39), I thought that would be the best route to take. We did all that, and it ended in miscarriage. Of course, they say that my age could have something to do with that, but it still shows you can't control any of it.
The age thing is mental, until recently I didn't realise that fertility starts to decrease after 25!!!

I guess that's because humans when we were first about had babies from 11/12 and died about 30!

We've evolved in some ways but not in others.
The age thing is mental, until recently I didn't realise that fertility starts to decrease after 25!!!

I guess that's because humans when we were first about had babies from 11/12 and died about 30!

We've evolved in some ways but not in others.

I think it is mental too. I believe we can make and have a healthy baby, and it's truly in God's hands. My mom had a friend who was married to a man between 20-30 years older than her, and she was having healthy babies in her mid 40s, the last one at like 46 or so, I believe. And I know he was 70 or more when their youngest was born. And on the other side of things, miscarriages happen to all age groups. My sister had a miscarriage between her 1st and 2nd and between her 2nd and 3rd children. She has a total of 4. So sometimes everything just doesn't work out right for some unknown reason.

If you really do research about it, you'll find the differences are very miniscule too, and a lot of the older mom statistics come from IVF procedures. I like the article BNB has on the home page.
Lol at the shoe shopping. I used to have an addiction to shoes. Now I'm addicted to pee sticks
Both are expensive addictions LOL!
It depends on the individual I guess. It's statistically more risky and statistically more difficult to get pregnant and stay pregnant but if you are fit and healthy there is no reason why you can't have a baby at/over 40.

From a personal point I don't think I'll have any more babies once I approach mid 30s
I bought a bunch off ebay, plus some digital tests. We don't even get those here. The whole pack- 7 CB digital OPK, 2 CB digital HPT and 25 IC HPT, plus shipping cost me less than 1 pack of 7 CB OPK. Ouch!
It depends on the individual I guess. It's statistically more risky and statistically more difficult to get pregnant and stay pregnant but if you are fit and healthy there is no reason why you can't have a baby at/over 40.

From a personal point I don't think I'll have any more babies once I approach mid 30s

I thought I was done at 29 when I had b/g twins. We said that was a perfect way to stop. Rather than having a spoiled youngest child, we would have two, so they wouldn't get spoiled. Then when they went to school, I had empty nest syndrome. Lol. I had always had kids at home with me while I worked. I had nothing to do when I got up from my desk, so I snacked and gained 10 pounds in the first couple months after they started kindergarten. I still didn't plan on having more, but then I had a late period and thought we had accidentally gotten pregnant. When I tested and it was negative, I told DH that it was funny...I actually felt disappointed. Without missing a beat, he said "Well let's do it again!" I didn't argue, and when the twins were 6, we had our now beautiful, bright, loving, and generous 4-year-old boy. So then we figured we were done, but baby fever hit him last year and I said no. Then, for some reason, baby fever hit me this year, and he said yes. Lol. So here we are.

We have digis here in the states, but we don't get the digis that measure weeks like you have over there. I was really disappointed when I looked for them after seeing other ladies using them on here. I can buy them from Amazon or eBay for a ridiculous price and shipping, so I figured it wasn't worth it.
It depends on the individual I guess. It's statistically more risky and statistically more difficult to get pregnant and stay pregnant but if you are fit and healthy there is no reason why you can't have a baby at/over 40.

From a personal point I don't think I'll have any more babies once I approach mid 30s

I thought I was done at 29 when I had b/g twins. We said that was a perfect way to stop. Rather than having a spoiled youngest child, we would have two, so they wouldn't get spoiled. Then when they went to school, I had empty nest syndrome. Lol. I had always had kids at home with me while I worked. I had nothing to do when I got up from my desk, so I snacked and gained 10 pounds in the first couple months after they started kindergarten. I still didn't plan on having more, but then I had a late period and thought we had accidentally gotten pregnant. When I tested and it was negative, I told DH that it was funny...I actually felt disappointed. Without missing a beat, he said "Well let's do it again!" I didn't argue, and when the twins were 6, we had a beautiful, bright, loving, and generous 4-year-old boy. So then we figured we were done, but baby fever hit him last year and I said no. Then, for some reason, baby fever hit me this year, and he said yes. Lol. So here we are.

