I'm scared of miscarrying naturally. Does it hurt? Is it likely that I'll see things?
Sorry for the nature of the questions but I'm worried xx
It's still early, so I don't think you should see much. The first 2 days, I had very dark brown and dark red spotting, no pain. On the 3rd day, I started cramping in the morning. Around 4 that evening I started having contractions. They weren't as bad as contractions at full-term, but I could tell they were contractions. They were about 45 seconds long every 2 minutes with nothing in between so I knew it was about to happen. About 2 hours after they started I began to bleed heavier and passed a small amount of tissue and medium flow of red blood. I continued to pass red blood for a while and a small amount through the night. Then only spotted for for the next 6 days.
So sorry you have to go through this again. We're all here for you.
I'm at the dark brown no pain stage so I guess it's coming. I hope it won't be long xx
Nat I'm so sorry you're having to go through this.
This may TMI for some of you, sorry...
I had dark brown spotting 2 days after the scan that showed the baby had gone (I honestly believe having the scan and knowing my baby had died a week earlier helped kick start my body to miscarry the baby). I was 8 weeks pregnant but baby had died at 7 weeks. I had the brown spotting for a day then this turned to red bleeding, lots of it, no clots just lots of blood. I then got contraction like pains exactly as Crysshae described and I wasn't taking any painkillers. The pain was bad but I carried on making dinner and squatting when I needed to, so you can imagine it wasn't as bad as I'd anticipated. The pain eased up after a few hours but I still was passing just blood. I went to A&E on my own the next day, as the blood was soaking way more than 1 pad an hour. They did an examination and the sac all intact had somehow lodged itself inside me after passing through the cervix. They removed it, it didn't hurt, took seconds and the bleeding literally stopped instantly.
I'd expected the whole experience to be horrific but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The pain was manageable and I was on my own through most of the experience (hubby was away with work) but that was fine too. Just try and be strong, I'll pray for you and pray it's over quickly and as painlessly as possible.
Thinking of you xxxx