We have digis here in the states, but we don't get the digis that measure weeks like you have over there. I was really disappointed when I looked for them after seeing other ladies using them on here. I can buy them from Amazon or eBay for a ridiculous price and shipping, so I figured it wasn't worth it.

It's so lovely you have twins! I really want twins but totally get why you'd want more, I think I'll be like you once I've had 1, hubby better watch out, as the years pass I think I'll want more and more. My sister in law had 2 beautiful children and thought she was done but then suddenly woke up 1 day desperate for more. It took her a few years and 1 miscarriage later she conceived the most adorable daughter, she had her last year at the age of 41. The pregnancy was her best yet. The other children are 10 years old and 6 years old. I love that your DH wanted more, feels like my husband's only in it half heartedly. I think he loves me enough to want the same as me but I can tell he's so scared and half enthusiastic about it!!! Men!!

Good Luck to you xxxx
It's so lovely you have twins! I really want twins but totally get why you'd want more, I think I'll be like you once I've had 1, hubby better watch out, as the years pass I think I'll want more and more. My sister in law had 2 beautiful children and thought she was done but then suddenly woke up 1 day desperate for more. It took her a few years and 1 miscarriage later she conceived the most adorable daughter, she had her last year at the age of 41. The pregnancy was her best yet. The other children are 10 years old and 6 years old. I love that your DH wanted more, feels like my husband's only in it half heartedly. I think he loves me enough to want the same as me but I can tell he's so scared and half enthusiastic about it!!! Men!!

Good Luck to you xxxx

Awww. It may be just that he's worried. Men want to fix things, and when it's out of their control, it drives them crazy. My DH might get baby fever easily, but once I'm pregnant, he becomes a nervous wreck. He worries all the time, and I think this miscarriage is going to make that worse on him, as well as me.

I hope you get your rainbow baby very very soon and that you are able to go on to have as many as your heart desires.
No! Only the OPK. It's a major bummer ;)
But I bought for next time, with the week count, that'll surprise DH!
Hi everyone am new on this site. 1st I would just like to say sorry to everyone for their loss. We were ttc for 6 months when I found out I was pregnant on the 1st June, however that night I ended up having a miscarriage. I was 5 weeks pregnant. I bled for about a week after that and everything passed naturally. Anyway I have been waiting for AF to show up since. Two days ago I started to get really mild AF cramps that was on and off for part of the day. Yesterday the same thing happen. However yesterday evening had very small bit of brown discharge so I put on a pad before going to bed. Got up this morning and there was abit more dark brown blood (sorry tmi) on the pad but not much. Today I have had no AF cramps at all and only a tiny little bit of light brown discharge, which has now stopped. If anyone would have any idea as to what is going on I would really appreciate it. Thanks
Hi Love, I'm sorry for your loss ((hugs))
Since you don't know when AF will arrive, it can be difficult to know what's going on.
Have you been temping or charting to see if you O'd? Have you had unprotected sex? You could be pregnant, or your cycle might have gone a bit bezerk, and the bleeding was the start of, or maybe even your period. It's hard to tell, after a MC usually everything is possible.
If you're up to it, I'd wait another day or two and if AF still hasn't shown take a HPT. I do suggest you start to chart so you know a bit better what's going on. <3
Hi everyone am new on this site. 1st I would just like to say sorry to everyone for their loss. We were ttc for 6 months when I found out I was pregnant on the 1st June, however that night I ended up having a miscarriage. I was 5 weeks pregnant. I bled for about a week after that and everything passed naturally. Anyway I have been waiting for AF to show up since. Two days ago I started to get really mild AF cramps that was on and off for part of the day. Yesterday the same thing happen. However yesterday evening had very small bit of brown discharge so I put on a pad before going to bed. Got up this morning and there was abit more dark brown blood (sorry tmi) on the pad but not much. Today I have had no AF cramps at all and only a tiny little bit of light brown discharge, which has now stopped. If anyone would have any idea as to what is going on I would really appreciate it. Thanks

I'm sorry for your loss. I hope you are able to figure out what is going on and that your cycle gets back to normal very soon.

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